import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart'; import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart'; import '../pages/chat_only_page.dart'; import '../pages/home.dart'; import '../pages/index.dart'; import '../pages/new_account.dart'; import '../providers/chat.dart'; import '../providers/local_accounts.dart'; import '../tools/responsive.dart'; part 'router_notifier.g.dart'; @riverpod class RouterNotifier extends _$RouterNotifier implements Listenable { /// GoRouter listener VoidCallback? routerListener; /// Do we need to make or import an account immediately? bool hasAnyAccount = false; bool hasActiveChat = false; /// AsyncNotifier build @override Future build() async { hasAnyAccount = await localAccountsProvider.selectAsync((data) => data.isNotEmpty), ); hasActiveChat = != null; // When this notifier's state changes, inform GoRouter ref.listenSelf((_, __) { if (state.isLoading) { return; } routerListener?.call(); }); } /// Redirects when our state changes String? redirect(BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) { if (this.state.isLoading || this.state.hasError) { return null; } // No matter where we are, if there's not switch (state.location) { case IndexPage.path: return hasAnyAccount ? HomePage.path : NewAccountPage.path; case NewAccountPage.path: return hasAnyAccount ? HomePage.path : null; case HomePage.path: if (!hasAnyAccount) { return NewAccountPage.path; } if (responsiveVisibility( context: context, tablet: false, tabletLandscape: false, desktop: false)) { if (hasActiveChat) { return ChatOnlyPage.path; } } return null; case ChatOnlyPage.path: if (!hasAnyAccount) { return NewAccountPage.path; } if (responsiveVisibility( context: context, tablet: false, tabletLandscape: false, desktop: false)) { if (!hasActiveChat) { return HomePage.path; } } else { return HomePage.path; } return null; default: return hasAnyAccount ? null : NewAccountPage.path; } } /// Our application routes List get routes => [ GoRoute( path: IndexPage.path, builder: (context, state) => const IndexPage(), ), GoRoute( path: HomePage.path, builder: (context, state) => const HomePage(), ), GoRoute( path: NewAccountPage.path, builder: (context, state) => const NewAccountPage(), ), GoRoute( path: ChatOnlyPage.path, builder: (context, state) => const ChatOnlyPage(), ), ]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Listenable /// Adds [GoRouter]'s listener as specified by its [Listenable]. /// [GoRouteInformationProvider] uses this method on creation to handle its /// internal [ChangeNotifier]. /// Check out the internal implementation of [GoRouter] and /// [GoRouteInformationProvider] to see this in action. @override void addListener(VoidCallback listener) { routerListener = listener; } /// Removes [GoRouter]'s listener as specified by its [Listenable]. /// [GoRouteInformationProvider] uses this method when disposing, /// so that it removes its callback when destroyed. /// Check out the internal implementation of [GoRouter] and /// [GoRouteInformationProvider] to see this in action. @override void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) { routerListener = null; } }