use crate::bitcoin::{ build_shared_output_descriptor, Address, Amount, PublicKey, Transaction, Wallet, TX_FEE, }; use ::bitcoin::util::psbt::PartiallySignedTransaction; use ::bitcoin::{OutPoint, TxIn, TxOut, Txid}; use anyhow::Result; use ecdsa_fun::fun::Point; use miniscript::{Descriptor, DescriptorTrait}; use rand::thread_rng; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct TxLock { inner: PartiallySignedTransaction, pub(in crate::bitcoin) output_descriptor: Descriptor<::bitcoin::PublicKey>, } impl TxLock { pub async fn new(wallet: &Wallet, amount: Amount, A: PublicKey, B: PublicKey) -> Result { let lock_output_descriptor = build_shared_output_descriptor(A.0, B.0); let address = lock_output_descriptor .address(wallet.get_network().await) .expect("can derive address from descriptor"); let psbt = wallet.send_to_address(address, amount).await?; Ok(Self { inner: psbt, output_descriptor: lock_output_descriptor, }) } pub fn lock_amount(&self) -> Amount { Amount::from_sat(self.inner.clone().extract_tx().output[self.lock_output_vout()].value) } pub fn txid(&self) -> Txid { self.inner.clone().extract_tx().txid() } pub fn as_outpoint(&self) -> OutPoint { // This is fine because a transaction that has that many outputs is not // realistic #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] OutPoint::new(self.txid(), self.lock_output_vout() as u32) } /// Calculate the size of the script used by this transaction. pub fn script_size() -> usize { build_shared_output_descriptor( Point::random(&mut thread_rng()), Point::random(&mut thread_rng()), ) .script_pubkey() .len() } /// Retreive the index of the locked output in the transaction outputs /// vector fn lock_output_vout(&self) -> usize { self.inner .clone() .extract_tx() .output .iter() .position(|output| output.script_pubkey == self.output_descriptor.script_pubkey()) .expect("transaction contains lock output") } pub fn build_spend_transaction( &self, spend_address: &Address, sequence: Option, ) -> Transaction { let previous_output = self.as_outpoint(); let tx_in = TxIn { previous_output, script_sig: Default::default(), sequence: sequence.unwrap_or(0xFFFF_FFFF), witness: Vec::new(), }; let tx_out = TxOut { value: self.inner.clone().extract_tx().output[self.lock_output_vout()].value - TX_FEE, script_pubkey: spend_address.script_pubkey(), }; Transaction { version: 2, lock_time: 0, input: vec![tx_in], output: vec![tx_out], } } } impl From for PartiallySignedTransaction { fn from(from: TxLock) -> Self { from.inner } }