use crate::{ alice::swarm_driver::SwarmDriver, bitcoin, monero, network::request_response::AliceToBob, SwapAmounts, PUNISH_TIMELOCK, REFUND_TIMELOCK, }; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use ecdsa_fun::{adaptor::Adaptor, nonce::Deterministic}; use futures::{ future::{select, Either}, pin_mut, }; use libp2p::request_response::ResponseChannel; use sha2::Sha256; use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use tokio::time::timeout; use tracing::trace; use xmr_btc::{ alice, alice::{State0, State3}, bitcoin::{ poll_until_block_height_is_gte, BlockHeight, BroadcastSignedTransaction, EncryptedSignature, GetRawTransaction, TransactionBlockHeight, TxCancel, TxLock, TxRefund, WaitForTransactionFinality, WatchForRawTransaction, }, config::Config, cross_curve_dleq, monero::Transfer, }; pub async fn negotiate( amounts: SwapAmounts, a: bitcoin::SecretKey, s_a: cross_curve_dleq::Scalar, v_a: monero::PrivateViewKey, swarm: &mut SwarmDriver, bitcoin_wallet: Arc, config: Config, ) -> Result<(ResponseChannel, State3)> { trace!("Starting negotiate"); let _peer_id = timeout(config.bob_time_to_act, swarm.recv_conn_established()) .await .context("Failed to receive dial connection from Bob")??; let event = timeout(config.bob_time_to_act, swarm.recv_request()) .await .context("Failed to receive amounts from Bob")??; if event.btc != amounts.btc { bail!( "Bob proposed a different amount; got {}, expected: {}", event.btc, amounts.btc ); } swarm.send_amounts(, amounts); let redeem_address = bitcoin_wallet.as_ref().new_address().await?; let punish_address = redeem_address.clone(); let state0 = State0::new( a, s_a, v_a, amounts.btc, amounts.xmr, REFUND_TIMELOCK, PUNISH_TIMELOCK, redeem_address, punish_address, ); // TODO(Franck): Understand why this is needed. swarm.swarm.set_state0(state0.clone()); let bob_message0 = timeout(config.bob_time_to_act, swarm.recv_message0()).await??; let state1 = state0.receive(bob_message0)?; let (bob_message1, channel) = timeout(config.bob_time_to_act, swarm.recv_message1()).await??; let state2 = state1.receive(bob_message1); swarm.send_message1(channel, state2.next_message()); let (bob_message2, channel) = timeout(config.bob_time_to_act, swarm.recv_message2()).await??; let state3 = state2.receive(bob_message2)?; Ok((channel, state3)) } pub async fn wait_for_locked_bitcoin( lock_bitcoin_txid: bitcoin::Txid, bitcoin_wallet: Arc, config: Config, ) -> Result<()> where W: WatchForRawTransaction + WaitForTransactionFinality, { // We assume we will see Bob's transaction in the mempool first. timeout( config.bob_time_to_act, bitcoin_wallet.watch_for_raw_transaction(lock_bitcoin_txid), ) .await .context("Failed to find lock Bitcoin tx")?; // // We saw the transaction in the mempool, waiting for it to be confirmed. // bitcoin_wallet // .wait_for_transaction_finality(lock_bitcoin_txid, config) // .await; Ok(()) } pub async fn lock_xmr( channel: ResponseChannel, amounts: SwapAmounts, state3: State3, swarm: &mut SwarmDriver, monero_wallet: Arc, ) -> Result<()> where W: Transfer, { let S_a = monero::PublicKey::from_private_key(&monero::PrivateKey { scalar: state3.s_a.into_ed25519(), }); let public_spend_key = S_a + state3.S_b_monero; let public_view_key = state3.v.public(); let (transfer_proof, _) = monero_wallet .transfer(public_spend_key, public_view_key, amounts.xmr) .await?; // TODO(Franck): Wait for Monero to be confirmed once swarm.send_message2(channel, alice::Message2 { tx_lock_proof: transfer_proof, }); Ok(()) } pub async fn wait_for_bitcoin_encrypted_signature( swarm: &mut SwarmDriver, timeout_duration: Duration, ) -> Result { let msg3 = timeout(timeout_duration, swarm.recv_message3()) .await .context("Failed to receive Bitcoin encrypted signature from Bob")??; Ok(msg3.tx_redeem_encsig) } pub fn build_bitcoin_redeem_transaction( encrypted_signature: EncryptedSignature, tx_lock: &TxLock, a: bitcoin::SecretKey, s_a: cross_curve_dleq::Scalar, B: bitcoin::PublicKey, redeem_address: &bitcoin::Address, ) -> Result { let adaptor = Adaptor::>::default(); let tx_redeem = bitcoin::TxRedeem::new(tx_lock, redeem_address); bitcoin::verify_encsig( B, s_a.into_secp256k1().into(), &tx_redeem.digest(), &encrypted_signature, ) .context("Invalid encrypted signature received")?; let sig_a = a.sign(tx_redeem.digest()); let sig_b = adaptor.decrypt_signature(&s_a.into_secp256k1(), encrypted_signature); let tx = tx_redeem .add_signatures(&tx_lock, (a.public(), sig_a), (B, sig_b)) .context("sig_{a,b} are invalid for tx_redeem")?; Ok(tx) } pub async fn publish_bitcoin_redeem_transaction( redeem_tx: bitcoin::Transaction, bitcoin_wallet: Arc, config: Config, ) -> Result<()> where W: BroadcastSignedTransaction + WaitForTransactionFinality, { let tx_id = bitcoin_wallet .broadcast_signed_transaction(redeem_tx) .await?; bitcoin_wallet .wait_for_transaction_finality(tx_id, config) .await } pub async fn publish_cancel_transaction( tx_lock: TxLock, a: bitcoin::SecretKey, B: bitcoin::PublicKey, refund_timelock: u32, tx_cancel_sig_bob: bitcoin::Signature, bitcoin_wallet: Arc, ) -> Result where W: GetRawTransaction + TransactionBlockHeight + BlockHeight + BroadcastSignedTransaction, { // First wait for t1 to expire let tx_lock_height = bitcoin_wallet .transaction_block_height(tx_lock.txid()) .await; poll_until_block_height_is_gte(bitcoin_wallet.as_ref(), tx_lock_height + refund_timelock).await; let tx_cancel = bitcoin::TxCancel::new(&tx_lock, refund_timelock, a.public(), B); // If Bob hasn't yet broadcasted the tx cancel, we do it if bitcoin_wallet .get_raw_transaction(tx_cancel.txid()) .await .is_err() { // TODO(Franck): Maybe the cancel transaction is already mined, in this case, // the broadcast will error out. let sig_a = a.sign(tx_cancel.digest()); let sig_b = tx_cancel_sig_bob.clone(); let tx_cancel = tx_cancel .clone() .add_signatures(&tx_lock, (a.public(), sig_a), (B, sig_b)) .expect("sig_{a,b} to be valid signatures for tx_cancel"); // TODO(Franck): Error handling is delicate, why can't we broadcast? bitcoin_wallet .broadcast_signed_transaction(tx_cancel) .await?; // TODO(Franck): Wait until transaction is mined and returned mined // block height } Ok(tx_cancel) } pub async fn wait_for_bitcoin_refund( tx_cancel: &TxCancel, cancel_tx_height: u32, punish_timelock: u32, refund_address: &bitcoin::Address, bitcoin_wallet: Arc, ) -> Result<(bitcoin::TxRefund, Option)> where W: BlockHeight + WatchForRawTransaction, { let punish_timelock_expired = poll_until_block_height_is_gte(bitcoin_wallet.as_ref(), cancel_tx_height + punish_timelock); let tx_refund = bitcoin::TxRefund::new(tx_cancel, refund_address); // TODO(Franck): This only checks the mempool, need to cater for the case where // the transaction goes directly in a block let seen_refund_tx = bitcoin_wallet.watch_for_raw_transaction(tx_refund.txid()); pin_mut!(punish_timelock_expired); pin_mut!(seen_refund_tx); match select(punish_timelock_expired, seen_refund_tx).await { Either::Left(_) => Ok((tx_refund, None)), Either::Right((published_refund_tx, _)) => Ok((tx_refund, Some(published_refund_tx))), } } pub fn extract_monero_private_key( published_refund_tx: bitcoin::Transaction, tx_refund: TxRefund, s_a: cross_curve_dleq::Scalar, a: bitcoin::SecretKey, S_b_bitcoin: bitcoin::PublicKey, ) -> Result { let s_a = monero::PrivateKey { scalar: s_a.into_ed25519(), }; let tx_refund_sig = tx_refund .extract_signature_by_key(published_refund_tx, a.public()) .context("Failed to extract signature from Bitcoin refund tx")?; let tx_refund_encsig = a.encsign(S_b_bitcoin, tx_refund.digest()); let s_b = bitcoin::recover(S_b_bitcoin, tx_refund_sig, tx_refund_encsig) .context("Failed to recover Monero secret key from Bitcoin signature")?; let s_b = monero::private_key_from_secp256k1_scalar(s_b.into()); let spend_key = s_a + s_b; Ok(spend_key) } pub fn build_bitcoin_punish_transaction( tx_lock: &TxLock, refund_timelock: u32, punish_address: &bitcoin::Address, punish_timelock: u32, tx_punish_sig_bob: bitcoin::Signature, a: bitcoin::SecretKey, B: bitcoin::PublicKey, ) -> Result { let tx_cancel = bitcoin::TxCancel::new(&tx_lock, refund_timelock, a.public(), B); let tx_punish = bitcoin::TxPunish::new(&tx_cancel, &punish_address, punish_timelock); let sig_a = a.sign(tx_punish.digest()); let sig_b = tx_punish_sig_bob; let signed_tx_punish = tx_punish .add_signatures(&tx_cancel, (a.public(), sig_a), (B, sig_b)) .expect("sig_{a,b} to be valid signatures for tx_cancel"); Ok(signed_tx_punish) } pub async fn publish_bitcoin_punish_transaction( punish_tx: bitcoin::Transaction, bitcoin_wallet: Arc, config: Config, ) -> Result where W: BroadcastSignedTransaction + WaitForTransactionFinality, { let txid = bitcoin_wallet .broadcast_signed_transaction(punish_tx) .await?; bitcoin_wallet .wait_for_transaction_finality(txid, config) .await?; Ok(txid) }