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use crate::bitcoin::timelocks::BlockHeight;
use crate::bitcoin::{Address, Amount, Transaction};
use crate::env;
use ::bitcoin::util::psbt::PartiallySignedTransaction;
use ::bitcoin::Txid;
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use bdk::blockchain::{Blockchain, ElectrumBlockchain, GetTx};
use bdk::database::BatchDatabase;
use bdk::electrum_client::{ElectrumApi, GetHistoryRes};
use bdk::sled::Tree;
use bdk::wallet::export::FullyNodedExport;
use bdk::wallet::AddressIndex;
use bdk::{FeeRate, KeychainKind, SignOptions, SyncOptions};
use bitcoin::util::bip32::ExtendedPrivKey;
use bitcoin::{Network, Script};
use reqwest::Url;
use rust_decimal::prelude::*;
use rust_decimal::Decimal;
use rust_decimal_macros::dec;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use tokio::sync::{watch, Mutex};
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
use tracing::{debug_span, Instrument};
const SLED_TREE_NAME: &str = "default_tree";
/// Assuming we add a spread of 3% we don't want to pay more than 3% of the
/// amount for tx fees.
const MAX_RELATIVE_TX_FEE: Decimal = dec!(0.03);
const MAX_ABSOLUTE_TX_FEE: Decimal = dec!(100_000);
const DUST_AMOUNT: u64 = 546;
const WALLET: &str = "wallet";
const WALLET_OLD: &str = "wallet-old";
pub struct Wallet<D = Tree, C = Client> {
client: Arc<Mutex<C>>,
wallet: Arc<Mutex<bdk::Wallet<D>>>,
finality_confirmations: u32,
network: Network,
target_block: usize,
impl Wallet {
pub async fn new(
electrum_rpc_url: Url,
data_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
xprivkey: ExtendedPrivKey,
env_config: env::Config,
target_block: usize,
) -> Result<Self> {
let data_dir = data_dir.as_ref();
let wallet_dir = data_dir.join(WALLET);
let database = bdk::sled::open(wallet_dir)?.open_tree(SLED_TREE_NAME)?;
let network = env_config.bitcoin_network;
let wallet = match bdk::Wallet::new(
bdk::template::Bip84(xprivkey, KeychainKind::External),
Some(bdk::template::Bip84(xprivkey, KeychainKind::Internal)),
) {
Ok(w) => w,
Err(bdk::Error::ChecksumMismatch) => Self::migrate(data_dir, xprivkey, network)?,
err => err?,
let client = Client::new(electrum_rpc_url, env_config.bitcoin_sync_interval())?;
let network = wallet.network();
Ok(Self {
client: Arc::new(Mutex::new(client)),
wallet: Arc::new(Mutex::new(wallet)),
finality_confirmations: env_config.bitcoin_finality_confirmations,
/// Create a new database for the wallet and rename the old one.
/// This is necessary when getting a ChecksumMismatch from a wallet
/// created with an older version of BDK. Only affected Testnet wallets.
// https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap/issues/1182
fn migrate(
data_dir: &Path,
xprivkey: ExtendedPrivKey,
network: bitcoin::Network,
) -> Result<bdk::Wallet<Tree>> {
let from = data_dir.join(WALLET);
let to = data_dir.join(WALLET_OLD);
std::fs::rename(from, to)?;
let wallet_dir = data_dir.join(WALLET);
let database = bdk::sled::open(wallet_dir)?.open_tree(SLED_TREE_NAME)?;
let wallet = bdk::Wallet::new(
bdk::template::Bip84(xprivkey, KeychainKind::External),
Some(bdk::template::Bip84(xprivkey, KeychainKind::Internal)),
/// Broadcast the given transaction to the network and emit a log statement
/// if done so successfully.
/// Returns the transaction ID and a future for when the transaction meets
/// the configured finality confirmations.
pub async fn broadcast(
transaction: Transaction,
kind: &str,
) -> Result<(Txid, Subscription)> {
let txid = transaction.txid();
// to watch for confirmations, watching a single output is enough
let subscription = self
.subscribe_to((txid, transaction.output[0].script_pubkey.clone()))
let client = self.client.lock().await;
let blockchain = client.blockchain();
blockchain.broadcast(&transaction).with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to broadcast Bitcoin {} transaction {}", kind, txid)
tracing::info!(%txid, %kind, "Published Bitcoin transaction");
Ok((txid, subscription))
pub async fn get_raw_transaction(&self, txid: Txid) -> Result<Transaction> {
.with_context(|| format!("Could not get raw tx with id: {}", txid))
pub async fn status_of_script<T>(&self, tx: &T) -> Result<ScriptStatus>
T: Watchable,
pub async fn subscribe_to(&self, tx: impl Watchable + Send + 'static) -> Subscription {
let txid = tx.id();
let script = tx.script();
let sub = self
.entry((txid, script.clone()))
.or_insert_with(|| {
let (sender, receiver) = watch::channel(ScriptStatus::Unseen);
let client = self.client.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut last_status = None;
loop {
let new_status = match client.lock().await.status_of_script(&tx) {
Ok(new_status) => new_status,
Err(error) => {
tracing::warn!(%txid, "Failed to get status of script: {:#}", error);
if new_status != ScriptStatus::Retrying
last_status = Some(print_status_change(txid, last_status, new_status));
let all_receivers_gone = sender.send(new_status).is_err();
if all_receivers_gone {
tracing::debug!(%txid, "All receivers gone, removing subscription");
client.lock().await.subscriptions.remove(&(txid, script));
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
Subscription {
finality_confirmations: self.finality_confirmations,
pub async fn wallet_export(&self, role: &str) -> Result<FullyNodedExport> {
let wallet = self.wallet.lock().await;
match bdk::wallet::export::FullyNodedExport::export_wallet(
&format!("{}-{}", role, self.network),
) {
Ok(wallet_export) => Ok(wallet_export),
Err(err_msg) => Err(anyhow::Error::msg(err_msg)),
fn print_status_change(txid: Txid, old: Option<ScriptStatus>, new: ScriptStatus) -> ScriptStatus {
match (old, new) {
(None, new_status) => {
tracing::debug!(%txid, status = %new_status, "Found relevant Bitcoin transaction");
(Some(old_status), new_status) if old_status != new_status => {
tracing::debug!(%txid, %new_status, %old_status, "Bitcoin transaction status changed");
_ => {}
/// Represents a subscription to the status of a given transaction.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Subscription {
receiver: watch::Receiver<ScriptStatus>,
finality_confirmations: u32,
txid: Txid,
impl Subscription {
pub async fn wait_until_final(&self) -> Result<()> {
let conf_target = self.finality_confirmations;
let txid = self.txid;
tracing::info!(%txid, required_confirmation=%conf_target, "Waiting for Bitcoin transaction finality");
let mut seen_confirmations = 0;
self.wait_until(|status| match status {
ScriptStatus::Confirmed(inner) => {
let confirmations = inner.confirmations();
if confirmations > seen_confirmations {
seen_confirmations = %confirmations,
needed_confirmations = %conf_target,
"Waiting for Bitcoin transaction finality");
seen_confirmations = confirmations;
_ => false,
pub async fn wait_until_seen(&self) -> Result<()> {
pub async fn wait_until_confirmed_with<T>(&self, target: T) -> Result<()>
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
T: Into<u32>,
T: Copy,
self.wait_until(|status| status.is_confirmed_with(target))
async fn wait_until(&self, mut predicate: impl FnMut(&ScriptStatus) -> bool) -> Result<()> {
let mut receiver = self.receiver.clone();
while !predicate(&receiver.borrow()) {
.context("Failed while waiting for next status update")?;
impl<D, C> Wallet<D, C>
C: EstimateFeeRate,
D: BatchDatabase,
pub async fn sign_and_finalize(
mut psbt: PartiallySignedTransaction,
) -> Result<Transaction> {
let finalized = self
.sign(&mut psbt, SignOptions::default())?;
if !finalized {
bail!("PSBT is not finalized")
let tx = psbt.extract_tx();
/// Returns the total Bitcoin balance, which includes pending funds
pub async fn balance(&self) -> Result<Amount> {
let balance = self
.context("Failed to calculate Bitcoin balance")?;
pub async fn new_address(&self) -> Result<Address> {
let address = self
.context("Failed to get new Bitcoin address")?
pub async fn transaction_fee(&self, txid: Txid) -> Result<Amount> {
let fees = self
.find(|tx| tx.txid == txid)
.context("Could not find tx in bdk wallet when trying to determine fees")?
.expect("fees are always present with Electrum backend");
/// Builds a partially signed transaction
/// Ensures that the address script is at output index `0`
/// for the partially signed transaction.
pub async fn send_to_address(
address: Address,
amount: Amount,
change_override: Option<Address>,
) -> Result<PartiallySignedTransaction> {
if self.network != address.network {
bail!("Cannot build PSBT because network of given address is {} but wallet is on network {}", address.network, self.network);
if let Some(change) = change_override.as_ref() {
if self.network != change.network {
bail!("Cannot build PSBT because network of given address is {} but wallet is on network {}", change.network, self.network);
let wallet = self.wallet.lock().await;
let client = self.client.lock().await;
let fee_rate = client.estimate_feerate(self.target_block)?;
let script = address.script_pubkey();
let mut tx_builder = wallet.build_tx();
tx_builder.add_recipient(script.clone(), amount.to_sat());
let (psbt, _details) = tx_builder.finish()?;
let mut psbt: PartiallySignedTransaction = psbt;
match psbt.unsigned_tx.output.as_mut_slice() {
// our primary output is the 2nd one? reverse the vectors
[_, second_txout] if second_txout.script_pubkey == script => {
[first_txout, _] if first_txout.script_pubkey == script => {
// no need to do anything
[_] => {
// single output, no need do anything
_ => bail!("Unexpected transaction layout"),
if let ([_, change], [_, psbt_output], Some(change_override)) = (
&mut psbt.unsigned_tx.output.as_mut_slice(),
&mut psbt.outputs.as_mut_slice(),
) {
change.script_pubkey = change_override.script_pubkey();
// Might be populated based on the previously set change address, but for the
// overwrite we don't know unless we ask the user for more information.
/// Calculates the maximum "giveable" amount of this wallet.
/// We define this as the maximum amount we can pay to a single output,
/// already accounting for the fees we need to spend to get the
/// transaction confirmed.
pub async fn max_giveable(&self, locking_script_size: usize) -> Result<Amount> {
let wallet = self.wallet.lock().await;
let balance = wallet.get_balance()?;
if balance.get_total() < DUST_AMOUNT {
return Ok(Amount::ZERO);
let client = self.client.lock().await;
let min_relay_fee = client.min_relay_fee()?.to_sat();
if balance.get_total() < min_relay_fee {
return Ok(Amount::ZERO);
let fee_rate = client.estimate_feerate(self.target_block)?;
let mut tx_builder = wallet.build_tx();
let dummy_script = Script::from(vec![0u8; locking_script_size]);
let response = tx_builder.finish();
match response {
Ok((_, details)) => {
let max_giveable = details.sent
- details
.expect("fees are always present with Electrum backend");
Err(bdk::Error::InsufficientFunds { .. }) => Ok(Amount::ZERO),
Err(e) => bail!("Failed to build transaction. {:#}", e),
/// Estimate total tx fee for a pre-defined target block based on the
/// transaction weight. The max fee cannot be more than MAX_PERCENTAGE_FEE
/// of amount
pub async fn estimate_fee(
weight: usize,
transfer_amount: bitcoin::Amount,
) -> Result<bitcoin::Amount> {
let client = self.client.lock().await;
let fee_rate = client.estimate_feerate(self.target_block)?;
let min_relay_fee = client.min_relay_fee()?;
estimate_fee(weight, transfer_amount, fee_rate, min_relay_fee)
fn estimate_fee(
weight: usize,
transfer_amount: Amount,
fee_rate: FeeRate,
min_relay_fee: Amount,
) -> Result<Amount> {
if transfer_amount.to_sat() <= 546 {
bail!("Amounts needs to be greater than Bitcoin dust amount.")
let fee_rate_svb = fee_rate.as_sat_per_vb();
if fee_rate_svb <= 0.0 {
bail!("Fee rate needs to be > 0")
if fee_rate_svb > 100_000_000.0 || min_relay_fee.to_sat() > 100_000_000 {
bail!("A fee_rate or min_relay_fee of > 1BTC does not make sense")
let min_relay_fee = if min_relay_fee.to_sat() == 0 {
// if min_relay_fee is 0 we don't fail, we just set it to 1 satoshi;
} else {
let weight = Decimal::from(weight);
let weight_factor = dec!(4.0);
let fee_rate = Decimal::from_f32(fee_rate_svb).context("Failed to parse fee rate")?;
let sats_per_vbyte = weight / weight_factor * fee_rate;
"Estimated fee for transaction",
let transfer_amount = Decimal::from(transfer_amount.to_sat());
let max_allowed_fee = transfer_amount * MAX_RELATIVE_TX_FEE;
let min_relay_fee = Decimal::from(min_relay_fee.to_sat());
let recommended_fee = if sats_per_vbyte < min_relay_fee {
"Estimated fee of {} is smaller than the min relay fee, defaulting to min relay fee {}",
} else if sats_per_vbyte > max_allowed_fee && sats_per_vbyte > MAX_ABSOLUTE_TX_FEE {
"Hard bound of transaction fees reached. Falling back to: {} sats",
} else if sats_per_vbyte > max_allowed_fee {
"Relative bound of transaction fees reached. Falling back to: {} sats",
} else {
let amount = recommended_fee
.context("Could not estimate tranasction fee.")?;
impl<D> Wallet<D>
D: BatchDatabase,
pub async fn get_tx(&self, txid: Txid) -> Result<Option<Transaction>> {
let client = self.client.lock().await;
let tx = client.get_tx(&txid)?;
pub async fn sync(&self) -> Result<()> {
let client = self.client.lock().await;
let blockchain = client.blockchain();
let sync_opts = SyncOptions::default();
.sync(blockchain, sync_opts)
.context("Failed to sync balance of Bitcoin wallet")?;
impl<D, C> Wallet<D, C> {
// TODO: Get rid of this by changing bounds on bdk::Wallet
pub fn get_network(&self) -> bitcoin::Network {
pub trait EstimateFeeRate {
fn estimate_feerate(&self, target_block: usize) -> Result<FeeRate>;
fn min_relay_fee(&self) -> Result<bitcoin::Amount>;
pub struct StaticFeeRate {
fee_rate: FeeRate,
min_relay_fee: bitcoin::Amount,
impl EstimateFeeRate for StaticFeeRate {
fn estimate_feerate(&self, _target_block: usize) -> Result<FeeRate> {
fn min_relay_fee(&self) -> Result<bitcoin::Amount> {
pub struct WalletBuilder {
utxo_amount: u64,
sats_per_vb: f32,
min_relay_fee_sats: u64,
key: bitcoin::util::bip32::ExtendedPrivKey,
num_utxos: u8,
impl WalletBuilder {
/// Creates a new, funded wallet with sane default fees.
/// Unless you are testing things related to fees, this is likely what you
/// want.
pub fn new(amount: u64) -> Self {
WalletBuilder {
utxo_amount: amount,
sats_per_vb: 1.0,
min_relay_fee_sats: 1000,
key: "tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeZRHk4rTG6orPS2CRNFX3njhUXx5vj9qGog5ZMH4uGReDWN5kCkY3jmWEtWause41CDvBRXD1shKknAMKxT99o9qUTRVC6m".parse().unwrap(),
num_utxos: 1,
pub fn with_zero_fees(self) -> Self {
Self {
sats_per_vb: 0.0,
min_relay_fee_sats: 0,
pub fn with_fees(self, sats_per_vb: f32, min_relay_fee_sats: u64) -> Self {
Self {
pub fn with_key(self, key: bitcoin::util::bip32::ExtendedPrivKey) -> Self {
Self { key, ..self }
pub fn with_num_utxos(self, number: u8) -> Self {
Self {
num_utxos: number,
pub fn build(self) -> Wallet<bdk::database::MemoryDatabase, StaticFeeRate> {
use bdk::database::{BatchOperations, MemoryDatabase, SyncTime};
use bdk::{testutils, BlockTime};
let descriptors = testutils!(@descriptors (&format!("wpkh({}/*)", self.key)));
let mut database = MemoryDatabase::new();
for index in 0..self.num_utxos {
&mut database,
testutils! {
@tx ( (@external descriptors, index as u32) => self.utxo_amount ) (@confirmations 1)
let block_time = bdk::BlockTime {
height: 100,
timestamp: 0,
let sync_time = SyncTime { block_time };
let wallet = bdk::Wallet::new(&descriptors.0, None, Network::Regtest, database).unwrap();
Wallet {
client: Arc::new(Mutex::new(StaticFeeRate {
fee_rate: FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(self.sats_per_vb),
min_relay_fee: bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(self.min_relay_fee_sats),
wallet: Arc::new(Mutex::new(wallet)),
finality_confirmations: 1,
network: Network::Regtest,
target_block: 1,
/// Defines a watchable transaction.
/// For a transaction to be watchable, we need to know two things: Its
/// transaction ID and the specific output script that is going to change.
/// A transaction can obviously have multiple outputs but our protocol purposes,
/// we are usually interested in a specific one.
pub trait Watchable {
fn id(&self) -> Txid;
fn script(&self) -> Script;
impl Watchable for (Txid, Script) {
fn id(&self) -> Txid {
fn script(&self) -> Script {
pub struct Client {
electrum: bdk::electrum_client::Client,
blockchain: ElectrumBlockchain,
latest_block_height: BlockHeight,
last_sync: Instant,
sync_interval: Duration,
script_history: BTreeMap<Script, Vec<GetHistoryRes>>,
subscriptions: HashMap<(Txid, Script), Subscription>,
impl Client {
fn new(electrum_rpc_url: Url, interval: Duration) -> Result<Self> {
let config = bdk::electrum_client::ConfigBuilder::default()
let electrum = bdk::electrum_client::Client::from_config(electrum_rpc_url.as_str(), config)
.context("Failed to initialize Electrum RPC client")?;
// Initially fetch the latest block for storing the height.
// We do not act on this subscription after this call.
let latest_block = electrum
.context("Failed to subscribe to header notifications")?;
let client = bdk::electrum_client::Client::new(electrum_rpc_url.as_str())
.context("Failed to initialize Electrum RPC client")?;
let blockchain = ElectrumBlockchain::from(client);
let last_sync = Instant::now()
.expect("no underflow since block time is only 600 secs");
Ok(Self {
latest_block_height: BlockHeight::try_from(latest_block)?,
sync_interval: interval,
script_history: Default::default(),
subscriptions: Default::default(),
fn blockchain(&self) -> &ElectrumBlockchain {
fn get_tx(&self, txid: &Txid) -> Result<Option<Transaction>, bdk::Error> {
fn update_state(&mut self, force_sync: bool) -> Result<()> {
let now = Instant::now();
if !force_sync && now < self.last_sync + self.sync_interval {
return Ok(());
self.last_sync = now;
fn status_of_script<T>(&mut self, tx: &T) -> Result<ScriptStatus>
T: Watchable,
let txid = tx.id();
let script = tx.script();
if !self.script_history.contains_key(&script) {
self.script_history.insert(script.clone(), vec![]);
// When we first subscribe to a script we want to immediately fetch its status
// Otherwise we would have to wait for the next sync interval, which can take a minute
// This would result in potentially inaccurate status updates until that next sync interval is hit
} else {
let history = self.script_history.entry(script).or_default();
let history_of_tx = history
.filter(|entry| entry.tx_hash == txid)
match history_of_tx.as_slice() {
[] => Ok(ScriptStatus::Unseen),
[remaining @ .., last] => {
if !remaining.is_empty() {
tracing::warn!("Found more than a single history entry for script. This is highly unexpected and those history entries will be ignored")
if last.height <= 0 {
} else {
fn update_latest_block(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// Fetch the latest block for storing the height.
// We do not act on this subscription after this call, as we cannot rely on
// subscription push notifications because eventually the Electrum server will
// close the connection and subscriptions are not automatically renewed
// upon renewing the connection.
let latest_block = self
.context("Failed to subscribe to header notifications")?;
let latest_block_height = BlockHeight::try_from(latest_block)?;
if latest_block_height > self.latest_block_height {
block_height = u32::from(latest_block_height),
"Got notification for new block"
self.latest_block_height = latest_block_height;
fn update_script_histories(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let histories = self
.context("Failed to get script histories")?;
if histories.len() != self.script_history.len() {
"Expected {} history entries, received {}",
let scripts = self.script_history.keys().cloned();
let histories = histories.into_iter();
self.script_history = scripts.zip(histories).collect::<BTreeMap<_, _>>();
impl EstimateFeeRate for Client {
fn estimate_feerate(&self, target_block: usize) -> Result<FeeRate> {
// https://github.com/romanz/electrs/blob/f9cf5386d1b5de6769ee271df5eef324aa9491bc/src/rpc.rs#L213
// Returned estimated fees are per BTC/kb.
let fee_per_byte = self.electrum.estimate_fee(target_block)?;
// we do not expect fees being that high.
Ok(FeeRate::from_btc_per_kvb(fee_per_byte as f32))
fn min_relay_fee(&self) -> Result<bitcoin::Amount> {
// https://github.com/romanz/electrs/blob/f9cf5386d1b5de6769ee271df5eef324aa9491bc/src/rpc.rs#L219
// Returned fee is in BTC/kb
let relay_fee = bitcoin::Amount::from_btc(self.electrum.relay_fee()?)?;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ScriptStatus {
impl ScriptStatus {
pub fn from_confirmations(confirmations: u32) -> Self {
match confirmations {
0 => Self::InMempool,
confirmations => Self::Confirmed(Confirmed::new(confirmations - 1)),
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Confirmed {
/// The depth of this transaction within the blockchain.
/// Will be zero if the transaction is included in the latest block.
depth: u32,
impl Confirmed {
pub fn new(depth: u32) -> Self {
Self { depth }
/// Compute the depth of a transaction based on its inclusion height and the
/// latest known block.
/// Our information about the latest block might be outdated. To avoid an
/// overflow, we make sure the depth is 0 in case the inclusion height
/// exceeds our latest known block,
pub fn from_inclusion_and_latest_block(inclusion_height: u32, latest_block: u32) -> Self {
let depth = latest_block.saturating_sub(inclusion_height);
Self { depth }
pub fn confirmations(&self) -> u32 {
self.depth + 1
pub fn meets_target<T>(&self, target: T) -> bool
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
T: Into<u32>,
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
self.confirmations() >= target.into()
pub fn blocks_left_until<T>(&self, target: T) -> u32
T: Into<u32> + Copy,
if self.meets_target(target) {
} else {
target.into() - self.confirmations()
impl ScriptStatus {
/// Check if the script has any confirmations.
pub fn is_confirmed(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, ScriptStatus::Confirmed(_))
/// Check if the script has met the given confirmation target.
pub fn is_confirmed_with<T>(&self, target: T) -> bool
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
T: Into<u32>,
match self {
ScriptStatus::Confirmed(inner) => inner.meets_target(target),
_ => false,
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
// Calculate the number of blocks left until the target is met.
pub fn blocks_left_until<T>(&self, target: T) -> u32
T: Into<u32> + Copy,
match self {
ScriptStatus::Confirmed(inner) => inner.blocks_left_until(target),
_ => target.into(),
pub fn has_been_seen(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, ScriptStatus::InMempool | ScriptStatus::Confirmed(_))
impl fmt::Display for ScriptStatus {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
ScriptStatus::Unseen => write!(f, "unseen"),
ScriptStatus::InMempool => write!(f, "in mempool"),
ScriptStatus::Retrying => write!(f, "retrying"),
ScriptStatus::Confirmed(inner) => {
write!(f, "confirmed with {} blocks", inner.confirmations())
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::bitcoin::{PublicKey, TxLock};
use crate::tracing_ext::capture_logs;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
use proptest::prelude::*;
use tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter;
fn given_depth_0_should_meet_confirmation_target_one() {
let script = ScriptStatus::Confirmed(Confirmed { depth: 0 });
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
let confirmed = script.is_confirmed_with(1_u32);
fn given_confirmations_1_should_meet_confirmation_target_one() {
let script = ScriptStatus::from_confirmations(1);
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
let confirmed = script.is_confirmed_with(1_u32);
fn given_inclusion_after_lastest_known_block_at_least_depth_0() {
let included_in = 10;
let latest_block = 9;
let confirmed = Confirmed::from_inclusion_and_latest_block(included_in, latest_block);
assert_eq!(confirmed.depth, 0)
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
fn given_depth_0_should_return_0_blocks_left_until_1() {
let script = ScriptStatus::Confirmed(Confirmed { depth: 0 });
let blocks_left = script.blocks_left_until(1_u32);
assert_eq!(blocks_left, 0)
fn given_depth_1_should_return_0_blocks_left_until_1() {
let script = ScriptStatus::Confirmed(Confirmed { depth: 1 });
let blocks_left = script.blocks_left_until(1_u32);
assert_eq!(blocks_left, 0)
fn given_depth_0_should_return_1_blocks_left_until_2() {
let script = ScriptStatus::Confirmed(Confirmed { depth: 0 });
let blocks_left = script.blocks_left_until(2_u32);
assert_eq!(blocks_left, 1)
fn given_one_BTC_and_100k_sats_per_vb_fees_should_not_hit_max() {
// 400 weight = 100 vbyte
let weight = 400;
let amount = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(100_000_000);
let sat_per_vb = 100.0;
let fee_rate = FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(sat_per_vb);
let relay_fee = bitcoin::Amount::ONE_SAT;
let is_fee = estimate_fee(weight, amount, fee_rate, relay_fee).unwrap();
// weight / 4.0 * sat_per_vb
let should_fee = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(10_000);
assert_eq!(is_fee, should_fee);
fn given_1BTC_and_1_sat_per_vb_fees_and_100ksat_min_relay_fee_should_hit_min() {
// 400 weight = 100 vbyte
let weight = 400;
let amount = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(100_000_000);
let sat_per_vb = 1.0;
let fee_rate = FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(sat_per_vb);
let relay_fee = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(100_000);
let is_fee = estimate_fee(weight, amount, fee_rate, relay_fee).unwrap();
// weight / 4.0 * sat_per_vb would be smaller than relay fee hence we take min
// relay fee
let should_fee = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(100_000);
assert_eq!(is_fee, should_fee);
fn given_1mio_sat_and_1k_sats_per_vb_fees_should_hit_relative_max() {
// 400 weight = 100 vbyte
let weight = 400;
let amount = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(1_000_000);
let sat_per_vb = 1_000.0;
let fee_rate = FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(sat_per_vb);
let relay_fee = bitcoin::Amount::ONE_SAT;
let is_fee = estimate_fee(weight, amount, fee_rate, relay_fee).unwrap();
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
// weight / 4.0 * sat_per_vb would be greater than 3% hence we take max
// relative fee.
let should_fee = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(30_000);
assert_eq!(is_fee, should_fee);
fn given_1BTC_and_4mio_sats_per_vb_fees_should_hit_total_max() {
// even if we send 1BTC we don't want to pay 0.3BTC in fees. This would be
// $1,650 at the moment.
let weight = 400;
let amount = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(100_000_000);
let sat_per_vb = 4_000_000.0;
let fee_rate = FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(sat_per_vb);
let relay_fee = bitcoin::Amount::ONE_SAT;
let is_fee = estimate_fee(weight, amount, fee_rate, relay_fee).unwrap();
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
// weight / 4.0 * sat_per_vb would be greater than 3% hence we take total
// max allowed fee.
assert_eq!(is_fee.to_sat(), MAX_ABSOLUTE_TX_FEE.to_u64().unwrap());
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
proptest! {
fn given_randon_amount_random_fee_and_random_relay_rate_but_fix_weight_does_not_error(
amount in 547u64..,
sat_per_vb in 1.0f32..100_000_000.0f32,
relay_fee in 0u64..100_000_000u64
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
) {
let weight = 400;
let amount = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(amount);
let fee_rate = FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(sat_per_vb);
let relay_fee = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(relay_fee);
let _is_fee = estimate_fee(weight, amount, fee_rate, relay_fee).unwrap();
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
proptest! {
fn given_amount_in_range_fix_fee_fix_relay_rate_fix_weight_fee_always_smaller_max(
amount in 1u64..100_000_000,
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
) {
let weight = 400;
let amount = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(amount);
let sat_per_vb = 100.0;
let fee_rate = FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(sat_per_vb);
let relay_fee = bitcoin::Amount::ONE_SAT;
let is_fee = estimate_fee(weight, amount, fee_rate, relay_fee).unwrap();
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
// weight / 4 * 1_000 is always lower than MAX_ABSOLUTE_TX_FEE
assert!(is_fee.to_sat() < MAX_ABSOLUTE_TX_FEE.to_u64().unwrap());
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
proptest! {
fn given_amount_high_fix_fee_fix_relay_rate_fix_weight_fee_always_max(
amount in 100_000_000u64..,
) {
let weight = 400;
let amount = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(amount);
let sat_per_vb = 1_000.0;
let fee_rate = FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(sat_per_vb);
let relay_fee = bitcoin::Amount::ONE_SAT;
let is_fee = estimate_fee(weight, amount, fee_rate, relay_fee).unwrap();
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
// weight / 4 * 1_000 is always higher than MAX_ABSOLUTE_TX_FEE
assert!(is_fee.to_sat() >= MAX_ABSOLUTE_TX_FEE.to_u64().unwrap());
proptest! {
fn given_fee_above_max_should_always_errors(
sat_per_vb in 100_000_000.0f32..,
) {
let weight = 400;
let amount = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(547u64);
let fee_rate = FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(sat_per_vb);
let relay_fee = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(1);
assert!(estimate_fee(weight, amount, fee_rate, relay_fee).is_err());
proptest! {
fn given_relay_fee_above_max_should_always_errors(
relay_fee in 100_000_000u64..
) {
let weight = 400;
let amount = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(547u64);
let fee_rate = FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(1.0);
let relay_fee = bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(relay_fee);
assert!(estimate_fee(weight, amount, fee_rate, relay_fee).is_err());
2021-05-06 23:37:10 +00:00
async fn given_no_balance_returns_amount_0() {
let wallet = WalletBuilder::new(0).with_fees(1.0, 1).build();
let amount = wallet.max_giveable(TxLock::script_size()).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(amount, Amount::ZERO);
async fn given_balance_below_min_relay_fee_returns_amount_0() {
let wallet = WalletBuilder::new(1000).with_fees(1.0, 1001).build();
let amount = wallet.max_giveable(TxLock::script_size()).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(amount, Amount::ZERO);
async fn given_balance_above_relay_fee_returns_amount_greater_0() {
let wallet = WalletBuilder::new(10_000).build();
let amount = wallet.max_giveable(TxLock::script_size()).await.unwrap();
assert!(amount.to_sat() > 0);
/// This test ensures that the relevant script output of the transaction
/// created out of the PSBT is at index 0. This is important because
/// subscriptions to the transaction are on index `0` when broadcasting the
/// transaction.
async fn given_amounts_with_change_outputs_when_signing_tx_then_output_index_0_is_ensured_for_script(
) {
// This value is somewhat arbitrary but the indexation problem usually occurred
// on the first or second value (i.e. 547, 548) We keep the test
// iterations relatively low because these tests are expensive.
let above_dust = 547;
let balance = 2000;
// We don't care about fees in this test, thus use a zero fee rate
let wallet = WalletBuilder::new(balance).with_zero_fees().build();
// sorting is only relevant for amounts that have a change output
// if the change output is below dust it will be dropped by the BDK
for amount in above_dust..(balance - (above_dust - 1)) {
let (A, B) = (PublicKey::random(), PublicKey::random());
let change = wallet.new_address().await.unwrap();
let txlock = TxLock::new(&wallet, bitcoin::Amount::from_sat(amount), A, B, change)
let txlock_output = txlock.script_pubkey();
let tx = wallet.sign_and_finalize(txlock.into()).await.unwrap();
let tx_output = tx.output[0].script_pubkey.clone();
tx_output, txlock_output,
"Output {:?} index mismatch for amount {} and balance {}",
tx.output, amount, balance
async fn can_override_change_address() {
let wallet = WalletBuilder::new(50_000).build();
let custom_change = "bcrt1q08pfqpsyrt7acllzyjm8q5qsz5capvyahm49rw"
let psbt = wallet
let transaction = wallet.sign_and_finalize(psbt).await.unwrap();
match transaction.output.as_slice() {
[first, change] => {
assert_eq!(first.value, 10_000);
assert_eq!(change.script_pubkey, custom_change.script_pubkey());
_ => panic!("expected exactly two outputs"),
fn printing_status_change_doesnt_spam_on_same_status() {
let writer = capture_logs(LevelFilter::DEBUG);
let inner = bitcoin::hashes::sha256d::Hash::all_zeros();
let tx = Txid::from_hash(inner);
let mut old = None;
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, ScriptStatus::Unseen));
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, ScriptStatus::InMempool));
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, ScriptStatus::InMempool));
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, ScriptStatus::InMempool));
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, ScriptStatus::InMempool));
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, ScriptStatus::InMempool));
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, ScriptStatus::InMempool));
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, confs(1)));
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, confs(2)));
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, confs(3)));
old = Some(print_status_change(tx, old, confs(3)));
print_status_change(tx, old, confs(3));
r"DEBUG swap::bitcoin::wallet: Found relevant Bitcoin transaction txid=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 status=unseen
DEBUG swap::bitcoin::wallet: Bitcoin transaction status changed txid=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 new_status=in mempool old_status=unseen
DEBUG swap::bitcoin::wallet: Bitcoin transaction status changed txid=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 new_status=confirmed with 1 blocks old_status=in mempool
DEBUG swap::bitcoin::wallet: Bitcoin transaction status changed txid=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 new_status=confirmed with 2 blocks old_status=confirmed with 1 blocks
DEBUG swap::bitcoin::wallet: Bitcoin transaction status changed txid=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 new_status=confirmed with 3 blocks old_status=confirmed with 2 blocks
fn confs(confirmations: u32) -> ScriptStatus {
proptest::proptest! {
fn funding_never_fails_with_insufficient_funds(funding_amount in 3000u32.., num_utxos in 1..5u8, sats_per_vb in 1.0..500.0f32, key in crate::proptest::bitcoin::extended_priv_key(), alice in crate::proptest::ecdsa_fun::point(), bob in crate::proptest::ecdsa_fun::point()) {
proptest::prop_assume!(alice != bob);
tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async move {
let wallet = WalletBuilder::new(funding_amount as u64).with_key(key).with_num_utxos(num_utxos).with_fees(sats_per_vb, 1000).build();
let amount = wallet.max_giveable(TxLock::script_size()).await.unwrap();
let psbt: PartiallySignedTransaction = TxLock::new(&wallet, amount, PublicKey::from(alice), PublicKey::from(bob), wallet.new_address().await.unwrap()).await.unwrap().into();
let result = wallet.sign_and_finalize(psbt).await;
result.expect("transaction to be signed");