mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 21:36:08 -04:00
more reconciliation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:async_tools/async_tools.dart';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:fast_immutable_collections/fast_immutable_collections.dart';
import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:veilid_support/veilid_support.dart';
import '../../account_manager/account_manager.dart';
import '../../proto/proto.dart' as proto;
import '../models/models.dart';
class MessagePosition extends Equatable {
const MessagePosition(this.message, this.pos);
final proto.Message message;
final int pos;
List<Object?> get props => [message, pos];
class RenderStateElement {
{required this.message,
@ -191,7 +203,10 @@ class SingleContactMessagesCubit extends Cubit<SingleContactMessagesState> {
_reconcileMessages(sentMessages, _sentMessagesCubit!);
// Called when the received messages cubit gets a change
@ -201,7 +216,8 @@ class SingleContactMessagesCubit extends Cubit<SingleContactMessagesState> {
_reconcileMessages(rcvdMessages, _rcvdMessagesCubit!);
_remoteIdentityPublicKey, rcvdMessages, _rcvdMessagesCubit!);
// Called when the reconciled messages window gets a change
@ -269,37 +285,108 @@ class SingleContactMessagesCubit extends Cubit<SingleContactMessagesState> {
writer.tryAddAll(messages.map((m) => m.writeToBuffer()).toList()));
void _reconcileMessages(DHTLogStateData<proto.Message> inputMessages,
void _reconcileMessages(
TypedKey author,
DHTLogStateData<proto.Message> inputMessages,
DHTLogCubit<proto.Message> inputMessagesCubit) {
singleFuture(_reconciledMessagesCubit!, () async {
// Get the timestamp of our most recent reconciled message
final lastReconciledMessageTs =
// Get the position of our most recent
// reconciled message from this author
// XXX: For a group chat, this should find when the author
// was added to the membership so we don't just go back in time forever
final lastReconciledMessage =
await _reconciledMessagesCubit!.operate((arr) async {
final len = arr.length;
if (len == 0) {
return null;
} else {
final lastMessage =
await arr.getProtobuf(proto.Message.fromBuffer, len - 1);
if (lastMessage == null) {
var pos = arr.length - 1;
while (pos >= 0) {
final message = await arr.getProtobuf(proto.Message.fromBuffer, pos);
if (message == null) {
throw StateError('should have gotten last message');
return lastMessage.timestamp;
if (message.author.toVeilid() == author) {
return MessagePosition(message, pos);
return null;
// Find oldest message we have not yet reconciled
final toReconcile = ListQueue<proto.Message>();
// // Go through all the ones from the cubit state first since we've already
// // gotten them from the DHT
// for (var rn = rcvdMessages.elements.length; rn >= 0; rn--) {
// //
// }
// Go through batches of the input dhtlog starting with
// the current cubit state which is at the tail of the log
// Find the last reconciled message for this author
var currentInputPos = inputMessages.tail;
var currentInputElements = inputMessages.elements;
final inputBatchCount = inputMessages.count;
while (true) {
for (var rn = currentInputElements.length;
rn >= 0 && currentInputPos >= 0;
rn--, currentInputPos--) {
final elem = currentInputElements[rn];
// // Add remote messages updates to queue to process asynchronously
// // Ignore offline state because remote messages are always fully delivered
// // This may happen once per client but should be idempotent
// _unreconciledMessagesQueue.addAllSync(rcvdMessages.map((x) => x.value));
// If we've found an input element that is older than our last
// reconciled message for this author, then we stop
if (lastReconciledMessage != null) {
if (elem.value.timestamp <
lastReconciledMessage.message.timestamp) {
break outer;
// Drop the 'offline' elements because we don't reconcile
// anything until it has been confirmed to be committed to the DHT
if (elem.isOffline) {
// Add to head of reconciliation queue
if (toReconcile.length > _maxReconcileChunk) {
if (currentInputPos < 0) {
// Get another input batch futher back
final nextInputBatch = await inputMessagesCubit.loadElements(
currentInputPos, inputBatchCount);
final asErr = nextInputBatch.asError;
if (asErr != null) {
emit(AsyncValue.error(asErr.error, asErr.stackTrace));
final asLoading = nextInputBatch.asLoading;
if (asLoading != null) {
// xxx: no need to block the cubit here for this
// xxx: might want to switch to a 'busy' state though
// xxx: to let the messages view show a spinner at the bottom
// xxx: while we reconcile...
// emit(const AsyncValue.loading());
currentInputElements = nextInputBatch.asData!.value;
// Now iterate from our current input position in batches
// and reconcile the messages in the forward direction
var insertPosition =
(lastReconciledMessage != null) ? lastReconciledMessage.pos : 0;
var lastInsertTime = (lastReconciledMessage != null)
? lastReconciledMessage.message.timestamp
: Int64.ZERO;
// Insert this batch
xxx expand upon 'res' and iterate batches and update insert position/time
final res = await _reconciledMessagesCubit!.operate((arr) async =>
reconciledArray: arr,
toReconcile: toReconcile,
insertPosition: insertPosition,
lastInsertTime: lastInsertTime));
// Update the view
@ -307,8 +394,10 @@ class SingleContactMessagesCubit extends Cubit<SingleContactMessagesState> {
Future<void> _reconcileMessagesInner(
{required DHTLogWriteOperations reconciledMessagesWriter,
required IList<proto.Message> messages}) async {
{required TableDBArray reconciledArray,
required Iterable<proto.Message> toReconcile,
required int insertPosition,
required Int64 lastInsertTime}) async {
// // Ensure remoteMessages is sorted by timestamp
// final newMessages = messages
// .sort((a, b) => a.timestamp.compareTo(b.timestamp))
@ -501,4 +590,6 @@ class SingleContactMessagesCubit extends Cubit<SingleContactMessagesState> {
StreamSubscription<DHTLogBusyState<proto.Message>>? _rcvdSubscription;
static const int _maxReconcileChunk = 65536;
Reference in New Issue
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