import 'dart:async'; import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart'; import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart'; import 'package:stream_transform/stream_transform.dart'; import 'package:veilid_support/veilid_support.dart'; import '../../../account_manager/account_manager.dart'; import '../../layout/layout.dart'; import '../../proto/proto.dart' as proto; import '../../settings/settings.dart'; import '../../tools/tools.dart'; import '../../veilid_processor/views/developer.dart'; import '../views/router_shell.dart'; part 'router_cubit.freezed.dart'; part 'router_cubit.g.dart'; final _rootNavKey = GlobalKey(debugLabel: 'rootNavKey'); @freezed class RouterState with _$RouterState { const factory RouterState({ required bool hasAnyAccount, }) = _RouterState; factory RouterState.fromJson(dynamic json) => _$RouterStateFromJson(json as Map); } class RouterCubit extends Cubit { RouterCubit(AccountRepository accountRepository) : super(RouterState( hasAnyAccount: accountRepository.getLocalAccounts().isNotEmpty, )) { // Subscribe to repository streams _accountRepositorySubscription = { switch (event) { case AccountRepositoryChange.localAccounts: emit(state.copyWith( hasAnyAccount: accountRepository.getLocalAccounts().isNotEmpty)); break; case AccountRepositoryChange.userLogins: case AccountRepositoryChange.activeLocalAccount: break; } }); } @override Future close() async { await _accountRepositorySubscription.cancel(); await super.close(); } /// Our application routes List get routes => [ ShellRoute( builder: (context, state, child) => RouterShell(child: child), routes: [ GoRoute( path: '/', builder: (context, state) => const HomeScreen(), ), GoRoute( path: '/edit_account', builder: (context, state) { final extra = state.extra! as List; return EditAccountPage( superIdentityRecordKey: extra[0]! as TypedKey, existingAccount: extra[1]! as proto.Account, accountRecord: extra[2]! as OwnedDHTRecordPointer, ); }, ), GoRoute( path: '/new_account', builder: (context, state) => const NewAccountPage(), ), GoRoute( path: '/new_account/recovery_key', builder: (context, state) { final extra = state.extra! as List; return ShowRecoveryKeyPage( writableSuperIdentity: extra[0]! as WritableSuperIdentity, name: extra[1]! as String); }), GoRoute( path: '/settings', builder: (context, state) => const SettingsPage(), ), GoRoute( path: '/developer', builder: (context, state) => const DeveloperPage(), ) ]) ]; /// Redirects when our state changes String? redirect(BuildContext context, GoRouterState goRouterState) { // No matter where we are, if there's not switch (goRouterState.matchedLocation) { case '/': if (!state.hasAnyAccount) { return '/new_account'; } return null; case '/new_account': return null; case '/new_account/recovery_key': return null; case '/settings': return null; case '/developer': return null; default: return state.hasAnyAccount ? null : '/new_account'; } } /// Make a GoRouter instance that uses this cubit GoRouter router() { final r = _router; if (r != null) { return r; } return _router = GoRouter( navigatorKey: _rootNavKey, refreshListenable: StreamListenable(stream.startWith(state).distinct()), debugLogDiagnostics: kIsDebugMode, initialLocation: '/', routes: routes, redirect: redirect, ); } //////////////// late final StreamSubscription _accountRepositorySubscription; GoRouter? _router; }