Christien Rioux 37f6ca19f7 checkpoint
2024-06-06 07:49:42 -04:00

294 lines
10 KiB

import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:async_tools/async_tools.dart';
import 'package:awesome_extensions/awesome_extensions.dart';
import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:flutter_chat_types/flutter_chat_types.dart' as types;
import 'package:flutter_chat_ui/flutter_chat_ui.dart';
import 'package:veilid_support/veilid_support.dart';
import '../../account_manager/account_manager.dart';
import '../../chat_list/chat_list.dart';
import '../../contacts/contacts.dart';
import '../../proto/proto.dart' as proto;
import '../../theme/theme.dart';
import '../chat.dart';
const String metadataKeyExpirationDuration = 'expiration';
const String metadataKeyViewLimit = 'view_limit';
const String metadataKeyAttachments = 'attachments';
class ChatComponent extends StatelessWidget {
const ChatComponent._(
{required TypedKey localUserIdentityKey,
required SingleContactMessagesCubit messagesCubit,
required SingleContactMessagesState messagesState,
required types.User localUser,
required types.User remoteUser,
: _localUserIdentityKey = localUserIdentityKey,
_messagesCubit = messagesCubit,
_messagesState = messagesState,
_localUser = localUser,
_remoteUser = remoteUser;
final TypedKey _localUserIdentityKey;
final SingleContactMessagesCubit _messagesCubit;
final SingleContactMessagesState _messagesState;
final types.User _localUser;
final types.User _remoteUser;
// Builder wrapper function that takes care of state management requirements
static Widget builder(
{required TypedKey localConversationRecordKey, Key? key}) =>
Builder(builder: (context) {
// Get all watched dependendies
final activeAccountInfo =<ActiveAccountInfo>();
final accountRecordInfo =<AccountRecordCubit>().state.asData?.value;
if (accountRecordInfo == null) {
return debugPage('should always have an account record here');
final contactList =<ContactListCubit>().state.state.asData?.value;
if (contactList == null) {
return debugPage('should always have a contact list here');
final avconversation =<ActiveConversationsBlocMapCubit,
(x) => x.state[localConversationRecordKey]);
if (avconversation == null) {
return waitingPage();
final conversation = avconversation.asData?.value;
if (conversation == null) {
return avconversation.buildNotData();
// Make flutter_chat_ui 'User's
final localUserIdentityKey = activeAccountInfo
final localUser = types.User(
id: localUserIdentityKey.toString(),
final editedName =;
final remoteUser = types.User(
firstName: editedName);
// Get the messages cubit
final messages =<ActiveSingleContactChatBlocMapCubit,
(SingleContactMessagesCubit, SingleContactMessagesState)?>(
(x) => x.tryOperate(localConversationRecordKey,
closure: (cubit) => (cubit, cubit.state)));
// Get the messages to display
// and ensure it is safe to operate() on the MessageCubit for this chat
if (messages == null) {
return waitingPage();
return ChatComponent._(
localUserIdentityKey: localUserIdentityKey,
messagesCubit: messages.$1,
messagesState: messages.$2,
localUser: localUser,
remoteUser: remoteUser,
key: key);
types.Message? messageToChatMessage(MessageState message) {
final isLocal = == _localUserIdentityKey;
types.Status? status;
if (message.sendState != null) {
assert(isLocal, 'send state should only be on sent messages');
switch (message.sendState!) {
case MessageSendState.sending:
status = types.Status.sending;
case MessageSendState.sent:
status = types.Status.sent;
case MessageSendState.delivered:
status = types.Status.delivered;
switch (message.content.whichKind()) {
case proto.Message_Kind.text:
final contextText = message.content.text;
final textMessage = types.TextMessage(
author: isLocal ? _localUser : _remoteUser,
createdAt: (message.timestamp.value ~/ BigInt.from(1000)).toInt(),
id: base64UrlNoPadEncode(message.uniqueId),
text: contextText.text,
showStatus: status != null,
status: status);
return textMessage;
case proto.Message_Kind.secret:
case proto.Message_Kind.delete:
case proto.Message_Kind.erase:
case proto.Message_Kind.settings:
case proto.Message_Kind.permissions:
case proto.Message_Kind.membership:
case proto.Message_Kind.moderation:
case proto.Message_Kind.notSet:
return null;
void _addTextMessage(
{required String text,
String? topic,
Uint8List? replyId,
Timestamp? expiration,
int? viewLimit,
List<proto.Attachment> attachments = const []}) {
final protoMessageText = proto.Message_Text()..text = text;
if (topic != null) {
protoMessageText.topic = topic;
if (replyId != null) {
protoMessageText.replyId = replyId;
..expiration = expiration?.toInt64() ?? Int64.ZERO
..viewLimit = viewLimit ?? 0;
_messagesCubit.sendTextMessage(messageText: protoMessageText);
void _handleSendPressed(types.PartialText message) {
final text = message.text;
final replyId = (message.repliedMessage != null)
? base64UrlNoPadDecode(message.repliedMessage!.id)
: null;
Timestamp? expiration;
int? viewLimit;
List<proto.Attachment>? attachments;
final metadata = message.metadata;
if (metadata != null) {
final expirationValue =
metadata[metadataKeyExpirationDuration] as TimestampDuration?;
if (expirationValue != null) {
expiration =;
final viewLimitValue = metadata[metadataKeyViewLimit] as int?;
if (viewLimitValue != null) {
viewLimit = viewLimitValue;
final attachmentsValue =
metadata[metadataKeyAttachments] as List<proto.Attachment>?;
if (attachmentsValue != null) {
attachments = attachmentsValue;
text: text,
replyId: replyId,
expiration: expiration,
viewLimit: viewLimit,
attachments: attachments ?? []);
// void _handleAttachmentPressed() async {
// //
// }
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final theme = Theme.of(context);
final scale = theme.extension<ScaleScheme>()!;
final textTheme = Theme.of(context).textTheme;
final chatTheme = makeChatTheme(scale, textTheme);
final messages = _messagesState.asData?.value;
if (messages == null) {
return _messagesState.buildNotData();
// Convert protobuf messages to chat messages
final chatMessages = <types.Message>[];
final tsSet = <String>{};
for (final message in messages) {
final chatMessage = messageToChatMessage(message);
if (chatMessage == null) {
chatMessages.insert(0, chatMessage);
if (!tsSet.add( {
// ignore: avoid_print
print('duplicate id found: ${}:\n'
assert(false, 'should not have duplicate id');
return DefaultTextStyle(
style: textTheme.bodySmall!,
child: Align(
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd,
child: Stack(
children: [
children: [
height: 48,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: scale.primaryScale.subtleBorder,
child: Row(children: [
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsetsDirectional.fromSTEB(
16, 0, 16, 0),
child: Text(_remoteUser.firstName!,
textAlign: TextAlign.start,
style: textTheme.titleMedium!.copyWith(
color: scale.primaryScale.borderText)),
const Spacer(),
icon: Icon(Icons.close,
color: scale.primaryScale.borderText),
onPressed: () async {<ActiveChatCubit>().setActiveChat(null);
}).paddingLTRB(16, 0, 16, 0)
child: DecoratedBox(
decoration: const BoxDecoration(),
child: Chat(
theme: chatTheme,
// emojiEnlargementBehavior:
// EmojiEnlargementBehavior.multi,
messages: chatMessages,
//onAttachmentPressed: _handleAttachmentPressed,
//onMessageTap: _handleMessageTap,
//onPreviewDataFetched: _handlePreviewDataFetched,
onSendPressed: _handleSendPressed,
//showUserAvatars: false,
//showUserNames: true,
user: _localUser,