import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:fast_immutable_collections/fast_immutable_collections.dart'; import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart'; import 'package:veilid/veilid.dart'; import '../entities/entities.dart'; import '../entities/proto.dart' as proto; import '../tools/tools.dart'; import '../veilid_support/veilid_support.dart'; import 'logins.dart'; part 'local_accounts.g.dart'; // Local account manager @riverpod class LocalAccounts extends _$LocalAccounts with AsyncTableDBBacked> { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// AsyncTableDBBacked @override String tableName() => 'local_account_manager'; @override String tableKeyName() => 'local_accounts'; @override IList valueFromJson(Object? obj) => obj != null ? IList.fromJson( obj, genericFromJson(LocalAccount.fromJson)) : IList(); @override Object? valueToJson(IList val) => val.toJson((la) => la.toJson()); /// Get all local account information @override FutureOr> build() async => await load(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Mutators and Selectors /// Reorder accounts Future reorderAccount(int oldIndex, int newIndex) async { final localAccounts = state.requireValue; final removedItem = Output(); final updated = localAccounts .removeAt(oldIndex, removedItem) .insert(newIndex, removedItem.value!); await store(updated); state =; } /// Creates a new account associated with master identity Future newAccount( {required IdentityMaster identityMaster, required SecretKey identitySecret, required proto.Account account, EncryptionKeyType encryptionKeyType = EncryptionKeyType.none, String encryptionKey = ''}) async { final veilid = await eventualVeilid.future; final localAccounts = state.requireValue; // Encrypt identitySecret with key late final Uint8List identitySecretBytes; late final Uint8List identitySecretSaltBytes; switch (encryptionKeyType) { case EncryptionKeyType.none: identitySecretBytes = identitySecret.decode(); identitySecretSaltBytes = Uint8List(0); case case EncryptionKeyType.password: final cs = await veilid.getCryptoSystem(identityMaster.identityRecordKey.kind); final ekbytes = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(encryptionKey)); final nonce = await cs.randomNonce(); identitySecretSaltBytes = nonce.decode(); final sharedSecret = await cs.deriveSharedSecret(ekbytes, identitySecretSaltBytes); identitySecretBytes = await cs.cryptNoAuth(identitySecret.decode(), nonce, sharedSecret); } // Create local account object final localAccount = LocalAccount( identityMaster: identityMaster, identitySecretKeyBytes: identitySecretBytes, identitySecretSaltBytes: identitySecretSaltBytes, encryptionKeyType: encryptionKeyType, biometricsEnabled: false, hiddenAccount: false, ); /////// Add account with profile to DHT // Create private routing context final dhtctx = (await veilid.routingContext()) .withPrivacy() .withSequencing(Sequencing.ensureOrdered); // Open identity key for writing await (await DHTRecord.openWrite(dhtctx, identityMaster.identityRecordKey, identityMaster.identityWriter(identitySecret))) .scope((identityRec) async { // Create new account to insert into identity await (await DHTRecord.create(dhtctx)).deleteScope((accountRec) async { // Write account key await accountRec.eventualWriteProtobuf(account); // Update identity key to include account final newAccountRecordInfo = AccountRecordInfo( key: accountRec.key(), owner: accountRec.ownerKeyPair()!); await identityRec.eventualUpdateJson(Identity.fromJson, (oldIdentity) async { final accountRecords = IMapOfSets.from(oldIdentity.accountRecords) .add('com.veilid.veilidchat', newAccountRecordInfo) .asIMap(); return oldIdentity.copyWith(accountRecords: accountRecords); }); }); }); // Add local account object to internal store final newLocalAccounts = localAccounts.add(localAccount); await store(newLocalAccounts); state =; // Return local account object return localAccount; } /// Remove an account and wipe the messages for this account from this device Future deleteAccount(TypedKey accountMasterRecordKey) async { final logins =; await logins.logout(accountMasterRecordKey); final localAccounts = state.requireValue; final updated = localAccounts.removeWhere( (la) => la.identityMaster.masterRecordKey == accountMasterRecordKey); await store(updated); state =; // xxx todo: wipe messages return true; } /// Import an account from another VeilidChat instance /// Recover an account with the master identity secret }