2023-08-06 15:33:40 -04:00

156 lines
5.5 KiB

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:fast_immutable_collections/fast_immutable_collections.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';
import '../entities/identity.dart';
import '../entities/proto.dart' as proto;
import '../entities/proto.dart' show Conversation;
import '../veilid_support/veilid_support.dart';
import 'account.dart';
//part 'conversation.g.dart';
Future<DHTRecordCrypto> getConversationCrypto({
required ActiveAccountInfo activeAccountInfo,
required TypedKey remoteIdentityPublicKey,
}) async {
final veilid = await eventualVeilid.future;
final identitySecret = activeAccountInfo.userLogin.identitySecret;
final cs = await veilid.getCryptoSystem(identitySecret.kind);
final sharedSecret =
await cs.cachedDH(remoteIdentityPublicKey.value, identitySecret.value);
return DHTRecordCryptoPrivate.fromSecret(identitySecret.kind, sharedSecret);
// Create a conversation
// If we were the initator of the conversation there may be an
// incomplete 'existingConversationRecord' that we need to fill
// in now that we have the remote identity key
Future<T> createConversation<T>(
{required ActiveAccountInfo activeAccountInfo,
required TypedKey remoteIdentityPublicKey,
required FutureOr<T> Function(DHTRecord) callback,
OwnedDHTRecordPointer? existingConversationOwned}) async {
final pool = await DHTRecordPool.instance();
final accountRecordKey =
final crypto = await getConversationCrypto(
activeAccountInfo: activeAccountInfo,
remoteIdentityPublicKey: remoteIdentityPublicKey);
late final DHTRecord localConversationRecord;
if (existingConversationOwned != null) {
localConversationRecord = await pool.openOwned(existingConversationOwned,
parent: accountRecordKey, crypto: crypto);
} else {
localConversationRecord =
await pool.create(parent: accountRecordKey, crypto: crypto);
return localConversationRecord
// ignore: prefer_expression_function_bodies
.deleteScope((localConversation) async {
// Make messages log
return (await DHTShortArray.create(
parent: localConversation.key, crypto: crypto))
.deleteScope((messages) async {
// Write local conversation key
final conversation = Conversation()
..profile = activeAccountInfo.account.profile
..identityMasterJson =
..messages = messages.record.ownedDHTRecordPointer.toProto();
final update = await localConversation.tryWriteProtobuf(
Conversation.fromBuffer, conversation);
if (update != null) {
throw Exception('Failed to write local conversation');
return await callback(localConversation);
Future<Conversation?> readRemoteConversation({
required ActiveAccountInfo activeAccountInfo,
required TypedKey remoteIdentityPublicKey,
required TypedKey remoteConversationKey,
}) async {
final accountRecordKey =
final pool = await DHTRecordPool.instance();
final crypto = await getConversationCrypto(
activeAccountInfo: activeAccountInfo,
remoteIdentityPublicKey: remoteIdentityPublicKey);
return (await pool.openRead(remoteConversationKey,
parent: accountRecordKey, crypto: crypto))
.scope((remoteConversation) async {
final conversation =
await remoteConversation.getProtobuf(Conversation.fromBuffer);
return conversation;
Future<Conversation?> writeLocalConversation({
required ActiveAccountInfo activeAccountInfo,
required OwnedDHTRecordPointer localConversationOwned,
required TypedKey remoteIdentityPublicKey,
required Conversation conversation,
}) async {
final accountRecordKey =
final pool = await DHTRecordPool.instance();
final crypto = await getConversationCrypto(
activeAccountInfo: activeAccountInfo,
remoteIdentityPublicKey: remoteIdentityPublicKey);
return (await pool.openOwned(localConversationOwned,
parent: accountRecordKey, crypto: crypto))
.scope((localConversation) async {
final update = await localConversation.tryWriteProtobuf(
Conversation.fromBuffer, conversation);
if (update != null) {
return update;
return null;
/// Get most recent messages for this conversation
// @riverpod
// Future<IList<Message>?> fetchConversationMessages(FetchContactListRef ref) async {
// // See if we've logged into this account or if it is locked
// final activeAccountInfo = await;
// if (activeAccountInfo == null) {
// return null;
// }
// final accountRecordKey =
// activeAccountInfo.userLogin.accountRecordInfo.accountRecord.recordKey;
// // Decode the contact list from the DHT
// IList<Contact> out = const IListConst([]);
// await (await DHTShortArray.openOwned(
// proto.OwnedDHTRecordPointerProto.fromProto(
// activeAccountInfo.account.contactList),
// parent: accountRecordKey))
// .scope((cList) async {
// for (var i = 0; i < cList.length; i++) {
// final cir = await cList.getItem(i);
// if (cir == null) {
// throw Exception('Failed to get contact');
// }
// out = out.add(Contact.fromBuffer(cir));
// }
// });
// return out;
// }