import 'dart:async'; import 'package:mutex/mutex.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; //################################################################ class RWTester { int _operation = 0; final _operationSequences = []; /// Execution sequence of the operations done. /// /// Each element corresponds to the position of the initial execution /// order of the read/write operation future. List get operationSequences => _operationSequences; ReadWriteMutex mutex = ReadWriteMutex(); /// Set to true to print out read/write to the balance during deposits static const bool debugOutput = false; final DateTime _startTime =; void _debugPrint(String message) { if (debugOutput) { final t =; // ignore: avoid_print print('$t: $message'); } } void reset() { _operationSequences.clear(); _debugPrint('reset'); } /// Waits [startDelay] and then invokes critical section with mutex. /// /// Writes to [_operationSequences]. If the readwrite locks are respected /// then the final state of the list will be in ascending order. Future writing(int startDelay, int sequence, int endDelay) async { await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: startDelay)); await mutex.protectWrite(() async { final op = ++_operation; _debugPrint('[$op] write start: <- $_operationSequences'); final tmp = _operationSequences; expect(mutex.isWriteLocked, isTrue); expect(_operationSequences, orderedEquals(tmp)); // Add the position of operation to the list of operations. _operationSequences.add(sequence); // add position to list expect(mutex.isWriteLocked, isTrue); await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: endDelay)); _debugPrint('[$op] write finish: -> $_operationSequences'); }); } /// Waits [startDelay] and then invokes critical section with mutex. /// /// Future reading(int startDelay, int sequence, int endDelay) async { await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: startDelay)); await mutex.protectRead(() async { final op = ++_operation; _debugPrint('[$op] read start: <- $_operationSequences'); expect(mutex.isReadLocked, isTrue); _operationSequences.add(sequence); // add position to list await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: endDelay)); _debugPrint('[$op] read finish: <- $_operationSequences'); }); } } //################################################################ //---------------------------------------------------------------- void main() { final account = RWTester(); setUp(account.reset); test('multiple read locks', () async { await Future.wait([ account.reading(0, 1, 1000), account.reading(0, 2, 900), account.reading(0, 3, 800), account.reading(0, 4, 700), account.reading(0, 5, 600), account.reading(0, 6, 500), account.reading(0, 7, 400), account.reading(0, 8, 300), account.reading(0, 9, 200), account.reading(0, 10, 100), ]); // The first future acquires the lock first and waits the longest to give it // up. This should however not block any of the other read operations // as such the reads should finish in ascending orders. expect( account.operationSequences, orderedEquals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), ); }); test('multiple write locks', () async { await Future.wait([ account.writing(0, 1, 100), account.writing(0, 2, 100), account.writing(0, 3, 100), ]); // The first future writes first and holds the lock until 100 ms // Even though the second future starts execution, the lock cannot be // acquired until it is released by the first future. // Therefore the sequence of operations will be in ascending order // of the futures. expect( account.operationSequences, orderedEquals([1, 2, 3]), ); }); test('acquireWrite() before acquireRead()', () async { const lockTimeout = Duration(milliseconds: 100); final mutex = ReadWriteMutex(); await mutex.acquireWrite(); expect(mutex.isReadLocked, equals(false)); expect(mutex.isWriteLocked, equals(true)); // Since there is a write lock existing, a read lock cannot be acquired. final readLock = mutex.acquireRead().timeout(lockTimeout); expect( () async => readLock, throwsA(isA()), ); }); test('acquireRead() before acquireWrite()', () async { const lockTimeout = Duration(milliseconds: 100); final mutex = ReadWriteMutex(); await mutex.acquireRead(); expect(mutex.isReadLocked, equals(true)); expect(mutex.isWriteLocked, equals(false)); // Since there is a read lock existing, a write lock cannot be acquired. final writeLock = mutex.acquireWrite().timeout(lockTimeout); expect( () async => writeLock, throwsA(isA()), ); }); test('mixture of read write locks execution order', () async { await Future.wait([ account.reading(0, 1, 100), account.reading(10, 2, 100), account.reading(20, 3, 100), account.writing(30, 4, 100), account.writing(40, 5, 100), account.writing(50, 6, 100), ]); expect( account.operationSequences, orderedEquals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), ); }); group('protectRead', () { test('lock obtained and released on success', () async { final m = ReadWriteMutex(); await m.protectRead(() async { // critical section expect(m.isLocked, isTrue); }); expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); }); test('value returned from critical section', () async { // These are the normal scenario of the critical section running // successfully. It tests different return types from the // critical section. final m = ReadWriteMutex(); // returns Future await m.protectRead(() async {}); // returns Future final number = await m.protectRead(() async => 42); expect(number, equals(42)); // returns Future completes with value final optionalNumber = await m.protectRead(() async => 1024); expect(optionalNumber, equals(1024)); // returns Future completes with null final optionalNumberNull = await m.protectRead(() async => null); expect(optionalNumberNull, isNull); // returns Future final word = await m.protectRead(() async => 'foobar'); expect(word, equals('foobar')); // returns Future completes with value final optionalWord = await m.protectRead(() async => 'baz'); expect(optionalWord, equals('baz')); // returns Future completes with null final optionalWordNull = await m.protectRead(() async => null); expect(optionalWordNull, isNull); expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); }); test('exception in synchronous code', () async { // Tests what happens when an exception is raised in the **synchronous** // part of the critical section. // // Locks are correctly managed: the lock is obtained before executing // the critical section, and is released when the exception is thrown // by the _protect_ method. // // The exception is raised when waiting for the Future returned by // _protect_ to complete. Even though the exception is synchronously // raised by the critical section, it won't be thrown when _protect_ // is invoked. The _protect_ method always successfully returns a // _Future_. Future criticalSection() { final c = Completer()..complete(42); // synchronous exception throw const FormatException('synchronous exception'); // ignore: dead_code return c.future; } // Check the criticalSection behaves as expected for the test try { // ignore: unused_local_variable final resultFuture = criticalSection(); fail('critical section did not throw synchronous exception'); } on FormatException { // expected: invoking the criticalSection results in the exception } final m = ReadWriteMutex(); try { // Invoke protect to get the Future (this should succeed) final resultFuture = m.protectRead(criticalSection); expect(resultFuture, isA>()); // Wait for the Future (this should fail) final result = await resultFuture; expect(result, isNotNull); fail('exception not thrown'); } on FormatException catch (e) { expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); expect(e.message, equals('synchronous exception')); } expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); }); test('exception in asynchronous code', () async { // Tests what happens when an exception is raised in the **asynchronous** // part of the critical section. // // Locks are correctly managed: the lock is obtained before executing // the critical section, and is released when the exception is thrown // by the _protect_ method. // // The exception is raised when waiting for the Future returned by // _protect_ to complete. Future criticalSection() async { final c = Completer()..complete(42); await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {}); // asynchronous exception (since it must wait for the above line) throw const FormatException('asynchronous exception'); // ignore: dead_code return c.future; } // Check the criticalSection behaves as expected for the test final resultFuture = criticalSection(); expect(resultFuture, isA>()); // invoking the criticalSection does not result in the exception try { await resultFuture; fail('critical section did not throw asynchronous exception'); } on FormatException { // expected: exception happens on the await } final m = ReadWriteMutex(); try { // Invoke protect to get the Future (this should succeed) final resultFuture = m.protectRead(criticalSection); expect(resultFuture, isA>()); // Even though the criticalSection throws the exception in synchronous // code, protect causes it to become an asynchronous exception. // Wait for the Future (this should fail) final result = await resultFuture; expect(result, isNotNull); fail('exception not thrown'); } on FormatException catch (e) { expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); expect(e.message, equals('asynchronous exception')); } expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); }); }); group('protectWrite', () { test('lock obtained and released on success', () async { final m = ReadWriteMutex(); await m.protectWrite(() async { // critical section expect(m.isLocked, isTrue); }); expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); }); test('value returned from critical section', () async { // These are the normal scenario of the critical section running // successfully. It tests different return types from the // critical section. final m = ReadWriteMutex(); // returns Future await m.protectWrite(() async {}); // returns Future final number = await m.protectWrite(() async => 42); expect(number, equals(42)); // returns Future completes with value final optionalNumber = await m.protectWrite(() async => 1024); expect(optionalNumber, equals(1024)); // returns Future completes with null final optionalNumberNull = await m.protectWrite(() async => null); expect(optionalNumberNull, isNull); // returns Future final word = await m.protectWrite(() async => 'foobar'); expect(word, equals('foobar')); // returns Future completes with value final optionalWord = await m.protectWrite(() async => 'baz'); expect(optionalWord, equals('baz')); // returns Future completes with null final optionalWordNull = await m.protectWrite(() async => null); expect(optionalWordNull, isNull); expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); }); test('exception in synchronous code', () async { // Tests what happens when an exception is raised in the **synchronous** // part of the critical section. // // Locks are correctly managed: the lock is obtained before executing // the critical section, and is released when the exception is thrown // by the _protect_ method. // // The exception is raised when waiting for the Future returned by // _protect_ to complete. Even though the exception is synchronously // raised by the critical section, it won't be thrown when _protect_ // is invoked. The _protect_ method always successfully returns a // _Future_. Future criticalSection() { final c = Completer()..complete(42); // synchronous exception throw const FormatException('synchronous exception'); // ignore: dead_code return c.future; } // Check the criticalSection behaves as expected for the test try { // ignore: unused_local_variable final resultFuture = criticalSection(); fail('critical section did not throw synchronous exception'); } on FormatException { // expected: invoking the criticalSection results in the exception } final m = ReadWriteMutex(); try { // Invoke protect to get the Future (this should succeed) final resultFuture = m.protectWrite(criticalSection); expect(resultFuture, isA>()); // Wait for the Future (this should fail) final result = await resultFuture; expect(result, isNotNull); fail('exception not thrown'); } on FormatException catch (e) { expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); expect(e.message, equals('synchronous exception')); } expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); }); test('exception in asynchronous code', () async { // Tests what happens when an exception is raised in the **asynchronous** // part of the critical section. // // Locks are correctly managed: the lock is obtained before executing // the critical section, and is released when the exception is thrown // by the _protect_ method. // // The exception is raised when waiting for the Future returned by // _protect_ to complete. Future criticalSection() async { final c = Completer()..complete(42); await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {}); // asynchronous exception (since it must wait for the above line) throw const FormatException('asynchronous exception'); // ignore: dead_code return c.future; } // Check the criticalSection behaves as expected for the test final resultFuture = criticalSection(); expect(resultFuture, isA>()); // invoking the criticalSection does not result in the exception try { await resultFuture; fail('critical section did not throw asynchronous exception'); } on FormatException { // expected: exception happens on the await } final m = ReadWriteMutex(); try { // Invoke protect to get the Future (this should succeed) final resultFuture = m.protectWrite(criticalSection); expect(resultFuture, isA>()); // Even though the criticalSection throws the exception in synchronous // code, protect causes it to become an asynchronous exception. // Wait for the Future (this should fail) final result = await resultFuture; expect(result, isNotNull); fail('exception not thrown'); } on FormatException catch (e) { expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); expect(e.message, equals('asynchronous exception')); } expect(m.isLocked, isFalse); }); }); }