use crate::testutils::{init_alice, init_bob}; use futures::future::try_join; use get_port::get_port; use libp2p::Multiaddr; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use swap::{alice, alice::swap::AliceState, bob, bob::swap::BobState}; use testcontainers::clients::Cli; use testutils::init_tracing; use uuid::Uuid; use xmr_btc::{bitcoin, config::Config}; pub mod testutils; /// Bob locks Btc and Alice locks Xmr. Bob does not act; he fails to send Alice /// the encsig and fail to refund or redeem. Alice punishes. #[tokio::test] async fn alice_punishes_if_bob_never_acts_after_fund() { let _guard = init_tracing(); let cli = Cli::default(); let ( monero, testutils::Containers { bitcoind, monerods: _monerods, }, ) = testutils::init_containers(&cli).await; let btc_to_swap = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(1_000_000); let xmr_to_swap = xmr_btc::monero::Amount::from_piconero(1_000_000_000_000); let bob_btc_starting_balance = btc_to_swap * 10; let alice_btc_starting_balance = bitcoin::Amount::ZERO; let alice_xmr_starting_balance = xmr_to_swap * 10; let port = get_port().expect("Failed to find a free port"); let alice_multiaddr: Multiaddr = format!("/ip4/{}", port) .parse() .expect("failed to parse Alice's address"); let config = Config::regtest(); let ( alice_state, mut alice_event_loop, alice_event_loop_handle, alice_btc_wallet, alice_xmr_wallet, alice_db, ) = init_alice( &bitcoind, &monero, btc_to_swap, xmr_to_swap, alice_xmr_starting_balance, alice_multiaddr.clone(), config, ) .await; let (bob_state, bob_event_loop, bob_event_loop_handle, bob_btc_wallet, bob_xmr_wallet, bob_db) = init_bob( alice_multiaddr, &bitcoind, &monero, btc_to_swap, bob_btc_starting_balance, xmr_to_swap, config, ) .await; let bob_btc_locked_fut = bob::swap::run_until( bob_state, bob::swap::is_btc_locked, bob_event_loop_handle, bob_db, bob_btc_wallet.clone(), bob_xmr_wallet.clone(), OsRng, Uuid::new_v4(), ); let _bob_swarm_fut = tokio::spawn(async move { }); let alice_fut = alice::swap::swap( alice_state, alice_event_loop_handle, alice_btc_wallet.clone(), alice_xmr_wallet.clone(), Config::regtest(), Uuid::new_v4(), alice_db, ); let _alice_swarm_fut = tokio::spawn(async move { }); // Wait until alice has locked xmr and bob has locked btc let (alice_state, bob_state) = try_join(alice_fut, bob_btc_locked_fut).await.unwrap(); assert!(matches!(alice_state, AliceState::Punished)); let bob_state3 = if let BobState::BtcLocked(state3, ..) = bob_state { state3 } else { panic!("Bob in unexpected state"); }; let btc_alice_final = alice_btc_wallet.as_ref().balance().await.unwrap(); let btc_bob_final = bob_btc_wallet.as_ref().balance().await.unwrap(); // lock_tx_bitcoin_fee is determined by the wallet, it is not necessarily equal // to TX_FEE let lock_tx_bitcoin_fee = bob_btc_wallet .transaction_fee(bob_state3.tx_lock_id()) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( btc_alice_final, alice_btc_starting_balance + btc_to_swap - bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(2 * bitcoin::TX_FEE) ); assert_eq!( btc_bob_final, bob_btc_starting_balance - btc_to_swap - lock_tx_bitcoin_fee ); }