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pub mod wallet;
mod cancel;
mod lock;
mod punish;
mod redeem;
mod refund;
mod timelocks;
pub use crate::bitcoin::cancel::{CancelTimelock, PunishTimelock, TxCancel};
pub use crate::bitcoin::lock::TxLock;
pub use crate::bitcoin::punish::TxPunish;
pub use crate::bitcoin::redeem::TxRedeem;
pub use crate::bitcoin::refund::TxRefund;
pub use crate::bitcoin::timelocks::{BlockHeight, ExpiredTimelocks};
pub use ::bitcoin::util::amount::Amount;
pub use ::bitcoin::util::psbt::PartiallySignedTransaction;
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
pub use ::bitcoin::{Address, AddressType, Network, Transaction, Txid};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::ecdsa;
pub use ecdsa_fun::adaptor::EncryptedSignature;
pub use ecdsa_fun::fun::Scalar;
pub use ecdsa_fun::Signature;
pub use wallet::Wallet;
pub use wallet::WalletBuilder;
use crate::bitcoin::wallet::ScriptStatus;
use ::bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use ::bitcoin::Sighash;
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use bdk::miniscript::descriptor::Wsh;
use bdk::miniscript::{Descriptor, Segwitv0};
use ecdsa_fun::adaptor::{Adaptor, HashTranscript};
use ecdsa_fun::fun::Point;
use ecdsa_fun::nonce::Deterministic;
use ecdsa_fun::ECDSA;
use rand::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sha2::Sha256;
use std::str::FromStr;
2021-05-11 12:22:59 +00:00
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(remote = "Network")]
pub enum network {
#[serde(rename = "Mainnet")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct SecretKey {
inner: Scalar,
public: Point,
impl SecretKey {
pub fn new_random<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(rng: &mut R) -> Self {
let scalar = Scalar::random(rng);
let ecdsa = ECDSA::<()>::default();
let public = ecdsa.verification_key_for(&scalar);
Self {
inner: scalar,
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
pub fn public(&self) -> PublicKey {
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
pub fn sign(&self, digest: Sighash) -> Signature {
let ecdsa = ECDSA::<Deterministic<Sha256>>::default();
ecdsa.sign(&self.inner, &digest.into_inner())
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
// TxRefund encsigning explanation:
// A and B, are the Bitcoin Public Keys which go on the joint output for
// TxLock_Bitcoin. S_a and S_b, are the Monero Public Keys which go on the
// joint output for TxLock_Monero
// tx_refund: multisig(A, B), published by bob
// bob can produce sig on B using b
// alice sends over an encrypted signature on A encrypted with S_b
// s_b is leaked to alice when bob publishes signed tx_refund allowing her to
// recover s_b: recover(encsig, S_b, sig_tx_refund) = s_b
// alice now has s_a and s_b and can refund monero
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
// self = a, Y = S_b, digest = tx_refund
pub fn encsign(&self, Y: PublicKey, digest: Sighash) -> EncryptedSignature {
let adaptor = Adaptor::<
HashTranscript<Sha256, rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng>,
adaptor.encrypted_sign(&self.inner, &Y.0, &digest.into_inner())
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct PublicKey(Point);
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
impl PublicKey {
pub fn random() -> Self {
Self(Point::random(&mut rand::thread_rng()))
impl From<PublicKey> for Point {
fn from(from: PublicKey) -> Self {
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
impl TryFrom<PublicKey> for bitcoin::PublicKey {
type Error = bitcoin::util::key::Error;
fn try_from(pubkey: PublicKey) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let bytes = pubkey.0.to_bytes();
impl From<Point> for PublicKey {
fn from(p: Point) -> Self {
impl From<Scalar> for SecretKey {
fn from(scalar: Scalar) -> Self {
let ecdsa = ECDSA::<()>::default();
let public = ecdsa.verification_key_for(&scalar);
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
Self {
inner: scalar,
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
impl From<SecretKey> for Scalar {
fn from(sk: SecretKey) -> Self {
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
impl From<Scalar> for PublicKey {
fn from(scalar: Scalar) -> Self {
let ecdsa = ECDSA::<()>::default();
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
pub fn verify_sig(
verification_key: &PublicKey,
transaction_sighash: &Sighash,
sig: &Signature,
) -> Result<()> {
let ecdsa = ECDSA::verify_only();
if ecdsa.verify(&verification_key.0, &transaction_sighash.into_inner(), sig) {
} else {
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("signature is invalid")]
pub struct InvalidSignature;
pub fn verify_encsig(
verification_key: PublicKey,
encryption_key: PublicKey,
digest: &Sighash,
encsig: &EncryptedSignature,
) -> Result<()> {
let adaptor = Adaptor::<HashTranscript<Sha256>, Deterministic<Sha256>>::default();
if adaptor.verify_encrypted_signature(
) {
} else {
2020-10-21 03:41:50 +00:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("encrypted signature is invalid")]
pub struct InvalidEncryptedSignature;
pub fn build_shared_output_descriptor(
A: Point,
B: Point,
) -> Result<Descriptor<bitcoin::PublicKey>> {
const MINISCRIPT_TEMPLATE: &str = "c:and_v(v:pk(A),pk_k(B))";
let miniscript = MINISCRIPT_TEMPLATE
.replace('A', &A.to_string())
.replace('B', &B.to_string());
let miniscript =
bdk::miniscript::Miniscript::<bitcoin::PublicKey, Segwitv0>::from_str(&miniscript)
.expect("a valid miniscript");
pub fn recover(S: PublicKey, sig: Signature, encsig: EncryptedSignature) -> Result<SecretKey> {
let adaptor = Adaptor::<HashTranscript<Sha256>, Deterministic<Sha256>>::default();
let s = adaptor
.recover_decryption_key(&S.0, &sig, &encsig)
.context("Failed to recover secret from adaptor signature")?;
pub fn current_epoch(
cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock,
punish_timelock: PunishTimelock,
tx_lock_status: ScriptStatus,
tx_cancel_status: ScriptStatus,
) -> ExpiredTimelocks {
if tx_cancel_status.is_confirmed_with(punish_timelock) {
return ExpiredTimelocks::Punish;
2020-12-04 05:27:17 +00:00
if tx_lock_status.is_confirmed_with(cancel_timelock) {
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
return ExpiredTimelocks::Cancel {
blocks_left: tx_cancel_status.blocks_left_until(punish_timelock),
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
ExpiredTimelocks::None {
blocks_left: tx_lock_status.blocks_left_until(cancel_timelock),
pub mod bitcoin_address {
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::str::FromStr;
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize)]
#[error("Invalid Bitcoin address provided, expected address on network {expected:?} but address provided is on {actual:?}")]
pub struct BitcoinAddressNetworkMismatch {
#[serde(with = "crate::bitcoin::network")]
expected: bitcoin::Network,
#[serde(with = "crate::bitcoin::network")]
actual: bitcoin::Network,
pub fn parse(addr_str: &str) -> Result<bitcoin::Address> {
let address = bitcoin::Address::from_str(addr_str)?;
if address.address_type() != Some(bitcoin::AddressType::P2wpkh) {
anyhow::bail!("Invalid Bitcoin address provided, only bech32 format is supported!")
pub fn validate(
address: bitcoin::Address,
expected_network: bitcoin::Network,
) -> Result<bitcoin::Address> {
if address.network != expected_network {
bail!(BitcoinAddressNetworkMismatch {
expected: expected_network,
actual: address.network
pub fn validate_is_testnet(
address: bitcoin::Address,
is_testnet: bool,
) -> Result<bitcoin::Address> {
let expected_network = if is_testnet {
} else {
validate(address, expected_network)
// Transform the ecdsa der signature bytes into a secp256kfun ecdsa signature type.
pub fn extract_ecdsa_sig(sig: &[u8]) -> Result<Signature> {
let data = &sig[..sig.len() - 1];
let sig = ecdsa::Signature::from_der(data)?.serialize_compact();
Signature::from_bytes(sig).ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("invalid signature"))
/// Bitcoin error codes: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/97d3500601c1d28642347d014a6de1e38f53ae4e/src/rpc/protocol.h#L23
pub enum RpcErrorCode {
/// Transaction or block was rejected by network rules. Error code -26.
/// Transaction or block was rejected by network rules. Error code -27.
/// General error during transaction or block submission
impl From<RpcErrorCode> for i64 {
fn from(code: RpcErrorCode) -> Self {
match code {
RpcErrorCode::RpcVerifyError => -25,
RpcErrorCode::RpcVerifyRejected => -26,
RpcErrorCode::RpcVerifyAlreadyInChain => -27,
pub fn parse_rpc_error_code(error: &anyhow::Error) -> anyhow::Result<i64> {
let string = match error.downcast_ref::<bdk::Error>() {
))) => string,
_ => bail!("Error is of incorrect variant:{}", error),
let json = serde_json::from_str(&string.replace("sendrawtransaction RPC error:", ""))?;
let json_map = match json {
serde_json::Value::Object(map) => map,
_ => bail!("Json error is not json object "),
let error_code_value = match json_map.get("code") {
Some(val) => val,
None => bail!("No error code field"),
let error_code_number = match error_code_value {
serde_json::Value::Number(num) => num,
_ => bail!("Error code is not a number"),
if let Some(int) = error_code_number.as_i64() {
} else {
bail!("Error code is not an unsigned integer")
#[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("transaction does not spend anything")]
pub struct NoInputs;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("transaction has {0} inputs, expected 1")]
pub struct TooManyInputs(usize);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("empty witness stack")]
pub struct EmptyWitnessStack;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("input has {0} witnesses, expected 3")]
pub struct NotThreeWitnesses(usize);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::env::{GetConfig, Regtest};
use crate::protocol::{alice, bob};
use bitcoin::secp256k1;
use ecdsa_fun::fun::marker::{NonZero, Public};
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
use std::matches;
use uuid::Uuid;
fn lock_confirmations_le_to_cancel_timelock_no_timelock_expired() {
let tx_lock_status = ScriptStatus::from_confirmations(4);
let tx_cancel_status = ScriptStatus::Unseen;
let expired_timelock = current_epoch(
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
assert!(matches!(expired_timelock, ExpiredTimelocks::None { .. }));
fn lock_confirmations_ge_to_cancel_timelock_cancel_timelock_expired() {
let tx_lock_status = ScriptStatus::from_confirmations(5);
let tx_cancel_status = ScriptStatus::Unseen;
let expired_timelock = current_epoch(
RPC server for API Interface (#1276) * saving: implementing internal api shared by cli and rpc server * writing async rpc methods and using arc for shared struct references * cleaning up, renamed Init to Context * saving: cleaning up and initial work for tests * Respond with bitcoin withdraw txid * Print RPC server address * Cleanup, formatting, add `get_seller`, `get_swap_start_date` RPC endpoints * fixing tests in cli module * uncommenting and fixing more tests * split api module and propagate errors with rpc server * moving methods to api and validating addresses for rpc * add broadcast channel to handle shutdowns gracefully and prepare for RPC server test * added files * Update rpc.rs * adding new unfinished RPC tests * updating rpc-server tests * fixing warnings * fixing formatting and cargo clippy warnings * fix missing import in test * fix: add data_dir to config to make config command work * set server listen address manually and return file locations in JSON on Config * Add called api method and swap_id to tracing for context, reduced boilerplate * Pass server_address properly to RpcServer * Update Cargo.lock * dprint fmt * Add cancel_refund RPC endpoint * Combine Cmd and Params * Disallow concurrent swaps * Use RwLock instead of Mutex to allow for parallel reads and add get_current_swap endpoint * Return wallet descriptor to RPC API caller * Append all cli logs to single log file After careful consideration, I've concluded that it's not practical/possible to ensure that the previous behaviour (one log file per swap) is preserved due to limitations of the tracing-subscriber crate and a big in the built in JSON formatter * Add get_swap_expired_timelock timelock, other small refactoring - Add get_swap_expired_timelock endpoint to return expired timelock if one exists. Fails if bitcoin lock tx has not yet published or if swap is already finished. - Rename current_epoch to expired_timelock to enforce consistent method names - Add blocks left until current expired timelock expires (next timelock expires) to ExpiredTimelock struct - Change .expect() to .unwrap() in rpc server method register because those will only fail if we register the same method twice which will never happen * initiating swaps in a separate task and handling shutdown signals with broadcast queues * Replace get_swap_start_date, get_seller, get_expired_timelock with one get_swap_info rpc method * WIP: Struct for concurrent swaps manager * Ensure correct tracing spans * Add note regarding Request, Method structs * Update request.rs * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Remove notes * Add tracing span attribute log_reference_id to logs caused by rpc call * Sync bitcoin wallet before initial max_giveable call * use Span::current() to pass down to tracing span to spawned tasks * Remove unused shutdown channel * Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - Add `get_monero_recovery_info` RPC endpoint - format PrivateViewKey using Display * Rename `Method::RawHistory` to `Method::GetRawStates` * Wait for swap to be suspended after sending signal * Return additonal info on GetSwapInfo * Update wallet.rs * fix compile issues for tests and use serial_test crate * fix rpc tests, only check for RPC errors and not returned values * Rename `get_raw_history` tp `get_raw_states` * Fix typo in rpc server stopped tracing log * Remove unnecessary success property on suspend_current_swap response * fixing test_cli_arguments and other tests * WIP: RPC server integration tests * WIP: Integration tests for RPC server * Update rpc tests * fix compile and warnings in tests/rpc.rs * test: fix assert * clippy --fix * remove otp file * cargo clippy fixes * move resume swap initialization code out of spawned task * Use `in_current_span` to pass down tracing span to spawned tasks * moving buy_xmr initialization code out of spawned tasks * cargo fmt * Moving swap initialization code inside tokio select block to handle swap lock release logic * Remove unnecessary swap suspension listener from determine_btc_to_swap call in BuyXmr * Spawn event loop before requesting quote * Release swap lock after receiving shutdown signal * Remove inner tokio::select in BuyXmr and Resume * Improve debug text for swap resume * Return error to API caller if bid quote request fails * Print error if one occurs during process invoked by API call * Return bid quote to API caller * Use type safe query! macro for database retrieval of states * Return tx_lock_fee to API caller on GetSwapInfo call Update request.rs * Allow API caller to retrieve last synced bitcoin balane and avoid costly sync * Return restore height on MoneroRecovery command to API Caller * Include entire error cause-chain in API response * Add span to bitcoin wallet logs * Log event loop connection properties as tracing fields * Wait for background tasks to complete before exiting CLI * clippy * specify sqlx patch version explicitly * remove mem::forget and replace with _guard * ci: add rpc test job * test: wrap rpc test in #[cfg(test)] * add missing tokio::test attribute * fix and merge rpc tests, parse uuuid and multiaddr from serde_json value * default Tor socks port to 9050, Cargo fmt * Update swap/sqlite_dev_setup.sh: add version Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * ci: free up space on ubuntu test job * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * Update swap/src/bitcoin/wallet.rs Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev> * fmt --------- Co-authored-by: binarybaron <86064887+binarybaron@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <byron@hambly.dev>
2024-05-22 13:12:58 +00:00
assert!(matches!(expired_timelock, ExpiredTimelocks::Cancel { .. }));
fn cancel_confirmations_ge_to_punish_timelock_punish_timelock_expired() {
let tx_lock_status = ScriptStatus::from_confirmations(10);
let tx_cancel_status = ScriptStatus::from_confirmations(5);
let expired_timelock = current_epoch(
assert_eq!(expired_timelock, ExpiredTimelocks::Punish)
async fn calculate_transaction_weights() {
let alice_wallet = WalletBuilder::new(Amount::ONE_BTC.to_sat()).build();
let bob_wallet = WalletBuilder::new(Amount::ONE_BTC.to_sat()).build();
let spending_fee = Amount::from_sat(1_000);
let btc_amount = Amount::from_sat(500_000);
let xmr_amount = crate::monero::Amount::from_piconero(10000);
let tx_redeem_fee = alice_wallet
.estimate_fee(TxRedeem::weight(), btc_amount)
let tx_punish_fee = alice_wallet
.estimate_fee(TxPunish::weight(), btc_amount)
let redeem_address = alice_wallet.new_address().await.unwrap();
let punish_address = alice_wallet.new_address().await.unwrap();
let config = Regtest::get_config();
let alice_state0 = alice::State0::new(
&mut OsRng,
let bob_state0 = bob::State0::new(
&mut OsRng,
let message0 = bob_state0.next_message();
let (_, alice_state1) = alice_state0.receive(message0).unwrap();
let alice_message1 = alice_state1.next_message();
let bob_state1 = bob_state0
.receive(&bob_wallet, alice_message1)
let bob_message2 = bob_state1.next_message();
let alice_state2 = alice_state1.receive(bob_message2).unwrap();
let alice_message3 = alice_state2.next_message();
let bob_state2 = bob_state1.receive(alice_message3).unwrap();
let bob_message4 = bob_state2.next_message();
let alice_state3 = alice_state2.receive(bob_message4).unwrap();
let (bob_state3, _tx_lock) = bob_state2.lock_btc().await.unwrap();
let bob_state4 = bob_state3.xmr_locked(monero_rpc::wallet::BlockHeight { height: 0 });
let encrypted_signature = bob_state4.tx_redeem_encsig();
let bob_state6 = bob_state4.cancel();
let cancel_transaction = alice_state3.signed_cancel_transaction().unwrap();
let punish_transaction = alice_state3.signed_punish_transaction().unwrap();
let redeem_transaction = alice_state3
let refund_transaction = bob_state6.signed_refund_transaction().unwrap();
assert_weight(redeem_transaction, TxRedeem::weight(), "TxRedeem");
assert_weight(cancel_transaction, TxCancel::weight(), "TxCancel");
assert_weight(punish_transaction, TxPunish::weight(), "TxPunish");
assert_weight(refund_transaction, TxRefund::weight(), "TxRefund");
// Weights fluctuate because of the length of the signatures. Valid ecdsa
// signatures can have 68, 69, 70, 71, or 72 bytes. Since most of our
// transactions have 2 signatures the weight can be up to 8 bytes less than
// the static weight (4 bytes per signature).
fn assert_weight(transaction: Transaction, expected_weight: usize, tx_name: &str) {
let is_weight = transaction.weight();
expected_weight - is_weight <= 8,
"{} to have weight {}, but was {}. Transaction: {:#?}",
fn compare_point_hex() {
// secp256kfun Point and secp256k1 PublicKey should have the same bytes and hex representation
let secp = secp256k1::Secp256k1::default();
let keypair = secp256k1::KeyPair::new(&secp, &mut OsRng);
let pubkey = keypair.public_key();
let point: Point<_, Public, NonZero> = Point::from_bytes(pubkey.serialize()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pubkey.to_string(), point.to_string());