{ "app": { "title": "VeilidChat" }, "menu": { "accounts_menu_tooltip": "Accounts Menu", "contacts_tooltip": "Contacts List", "new_chat_tooltip": "Start New Chat", "add_account_tooltip": "Add Account", "accounts": "Accounts", "version": "Version" }, "splash": { "beta_title": "VeilidChat is BETA SOFTWARE", "beta_text": "DO NOT USE THIS FOR ANYTHING IMPORTANT\n\nUntil 1.0 is released:\n\n• You should have no expectations of actual privacy, or guarantees of security.\n• You will likely lose accounts, contacts, and messages and need to recreate them.\n\nPlease read our BETA PARTICIPATION GUIDE located here:\n\n" }, "account": { "form_name": "Name", "empty_name": "Your name (required)", "form_pronouns": "Pronouns", "empty_pronouns": "(optional pronouns)", "form_about": "About Me", "empty_about": "Tell your contacts about yourself", "form_free_message": "Free Message", "empty_free_message": "Status when availability is 'Free'", "form_away_message": "Away Message", "empty_away_message": "Status when availability is 'Away'", "form_busy_message": "Busy Message", "empty_busy_message": "Status when availability is 'Busy'", "form_availability": "Availability", "form_avatar": "Avatar", "form_auto_away": "Automatic 'away' detection", "form_auto_away_timeout": "Auto-away timeout (in minutes)", "form_lock_type": "Lock Type", "lock_type_none": "none", "lock_type_pin": "pin", "lock_type_password": "password" }, "new_account_page": { "titlebar": "Create A New Account", "header": "Account Profile", "create": "Create", "instructions": "This information will be shared with the people you invite to connect with you on VeilidChat.", "error": "Account creation error", "network_is_offline": "Network is offline, try again when you're connected", "name": "Name", "pronouns": "Pronouns" }, "edit_account_page": { "titlebar": "Edit Account", "header": "Account Profile", "update": "Update", "instructions": "This information will be shared with the people you invite to connect with you on VeilidChat.", "error": "Account modification error", "name": "Name", "pronouns": "Pronouns", "remove_account": "Remove Account", "destroy_account": "Destroy Account", "remove_account_confirm": "Confirm Account Removal", "remove_account_description": "Remove account from this device only", "remove_account_confirm_message": " • Your account will be removed from this device ONLY\n • Your identity will remain recoverable with the recovery key\n • Your messages and contacts will remain available on other devices\n", "destroy_account_confirm": "Confirm Account Destruction", "destroy_account_description": "Destroy account, removing it completely from all devices everywhere", "destroy_account_confirm_message": "This action is PERMANENT, and your VeilidChat account will no longer be recoverable with the recovery key. Restoring from backups will not recover your account!", "destroy_account_confirm_message_details": "You will lose access to:\n • Your entire message history\n • Your contacts\n • This will not remove your messages you have sent from other people's devices\n", "confirm_are_you_sure": "Are you sure you want to do this?", "failed_to_remove": "Failed to remove account.\n\nTry again when you have a more stable network connection.", "failed_to_destroy": "Failed to destroy account.\n\nTry again when you have a more stable network connection.", "account_removed": "Account removed successfully", "account_destroyed": "Account destroyed successfully" }, "show_recovery_key_page": { "titlebar": "Save Recovery Key", "recovery_key": "Recovery Key", "instructions": "Your recovery key is important!", "instructions_details": "This key is the ONLY way to recover your VeilidChat account in the event of a forgotton password or a lost, stolen, or compromised device.", "instructions_options": "Here are some options for your recovery key:", "instructions_print": "Print the recovery key and keep it somewhere safe", "instructions_view": "View the recovery key and take a screenshot", "instructions_share": "Share the recovery key to another app to save it", "print": "Print", "view": "View", "share": "Share" }, "button": { "ok": "Ok", "cancel": "Cancel", "delete": "Delete", "accept": "Accept", "reject": "Reject", "finish": "Finish", "yes_proceed": "Yes, proceed", "no_cancel": "No, cancel", "waiting_for_network": "Waiting For Network" }, "toast": { "confirm": "Confirm", "error": "Error", "info": "Info" }, "language": { "name": { "en": "English" }, "change_language": "Change Language", "selected_message": "Currently selected language is {language}", "selection": { "message": "Please select a language from the list", "title": "Language Selection" } }, "home": { "missing_account_title": "Missing Account", "missing_account_text": "Account is missing, removing from list", "invalid_account_title": "Invalid Account", "invalid_account_text": "Account is invalid, removing from list" }, "contacts_dialog": { "contacts": "Contacts", "edit_contact": "Edit Contact", "invitations": "Invitations", "no_contact_selected": "No contact selected", "new_chat": "New Chat" }, "contact_list": { "contacts": "Contacts", "invite_people": "Invite people to VeilidChat", "search": "Search contacts", "invitation": "Invitation", "loading_contacts": "Loading contacts..." }, "contact_form": { "form_name": "Name", "form_pronouns": "Pronouns", "form_about": "About", "form_status": "Current Status", "form_nickname": "Nickname", "form_notes": "Notes", "form_fingerprint": "Fingerprint", "form_show_availability": "Show availability", "save": "Save", "save_disabled": "Save" }, "availability": { "unspecified": "Unspecified", "offline": "Offline", "always_show_offline": "Always Show Offline", "free": "Free", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away" }, "add_contact_sheet": { "new_contact": "New Contact", "create_invite": "Create\nInvitation", "receive_invite": "Receive\nInvitation", "scan_invite": "Scan\nInvitation", "paste_invite": "Paste\nInvitation" }, "add_chat_sheet": { "new_chat": "New Chat" }, "chat": { "start_a_conversation": "Start A Conversation", "say_something": "Say Something", "message_too_long": "Message too long" }, "create_invitation_dialog": { "title": "Create Contact Invitation", "me": "me", "fingerprint": "Fingerprint:", "connect_with_me": "Connect with {name} on VeilidChat!", "enter_message_hint": "Enter message for contact (optional)", "message_to_contact": "Message to send with invitation (not encrypted)", "generate": "Generate Invitation", "message": "Message", "unlocked": "Unlocked", "pin": "PIN", "password": "Password", "protect_this_invitation": "Protect this invitation:", "note": "Note:", "note_text": "Contact invitations can be used by anyone. Make sure you send the invitation to your contact over a secure medium, and preferably use a password or pin to ensure that they are the only ones who can unlock the invitation and accept it.", "pin_description": "Choose a PIN to protect the contact invite.\n\nThis level of security is appropriate only for casual connections in public environments for 'shoulder surfing' protection.", "password_description": "Choose a strong password to protect the contact invite.\n\nThis level of security is appropriate when you must be sure the contact invitation is only accepted by its intended recipient. Share this password over a different medium than the invite itself.", "pin_does_not_match": "PIN does not match", "contact_invitation": "Contact Invitation", "failed_to_generate": "Failed to generate contact invitation", "copy_invitation": "Copy Invitation", "invitation_copied": "Invitation Copied" }, "invitation_dialog": { "message_from_contact": "Message from contact", "validating": "Validating...", "failed_to_accept": "Failed to accept contact invitation", "failed_to_reject": "Failed to reject contact invitation", "invalid_invitation": "Invalid invitation", "try_again_online": "Invitation could not be reached, try again when online", "key_not_found": "Invitation could not be found, it may not be on the network yet", "protected_with_pin": "Contact invitation is protected with a PIN", "protected_with_password": "Contact invitation is protected with a password", "invalid_pin": "Invalid PIN", "invalid_password": "Invalid password" }, "waiting_invitation": { "accepted": "Contact invitation accepted from {name}", "rejected": "Contact invitation was rejected" }, "paste_invitation_dialog": { "title": "Paste Contact Invite", "paste_invite_here": "Paste your contact invite here:", "paste": "Paste" }, "scan_invitation_dialog": { "title": "Scan Contact Invite", "instructions": "Position the contact invite QR code in the frame", "scan_qr_here": "Click here to scan a contact invite QR code:", "paste_qr_here": "Camera scanning is only available on mobile devices. You can copy a QR code image and paste it here:", "scan": "Scan", "paste": "Paste", "not_an_image": "Pasted data is not an image", "could_not_decode_image": "Could not decode pasted image", "not_a_valid_qr_code": "Not a valid QR code", "error": "Failed to capture QR code", "permission_error": "Capturing QR codes requires camera permisions. Allow camera permissions for VeilidChat in your settings." }, "enter_pin_dialog": { "enter_pin": "Enter PIN", "reenter_pin": "Re-Enter PIN To Confirm", "pin_does_not_match": "PIN does not match" }, "enter_password_dialog": { "enter_password": "Enter Password", "reenter_password": "Re-Enter Password To Confirm", "password_does_not_match": "Password does not match" }, "chat_list": { "search": "Search chats", "start_a_conversation": "Start A Conversation", "chats": "Chats", "groups": "Groups" }, "themes": { "vapor": "Vapor", "scarlet": "Scarlet", "babydoll": "Babydoll", "gold": "Gold", "garden": "Garden", "forest": "Forest", "arctic": "Arctic", "lapis": "Lapis", "eggplant": "Eggplant", "lime": "Lime", "grim": "Grim", "elite": "31337", "contrast": "Contrast" }, "brightness": { "system": "System", "light": "Light", "dark": "Dark" }, "settings_page": { "titlebar": "Settings", "color_theme": "Color Theme", "brightness_mode": "Brightness Mode", "display_beta_warning": "Display beta warning on startup", "none": "None", "in_app": "In-app", "push": "Push", "in_app_or_push": "In-app or Push", "notifications": "Notifications", "event": "Event", "sound": "Sound", "delivery": "Delivery", "enable_badge": "Enable icon 'badge' bubble", "enable_notifications": "Enable notifications", "message_notification_content": "Message notification content", "invitation_accepted": "On invitation accept/reject", "message_received": "On message received", "message_sent": "On message sent", "name_and_content": "Name and content", "name_only": "Name only", "nothing": "Nothing", "bonk": "Bonk", "boop": "Boop", "badeep": "Badeep", "beep_badeep": "Beep-Badeep", "custom": "Custom" }, "developer": { "title": "Developer Logs", "command": "Command", "copied": "Selection copied", "copied_all": "Copied all content", "cleared": "Logs cleared", "are_you_sure_clear": "Are you sure you want to clear the logs?" }, "log": { "error": "Error", "warning": "Warning", "info": "Info", "debug": "Debug", "trace": "Trace" } }