mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 13:15:51 -05:00
200 lines
6.2 KiB
200 lines
6.2 KiB
part of 'account.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// RiverpodGenerator
// **************************************************************************
String _$fetchAccountHash() => r'f3072fdd89611b53cd9821613acab450b3c08820';
/// Copied from Dart SDK
class _SystemHash {
static int combine(int hash, int value) {
// ignore: parameter_assignments
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + value);
// ignore: parameter_assignments
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10));
return hash ^ (hash >> 6);
static int finish(int hash) {
// ignore: parameter_assignments
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3));
// ignore: parameter_assignments
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11);
return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15));
/// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we
/// have its secret available, return the account record contents
/// Copied from [fetchAccount].
const fetchAccountProvider = FetchAccountFamily();
/// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we
/// have its secret available, return the account record contents
/// Copied from [fetchAccount].
class FetchAccountFamily extends Family<AsyncValue<AccountInfo>> {
/// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we
/// have its secret available, return the account record contents
/// Copied from [fetchAccount].
const FetchAccountFamily();
/// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we
/// have its secret available, return the account record contents
/// Copied from [fetchAccount].
FetchAccountProvider call({
required Typed<FixedEncodedString43> accountMasterRecordKey,
}) {
return FetchAccountProvider(
accountMasterRecordKey: accountMasterRecordKey,
FetchAccountProvider getProviderOverride(
covariant FetchAccountProvider provider,
) {
return call(
accountMasterRecordKey: provider.accountMasterRecordKey,
static const Iterable<ProviderOrFamily>? _dependencies = null;
Iterable<ProviderOrFamily>? get dependencies => _dependencies;
static const Iterable<ProviderOrFamily>? _allTransitiveDependencies = null;
Iterable<ProviderOrFamily>? get allTransitiveDependencies =>
String? get name => r'fetchAccountProvider';
/// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we
/// have its secret available, return the account record contents
/// Copied from [fetchAccount].
class FetchAccountProvider extends AutoDisposeFutureProvider<AccountInfo> {
/// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we
/// have its secret available, return the account record contents
/// Copied from [fetchAccount].
required Typed<FixedEncodedString43> accountMasterRecordKey,
}) : this._internal(
(ref) => fetchAccount(
ref as FetchAccountRef,
accountMasterRecordKey: accountMasterRecordKey,
from: fetchAccountProvider,
name: r'fetchAccountProvider',
const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product')
? null
: _$fetchAccountHash,
dependencies: FetchAccountFamily._dependencies,
accountMasterRecordKey: accountMasterRecordKey,
super._createNotifier, {
required super.name,
required super.dependencies,
required super.allTransitiveDependencies,
required super.debugGetCreateSourceHash,
required super.from,
required this.accountMasterRecordKey,
}) : super.internal();
final Typed<FixedEncodedString43> accountMasterRecordKey;
Override overrideWith(
FutureOr<AccountInfo> Function(FetchAccountRef provider) create,
) {
return ProviderOverride(
origin: this,
override: FetchAccountProvider._internal(
(ref) => create(ref as FetchAccountRef),
from: from,
name: null,
dependencies: null,
allTransitiveDependencies: null,
debugGetCreateSourceHash: null,
accountMasterRecordKey: accountMasterRecordKey,
AutoDisposeFutureProviderElement<AccountInfo> createElement() {
return _FetchAccountProviderElement(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is FetchAccountProvider &&
other.accountMasterRecordKey == accountMasterRecordKey;
int get hashCode {
var hash = _SystemHash.combine(0, runtimeType.hashCode);
hash = _SystemHash.combine(hash, accountMasterRecordKey.hashCode);
return _SystemHash.finish(hash);
mixin FetchAccountRef on AutoDisposeFutureProviderRef<AccountInfo> {
/// The parameter `accountMasterRecordKey` of this provider.
Typed<FixedEncodedString43> get accountMasterRecordKey;
class _FetchAccountProviderElement
extends AutoDisposeFutureProviderElement<AccountInfo> with FetchAccountRef {
Typed<FixedEncodedString43> get accountMasterRecordKey =>
(origin as FetchAccountProvider).accountMasterRecordKey;
String _$fetchActiveAccountHash() =>
/// Get the active account info
/// Copied from [fetchActiveAccount].
final fetchActiveAccountProvider =
name: r'fetchActiveAccountProvider',
debugGetCreateSourceHash: const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product')
? null
: _$fetchActiveAccountHash,
dependencies: null,
allTransitiveDependencies: null,
typedef FetchActiveAccountRef
= AutoDisposeFutureProviderRef<ActiveAccountInfo?>;
// ignore_for_file: type=lint
// ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class, invalid_use_of_internal_member, invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member