#!/bin/bash # This is a utility script to showcase how the swap CLI can discover sellers and then trigger a swap using the discovered sellers # # 1st param: Path to the "swap" binary (aka the swap CLI) # 2nd param: Multiaddress of the rendezvous node to be used for discovery # 3rd param: Your Monero stagenet address where the XMR will be received # 4th param: Your bech32 Bitcoin testnet address that will be used for any change output (e.g. refund scenario or when swapping an amount smaller than the transferred BTC) # # Example usage: # discover_and_take.sh "PATH/TO/swap" "/dnsaddr/rendezvous.coblox.tech/p2p/12D3KooWQUt9DkNZxEn2R5ymJzWj15MpG6mTW84kyd8vDaRZi46o" "YOUR_XMR_STAGENET_ADDRESS" "YOUR_BECH32_BITCOIN_TESTNET_ADDRESS" CLI_PATH=$1 RENDEZVOUS_POINT=$2 YOUR_MONERO_ADDR=$3 YOUR_BITCOIN_ADDR=$4 CLI_LIST_SELLERS="$CLI_PATH --testnet --json --debug list-sellers --rendezvous-point $RENDEZVOUS_POINT" echo "Requesting sellers with command: $CLI_LIST_SELLERS" echo BEST_SELLER=$($CLI_LIST_SELLERS | jq -s -c 'min_by(.status .Online .price)' | jq -r '.multiaddr, (.status .Online .price), (.status .Online .min_quantity), (.status .Online .max_quantity)') read ADDR PRICE MIN MAX < <(echo $BEST_SELLER) echo echo "Seller with best price:" echo " multiaddr : $ADDR" echo " price : $PRICE sat" echo " min_quantity: $MIN sat" echo " max_quantity: $MAX sat" echo CLI_SWAP="$CLI_PATH --testnet --debug buy-xmr --receive-address $YOUR_MONERO_ADDR --change-address $YOUR_BITCOIN_ADDR --seller $ADDR" echo "Starting swap with best seller using command $CLI_SWAP" echo $CLI_SWAP