import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:change_case/change_case.dart'; import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart'; import '../entities/proto.dart' as proto; import '../veilid_support/veilid_support.dart'; import 'identity.dart'; part 'local_account.freezed.dart'; part 'local_account.g.dart'; // Local account identitySecretKey is potentially encrypted with a key // using the following mechanisms // * None : no key, bytes are unencrypted // * Pin : Code is a numeric pin (4-256 numeric digits) hashed with Argon2 // * Password: Code is a UTF-8 string that is hashed with Argon2 enum EncryptionKeyType { none, pin, password; factory EncryptionKeyType.fromJson(dynamic j) => EncryptionKeyType.values.byName((j as String).toCamelCase()); factory EncryptionKeyType.fromProto(proto.EncryptionKeyType p) { // ignore: exhaustive_cases switch (p) { case proto.EncryptionKeyType.ENCRYPTION_KEY_TYPE_NONE: return EncryptionKeyType.none; case proto.EncryptionKeyType.ENCRYPTION_KEY_TYPE_PIN: return; case proto.EncryptionKeyType.ENCRYPTION_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD: return EncryptionKeyType.password; } throw StateError('unknown EncryptionKeyType enum value'); } String toJson() => name.toPascalCase(); proto.EncryptionKeyType toProto() => switch (this) { EncryptionKeyType.none => proto.EncryptionKeyType.ENCRYPTION_KEY_TYPE_NONE, => proto.EncryptionKeyType.ENCRYPTION_KEY_TYPE_PIN, EncryptionKeyType.password => proto.EncryptionKeyType.ENCRYPTION_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD, }; } // Local Accounts are stored in a table locally and not backed by a DHT key // and represents the accounts that have been added/imported // on the current device. // Stores a copy of the IdentityMaster associated with the account // and the identitySecretKey optionally encrypted by an unlock code // This is the root of the account information tree for VeilidChat // @freezed class LocalAccount with _$LocalAccount { const factory LocalAccount({ // The master key record for the account, containing the identityPublicKey required IdentityMaster identityMaster, // The encrypted identity secret that goes with // the identityPublicKey with appended salt @Uint8ListJsonConverter() required Uint8List identitySecretBytes, // The kind of encryption input used on the account required EncryptionKeyType encryptionKeyType, // If account is not hidden, password can be retrieved via required bool biometricsEnabled, // Keep account hidden unless account password is entered // (tries all hidden accounts with auth method (no biometrics)) required bool hiddenAccount, // Display name for account until it is unlocked required String name, }) = _LocalAccount; factory LocalAccount.fromJson(dynamic json) => _$LocalAccountFromJson(json as Map); }