#![warn( unused_extern_crates, missing_debug_implementations, missing_copy_implementations, rust_2018_idioms, clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_sign_loss, clippy::fallible_impl_from, clippy::cast_precision_loss, clippy::cast_possible_wrap, clippy::dbg_macro )] #![forbid(unsafe_code)] use anyhow::{bail, Result}; use futures::{channel::mpsc, StreamExt}; use libp2p::Multiaddr; use log::LevelFilter; use std::{io, io::Write, process}; use structopt::StructOpt; use tracing::info; use url::Url; mod cli; mod trace; use cli::Options; use swap::{alice, bitcoin::Wallet, bob, Cmd, Rsp, SwapAmounts}; use xmr_btc::bitcoin::BuildTxLockPsbt; // TODO: Add root seed file instead of generating new seed each run. // TODO: Remove all instances of the todo! macro // TODO: Add a config file with these in it. // Alice's address and port until we have a config file. pub const PORT: u16 = 9876; // Arbitrarily chosen. pub const ADDR: &str = ""; pub const BITCOIND_JSON_RPC_URL: &str = ""; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let opt = Options::from_args(); trace::init_tracing(LevelFilter::Debug)?; let addr = format!("/ip4/{}/tcp/{}", ADDR, PORT); let alice: Multiaddr = addr.parse().expect("failed to parse Alice's address"); if opt.as_alice { info!("running swap node as Alice ..."); if opt.piconeros.is_some() || opt.satoshis.is_some() { bail!("Alice cannot set the amount to swap via the cli"); } let url = Url::parse(BITCOIND_JSON_RPC_URL).expect("failed to parse url"); let bitcoin_wallet = Wallet::new("alice", &url) .await .expect("failed to create bitcoin wallet"); let redeem = bitcoin_wallet .new_address() .await .expect("failed to get new redeem address"); let punish = bitcoin_wallet .new_address() .await .expect("failed to get new punish address"); swap_as_alice(alice.clone(), redeem, punish).await?; } else { info!("running swap node as Bob ..."); let url = Url::parse(BITCOIND_JSON_RPC_URL).expect("failed to parse url"); let bitcoin_wallet = Wallet::new("bob", &url) .await .expect("failed to create bitcoin wallet"); let refund = bitcoin_wallet .new_address() .await .expect("failed to get new address"); match (opt.piconeros, opt.satoshis) { (Some(_), Some(_)) => bail!("Please supply only a single amount to swap"), (None, None) => bail!("Please supply an amount to swap"), (Some(_picos), _) => todo!("support starting with picos"), (None, Some(sats)) => { swap_as_bob(sats, alice, refund, bitcoin_wallet).await?; } }; } Ok(()) } async fn swap_as_alice( addr: Multiaddr, redeem: bitcoin::Address, punish: bitcoin::Address, ) -> Result<()> { alice::swap(addr, redeem, punish).await } async fn swap_as_bob( sats: u64, alice: Multiaddr, refund: bitcoin::Address, wallet: W, ) -> Result<()> where W: BuildTxLockPsbt + Send + Sync + 'static, { let (cmd_tx, mut cmd_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (mut rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); tokio::spawn(bob::swap(sats, alice, cmd_tx, rsp_rx, refund, wallet)); loop { let read = cmd_rx.next().await; match read { Some(cmd) => match cmd { Cmd::VerifyAmounts(p) => { let rsp = verify(p); rsp_tx.try_send(rsp)?; if rsp == Rsp::Abort { process::exit(0); } } }, None => { info!("Channel closed from other end"); return Ok(()); } } } } fn verify(amounts: SwapAmounts) -> Rsp { let mut s = String::new(); println!("Got rate from Alice for XMR/BTC swap\n"); println!("{}", amounts); print!("Would you like to continue with this swap [y/N]: "); let _ = io::stdout().flush(); io::stdin() .read_line(&mut s) .expect("Did not enter a correct string"); if let Some('\n') = s.chars().next_back() { s.pop(); } if let Some('\r') = s.chars().next_back() { s.pop(); } if !is_yes(&s) { println!("No worries, try again later - Alice updates her rate regularly"); return Rsp::Abort; } Rsp::VerifiedAmounts } fn is_yes(s: &str) -> bool { matches!(s, "y" | "Y" | "yes" | "YES" | "Yes") }