2024-06-06 07:49:42 -04:00

425 lines
14 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:async_tools/async_tools.dart';
import 'package:fast_immutable_collections/fast_immutable_collections.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:veilid_support/veilid_support.dart';
import '../../account_manager/account_manager.dart';
import '../../proto/proto.dart' as proto;
import '../models/models.dart';
import 'message_reconciliation.dart';
class RenderStateElement {
{required this.message,
required this.isLocal,
this.sent = false,
this.sentOffline = false});
MessageSendState? get sendState {
if (!isLocal) {
return null;
if (sent && !sentOffline) {
return MessageSendState.delivered;
if (reconciledTimestamp != null) {
return MessageSendState.sent;
return MessageSendState.sending;
proto.Message message;
bool isLocal;
Timestamp? reconciledTimestamp;
bool sent;
bool sentOffline;
typedef SingleContactMessagesState = AsyncValue<IList<MessageState>>;
// Cubit that processes single-contact chats
// Builds the reconciled chat record from the local and remote conversation keys
class SingleContactMessagesCubit extends Cubit<SingleContactMessagesState> {
required ActiveAccountInfo activeAccountInfo,
required TypedKey remoteIdentityPublicKey,
required TypedKey localConversationRecordKey,
required TypedKey localMessagesRecordKey,
required TypedKey remoteConversationRecordKey,
required TypedKey remoteMessagesRecordKey,
}) : _activeAccountInfo = activeAccountInfo,
_remoteIdentityPublicKey = remoteIdentityPublicKey,
_localConversationRecordKey = localConversationRecordKey,
_localMessagesRecordKey = localMessagesRecordKey,
_remoteConversationRecordKey = remoteConversationRecordKey,
_remoteMessagesRecordKey = remoteMessagesRecordKey,
super(const AsyncValue.loading()) {
// Async Init
Future<void> close() async {
await _initWait();
await _sendingMessagesQueue.close();
await _sentSubscription?.cancel();
await _rcvdSubscription?.cancel();
await _reconciledSubscription?.cancel();
await _sentMessagesCubit?.close();
await _rcvdMessagesCubit?.close();
await _reconciledMessagesCubit?.close();
await super.close();
// Initialize everything
Future<void> _init() async {
_sendingMessagesQueue = PersistentQueue<proto.Message>(
table: 'SingleContactSendingMessages',
key: _remoteConversationRecordKey.toString(),
fromBuffer: proto.Message.fromBuffer,
closure: _processSendingMessages,
// Make crypto
await _initCrypto();
// Reconciled messages key
await _initReconciledMessagesCubit();
// Local messages key
await _initSentMessagesCubit();
// Remote messages key
await _initRcvdMessagesCubit();
// Make crypto
Future<void> _initCrypto() async {
_messagesCrypto = await _activeAccountInfo
_localMessagesCryptoSystem =
await Veilid.instance.getCryptoSystem(_localMessagesRecordKey.kind);
_identityCryptoSystem =
await _activeAccountInfo.localAccount.identityMaster.identityCrypto;
// Open local messages key
Future<void> _initSentMessagesCubit() async {
final writer = _activeAccountInfo.conversationWriter;
_sentMessagesCubit = DHTLogCubit(
open: () async => DHTLog.openWrite(_localMessagesRecordKey, writer,
debugName: 'SingleContactMessagesCubit::_initSentMessagesCubit::'
parent: _localConversationRecordKey,
crypto: _messagesCrypto),
decodeElement: proto.Message.fromBuffer);
_sentSubscription =
// Open remote messages key
Future<void> _initRcvdMessagesCubit() async {
_rcvdMessagesCubit = DHTLogCubit(
open: () async => DHTLog.openRead(_remoteMessagesRecordKey,
debugName: 'SingleContactMessagesCubit::_initRcvdMessagesCubit::'
parent: _remoteConversationRecordKey,
crypto: _messagesCrypto),
decodeElement: proto.Message.fromBuffer);
_rcvdSubscription =
Future<VeilidCrypto> _makeLocalMessagesCrypto() async =>
_activeAccountInfo.userLogin.identitySecret, 'tabledb');
// Open reconciled chat record key
Future<void> _initReconciledMessagesCubit() async {
final tableName = _localConversationRecordKey.toString();
final crypto = await _makeLocalMessagesCrypto();
_reconciledMessagesCubit = TableDBArrayCubit(
open: () async => TableDBArray.make(table: tableName, crypto: crypto),
decodeElement: proto.ReconciledMessage.fromBuffer);
_reconciliation = MessageReconciliation(
output: _reconciledMessagesCubit!,
onError: (e, st) {
emit(AsyncValue.error(e, st));
_reconciledSubscription =
// Public interface
// Set the tail position of the log for pagination.
// If tail is 0, the end of the log is used.
// If tail is negative, the position is subtracted from the current log
// length.
// If tail is positive, the position is absolute from the head of the log
// If follow is enabled, the tail offset will update when the log changes
Future<void> setWindow(
{int? tail, int? count, bool? follow, bool forceRefresh = false}) async {
await _initWait();
await _reconciledMessagesCubit!.setWindow(
tail: tail, count: count, follow: follow, forceRefresh: forceRefresh);
// Set a user-visible 'text' message with possible attachments
void sendTextMessage({required proto.Message_Text messageText}) {
final message = proto.Message()..text = messageText;
_sendMessage(message: message);
// Internal implementation
// Called when the sent messages cubit gets a change
// This will re-render when messages are sent from another machine
void _updateSentMessagesState(DHTLogBusyState<proto.Message> avmessages) {
final sentMessages = avmessages.state.asData?.value;
if (sentMessages == null) {
// Called when the received messages cubit gets a change
void _updateRcvdMessagesState(DHTLogBusyState<proto.Message> avmessages) {
final rcvdMessages = avmessages.state.asData?.value;
if (rcvdMessages == null) {
_remoteIdentityPublicKey, rcvdMessages, _rcvdMessagesCubit!);
// Called when the reconciled messages window gets a change
void _updateReconciledMessagesState(
TableDBArrayBusyState<proto.ReconciledMessage> avmessages) {
// Update the view
Future<Uint8List> _hashSignature(proto.Signature signature) async =>
(await _localMessagesCryptoSystem
Future<void> _signMessage(proto.Message message) async {
// Generate data to sign
final data = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(message.writeToJson()));
// Sign with our identity
final signature = await _identityCryptoSystem.sign(
// Add to the message
message.signature = signature.toProto();
Future<Uint8List> _generateInitialId(
{required PublicKey identityPublicKey}) async =>
(await _localMessagesCryptoSystem
Future<void> _processMessageToSend(
proto.Message message, proto.Message? previousMessage) async {
// Get the previous message if we don't have one
previousMessage ??= await _sentMessagesCubit!.operate((r) async =>
r.length == 0
? null
: await r.getProtobuf(proto.Message.fromBuffer, r.length - 1));
if (previousMessage == null) {
// If there's no last sent message,
// we start at a hash of the identity public key = await _generateInitialId(
} else {
// If there is a last message, we generate the hash
// of the last message's signature and use it as our next id = await _hashSignature(previousMessage.signature);
// Now sign it
await _signMessage(message);
// Async process to send messages in the background
Future<void> _processSendingMessages(IList<proto.Message> messages) async {
// Go through and assign ids to all the messages in order
proto.Message? previousMessage;
final processedMessages = messages.toList();
for (final message in processedMessages) {
await _processMessageToSend(message, previousMessage);
previousMessage = message;
await _sentMessagesCubit!.operateAppendEventual((writer) =>
writer.tryAddAll( => m.writeToBuffer()).toList()));
// Produce a state for this cubit from the input cubits and queues
void _renderState() {
// Get all reconciled messages
final reconciledMessages =
// Get all sent messages
final sentMessages = _sentMessagesCubit?.state.state.asData?.value;
// Get all items in the unsent queue
final sendingMessages = _sendingMessagesQueue.queue;
// If we aren't ready to render a state, say we're loading
if (reconciledMessages == null || sentMessages == null) {
emit(const AsyncLoading());
// Generate state for each message
final sentMessagesMap =
IMap<String, DHTLogElementState<proto.Message>>.fromValues(
keyMapper: (x) => x.value.uniqueIdString,
values: sentMessages.elements,
final reconciledMessagesMap =
IMap<String, proto.ReconciledMessage>.fromValues(
keyMapper: (x) => x.content.uniqueIdString,
values: reconciledMessages.elements,
final sendingMessagesMap = IMap<String, proto.Message>.fromValues(
keyMapper: (x) => x.uniqueIdString,
values: sendingMessages,
final renderedElements = <String, RenderStateElement>{};
for (final m in reconciledMessagesMap.entries) {
renderedElements[m.key] = RenderStateElement(
message: m.value.content,
isLocal: ==
reconciledTimestamp: Timestamp.fromInt64(m.value.reconciledTime),
for (final m in sentMessagesMap.entries) {
() => RenderStateElement(
message: m.value.value,
isLocal: true,
..sent = true
..sentOffline = m.value.isOffline;
for (final m in sendingMessagesMap.entries) {
() => RenderStateElement(
message: m.value,
isLocal: true,
.sent = false;
// Render the state
final messageKeys = renderedElements.entries
.sort((x, y) => x.key.compareTo(y.key));
final renderedState = messageKeys
.map((x) => MessageState(
content: x.value.message,
sentTimestamp: Timestamp.fromInt64(x.value.message.timestamp),
reconciledTimestamp: x.value.reconciledTimestamp,
sendState: x.value.sendState))
// Emit the rendered state
void _sendMessage({required proto.Message message}) {
// Add common fields
// id and signature will get set by _processMessageToSend
message = _activeAccountInfo.localAccount.identityMaster
..timestamp =;
// Put in the queue
// Update the view
// Static utility functions
static Future<void> cleanupAndDeleteMessages(
{required TypedKey localConversationRecordKey}) async {
final recmsgdbname =
await Veilid.instance.deleteTableDB(recmsgdbname);
static String _reconciledMessagesTableDBName(
TypedKey localConversationRecordKey) =>
final WaitSet<void> _initWait = WaitSet();
final ActiveAccountInfo _activeAccountInfo;
final TypedKey _remoteIdentityPublicKey;
final TypedKey _localConversationRecordKey;
final TypedKey _localMessagesRecordKey;
final TypedKey _remoteConversationRecordKey;
final TypedKey _remoteMessagesRecordKey;
late final VeilidCrypto _messagesCrypto;
late final VeilidCryptoSystem _localMessagesCryptoSystem;
late final VeilidCryptoSystem _identityCryptoSystem;
DHTLogCubit<proto.Message>? _sentMessagesCubit;
DHTLogCubit<proto.Message>? _rcvdMessagesCubit;
TableDBArrayCubit<proto.ReconciledMessage>? _reconciledMessagesCubit;
late final MessageReconciliation _reconciliation;
late final PersistentQueue<proto.Message> _sendingMessagesQueue;
StreamSubscription<DHTLogBusyState<proto.Message>>? _sentSubscription;
StreamSubscription<DHTLogBusyState<proto.Message>>? _rcvdSubscription;