#![warn( unused_extern_crates, missing_copy_implementations, rust_2018_idioms, clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_sign_loss, clippy::fallible_impl_from, clippy::cast_precision_loss, clippy::cast_possible_wrap, clippy::dbg_macro )] #![forbid(unsafe_code)] #![allow(non_snake_case)] use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use libp2p::core::multiaddr::Protocol; use libp2p::core::Multiaddr; use libp2p::Swarm; use prettytable::{row, Table}; use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}; use std::sync::Arc; use structopt::StructOpt; use swap::asb::command::{Arguments, Command, ManualRecovery, RecoverCommandParams}; use swap::asb::config::{ default_config_path, initial_setup, query_user_for_initial_testnet_config, read_config, Config, ConfigNotInitialized, }; use swap::database::Database; use swap::env::GetConfig; use swap::monero::Amount; use swap::network::swarm; use swap::protocol::alice; use swap::protocol::alice::event_loop::KrakenRate; use swap::protocol::alice::{redeem, run, EventLoop}; use swap::seed::Seed; use swap::tor::AuthenticatedClient; use swap::{asb, bitcoin, env, kraken, monero, tor}; use tracing::{info, warn}; use tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter; #[macro_use] extern crate prettytable; const DEFAULT_WALLET_NAME: &str = "asb-wallet"; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { asb::tracing::init(LevelFilter::DEBUG).expect("initialize tracing"); let opt = Arguments::from_args(); let config_path = if let Some(config_path) = opt.config { config_path } else { default_config_path()? }; let config = match read_config(config_path.clone())? { Ok(config) => config, Err(ConfigNotInitialized {}) => { initial_setup(config_path.clone(), query_user_for_initial_testnet_config)?; read_config(config_path)?.expect("after initial setup config can be read") } }; info!( "Database and Seed will be stored in directory: {}", config.data.dir.display() ); let db_path = config.data.dir.join("database"); let db = Database::open(config.data.dir.join(db_path).as_path()) .context("Could not open database")?; let seed = Seed::from_file_or_generate(&config.data.dir).expect("Could not retrieve/initialize seed"); let env_config = env::Testnet::get_config(); match opt.cmd { Command::Start { resume_only } => { let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(&config, &seed, env_config).await?; let monero_wallet = init_monero_wallet(&config, env_config).await?; let bitcoin_balance = bitcoin_wallet.balance().await?; info!("Bitcoin balance: {}", bitcoin_balance); let monero_balance = monero_wallet.get_balance().await?; if monero_balance == Amount::ZERO { let deposit_address = monero_wallet.get_main_address(); warn!( "The Monero balance is 0, make sure to deposit funds at: {}", deposit_address ) } else { info!("Monero balance: {}", monero_balance); } let kraken_price_updates = kraken::connect()?; // setup Tor hidden services let tor_client = tor::Client::new(config.tor.socks5_port).with_control_port(config.tor.control_port); let _ac = match tor_client.assert_tor_running().await { Ok(_) => { tracing::info!("Tor found. Setting up hidden service. "); let ac = register_tor_services(config.network.clone().listen, tor_client, &seed) .await?; Some(ac) } Err(_) => { tracing::warn!("Tor not found. Running on clear net. "); None } }; let current_balance = monero_wallet.get_balance().await?; let lock_fee = monero_wallet.static_tx_fee_estimate(); let kraken_rate = KrakenRate::new(config.maker.ask_spread, kraken_price_updates); let mut swarm = swarm::alice( &seed, current_balance, lock_fee, config.maker.min_buy_btc, config.maker.max_buy_btc, kraken_rate.clone(), resume_only, )?; for listen in config.network.listen { Swarm::listen_on(&mut swarm, listen.clone()) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to listen on network interface {}", listen))?; } let (event_loop, mut swap_receiver) = EventLoop::new( swarm, env_config, Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet), Arc::new(monero_wallet), Arc::new(db), kraken_rate, config.maker.min_buy_btc, config.maker.max_buy_btc, ) .unwrap(); tokio::spawn(async move { while let Some(swap) = swap_receiver.recv().await { tokio::spawn(async move { let swap_id = swap.swap_id; match run(swap).await { Ok(state) => { tracing::debug!(%swap_id, "Swap finished with state {}", state) } Err(e) => { tracing::error!(%swap_id, "Swap failed with {:#}", e) } } }); } }); info!("Our peer id is {}", event_loop.peer_id()); event_loop.run().await; } Command::History => { let mut table = Table::new(); table.add_row(row!["SWAP ID", "STATE"]); for (swap_id, state) in db.all_alice()? { table.add_row(row![swap_id, state]); } // Print the table to stdout table.printstd(); } Command::WithdrawBtc { amount, address } => { let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(&config, &seed, env_config).await?; let amount = match amount { Some(amount) => amount, None => { bitcoin_wallet .max_giveable(address.script_pubkey().len()) .await? } }; let psbt = bitcoin_wallet.send_to_address(address, amount).await?; let signed_tx = bitcoin_wallet.sign_and_finalize(psbt).await?; bitcoin_wallet.broadcast(signed_tx, "withdraw").await?; } Command::Balance => { let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(&config, &seed, env_config).await?; let monero_wallet = init_monero_wallet(&config, env_config).await?; let bitcoin_balance = bitcoin_wallet.balance().await?; let monero_balance = monero_wallet.get_balance().await?; tracing::info!("Current balance: {}, {}", bitcoin_balance, monero_balance); } Command::ManualRecovery(ManualRecovery::Cancel { cancel_params: RecoverCommandParams { swap_id, force }, }) => { let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(&config, &seed, env_config).await?; let (txid, _) = alice::cancel(swap_id, Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet), Arc::new(db), force).await??; tracing::info!("Cancel transaction successfully published with id {}", txid); } Command::ManualRecovery(ManualRecovery::Refund { refund_params: RecoverCommandParams { swap_id, force }, }) => { let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(&config, &seed, env_config).await?; let monero_wallet = init_monero_wallet(&config, env_config).await?; alice::refund( swap_id, Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet), Arc::new(monero_wallet), Arc::new(db), force, ) .await??; tracing::info!("Monero successfully refunded"); } Command::ManualRecovery(ManualRecovery::Punish { punish_params: RecoverCommandParams { swap_id, force }, }) => { let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(&config, &seed, env_config).await?; let (txid, _) = alice::punish(swap_id, Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet), Arc::new(db), force).await??; tracing::info!("Punish transaction successfully published with id {}", txid); } Command::ManualRecovery(ManualRecovery::SafelyAbort { swap_id }) => { alice::safely_abort(swap_id, Arc::new(db)).await?; tracing::info!("Swap safely aborted"); } Command::ManualRecovery(ManualRecovery::Redeem { redeem_params: RecoverCommandParams { swap_id, force }, do_not_await_finality, }) => { let bitcoin_wallet = init_bitcoin_wallet(&config, &seed, env_config).await?; let (txid, _) = alice::redeem( swap_id, Arc::new(bitcoin_wallet), Arc::new(db), force, redeem::Finality::from_bool(do_not_await_finality), ) .await?; tracing::info!("Redeem transaction successfully published with id {}", txid); } }; Ok(()) } async fn init_bitcoin_wallet( config: &Config, seed: &Seed, env_config: swap::env::Config, ) -> Result { let wallet_dir = config.data.dir.join("wallet"); let wallet = bitcoin::Wallet::new( config.bitcoin.electrum_rpc_url.clone(), &wallet_dir, seed.derive_extended_private_key(env_config.bitcoin_network)?, env_config, config.bitcoin.target_block, ) .await .context("Failed to initialize Bitcoin wallet")?; wallet.sync().await?; Ok(wallet) } async fn init_monero_wallet( config: &Config, env_config: swap::env::Config, ) -> Result { let wallet = monero::Wallet::open_or_create( config.monero.wallet_rpc_url.clone(), DEFAULT_WALLET_NAME.to_string(), env_config, ) .await?; Ok(wallet) } /// Registers a hidden service for each network. /// Note: Once ac goes out of scope, the services will be de-registered. async fn register_tor_services( networks: Vec, tor_client: tor::Client, seed: &Seed, ) -> Result { let mut ac = tor_client.into_authenticated_client().await?; let hidden_services_details = networks .iter() .flat_map(|network| { network.iter().map(|protocol| match protocol { Protocol::Tcp(port) => Some(( port, SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::from(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), port), )), _ => { // We only care for Tcp for now. None } }) }) .filter_map(|details| details) .collect::>(); let key = seed.derive_torv3_key(); ac.add_services(&hidden_services_details, &key).await?; let onion_address = key .public() .get_onion_address() .get_address_without_dot_onion(); hidden_services_details.iter().for_each(|(port, _)| { tracing::info!("/onion3/{}:{}", onion_address, port); }); Ok(ac) }