mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 23:26:33 -04:00
246 lines
6.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer
246 lines
6.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
// 32-byte value in bigendian format
message CryptoKey {
fixed32 u0 = 1;
fixed32 u1 = 2;
fixed32 u2 = 3;
fixed32 u3 = 4;
fixed32 u4 = 5;
fixed32 u5 = 6;
fixed32 u6 = 7;
fixed32 u7 = 8;
// 64-byte value in bigendian format
message Signature {
fixed32 u0 = 1;
fixed32 u1 = 2;
fixed32 u2 = 3;
fixed32 u3 = 4;
fixed32 u4 = 5;
fixed32 u5 = 6;
fixed32 u6 = 7;
fixed32 u7 = 8;
fixed32 u8 = 9;
fixed32 u9 = 10;
fixed32 u10 = 11;
fixed32 u11 = 12;
fixed32 u12 = 13;
fixed32 u13 = 14;
fixed32 u14 = 15;
fixed32 u15 = 16;
// 24-byte value in bigendian format
message Nonce {
fixed32 u0 = 1;
fixed32 u1 = 2;
fixed32 u2 = 3;
fixed32 u3 = 4;
fixed32 u4 = 5;
fixed32 u5 = 6;
// 36-byte typed crpyto key
message TypedKey {
// CryptoKind FourCC in bigendian format
fixed32 kind = 1;
// Key value
CryptoKey value = 2;
// DHTData - represents chunked blob data in the DHT
// Header in subkey 0 follows this structure
// stride = descriptor subkey count on first key - 1
// Subkeys 1..=stride on the first key are concatenated chunks
// Subkeys 0..stride on the 'keys' keys are concatenated chunks
// Keys must use writable schema in order to make this data mutable
message DHTData {
// Other keys to concatenate
repeated TypedKey keys = 1;
// Hash of reassembled data to verify contents
TypedKey hash = 2;
// Chunk size per subkey
uint32 chunk = 3;
// Total data size
uint32 size = 4;
// DHTList - represents a re-orderable collection of individual elements
// Header in subkey 0 of first key follows this structure
// stride = descriptor subkey count on first key - 1
// Subkeys 1..=stride on the first key are individual elements
// Subkeys 0..stride on the 'keys' keys are also individual elements
// Keys must use writable schema in order to make this list mutable
message DHTList {
// Other keys to concatenate
repeated TypedKey keys = 1;
// Item position index
// Actual item location is:
// idx = index[n] + 1 (offset for header at idx 0)
// key = idx / stride
// subkey = idx % stride
repeated uint32 index = 2;
// Free items are not represented in the list but can be
// calculated through iteration
// DHTLog - represents an appendable/truncatable log collection of individual elements
// Header in subkey 0 of first key follows this structure
// stride = descriptor subkey count on first key - 1
// Subkeys 1..=stride on the first key are individual elements
// Subkeys 0..stride on the 'keys' keys are also individual elements
// Keys must use writable schema in order to make this list mutable
message DHTLog {
// Other keys to concatenate
repeated TypedKey keys = 1;
// Back link to another DHTLog further back
TypedKey back = 2;
// Count of subkeys in all keys in this DHTLog
repeated uint32 subkey_counts = 3;
// Total count of subkeys in all keys in this DHTLog including all backlogs
uint32 total_subkeys = 4;
// DataReference
// Pointer to data somewhere in Veilid
// Abstraction over DHTData and BlockStore
message DataReference {
oneof kind {
TypedKey dht_data = 1;
// TypedKey block = 2;
// AttachmentKind
// Enumeration of well-known attachment types
enum AttachmentKind {
// A single attachment
message Attachment {
// Type of the data
AttachmentKind kind = 1;
// MIME type of the data
string mime = 2;
// Title or filename
string name = 3;
// Pointer to the data content
DataReference content = 4;
// Author signature over all attachment fields and content fields and bytes
Signature signature = 5;
// A single message as part of a series of messages
// Messages are stored in an append-only log in DHT
message Message {
// Author of the message
TypedKey author = 1;
// Time the message was sent (us since epoch)
uint64 timestamp = 2;
// Text of the message
string text = 3;
// Author signature over all of the fields and attachment signatures
Signature signature = 4;
// Attachments on the message
repeated Attachment attachments = 5;
// A record of a 1-1 chat that is synchronized between
// two users. Visible and encrypted for the other party
// DHT Schema: SMPL(0,1,[identityPublicKey])
// DHT Key (UnicastOutbox): localConversation
// DHT Secret: None
// Encryption: DH(IdentityA, IdentityB)
message Conversation {
// Profile to publish to friend
Profile profile = 1;
// Identity master (JSON) to publish to friend
string identity = 2;
// Messages DHTLog
DHTLog messages = 3;
// A record of a contact that has accepted a contact invitation
// Contains a copy of the most recent remote profile as well as
// a locally edited profile.
// Contains a copy of the most recent identity from the contact's
// Master identity dht key
// Stored in ContactList DHTList
message Contact {
// Friend's profile as locally edited
Profile edited_profile = 1;
// Copy of friend's profile from remote conversation
Profile remote_profile = 2;
// Copy of friend's identity (JSON) from remote conversation
string remote_identity = 3;
// Remote conversation key to sync from friend
TypedKey remote_conversation = 4;
// Our conversation key for friend to sync
TypedKey local_conversation = 5;
// Show availability
bool show_availability = 6;
// Contact availability as specified by the
enum Availability {
// Publicly shared profile information for both contacts and accounts
// Contains:
// Name - Friendly name
// Title - Title of user
// Icon - Little picture to represent user in contact list
// DHT Key: None
// Encryption: None
message Profile {
// Friendy name
string name = 1;
// Title of user
string title = 2;
// Status/away message
string status = 3;
// Availability
Availability availability = 4;
// Icon DHTData
TypedKey icon = 5;
// A record of an individual account
// Pointed to by the identity account map in the identity key
// DHT Schema: DFLT(1)
// DHT Key (Private): accountPublicKey
// DHT Secret: accountSecretKey
message Account {
// The user's profile that gets shared with contacts
Profile profile = 1;
// Invisibility makes you always look 'Offline'
bool invisible = 2;
// Auto-away sets 'away' mode after an inactivity time
uint32 auto_away_timeout_sec = 3;
// The contacts DHTList for this account
// Schema: SMPL(0,64,[accountPublicKey]) Encryption: accountSecretKey
TypedKey contact_list = 4;