// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND part of 'account.dart'; // ************************************************************************** // RiverpodGenerator // ************************************************************************** String _$fetchAccountHash() => r'88dadc0d005cef8b3df1d03088c8a5da728c333c'; /// Copied from Dart SDK class _SystemHash { _SystemHash._(); static int combine(int hash, int value) { // ignore: parameter_assignments hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + value); // ignore: parameter_assignments hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10)); return hash ^ (hash >> 6); } static int finish(int hash) { // ignore: parameter_assignments hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3)); // ignore: parameter_assignments hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11); return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15)); } } typedef FetchAccountRef = AutoDisposeFutureProviderRef; /// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we /// have its secret available, return the account record contents /// /// Copied from [fetchAccount]. @ProviderFor(fetchAccount) const fetchAccountProvider = FetchAccountFamily(); /// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we /// have its secret available, return the account record contents /// /// Copied from [fetchAccount]. class FetchAccountFamily extends Family> { /// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we /// have its secret available, return the account record contents /// /// Copied from [fetchAccount]. const FetchAccountFamily(); /// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we /// have its secret available, return the account record contents /// /// Copied from [fetchAccount]. FetchAccountProvider call({ required Typed accountMasterRecordKey, }) { return FetchAccountProvider( accountMasterRecordKey: accountMasterRecordKey, ); } @override FetchAccountProvider getProviderOverride( covariant FetchAccountProvider provider, ) { return call( accountMasterRecordKey: provider.accountMasterRecordKey, ); } static const Iterable? _dependencies = null; @override Iterable? get dependencies => _dependencies; static const Iterable? _allTransitiveDependencies = null; @override Iterable? get allTransitiveDependencies => _allTransitiveDependencies; @override String? get name => r'fetchAccountProvider'; } /// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we /// have its secret available, return the account record contents /// /// Copied from [fetchAccount]. class FetchAccountProvider extends AutoDisposeFutureProvider { /// Get an account from the identity key and if it is logged in and we /// have its secret available, return the account record contents /// /// Copied from [fetchAccount]. FetchAccountProvider({ required this.accountMasterRecordKey, }) : super.internal( (ref) => fetchAccount( ref, accountMasterRecordKey: accountMasterRecordKey, ), from: fetchAccountProvider, name: r'fetchAccountProvider', debugGetCreateSourceHash: const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product') ? null : _$fetchAccountHash, dependencies: FetchAccountFamily._dependencies, allTransitiveDependencies: FetchAccountFamily._allTransitiveDependencies, ); final Typed accountMasterRecordKey; @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return other is FetchAccountProvider && other.accountMasterRecordKey == accountMasterRecordKey; } @override int get hashCode { var hash = _SystemHash.combine(0, runtimeType.hashCode); hash = _SystemHash.combine(hash, accountMasterRecordKey.hashCode); return _SystemHash.finish(hash); } } // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_raw_strings, subtype_of_sealed_class, invalid_use_of_internal_member, do_not_use_environment, prefer_const_constructors, public_member_api_docs, avoid_private_typedef_functions