use std::{collections::HashMap, env::var, thread::sleep, time::Duration}; use testcontainers::{ core::{Container, Docker, Port, WaitForMessage}, Image, }; pub const MONEROD_DAEMON_CONTAINER_NAME: &str = "monerod"; pub const MONEROD_DEFAULT_NETWORK: &str = "monero_network"; pub const MONEROD_RPC_PORT: u16 = 48081; pub const WALLET_RPC_PORT: u16 = 48083; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Monero { tag: String, args: Args, ports: Option>, entrypoint: Option, wait_for_message: String, } impl Image for Monero { type Args = Args; type EnvVars = HashMap; type Volumes = HashMap; type EntryPoint = str; fn descriptor(&self) -> String { format!("xmrto/monero:{}", self.tag) } fn wait_until_ready(&self, container: &Container<'_, D, Self>) { container .logs() .stdout .wait_for_message(&self.wait_for_message) .unwrap(); let additional_sleep_period = var("MONERO_ADDITIONAL_SLEEP_PERIOD").map(|value| value.parse()); if let Ok(Ok(sleep_period)) = additional_sleep_period { let sleep_period = Duration::from_millis(sleep_period); sleep(sleep_period) } } fn args(&self) -> ::Args { self.args.clone() } fn volumes(&self) -> Self::Volumes { HashMap::new() } fn env_vars(&self) -> Self::EnvVars { HashMap::new() } fn ports(&self) -> Option> { self.ports.clone() } fn with_args(self, args: ::Args) -> Self { Monero { args, ..self } } fn with_entrypoint(self, entrypoint: &Self::EntryPoint) -> Self { Self { entrypoint: Some(entrypoint.to_string()), ..self } } fn entrypoint(&self) -> Option { self.entrypoint.to_owned() } } impl Default for Monero { fn default() -> Self { Monero { tag: "v0.16.0.3".into(), args: Args::default(), ports: None, entrypoint: Some("".into()), wait_for_message: "core RPC server started ok".to_string(), } } } impl Monero { pub fn with_tag(self, tag_str: &str) -> Self { Monero { tag: tag_str.to_string(), ..self } } pub fn with_mapped_port>(mut self, port: P) -> Self { let mut ports = self.ports.unwrap_or_default(); ports.push(port.into()); self.ports = Some(ports); self } pub fn wallet(name: &str, daemon_address: String) -> Self { let wallet = WalletArgs::new(name, daemon_address, WALLET_RPC_PORT); let default = Monero::default(); Self { args: Args { image_args: ImageArgs::WalletArgs(wallet), }, wait_for_message: "Run server thread name: RPC".to_string(), ..default } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Args { image_args: ImageArgs, } impl Default for Args { fn default() -> Self { Self { image_args: ImageArgs::MonerodArgs(MonerodArgs::default()), } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum ImageArgs { MonerodArgs(MonerodArgs), WalletArgs(WalletArgs), } impl ImageArgs { fn args(&self) -> String { match self { ImageArgs::MonerodArgs(monerod_args) => monerod_args.args(), ImageArgs::WalletArgs(wallet_args) => wallet_args.args(), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct MonerodArgs { pub regtest: bool, pub offline: bool, pub rpc_payment_allow_free_loopback: bool, pub confirm_external_bind: bool, pub non_interactive: bool, pub no_igd: bool, pub hide_my_port: bool, pub rpc_bind_ip: String, pub rpc_bind_port: u16, pub fixed_difficulty: u32, pub data_dir: String, pub log_level: u32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct WalletArgs { pub disable_rpc_login: bool, pub confirm_external_bind: bool, pub wallet_dir: String, pub rpc_bind_ip: String, pub rpc_bind_port: u16, pub daemon_address: String, pub log_level: u32, } /// Sane defaults for a mainnet regtest instance. impl Default for MonerodArgs { fn default() -> Self { MonerodArgs { regtest: true, offline: true, rpc_payment_allow_free_loopback: true, confirm_external_bind: true, non_interactive: true, no_igd: true, hide_my_port: true, rpc_bind_ip: "".to_string(), rpc_bind_port: MONEROD_RPC_PORT, fixed_difficulty: 1, data_dir: "/monero".to_string(), log_level: 2, } } } impl MonerodArgs { // Return monerod args as is single string so we can pass it to bash. fn args(&self) -> String { let mut args = vec!["monerod".to_string()]; if self.regtest { args.push("--regtest".to_string()) } if self.offline { args.push("--offline".to_string()) } if self.rpc_payment_allow_free_loopback { args.push("--rpc-payment-allow-free-loopback".to_string()) } if self.confirm_external_bind { args.push("--confirm-external-bind".to_string()) } if self.non_interactive { args.push("--non-interactive".to_string()) } if self.no_igd { args.push("--no-igd".to_string()) } if self.hide_my_port { args.push("--hide-my-port".to_string()) } if !self.rpc_bind_ip.is_empty() { args.push(format!("--rpc-bind-ip {}", self.rpc_bind_ip)); } if self.rpc_bind_port != 0 { args.push(format!("--rpc-bind-port {}", self.rpc_bind_port)); } if !self.data_dir.is_empty() { args.push(format!("--data-dir {}", self.data_dir)); } if self.fixed_difficulty != 0 { args.push(format!("--fixed-difficulty {}", self.fixed_difficulty)); } if self.log_level != 0 { args.push(format!("--log-level {}", self.log_level)); } args.join(" ") } } impl WalletArgs { pub fn new(wallet_name: &str, daemon_address: String, rpc_port: u16) -> Self { WalletArgs { disable_rpc_login: true, confirm_external_bind: true, wallet_dir: wallet_name.into(), rpc_bind_ip: "".into(), rpc_bind_port: rpc_port, daemon_address, log_level: 4, } } // Return monero-wallet-rpc args as is single string so we can pass it to bash. fn args(&self) -> String { let mut args = vec!["monero-wallet-rpc".to_string()]; if self.disable_rpc_login { args.push("--disable-rpc-login".to_string()) } if self.confirm_external_bind { args.push("--confirm-external-bind".to_string()) } if !self.wallet_dir.is_empty() { args.push(format!("--wallet-dir {}", self.wallet_dir)); } if !self.rpc_bind_ip.is_empty() { args.push(format!("--rpc-bind-ip {}", self.rpc_bind_ip)); } if self.rpc_bind_port != 0 { args.push(format!("--rpc-bind-port {}", self.rpc_bind_port)); } if !self.daemon_address.is_empty() { args.push(format!("--daemon-address {}", self.daemon_address)); } if self.log_level != 0 { args.push(format!("--log-level {}", self.log_level)); } args.join(" ") } } impl IntoIterator for Args { type Item = String; type IntoIter = ::std::vec::IntoIter; fn into_iter(self) -> ::IntoIter { vec![ "/bin/bash".to_string(), "-c".to_string(), format!("{} ", self.image_args.args()), ] .into_iter() } }