Christien Rioux c35056f687 dht work
2023-08-01 00:39:50 -04:00

172 lines
6.1 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';
import '../entities/entities.dart';
import '../veilid_support/veilid_support.dart';
import 'local_accounts.dart';
part 'logins.g.dart';
// Local account manager
class Logins extends _$Logins with AsyncTableDBBacked<ActiveLogins> {
/// AsyncTableDBBacked
String tableName() => 'local_account_manager';
String tableKeyName() => 'active_logins';
ActiveLogins valueFromJson(Object? obj) => obj != null
? ActiveLogins.fromJson(obj as Map<String, dynamic>)
: ActiveLogins.empty();
Object? valueToJson(ActiveLogins val) => val.toJson();
/// Get all local account information
FutureOr<ActiveLogins> build() async => await load();
/// Mutators and Selectors
Future<void> switchToAccount(TypedKey? accountMasterRecordKey) async {
final current = state.requireValue;
if (accountMasterRecordKey != null) {
// Assert the specified record key can be found, will throw if not
final _ = current.userLogins.firstWhere(
(ul) => ul.accountMasterRecordKey == accountMasterRecordKey);
final updated = current.copyWith(activeUserLogin: accountMasterRecordKey);
await store(updated);
state =;
Future<bool> _loginCommon(
IdentityMaster identityMaster, SecretKey identitySecret) async {
final veilid = await eventualVeilid.future;
final cs =
await veilid.getCryptoSystem(identityMaster.identityRecordKey.kind);
final keyOk = await cs.validateKeyPair(
identityMaster.identityPublicKey, identitySecret);
if (!keyOk) {
throw Exception('Identity is corrupted');
// Read the identity key to get the account keys
final accountRecordInfo = await identityMaster.readAccountFromIdentity(
identitySecret: identitySecret);
// Add to user logins and select it
final current = state.requireValue;
final now =;
final updated = current.copyWith(
userLogins: current.userLogins.replaceFirstWhere(
(ul) => ul.accountMasterRecordKey == identityMaster.masterRecordKey,
(ul) => ul != null
? ul.copyWith(lastActive: now)
: UserLogin(
accountMasterRecordKey: identityMaster.masterRecordKey,
TypedSecret(kind: cs.kind(), value: identitySecret),
accountRecordInfo: accountRecordInfo,
lastActive: now),
addIfNotFound: true),
activeUserLogin: identityMaster.masterRecordKey);
await store(updated);
state =;
return true;
Future<bool> loginWithNone(TypedKey accountMasterRecordKey) async {
final localAccounts =;
// Get account, throws if not found
final localAccount = localAccounts.firstWhere(
(la) => la.identityMaster.masterRecordKey == accountMasterRecordKey);
// Log in with this local account
// Derive key from password
if (localAccount.encryptionKeyType != EncryptionKeyType.none) {
throw Exception('Wrong authentication type');
final identitySecret =
// Validate this secret with the identity public key and log in
return _loginCommon(localAccount.identityMaster, identitySecret);
Future<bool> loginWithPasswordOrPin(
TypedKey accountMasterRecordKey, String encryptionKey) async {
final veilid = await eventualVeilid.future;
final localAccounts =;
// Get account, throws if not found
final localAccount = localAccounts.firstWhere(
(la) => la.identityMaster.masterRecordKey == accountMasterRecordKey);
// Log in with this local account
// Derive key from password
if (localAccount.encryptionKeyType != EncryptionKeyType.password ||
localAccount.encryptionKeyType != {
throw Exception('Wrong authentication type');
final cs = await veilid
final encryptionKeyBytes = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(encryptionKey));
final identitySecretKeyBytes =
localAccount.identitySecretBytes.sublist(0, SecretKey.decodedLength());
final identitySecretSaltBytes =
final nonce = Nonce.fromBytes(identitySecretSaltBytes);
final sharedSecret = await cs.deriveSharedSecret(
encryptionKeyBytes, identitySecretSaltBytes);
final identitySecret = SecretKey.fromBytes(
await cs.cryptNoAuth(identitySecretKeyBytes, nonce, sharedSecret));
// Validate this secret with the identity public key and log in
return _loginCommon(localAccount.identityMaster, identitySecret);
Future<void> logout(TypedKey? accountMasterRecordKey) async {
final current = state.requireValue;
final logoutUser = accountMasterRecordKey ?? current.activeUserLogin;
if (logoutUser == null) {
final updated = current.copyWith(
activeUserLogin: current.activeUserLogin == logoutUser
? null
: current.activeUserLogin,
userLogins: current.userLogins
.removeWhere((ul) => ul.accountMasterRecordKey == logoutUser));
await store(updated);
state =;
Future<UserLogin?> fetchLogin(FetchLoginRef ref,
{required TypedKey accountMasterRecordKey}) async {
final activeLogins = await;
try {
return activeLogins.userLogins
.firstWhere((e) => e.accountMasterRecordKey == accountMasterRecordKey);
} on Exception catch (e) {
if (e is StateError) {
return null;