From 537d05e01edfb5e1fe7e9168a1e11d15e41da40f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rishflab <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 11:26:32 +1100
Subject: [PATCH] Add reusable test function

We introduce a reusable test function to make it easier to add new tests and make our existing tests more readable.
 swap/tests/    | 149 +++++++++---------------------------
 swap/tests/testutils/ | 133 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)

diff --git a/swap/tests/ b/swap/tests/
index c1e12e0e..200c1fbe 100644
--- a/swap/tests/
+++ b/swap/tests/
@@ -1,21 +1,9 @@
-use crate::testutils::{init_alice, init_bob};
-use futures::{
-    future::{join, select},
-    FutureExt,
-use get_port::get_port;
-use libp2p::Multiaddr;
 use rand::rngs::OsRng;
 use swap::{
-    config::Config,
-    monero,
-    protocol::{alice, bob},
-    seed::Seed,
+    protocol::{alice, alice::AliceState, bob, bob::BobState},
-use testcontainers::clients::Cli;
-use testutils::init_tracing;
-use uuid::Uuid;
+use tokio::join;
 pub mod testutils;
@@ -23,108 +11,47 @@ pub mod testutils;
 async fn happy_path() {
-    let _guard = init_tracing();
+    testutils::test(|alice, bob, swap_amounts| async move {
+        let alice_swap_fut = alice::swap(
+            alice.state,
+            alice.event_loop_handle,
+            alice.bitcoin_wallet.clone(),
+            alice.monero_wallet.clone(),
+            alice.config,
+            alice.swap_id,
+            alice.db,
+        );
+        let bob_swap_fut = bob::swap(
+            bob.state,
+            bob.event_loop_handle,
+            bob.db,
+            bob.bitcoin_wallet.clone(),
+            bob.monero_wallet.clone(),
+            OsRng,
+            bob.swap_id,
+        );
+        let (alice_state, bob_state) = join!(alice_swap_fut, bob_swap_fut);
-    let cli = Cli::default();
-    let (
-        monero,
-        testutils::Containers {
-            bitcoind,
-            monerods: _monerods,
-        },
-    ) = testutils::init_containers(&cli).await;
+        let btc_alice_final = alice.bitcoin_wallet.as_ref().balance().await.unwrap();
+        let btc_bob_final = bob.bitcoin_wallet.as_ref().balance().await.unwrap();
-    let btc_to_swap = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(1_000_000);
-    let btc_alice = bitcoin::Amount::ZERO;
-    let btc_bob = btc_to_swap * 10;
+        let xmr_alice_final = alice.monero_wallet.as_ref().get_balance().await.unwrap();
-    // this xmr value matches the logic of alice::calculate_amounts i.e. btc *
-    // 10_000 * 100
-    let xmr_to_swap = monero::Amount::from_piconero(1_000_000_000_000);
-    let xmr_alice = xmr_to_swap * 10;
-    let xmr_bob = monero::Amount::ZERO;
+        bob.monero_wallet.as_ref().inner.refresh().await.unwrap();
+        let xmr_bob_final = bob.monero_wallet.as_ref().get_balance().await.unwrap();
-    let port = get_port().expect("Failed to find a free port");
-    let alice_multiaddr: Multiaddr = format!("/ip4/{}", port)
-        .parse()
-        .expect("failed to parse Alice's address");
+        assert!(matches!(alice_state.unwrap(), AliceState::BtcRedeemed));
+        assert!(matches!(bob_state.unwrap(), BobState::XmrRedeemed));
-    let config = Config::regtest();
+        assert_eq!(
+            btc_alice_final,
+            alice.btc_starting_balance + swap_amounts.btc
+                - bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(bitcoin::TX_FEE)
+        );
+        assert!(btc_bob_final <= bob.btc_starting_balance - swap_amounts.btc);
-    let (
-        alice_state,
-        mut alice_event_loop,
-        alice_event_loop_handle,
-        alice_btc_wallet,
-        alice_xmr_wallet,
-        alice_db,
-    ) = init_alice(
-        &bitcoind,
-        &monero,
-        btc_to_swap,
-        xmr_to_swap,
-        xmr_alice,
-        alice_multiaddr.clone(),
-        config,
-        Seed::random().unwrap(),
-    )
+        assert!(xmr_alice_final <= alice.xmr_starting_balance - swap_amounts.xmr);
+        assert_eq!(xmr_bob_final, bob.xmr_starting_balance + swap_amounts.xmr);
+    })
-    let (bob_state, bob_event_loop, bob_event_loop_handle, bob_btc_wallet, bob_xmr_wallet, bob_db) =
-        init_bob(
-            alice_multiaddr.clone(),
-            alice_event_loop.peer_id(),
-            &bitcoind,
-            &monero,
-            btc_to_swap,
-            btc_bob,
-            xmr_to_swap,
-            config,
-        )
-        .await;
-    let alice_swap_fut = alice::swap::swap(
-        alice_state,
-        alice_event_loop_handle,
-        alice_btc_wallet.clone(),
-        alice_xmr_wallet.clone(),
-        config,
-        Uuid::new_v4(),
-        alice_db,
-    )
-    .boxed();
-    let alice_fut = select(alice_swap_fut,;
-    let bob_swap_fut = bob::swap::swap(
-        bob_state,
-        bob_event_loop_handle,
-        bob_db,
-        bob_btc_wallet.clone(),
-        bob_xmr_wallet.clone(),
-        OsRng,
-        Uuid::new_v4(),
-    )
-    .boxed();
-    let bob_fut = select(bob_swap_fut,;
-    join(alice_fut, bob_fut).await;
-    let btc_alice_final = alice_btc_wallet.as_ref().balance().await.unwrap();
-    let btc_bob_final = bob_btc_wallet.as_ref().balance().await.unwrap();
-    let xmr_alice_final = alice_xmr_wallet.as_ref().get_balance().await.unwrap();
-    bob_xmr_wallet.as_ref().inner.refresh().await.unwrap();
-    let xmr_bob_final = bob_xmr_wallet.as_ref().get_balance().await.unwrap();
-    assert_eq!(
-        btc_alice_final,
-        btc_alice + btc_to_swap - bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(bitcoin::TX_FEE)
-    );
-    assert!(btc_bob_final <= btc_bob - btc_to_swap);
-    assert!(xmr_alice_final <= xmr_alice - xmr_to_swap);
-    assert_eq!(xmr_bob_final, xmr_bob + xmr_to_swap);
diff --git a/swap/tests/testutils/ b/swap/tests/testutils/
index 4b1bad00..9fb9b20b 100644
--- a/swap/tests/testutils/
+++ b/swap/tests/testutils/
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+use crate::testutils;
 use bitcoin_harness::Bitcoind;
+use futures::Future;
+use get_port::get_port;
 use libp2p::{core::Multiaddr, PeerId};
 use monero_harness::{image, Monero};
 use rand::rngs::OsRng;
@@ -17,6 +20,136 @@ use tempfile::tempdir;
 use testcontainers::{clients::Cli, Container};
 use tracing_core::dispatcher::DefaultGuard;
 use tracing_log::LogTracer;
+use uuid::Uuid;
+pub struct Alice {
+    pub state: AliceState,
+    pub event_loop_handle: alice::EventLoopHandle,
+    pub bitcoin_wallet: Arc<bitcoin::Wallet>,
+    pub monero_wallet: Arc<monero::Wallet>,
+    pub config: Config,
+    pub swap_id: Uuid,
+    pub db: Database,
+    pub xmr_starting_balance: monero::Amount,
+    pub btc_starting_balance: bitcoin::Amount,
+pub struct Bob {
+    pub state: BobState,
+    pub event_loop_handle: bob::EventLoopHandle,
+    pub db: Database,
+    pub bitcoin_wallet: Arc<bitcoin::Wallet>,
+    pub monero_wallet: Arc<monero::Wallet>,
+    pub swap_id: Uuid,
+    pub btc_starting_balance: bitcoin::Amount,
+    pub xmr_starting_balance: monero::Amount,
+pub async fn test<T, F>(testfn: T)
+    T: Fn(Alice, Bob, SwapAmounts) -> F,
+    F: Future<Output = ()>,
+    let cli = Cli::default();
+    let _guard = init_tracing();
+    let (monero, containers) = testutils::init_containers(&cli).await;
+    let swap_amounts = SwapAmounts {
+        btc: bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(1_000_000),
+        xmr: monero::Amount::from_piconero(1_000_000_000_000),
+    };
+    let bob_btc_starting_balance = swap_amounts.btc * 10;
+    let alice_xmr_starting_balance = swap_amounts.xmr * 10;
+    let port = get_port().expect("Failed to find a free port");
+    let alice_multiaddr: Multiaddr = format!("/ip4/{}", port)
+        .parse()
+        .expect("failed to parse Alice's address");
+    let config = Config::regtest();
+    let alice_seed = Seed::random().unwrap();
+    let (alice_btc_wallet, alice_xmr_wallet) = init_wallets(
+        "alice",
+        &containers.bitcoind,
+        &monero,
+        None,
+        Some(alice_xmr_starting_balance),
+        config,
+    )
+    .await;
+    let alice_state = init_alice_state(
+        swap_amounts.btc,
+        swap_amounts.xmr,
+        alice_btc_wallet.clone(),
+        config,
+    )
+    .await;
+    let (mut alice_event_loop, alice_event_loop_handle) =
+        init_alice_event_loop(alice_multiaddr.clone(), alice_seed);
+    let alice_db_datadir = tempdir().unwrap();
+    let alice_db = Database::open(alice_db_datadir.path()).unwrap();
+    let (bob_btc_wallet, bob_xmr_wallet) = init_wallets(
+        "bob",
+        &containers.bitcoind,
+        &monero,
+        Some(bob_btc_starting_balance),
+        None,
+        config,
+    )
+    .await;
+    let bob_state = init_bob_state(
+        swap_amounts.btc,
+        swap_amounts.xmr,
+        bob_btc_wallet.clone(),
+        config,
+    )
+    .await;
+    let (bob_event_loop, bob_event_loop_handle) =
+        init_bob_event_loop(alice_event_loop.peer_id(), alice_multiaddr);
+    let bob_db_dir = tempdir().unwrap();
+    let bob_db = Database::open(bob_db_dir.path()).unwrap();
+    tokio::spawn(async move { });
+    tokio::spawn(async move { });
+    let alice = Alice {
+        state: alice_state,
+        event_loop_handle: alice_event_loop_handle,
+        bitcoin_wallet: alice_btc_wallet,
+        monero_wallet: alice_xmr_wallet,
+        config,
+        swap_id: Uuid::new_v4(),
+        db: alice_db,
+        xmr_starting_balance: alice_xmr_starting_balance,
+        btc_starting_balance: bitcoin::Amount::ZERO,
+    };
+    let bob = Bob {
+        state: bob_state,
+        event_loop_handle: bob_event_loop_handle,
+        db: bob_db,
+        bitcoin_wallet: bob_btc_wallet,
+        monero_wallet: bob_xmr_wallet,
+        swap_id: Uuid::new_v4(),
+        xmr_starting_balance: monero::Amount::ZERO,
+        btc_starting_balance: bob_btc_starting_balance,
+    };
+    testfn(alice, bob, swap_amounts).await
 pub async fn init_containers(cli: &Cli) -> (Monero, Containers<'_>) {
     let bitcoind = Bitcoind::new(&cli, "0.19.1").unwrap();