import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import '../../proto/proto.dart' as proto; /// Profile and Account configurable fields /// Some are publicly visible via the proto.Profile /// Some are privately held as proto.Account configurations class AccountSpec { AccountSpec( {required, required this.pronouns, required this.about, required this.availability, required this.invisible, required this.freeMessage, required this.awayMessage, required this.busyMessage, required this.avatar, required this.autoAway, required this.autoAwayTimeout}); String get status { late final String status; switch (availability) { case proto.Availability.AVAILABILITY_AWAY: status = awayMessage; break; case proto.Availability.AVAILABILITY_BUSY: status = busyMessage; break; case proto.Availability.AVAILABILITY_FREE: status = freeMessage; break; case proto.Availability.AVAILABILITY_UNSPECIFIED: case proto.Availability.AVAILABILITY_OFFLINE: status = ''; break; } return status; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String name; String pronouns; String about; proto.Availability availability; bool invisible; String freeMessage; String awayMessage; String busyMessage; ImageProvider? avatar; bool autoAway; int autoAwayTimeout; }