pub mod wallet; mod cancel; mod lock; mod punish; mod redeem; mod refund; mod timelocks; pub use crate::bitcoin::cancel::{CancelTimelock, PunishTimelock, TxCancel}; pub use crate::bitcoin::lock::TxLock; pub use crate::bitcoin::punish::TxPunish; pub use crate::bitcoin::redeem::TxRedeem; pub use crate::bitcoin::refund::TxRefund; pub use crate::bitcoin::timelocks::{BlockHeight, ExpiredTimelocks}; pub use ::bitcoin::util::amount::Amount; pub use ::bitcoin::util::psbt::PartiallySignedTransaction; pub use ::bitcoin::{Address, Network, Transaction, Txid}; pub use ecdsa_fun::adaptor::EncryptedSignature; pub use ecdsa_fun::fun::Scalar; pub use ecdsa_fun::Signature; pub use wallet::Wallet; #[cfg(test)] pub use wallet::WalletBuilder; use crate::bitcoin::wallet::ScriptStatus; use ::bitcoin::hashes::hex::ToHex; use ::bitcoin::hashes::Hash; use ::bitcoin::{secp256k1, SigHash}; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use bdk::miniscript::descriptor::Wsh; use bdk::miniscript::{Descriptor, Segwitv0}; use ecdsa_fun::adaptor::{Adaptor, HashTranscript}; use ecdsa_fun::fun::Point; use ecdsa_fun::nonce::Deterministic; use ecdsa_fun::ECDSA; use rand::{CryptoRng, RngCore}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use sha2::Sha256; use std::str::FromStr; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(remote = "Network")] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub enum network { #[serde(rename = "Mainnet")] Bitcoin, Testnet, Signet, Regtest, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)] pub struct SecretKey { inner: Scalar, public: Point, } impl SecretKey { pub fn new_random(rng: &mut R) -> Self { let scalar = Scalar::random(rng); let ecdsa = ECDSA::<()>::default(); let public = ecdsa.verification_key_for(&scalar); Self { inner: scalar, public, } } pub fn public(&self) -> PublicKey { PublicKey(self.public) } pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] { self.inner.to_bytes() } pub fn sign(&self, digest: SigHash) -> Signature { let ecdsa = ECDSA::>::default(); ecdsa.sign(&self.inner, &digest.into_inner()) } // TxRefund encsigning explanation: // // A and B, are the Bitcoin Public Keys which go on the joint output for // TxLock_Bitcoin. S_a and S_b, are the Monero Public Keys which go on the // joint output for TxLock_Monero // tx_refund: multisig(A, B), published by bob // bob can produce sig on B using b // alice sends over an encrypted signature on A encrypted with S_b // s_b is leaked to alice when bob publishes signed tx_refund allowing her to // recover s_b: recover(encsig, S_b, sig_tx_refund) = s_b // alice now has s_a and s_b and can refund monero // self = a, Y = S_b, digest = tx_refund pub fn encsign(&self, Y: PublicKey, digest: SigHash) -> EncryptedSignature { let adaptor = Adaptor::< HashTranscript, Deterministic, >::default(); adaptor.encrypted_sign(&self.inner, &Y.0, &digest.into_inner()) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct PublicKey(Point); impl PublicKey { #[cfg(test)] pub fn random() -> Self { Self(Point::random(&mut rand::thread_rng())) } } impl From for Point { fn from(from: PublicKey) -> Self { from.0 } } impl From for ::bitcoin::PublicKey { fn from(from: PublicKey) -> Self { ::bitcoin::PublicKey { compressed: true, key: from.0.into(), } } } impl From for PublicKey { fn from(p: Point) -> Self { Self(p) } } impl From for SecretKey { fn from(scalar: Scalar) -> Self { let ecdsa = ECDSA::<()>::default(); let public = ecdsa.verification_key_for(&scalar); Self { inner: scalar, public, } } } impl From for Scalar { fn from(sk: SecretKey) -> Self { sk.inner } } impl From for PublicKey { fn from(scalar: Scalar) -> Self { let ecdsa = ECDSA::<()>::default(); PublicKey(ecdsa.verification_key_for(&scalar)) } } pub fn verify_sig( verification_key: &PublicKey, transaction_sighash: &SigHash, sig: &Signature, ) -> Result<()> { let ecdsa = ECDSA::verify_only(); if ecdsa.verify(&verification_key.0, &transaction_sighash.into_inner(), &sig) { Ok(()) } else { bail!(InvalidSignature) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error)] #[error("signature is invalid")] pub struct InvalidSignature; pub fn verify_encsig( verification_key: PublicKey, encryption_key: PublicKey, digest: &SigHash, encsig: &EncryptedSignature, ) -> Result<()> { let adaptor = Adaptor::, Deterministic>::default(); if adaptor.verify_encrypted_signature( &verification_key.0, &encryption_key.0, &digest.into_inner(), &encsig, ) { Ok(()) } else { bail!(InvalidEncryptedSignature) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[error("encrypted signature is invalid")] pub struct InvalidEncryptedSignature; pub fn build_shared_output_descriptor(A: Point, B: Point) -> Descriptor { const MINISCRIPT_TEMPLATE: &str = "c:and_v(v:pk(A),pk_k(B))"; // NOTE: This shouldn't be a source of error, but maybe it is let A = ToHex::to_hex(&secp256k1::PublicKey::from(A)); let B = ToHex::to_hex(&secp256k1::PublicKey::from(B)); let miniscript = MINISCRIPT_TEMPLATE.replace("A", &A).replace("B", &B); let miniscript = bdk::miniscript::Miniscript::::from_str(&miniscript) .expect("a valid miniscript"); Descriptor::Wsh(Wsh::new(miniscript).expect("a valid descriptor")) } pub fn recover(S: PublicKey, sig: Signature, encsig: EncryptedSignature) -> Result { let adaptor = Adaptor::, Deterministic>::default(); let s = adaptor .recover_decryption_key(&S.0, &sig, &encsig) .map(SecretKey::from) .context("Failed to recover secret from adaptor signature")?; Ok(s) } pub fn current_epoch( cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock, punish_timelock: PunishTimelock, tx_lock_status: ScriptStatus, tx_cancel_status: ScriptStatus, ) -> ExpiredTimelocks { if tx_cancel_status.is_confirmed_with(punish_timelock) { return ExpiredTimelocks::Punish; } if tx_lock_status.is_confirmed_with(cancel_timelock) { return ExpiredTimelocks::Cancel; } ExpiredTimelocks::None } /// Bitcoin error codes: pub enum RpcErrorCode { /// Transaction or block was rejected by network rules. Error code -26. RpcVerifyRejected, /// Transaction or block was rejected by network rules. Error code -27. RpcVerifyAlreadyInChain, /// General error during transaction or block submission RpcVerifyError, } impl From for i64 { fn from(code: RpcErrorCode) -> Self { match code { RpcErrorCode::RpcVerifyError => -25, RpcErrorCode::RpcVerifyRejected => -26, RpcErrorCode::RpcVerifyAlreadyInChain => -27, } } } pub fn parse_rpc_error_code(error: &anyhow::Error) -> anyhow::Result { let string = match error.downcast_ref::() { Some(bdk::Error::Electrum(bdk::electrum_client::Error::Protocol( serde_json::Value::String(string), ))) => string, _ => bail!("Error is of incorrect variant:{}", error), }; let json = serde_json::from_str(&string.replace("sendrawtransaction RPC error:", ""))?; let json_map = match json { serde_json::Value::Object(map) => map, _ => bail!("Json error is not json object "), }; let error_code_value = match json_map.get("code") { Some(val) => val, None => bail!("No error code field"), }; let error_code_number = match error_code_value { serde_json::Value::Number(num) => num, _ => bail!("Error code is not a number"), }; if let Some(int) = error_code_number.as_i64() { Ok(int) } else { bail!("Error code is not an unsigned integer") } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)] #[error("transaction does not spend anything")] pub struct NoInputs; #[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)] #[error("transaction has {0} inputs, expected 1")] pub struct TooManyInputs(usize); #[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)] #[error("empty witness stack")] pub struct EmptyWitnessStack; #[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)] #[error("input has {0} witnesses, expected 3")] pub struct NotThreeWitnesses(usize); #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::env::{GetConfig, Regtest}; use crate::protocol::{alice, bob}; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use uuid::Uuid; #[test] fn lock_confirmations_le_to_cancel_timelock_no_timelock_expired() { let tx_lock_status = ScriptStatus::from_confirmations(4); let tx_cancel_status = ScriptStatus::Unseen; let expired_timelock = current_epoch( CancelTimelock::new(5), PunishTimelock::new(5), tx_lock_status, tx_cancel_status, ); assert_eq!(expired_timelock, ExpiredTimelocks::None) } #[test] fn lock_confirmations_ge_to_cancel_timelock_cancel_timelock_expired() { let tx_lock_status = ScriptStatus::from_confirmations(5); let tx_cancel_status = ScriptStatus::Unseen; let expired_timelock = current_epoch( CancelTimelock::new(5), PunishTimelock::new(5), tx_lock_status, tx_cancel_status, ); assert_eq!(expired_timelock, ExpiredTimelocks::Cancel) } #[test] fn cancel_confirmations_ge_to_punish_timelock_punish_timelock_expired() { let tx_lock_status = ScriptStatus::from_confirmations(10); let tx_cancel_status = ScriptStatus::from_confirmations(5); let expired_timelock = current_epoch( CancelTimelock::new(5), PunishTimelock::new(5), tx_lock_status, tx_cancel_status, ); assert_eq!(expired_timelock, ExpiredTimelocks::Punish) } #[tokio::test] async fn calculate_transaction_weights() { let alice_wallet = WalletBuilder::new(Amount::ONE_BTC.as_sat()).build(); let bob_wallet = WalletBuilder::new(Amount::ONE_BTC.as_sat()).build(); let spending_fee = Amount::from_sat(1_000); let btc_amount = Amount::from_sat(500_000); let xmr_amount = crate::monero::Amount::from_piconero(10000); let tx_redeem_fee = alice_wallet .estimate_fee(TxRedeem::weight(), btc_amount) .await .unwrap(); let tx_punish_fee = alice_wallet .estimate_fee(TxPunish::weight(), btc_amount) .await .unwrap(); let redeem_address = alice_wallet.new_address().await.unwrap(); let punish_address = alice_wallet.new_address().await.unwrap(); let config = Regtest::get_config(); let alice_state0 = alice::State0::new( btc_amount, xmr_amount, config, redeem_address, punish_address, tx_redeem_fee, tx_punish_fee, &mut OsRng, ); let bob_state0 = bob::State0::new( Uuid::new_v4(), &mut OsRng, btc_amount, xmr_amount, config.bitcoin_cancel_timelock, config.bitcoin_punish_timelock, bob_wallet.new_address().await.unwrap(), config.monero_finality_confirmations, spending_fee, spending_fee, ); let message0 = bob_state0.next_message(); let (_, alice_state1) = alice_state0.receive(message0).unwrap(); let alice_message1 = alice_state1.next_message(); let bob_state1 = bob_state0 .receive(&bob_wallet, alice_message1) .await .unwrap(); let bob_message2 = bob_state1.next_message(); let alice_state2 = alice_state1.receive(bob_message2).unwrap(); let alice_message3 = alice_state2.next_message(); let bob_state2 = bob_state1.receive(alice_message3).unwrap(); let bob_message4 = bob_state2.next_message(); let alice_state3 = alice_state2.receive(bob_message4).unwrap(); let (bob_state3, _tx_lock) = bob_state2.lock_btc().await.unwrap(); let bob_state4 = bob_state3.xmr_locked(monero_rpc::wallet::BlockHeight { height: 0 }); let encrypted_signature = bob_state4.tx_redeem_encsig(); let bob_state6 = bob_state4.cancel(); let cancel_transaction = alice_state3.signed_cancel_transaction().unwrap(); let punish_transaction = alice_state3.signed_punish_transaction().unwrap(); let redeem_transaction = alice_state3 .signed_redeem_transaction(encrypted_signature) .unwrap(); let refund_transaction = bob_state6.signed_refund_transaction().unwrap(); assert_weight(redeem_transaction, TxRedeem::weight(), "TxRedeem"); assert_weight(cancel_transaction, TxCancel::weight(), "TxCancel"); assert_weight(punish_transaction, TxPunish::weight(), "TxPunish"); assert_weight(refund_transaction, TxRefund::weight(), "TxRefund"); } // Weights fluctuate because of the length of the signatures. Valid ecdsa // signatures can have 68, 69, 70, 71, or 72 bytes. Since most of our // transactions have 2 signatures the weight can be up to 8 bytes less than // the static weight (4 bytes per signature). fn assert_weight(transaction: Transaction, expected_weight: usize, tx_name: &str) { let is_weight = transaction.get_weight(); assert!( expected_weight - is_weight <= 8, "{} to have weight {}, but was {}. Transaction: {:#?}", tx_name, expected_weight, is_weight, transaction ) } }