2024-05-16 14:07:25 -04:00

333 lines
12 KiB

import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:fast_immutable_collections/fast_immutable_collections.dart';
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart';
import '../veilid_support.dart';
import 'veilid_log.dart';
part 'identity.freezed.dart';
part 'identity.g.dart';
// Identity errors
enum IdentityException implements Exception {
readError('identity could not be read'),
noAccount('no account record info'),
limitExceeded('too many items for the limit'),
invalid('identity is corrupted or secret is invalid');
const IdentityException(this.message);
final String message;
String toString() => 'IdentityException($name): $message';
// AccountOwnerInfo is the key and owner info for the account dht key that is
// stored in the identity key
class AccountRecordInfo with _$AccountRecordInfo {
const factory AccountRecordInfo({
// Top level account keys and secrets
required OwnedDHTRecordPointer accountRecord,
}) = _AccountRecordInfo;
factory AccountRecordInfo.fromJson(dynamic json) =>
_$AccountRecordInfoFromJson(json as Map<String, dynamic>);
// Identity Key points to accounts associated with this identity
// accounts field has a map of bundle id or uuid to account key pairs
// DHT Schema: DFLT(1)
// DHT Key (Private): identityRecordKey
// DHT Owner Key: identityPublicKey
// DHT Secret: identitySecretKey (stored encrypted
// with unlock code in local table store)
class Identity with _$Identity {
const factory Identity({
// Top level account keys and secrets
required IMap<String, ISet<AccountRecordInfo>> accountRecords,
}) = _Identity;
factory Identity.fromJson(dynamic json) =>
_$IdentityFromJson(json as Map<String, dynamic>);
// Identity Master key structure for created account
// Master key allows for regeneration of identity DHT record
// Bidirectional Master<->Identity signature allows for
// chain of identity ownership for account recovery process
// Backed by a DHT key at masterRecordKey, the secret is kept
// completely offline and only written to upon account recovery
// DHT Schema: DFLT(1)
// DHT Record Key (Public): masterRecordKey
// DHT Owner Key: masterPublicKey
// DHT Owner Secret: masterSecretKey (kept offline)
// Encryption: None
class IdentityMaster with _$IdentityMaster {
const factory IdentityMaster(
// Private DHT record storing identity account mapping
required TypedKey identityRecordKey,
// Public key of identity
required PublicKey identityPublicKey,
// Public DHT record storing this structure for account recovery
required TypedKey masterRecordKey,
// Public key of master identity used to sign identity keys for recovery
required PublicKey masterPublicKey,
// Signature of identityRecordKey and identityPublicKey by masterPublicKey
required Signature identitySignature,
// Signature of masterRecordKey and masterPublicKey by identityPublicKey
required Signature masterSignature}) = _IdentityMaster;
factory IdentityMaster.fromJson(dynamic json) =>
_$IdentityMasterFromJson(json as Map<String, dynamic>);
extension IdentityMasterExtension on IdentityMaster {
/// Deletes a master identity and the identity record under it
Future<void> delete() async {
final pool = DHTRecordPool.instance;
await pool.deleteRecord(masterRecordKey);
Future<VeilidCryptoSystem> get identityCrypto =>
Future<VeilidCryptoSystem> get masterCrypto =>
KeyPair identityWriter(SecretKey secret) =>
KeyPair(key: identityPublicKey, secret: secret);
KeyPair masterWriter(SecretKey secret) =>
KeyPair(key: masterPublicKey, secret: secret);
TypedKey identityPublicTypedKey() =>
TypedKey(kind: identityRecordKey.kind, value: identityPublicKey);
TypedKey masterPublicTypedKey() =>
TypedKey(kind: identityRecordKey.kind, value: masterPublicKey);
Future<VeilidCryptoSystem> validateIdentitySecret(
SecretKey identitySecret) async {
final cs = await identityCrypto;
final keyOk = await cs.validateKeyPair(identityPublicKey, identitySecret);
if (!keyOk) {
throw IdentityException.invalid;
return cs;
Future<List<AccountRecordInfo>> readAccountsFromIdentity(
{required SharedSecret identitySecret,
required String accountKey}) async {
// Read the identity key to get the account keys
final pool = DHTRecordPool.instance;
final identityRecordCrypto = await DHTRecordCryptoPrivate.fromSecret(
identityRecordKey.kind, identitySecret);
late final List<AccountRecordInfo> accountRecordInfo;
await (await pool.openRecordRead(identityRecordKey,
parent: masterRecordKey,
crypto: identityRecordCrypto))
.scope((identityRec) async {
final identity = await identityRec.getJson(Identity.fromJson);
if (identity == null) {
// Identity could not be read or decrypted from DHT
throw IdentityException.readError;
final accountRecords = IMapOfSets.from(identity.accountRecords);
final vcAccounts = accountRecords.get(accountKey);
accountRecordInfo = vcAccounts.toList();
return accountRecordInfo;
/// Creates a new Account associated with master identity and store it in the
/// identity key.
Future<AccountRecordInfo> addAccountToIdentity<T extends GeneratedMessage>({
required SharedSecret identitySecret,
required String accountKey,
required Future<T> Function(TypedKey parent) createAccountCallback,
int maxAccounts = 1,
}) async {
final pool = DHTRecordPool.instance;
/////// Add account with profile to DHT
// Open identity key for writing
veilidLoggy.debug('Opening identity record');
return (await pool.openRecordWrite(
identityRecordKey, identityWriter(identitySecret),
debugName: 'IdentityMaster::addAccountToIdentity::IdentityRecord',
parent: masterRecordKey))
.scope((identityRec) async {
// Create new account to insert into identity
veilidLoggy.debug('Creating new account');
return (await pool.createRecord(
debugName: 'IdentityMaster::addAccountToIdentity::AccountRecord',
parent: identityRec.key))
.deleteScope((accountRec) async {
final account = await createAccountCallback(accountRec.key);
// Write account key
veilidLoggy.debug('Writing account record');
await accountRec.eventualWriteProtobuf(account);
// Update identity key to include account
final newAccountRecordInfo = AccountRecordInfo(
accountRecord: OwnedDHTRecordPointer(
recordKey: accountRec.key, owner: accountRec.ownerKeyPair!));
veilidLoggy.debug('Updating identity with new account');
await identityRec.eventualUpdateJson(Identity.fromJson,
(oldIdentity) async {
if (oldIdentity == null) {
throw IdentityException.readError;
final oldAccountRecords = IMapOfSets.from(oldIdentity.accountRecords);
if (oldAccountRecords.get(accountKey).length >= maxAccounts) {
throw IdentityException.limitExceeded;
final accountRecords =
oldAccountRecords.add(accountKey, newAccountRecordInfo).asIMap();
return oldIdentity.copyWith(accountRecords: accountRecords);
return newAccountRecordInfo;
// Identity Master with secrets
// Not freezed because we never persist this class in its entirety
class IdentityMasterWithSecrets {
{required this.identityMaster,
required this.masterSecret,
required this.identitySecret});
IdentityMaster identityMaster;
SecretKey masterSecret;
SecretKey identitySecret;
/// Delete a master identity with secrets
Future<void> delete() async => identityMaster.delete();
/// Creates a new master identity and returns it with its secrets
static Future<IdentityMasterWithSecrets> create() async {
final pool = DHTRecordPool.instance;
// IdentityMaster DHT record is public/unencrypted
veilidLoggy.debug('Creating master identity record');
return (await pool.createRecord(
crypto: const DHTRecordCryptoPublic()))
.deleteScope((masterRec) async {
veilidLoggy.debug('Creating identity record');
// Identity record is private
return (await pool.createRecord(
debugName: 'IdentityMasterWithSecrets::create::IdentityRecord',
parent: masterRec.key))
.scope((identityRec) async {
// Make IdentityMaster
final masterRecordKey = masterRec.key;
final masterOwner = masterRec.ownerKeyPair!;
final masterSigBuf = BytesBuilder()
final identityRecordKey = identityRec.key;
final identityOwner = identityRec.ownerKeyPair!;
final identitySigBuf = BytesBuilder()
assert(masterRecordKey.kind == identityRecordKey.kind,
'new master and identity should have same cryptosystem');
final crypto = await pool.veilid.getCryptoSystem(masterRecordKey.kind);
final identitySignature =
await crypto.signWithKeyPair(masterOwner, identitySigBuf.toBytes());
final masterSignature =
await crypto.signWithKeyPair(identityOwner, masterSigBuf.toBytes());
final identityMaster = IdentityMaster(
identityRecordKey: identityRecordKey,
identityPublicKey: identityOwner.key,
masterRecordKey: masterRecordKey,
masterPublicKey: masterOwner.key,
identitySignature: identitySignature,
masterSignature: masterSignature);
// Write identity master to master dht key
await masterRec.eventualWriteJson(identityMaster);
// Make empty identity
const identity = Identity(accountRecords: IMapConst({}));
// Write empty identity to identity dht key
await identityRec.eventualWriteJson(identity);
return IdentityMasterWithSecrets._(
identityMaster: identityMaster,
masterSecret: masterOwner.secret,
identitySecret: identityOwner.secret);
/// Opens an existing master identity and validates it
Future<IdentityMaster> openIdentityMaster(
{required TypedKey identityMasterRecordKey}) async {
final pool = DHTRecordPool.instance;
// IdentityMaster DHT record is public/unencrypted
return (await pool.openRecordRead(identityMasterRecordKey,
.deleteScope((masterRec) async {
final identityMaster = (await masterRec.getJson(IdentityMaster.fromJson,
refreshMode: DHTRecordRefreshMode.network))!;
// Validate IdentityMaster
final masterRecordKey = masterRec.key;
final masterOwnerKey = masterRec.owner;
final masterSigBuf = BytesBuilder()
final masterSignature = identityMaster.masterSignature;
final identityRecordKey = identityMaster.identityRecordKey;
final identityOwnerKey = identityMaster.identityPublicKey;
final identitySigBuf = BytesBuilder()
final identitySignature = identityMaster.identitySignature;
assert(masterRecordKey.kind == identityRecordKey.kind,
'new master and identity should have same cryptosystem');
final crypto = await pool.veilid.getCryptoSystem(masterRecordKey.kind);
await crypto.verify(
masterOwnerKey, identitySigBuf.toBytes(), identitySignature);
await crypto.verify(
identityOwnerKey, masterSigBuf.toBytes(), masterSignature);
return identityMaster;