2024-02-20 17:57:05 -05:00

113 lines
3.2 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async_tools/async_tools.dart';
import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';
import 'package:fast_immutable_collections/fast_immutable_collections.dart';
typedef BlocMapState<K, S> = IMap<K, S>;
class _ItemEntry<S, B> {
_ItemEntry({required this.bloc, required this.subscription});
final B bloc;
final StreamSubscription<S> subscription;
// Streaming container cubit that is a map from some immutable key
// to a some other cubit's output state. Output state for this container
// cubit is an immutable map of the key to the output state of the contained
// cubits.
// K = Key type for the bloc map, used to look up some mapped cubit
// S = State type for the value, keys will look up values of this type
// B = Bloc/cubit type for the value, output states of type S
abstract class BlocMapCubit<K, S, B extends BlocBase<S>>
extends Cubit<BlocMapState<K, S>> {
: _entries = {},
_tagLock = AsyncTagLock(),
super(IMap<K, S>());
Future<void> close() async {
await => e.subscription.cancel()).wait;
await => e.bloc.close()).wait;
await super.close();
Future<void> add(MapEntry<K, B> Function() create) {
// Create new element
final newElement = create();
final key = newElement.key;
final bloc = newElement.value;
return _tagLock.protect(key, closure: () async {
// Remove entry with the same key if it exists
await _internalRemove(key);
// Add entry with this key
_entries[key] = _ItemEntry(
bloc: bloc,
subscription: {
// Add sub-cubit's state to the map state
emit(state.add(key, data));
emit(state.add(key, bloc.state));
Future<void> addState(K key, S value) =>
_tagLock.protect(key, closure: () async {
// Remove entry with the same key if it exists
await _internalRemove(key);
emit(state.add(key, value));
Future<void> _internalRemove(K key) async {
final sub = _entries.remove(key);
if (sub != null) {
await sub.subscription.cancel();
await sub.bloc.close();
Future<void> remove(K key) => _tagLock.protect(key, closure: () async {
await _internalRemove(key);
R operate<R>(K key, {required R Function(B bloc) closure}) {
final bloc = _entries[key]!.bloc;
return closure(bloc);
R? tryOperate<R>(K key, {required R Function(B bloc) closure}) {
final entry = _entries[key];
if (entry == null) {
return null;
return closure(entry.bloc);
Future<R> operateAsync<R>(K key,
{required Future<R> Function(B bloc) closure}) =>
_tagLock.protect(key, closure: () async {
final bloc = _entries[key]!.bloc;
return closure(bloc);
Future<R?> tryOperateAsync<R>(K key,
{required Future<R> Function(B bloc) closure}) =>
_tagLock.protect(key, closure: () async {
final entry = _entries[key];
if (entry == null) {
return null;
return closure(entry.bloc);
final Map<K, _ItemEntry<S, B>> _entries;
final AsyncTagLock<K> _tagLock;