pub mod node; pub mod transport; pub mod wallet; pub mod bob { use xmr_btc::bob::State; pub fn is_state2(state: &State) -> bool { matches!(state, State::State2 { .. }) } // TODO: use macro or generics pub fn is_state5(state: &State) -> bool { matches!(state, State::State5 { .. }) } // TODO: use macro or generics pub fn is_state3(state: &State) -> bool { matches!(state, State::State3 { .. }) } } pub mod alice { use xmr_btc::alice::State; pub fn is_state3(state: &State) -> bool { matches!(state, State::State3 { .. }) } // TODO: use macro or generics pub fn is_state4(state: &State) -> bool { matches!(state, State::State4 { .. }) } // TODO: use macro or generics pub fn is_state5(state: &State) -> bool { matches!(state, State::State5 { .. }) } // TODO: use macro or generics pub fn is_state6(state: &State) -> bool { matches!(state, State::State6 { .. }) } } use bitcoin_harness::Bitcoind; use monero_harness::Monero; use node::{AliceNode, BobNode}; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use testcontainers::clients::Cli; use tokio::sync::{ mpsc, mpsc::{Receiver, Sender}, }; use transport::Transport; use xmr_btc::{bitcoin, monero}; const TEN_XMR: u64 = 10_000_000_000_000; const RELATIVE_REFUND_TIMELOCK: u32 = 1; const RELATIVE_PUNISH_TIMELOCK: u32 = 1; pub const ALICE_TEST_DB_FOLDER: &str = "../target/e2e-test-alice-recover"; pub const BOB_TEST_DB_FOLDER: &str = "../target/e2e-test-bob-recover"; pub async fn init_bitcoind(tc_client: &Cli) -> Bitcoind<'_> { let bitcoind = Bitcoind::new(tc_client, "0.19.1").expect("failed to create bitcoind"); let _ = bitcoind.init(5).await; bitcoind } pub struct InitialBalances { pub alice_xmr: monero::Amount, pub alice_btc: bitcoin::Amount, pub bob_xmr: monero::Amount, pub bob_btc: bitcoin::Amount, } pub struct SwapAmounts { pub xmr: monero::Amount, pub btc: bitcoin::Amount, } pub fn init_alice_and_bob_transports() -> ( Transport<xmr_btc::alice::Message, xmr_btc::bob::Message>, Transport<xmr_btc::bob::Message, xmr_btc::alice::Message>, ) { let (a_sender, b_receiver): ( Sender<xmr_btc::alice::Message>, Receiver<xmr_btc::alice::Message>, ) = mpsc::channel(5); let (b_sender, a_receiver): ( Sender<xmr_btc::bob::Message>, Receiver<xmr_btc::bob::Message>, ) = mpsc::channel(5); let a_transport = Transport { sender: a_sender, receiver: a_receiver, }; let b_transport = Transport { sender: b_sender, receiver: b_receiver, }; (a_transport, b_transport) } pub async fn init_test( monero: &Monero, bitcoind: &Bitcoind<'_>, refund_timelock: Option<u32>, punish_timelock: Option<u32>, ) -> ( xmr_btc::alice::State0, xmr_btc::bob::State0, AliceNode, BobNode, InitialBalances, SwapAmounts, ) { // must be bigger than our hardcoded fee of 10_000 let btc_amount = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(10_000_000); let xmr_amount = monero::Amount::from_piconero(1_000_000_000_000); let swap_amounts = SwapAmounts { xmr: xmr_amount, btc: btc_amount, }; let fund_alice = TEN_XMR; let fund_bob = 0; monero .init(vec![("alice", fund_alice), ("bob", fund_bob)]) .await .unwrap(); let alice_monero_wallet = wallet::monero::Wallet(monero.wallet("alice").unwrap().client()); let bob_monero_wallet = wallet::monero::Wallet(monero.wallet("bob").unwrap().client()); let alice_btc_wallet = wallet::bitcoin::Wallet::new("alice", &bitcoind.node_url) .await .unwrap(); let bob_btc_wallet = wallet::bitcoin::make_wallet("bob", &bitcoind, btc_amount) .await .unwrap(); let (alice_transport, bob_transport) = init_alice_and_bob_transports(); let alice = AliceNode::new(alice_transport, alice_btc_wallet, alice_monero_wallet); let bob = BobNode::new(bob_transport, bob_btc_wallet, bob_monero_wallet); let alice_initial_btc_balance = alice.bitcoin_wallet.balance().await.unwrap(); let bob_initial_btc_balance = bob.bitcoin_wallet.balance().await.unwrap(); let alice_initial_xmr_balance = alice.monero_wallet.get_balance().await.unwrap(); let bob_initial_xmr_balance = bob.monero_wallet.get_balance().await.unwrap(); let redeem_address = alice.bitcoin_wallet.new_address().await.unwrap(); let punish_address = redeem_address.clone(); let refund_address = bob.bitcoin_wallet.new_address().await.unwrap(); let alice_state0 = { let a = bitcoin::SecretKey::new_random(&mut OsRng); let s_a = cross_curve_dleq::Scalar::random(&mut OsRng); let v_a = monero::PrivateViewKey::new_random(&mut OsRng); xmr_btc::alice::State0::new( a, s_a, v_a, btc_amount, xmr_amount, refund_timelock.unwrap_or(RELATIVE_REFUND_TIMELOCK), punish_timelock.unwrap_or(RELATIVE_PUNISH_TIMELOCK), redeem_address.clone(), punish_address.clone(), ) }; let bob_state0 = xmr_btc::bob::State0::new( &mut OsRng, btc_amount, xmr_amount, refund_timelock.unwrap_or(RELATIVE_REFUND_TIMELOCK), punish_timelock.unwrap_or(RELATIVE_PUNISH_TIMELOCK), refund_address, ); let initial_balances = InitialBalances { alice_xmr: alice_initial_xmr_balance, alice_btc: alice_initial_btc_balance, bob_xmr: bob_initial_xmr_balance, bob_btc: bob_initial_btc_balance, }; ( alice_state0, bob_state0, alice, bob, initial_balances, swap_amounts, ) }