import 'dart:async'; import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; class User { final String publicKey; final String secretKey; const User(this.publicKey, this.secretKey); } /// A mock of an Authenticated User const _dummyUser = User("", ""); /// XXXX THIS IS TOTALLY BOGUS FOR NOW /// This notifier holds and handles the authentication state of the application class AuthNotifier extends AutoDisposeAsyncNotifier { late SharedPreferences sharedPreferences; static const _sharedPrefsKey = 'token'; /// Mock of the duration of a network request @override FutureOr build() async { sharedPreferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); _persistenceRefreshLogic(); return await _loginRecoveryAttempt(); } /// Tries to perform a login with the saved token on the persistant storage. /// If _anything_ goes wrong, deletes the internal token and returns a [User.signedOut]. Future _loginRecoveryAttempt() async { try { final savedToken = sharedPreferences.getString(_sharedPrefsKey); if (savedToken == null) { throw const UnauthorizedException( "Couldn't find the authentication token"); } return await _loginWithToken(savedToken); } catch (_, __) { await sharedPreferences.remove(_sharedPrefsKey); return null; } } /// Mock of a request performed on logout (might be common, or not, whatevs). Future logout() async { await Future.delayed(networkRoundTripTime); state = const; } /// Mock of a successful login attempt, which results come from the network. Future login(String publicKey, String password) async { state = await AsyncValue.guard(() async { return Future.delayed( networkRoundTripTime, () => _dummyUser, ); }); } /// Mock of a login request performed with a saved token. /// If such request fails, this method will throw an [UnauthorizedException]. Future _loginWithToken(String token) async { final logInAttempt = await Future.delayed( networkRoundTripTime, () => true, ); if (logInAttempt) return _dummyUser; throw const UnauthorizedException('401 Unauthorized or something'); } /// Internal method used to listen authentication state changes. /// When the auth object is in a loading state, nothing happens. /// When the auth object is in a error state, we choose to remove the token /// Otherwise, we expect the current auth value to be reflected in our persistence API void _persistenceRefreshLogic() { ref.listenSelf((_, next) { if (next.isLoading) return; if (next.hasError) { sharedPreferences.remove(_sharedPrefsKey); return; } final val = next.requireValue; final isAuthenticated = val == null; isAuthenticated ? sharedPreferences.remove(_sharedPrefsKey) : sharedPreferences.setString(_sharedPrefsKey, val.publicKey); }); } } final authNotifierProvider = AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProvider(() { return AuthNotifier(); }); class UnauthorizedException implements Exception { final String message; const UnauthorizedException(this.message); } /// Mock of the duration of a network request const networkRoundTripTime = Duration(milliseconds: 750);