import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:fast_immutable_collections/fast_immutable_collections.dart'; import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart'; import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart'; import '../entities/local_account.dart'; import '../entities/proto.dart' as proto; import '../entities/proto.dart' show Contact, ContactInvitation, ContactInvitationRecord, ContactRequest, ContactRequestPrivate, SignedContactInvitation; import '../tools/tools.dart'; import '../veilid_support/veilid_support.dart'; import 'account.dart'; part 'contact.g.dart'; Future createContactInvitation( {required ActiveAccountInfo activeAccountInfo, required EncryptionKeyType encryptionKeyType, required String encryptionKey, required String message, required Timestamp? expiration}) async { final pool = await DHTRecordPool.instance(); final accountRecordKey = activeAccountInfo.userLogin.accountRecordInfo.accountRecord.recordKey; final identityKey = activeAccountInfo.localAccount.identityMaster.identityPublicKey; final identitySecret = activeAccountInfo.userLogin.identitySecret.value; // Generate writer keypair to share with new contact final cs = await pool.veilid.bestCryptoSystem(); final writer = await cs.generateKeyPair(); // Encrypt the writer secret with the encryption key final encryptedSecret = await encryptSecretToBytes( secret: writer.secret, cryptoKind: cs.kind(), encryptionKey: encryptionKey, encryptionKeyType: encryptionKeyType); // Create local chat DHT record with the account record key as its parent // Do not set the encryption of this key yet as it will not yet be written // to and it will be eventually encrypted with the DH of the contact's // identity key late final Uint8List signedContactInvitationBytes; await (await pool.create(parent: accountRecordKey)) .deleteScope((localChatRecord) async { // Make ContactRequestPrivate and encrypt with the writer secret final crpriv = ContactRequestPrivate() ..writerKey = writer.key.toProto() ..profile = activeAccountInfo.account.profile ..accountMasterRecordKey = activeAccountInfo.userLogin.accountMasterRecordKey.toProto() ..chatRecordKey = localChatRecord.key.toProto() ..expiration = expiration?.toInt64() ?? Int64.ZERO; final crprivbytes = crpriv.writeToBuffer(); final encryptedContactRequestPrivate = await cs.encryptNoAuthWithNonce(crprivbytes, writer.secret); // Create ContactRequest and embed contactrequestprivate final creq = ContactRequest() ..encryptionKeyType = encryptionKeyType.toProto() ..private = encryptedContactRequestPrivate; // Create DHT unicast inbox for ContactRequest await (await pool.create( parent: accountRecordKey, schema: DHTSchema.smpl( oCnt: 1, members: [DHTSchemaMember(mCnt: 1, mKey: writer.key)]), crypto: const DHTRecordCryptoPublic())) .deleteScope((inboxRecord) async { // Store ContactRequest in owner subkey await inboxRecord.eventualWriteProtobuf(creq); // Create ContactInvitation and SignedContactInvitation final cinv = ContactInvitation() ..contactRequestRecordKey = inboxRecord.key.toProto() ..writerSecret = encryptedSecret; final cinvbytes = cinv.writeToBuffer(); final scinv = SignedContactInvitation() ..contactInvitation = cinvbytes ..identitySignature = (await cs.sign(identityKey, identitySecret, cinvbytes)).toProto(); signedContactInvitationBytes = scinv.writeToBuffer(); // Create ContactInvitationRecord final cinvrec = ContactInvitationRecord() ..contactRequestRecordKey = inboxRecord.key.toProto() ..writerKey = writer.key.toProto() ..writerSecret = writer.secret.toProto() ..chatRecordKey = localChatRecord.key.toProto() ..expiration = expiration?.toInt64() ?? Int64.ZERO ..invitation = signedContactInvitationBytes ..message = message; // Add ContactInvitationRecord to local table if possible // if this fails, don't keep retrying, user can try again later await (await DHTShortArray.openOwned( proto.OwnedDHTRecordPointerProto.fromProto( activeAccountInfo.account.contactInvitationRecords), parent: accountRecordKey)) .scope((cirList) async { if (await cirList.tryAddItem(cinvrec.writeToBuffer()) == false) { throw StateError('Failed to add contact invitation record'); } }); }); }); return signedContactInvitationBytes; } /// Get the active account contact invitation list @riverpod Future?> fetchContactInvitationRecords( FetchContactInvitationRecordsRef ref) async { // See if we've logged into this account or if it is locked final activeAccountInfo = await; if (activeAccountInfo == null) { return null; } final accountRecordKey = activeAccountInfo.userLogin.accountRecordInfo.accountRecord.recordKey; // Decode the contact invitation list from the DHT IList out = const IListConst([]); await (await DHTShortArray.openOwned( proto.OwnedDHTRecordPointerProto.fromProto( activeAccountInfo.account.contactInvitationRecords), parent: accountRecordKey)) .scope((cirList) async { for (var i = 0; i < cirList.length; i++) { final cir = await cirList.getItem(i); if (cir == null) { throw StateError('Failed to get contact invitation record'); } out = out.add(ContactInvitationRecord.fromBuffer(cir)); } }); return out; } /// Get the active account contact list @riverpod Future?> fetchContactList(FetchContactListRef ref) async { // See if we've logged into this account or if it is locked final activeAccountInfo = await; if (activeAccountInfo == null) { return null; } final accountRecordKey = activeAccountInfo.userLogin.accountRecordInfo.accountRecord.recordKey; // Decode the contact list from the DHT IList out = const IListConst([]); await (await DHTShortArray.openOwned( proto.OwnedDHTRecordPointerProto.fromProto( activeAccountInfo.account.contactList), parent: accountRecordKey)) .scope((cList) async { for (var i = 0; i < cList.length; i++) { final cir = await cList.getItem(i); if (cir == null) { throw StateError('Failed to get contact'); } out = out.add(Contact.fromBuffer(cir)); } }); return out; }