table db array testing

This commit is contained in:
Christien Rioux 2024-05-26 20:41:29 -04:00
parent 5d89de9bfe
commit ab65956433
3 changed files with 432 additions and 189 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:integration_test/integration_test.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:veilid_support/veilid_support.dart';
import 'package:veilid_test/veilid_test.dart';
import 'fixtures/fixtures.dart';
@ -37,59 +38,159 @@ void main() {
group('TableDB Tests', () {
group('TableDBArray Tests', () {
test('create TableDBArray', makeTestTableDBArrayCreateDelete());
timeout: const Timeout(Duration(seconds: 480)),
'add/truncate TableDBArray',
// test('create/delete TableDBArray', testTableDBArrayCreateDelete);
// group('TableDBArray Add/Get Tests', () {
// for (final params in [
// //
// (99, 3, 15),
// (100, 4, 16),
// (101, 5, 17),
// //
// (511, 3, 127),
// (512, 4, 128),
// (513, 5, 129),
// //
// (4095, 3, 1023),
// (4096, 4, 1024),
// (4097, 5, 1025),
// //
// (65535, 3, 16383),
// (65536, 4, 16384),
// (65537, 5, 16385),
// ]) {
// final count = params.$1;
// final singles = params.$2;
// final batchSize = params.$3;
// test(
// // timeout: const Timeout(Duration(seconds: 480)),
// 'add/remove TableDBArray count = $count batchSize=$batchSize',
// makeTestTableDBArrayAddGetClear(
// count: count,
// singles: singles,
// batchSize: batchSize,
// crypto: const VeilidCryptoPublic()),
// );
// }
// });
// group('TableDBArray Insert Tests', () {
// for (final params in [
// //
// (99, 3, 15),
// (100, 4, 16),
// (101, 5, 17),
// //
// (511, 3, 127),
// (512, 4, 128),
// (513, 5, 129),
// //
// (4095, 3, 1023),
// (4096, 4, 1024),
// (4097, 5, 1025),
// //
// (65535, 3, 16383),
// (65536, 4, 16384),
// (65537, 5, 16385),
// ]) {
// final count = params.$1;
// final singles = params.$2;
// final batchSize = params.$3;
// test(
// // timeout: const Timeout(Duration(seconds: 480)),
// 'insert TableDBArray count=$count singles=$singles batchSize=$batchSize',
// makeTestTableDBArrayInsert(
// count: count,
// singles: singles,
// batchSize: batchSize,
// crypto: const VeilidCryptoPublic()),
// );
// }
// });
group('TableDBArray Remove Tests', () {
for (final params in [
(99, 3, 15),
(100, 4, 16),
(101, 5, 17),
(511, 3, 127),
(512, 4, 128),
(513, 5, 129),
(4095, 3, 1023),
(4096, 4, 1024),
(4097, 5, 1025),
(65535, 3, 16383),
(65536, 4, 16384),
(65537, 5, 16385),
]) {
final count = params.$1;
final singles = params.$2;
final batchSize = params.$3;
// timeout: const Timeout(Duration(seconds: 480)),
'remove TableDBArray count=$count singles=$singles batchSize=$batchSize',
count: count,
singles: singles,
batchSize: batchSize,
crypto: const VeilidCryptoPublic()),
group('DHT Support Tests', () {
// group('DHT Support Tests', () {
// setUpAll(updateProcessorFixture.setUp);
// setUpAll(tickerFixture.setUp);
// tearDownAll(tickerFixture.tearDown);
// tearDownAll(updateProcessorFixture.tearDown);
test('create pool', testDHTRecordPoolCreate);
// test('create pool', testDHTRecordPoolCreate);
group('DHTRecordPool Tests', () {
// group('DHTRecordPool Tests', () {
// setUpAll(dhtRecordPoolFixture.setUp);
// tearDownAll(dhtRecordPoolFixture.tearDown);
test('create/delete record', testDHTRecordCreateDelete);
test('record scopes', testDHTRecordScopes);
test('create/delete deep record', testDHTRecordDeepCreateDelete);
// test('create/delete record', testDHTRecordCreateDelete);
// test('record scopes', testDHTRecordScopes);
// test('create/delete deep record', testDHTRecordDeepCreateDelete);
// });
group('DHTShortArray Tests', () {
// group('DHTShortArray Tests', () {
// setUpAll(dhtRecordPoolFixture.setUp);
// tearDownAll(dhtRecordPoolFixture.tearDown);
for (final stride in [256, 16 /*64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 */]) {
test('create shortarray stride=$stride',
makeTestDHTShortArrayCreateDelete(stride: stride));
test('add shortarray stride=$stride',
makeTestDHTShortArrayAdd(stride: stride));
// for (final stride in [256, 16 /*64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 */]) {
// test('create shortarray stride=$stride',
// makeTestDHTShortArrayCreateDelete(stride: stride));
// test('add shortarray stride=$stride',
// makeTestDHTShortArrayAdd(stride: stride));
// }
// });
group('DHTLog Tests', () {
// group('DHTLog Tests', () {
// setUpAll(dhtRecordPoolFixture.setUp);
// tearDownAll(dhtRecordPoolFixture.tearDown);
for (final stride in [256, 16 /*64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 */]) {
test('create log stride=$stride',
makeTestDHTLogCreateDelete(stride: stride));
timeout: const Timeout(Duration(seconds: 480)),
'add/truncate log stride=$stride',
makeTestDHTLogAddTruncate(stride: stride),
// for (final stride in [256, 16 /*64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 */]) {
// test('create log stride=$stride',
// makeTestDHTLogCreateDelete(stride: stride));
// test(
// timeout: const Timeout(Duration(seconds: 480)),
// 'add/truncate log stride=$stride',
// makeTestDHTLogAddTruncate(stride: stride),
// );
// }
// });
// });

View File

@ -1,134 +1,213 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:veilid_support/veilid_support.dart';
Future<void> Function() makeTestTableDBArrayCreateDelete() => () async {
// Close before delete
final arr = await TableDBArray(
table: 'test', crypto: const VeilidCryptoPublic());
expect(await arr.operate((r) async => r.length), isZero);
expect(arr.isOpen, isTrue);
await arr.close();
expect(arr.isOpen, isFalse);
await arr.delete();
// Operate should fail
await expectLater(() async => arr.operate((r) async => r.length),
// Close after delete
final arr = await DHTShortArray.create(
debugName: 'sa_create_delete 2 stride $stride', stride: stride);
await arr.delete();
// Operate should still succeed because things aren't closed
expect(await arr.operate((r) async => r.length), isZero);
await arr.close();
// Operate should fail
await expectLater(() async => arr.operate((r) async => r.length),
// Close after delete multiple
// Okay to request delete multiple times before close
final arr = await DHTShortArray.create(
debugName: 'sa_create_delete 3 stride $stride', stride: stride);
await arr.delete();
await arr.delete();
// Operate should still succeed because things aren't closed
expect(await arr.operate((r) async => r.length), isZero);
await arr.close();
await expectLater(() async => arr.close(), throwsA(isA<StateError>()));
// Operate should fail
await expectLater(() async => arr.operate((r) async => r.length),
Future<void> Function() makeTestTableDBArrayAdd({required int stride}) =>
() async {
final arr = await DHTShortArray.create(
debugName: 'sa_add 1 stride $stride', stride: stride);
final dataset = Iterable<int>.generate(256)
.map((n) => utf8.encode('elem $n'))
print('adding singles\n');
final res = await arr.operateWrite((w) async {
for (var n = 4; n < 8; n++) {
print('$n ');
final success = await w.tryAddItem(dataset[n]);
expect(success, isTrue);
expect(res, isNull);
print('adding batch\n');
final res = await arr.operateWrite((w) async {
print('${dataset.length ~/ 2}-${dataset.length}');
final success = await w.tryAddItems(
dataset.sublist(dataset.length ~/ 2, dataset.length));
expect(success, isTrue);
expect(res, isNull);
print('inserting singles\n');
final res = await arr.operateWrite((w) async {
for (var n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
print('$n ');
final success = await w.tryInsertItem(n, dataset[n]);
expect(success, isTrue);
expect(res, isNull);
print('inserting batch\n');
final res = await arr.operateWrite((w) async {
print('8-${dataset.length ~/ 2}');
final success = await w.tryInsertItems(
8, dataset.sublist(8, dataset.length ~/ 2));
expect(success, isTrue);
expect(res, isNull);
//print('get all\n');
final dataset2 = await arr.operate((r) async => r.getItemRange(0));
expect(dataset2, equals(dataset));
final dataset3 =
await arr.operate((r) async => r.getItemRange(64, length: 128));
expect(dataset3, equals(dataset.sublist(64, 64 + 128)));
await arr.operateWriteEventual((w) async {
await w.clear();
return true;
//print('get all\n');
final dataset4 = await arr.operate((r) async => r.getItemRange(0));
expect(dataset4, isEmpty);
Future<void> testTableDBArrayCreateDelete() async {
// Close before delete
final arr =
TableDBArray(table: 'testArray', crypto: const VeilidCryptoPublic());
expect(() => arr.length, throwsA(isA<StateError>()));
expect(arr.isOpen, isTrue);
await arr.initWait();
expect(arr.isOpen, isTrue);
expect(arr.length, isZero);
await arr.close();
expect(arr.isOpen, isFalse);
await arr.delete();
expect(arr.isOpen, isFalse);
// Async create with close after delete and then reopen
final arr = await TableDBArray.make(
table: 'testArray', crypto: const VeilidCryptoPublic());
expect(arr.length, isZero);
expect(arr.isOpen, isTrue);
await expectLater(() async {
await arr.delete();
await arr.close();
}, throwsA(isA<StateError>()));
expect(arr.isOpen, isTrue);
await arr.close();
expect(arr.isOpen, isFalse);
final arr2 = await TableDBArray.make(
table: 'testArray', crypto: const VeilidCryptoPublic());
expect(arr2.isOpen, isTrue);
expect(arr.isOpen, isFalse);
await arr2.close();
expect(arr2.isOpen, isFalse);
await arr2.delete();
Uint8List makeData(int n) => utf8.encode('elem $n');
List<Uint8List> makeDataBatch(int n, int batchSize) =>
List.generate(batchSize, (x) => makeData(n + x));
Future<void> Function() makeTestTableDBArrayAddGetClear(
{required int count,
required int singles,
required int batchSize,
required VeilidCrypto crypto}) =>
() async {
final arr = await TableDBArray.make(table: 'testArray', crypto: crypto);
for (var n = 0; n < count;) {
var toAdd = min(batchSize, count - n);
for (var s = 0; s < min(singles, toAdd); s++) {
await arr.add(makeData(n));
await arr.addAll(makeDataBatch(n, toAdd));
n += toAdd;
print(' $n/$count');
print('get singles');
for (var n = 0; n < batchSize; n++) {
expect(await arr.get(n), equals(makeData(n)));
print('get batch');
for (var n = batchSize; n < count; n += batchSize) {
final toGet = min(batchSize, count - n);
expect(await arr.getRange(n, toGet), equals(makeDataBatch(n, toGet)));
await arr.clear();
expect(arr.length, isZero);
await arr.close(delete: true);
Future<void> Function() makeTestTableDBArrayInsert(
{required int count,
required int singles,
required int batchSize,
required VeilidCrypto crypto}) =>
() async {
final arr = await TableDBArray.make(table: 'testArray', crypto: crypto);
final match = <Uint8List>[];
for (var n = 0; n < count;) {
final start = n;
var toAdd = min(batchSize, count - n);
for (var s = 0; s < min(singles, toAdd); s++) {
final data = makeData(n);
await arr.insert(start, data);
match.insert(start, data);
final data = makeDataBatch(n, toAdd);
await arr.insertAll(start, data);
match.insertAll(start, data);
n += toAdd;
print(' $n/$count');
print('get singles');
for (var n = 0; n < batchSize; n++) {
expect(await arr.get(n), equals(match[n]));
print('get batch');
for (var n = batchSize; n < count; n += batchSize) {
final toGet = min(batchSize, count - n);
expect(await arr.getRange(n, toGet),
equals(match.sublist(n, n + toGet)));
await arr.clear();
expect(arr.length, isZero);
await arr.close(delete: true);
Future<void> Function() makeTestTableDBArrayRemove(
{required int count,
required int singles,
required int batchSize,
required VeilidCrypto crypto}) =>
() async {
final arr = await TableDBArray.make(table: 'testArray', crypto: crypto);
final match = <Uint8List>[];
xxx removal test
for (var n = 0; n < count;) {
final start = n;
var toAdd = min(batchSize, count - n);
for (var s = 0; s < min(singles, toAdd); s++) {
final data = makeData(n);
await arr.insert(start, data);
match.insert(start, data);
final data = makeDataBatch(n, toAdd);
await arr.insertAll(start, data);
match.insertAll(start, data);
n += toAdd;
print(' $n/$count');
print('get singles');
for (var n = 0; n < batchSize; n++) {
expect(await arr.get(n), equals(match[n]));
print('get batch');
for (var n = batchSize; n < count; n += batchSize) {
final toGet = min(batchSize, count - n);
expect(await arr.getRange(n, toGet),
equals(match.sublist(n, n + toGet)));
await arr.clear();
expect(arr.length, isZero);
await arr.close(delete: true);

View File

@ -16,10 +16,25 @@ class TableDBArray {
static Future<TableDBArray> make({
required String table,
required VeilidCrypto crypto,
}) async {
final out = TableDBArray(table: table, crypto: crypto);
await out._initWait();
return out;
Future<void> initWait() async {
await _initWait();
Future<void> _init() async {
// Load the array details
await _mutex.protect(() async {
_tableDB = await Veilid.instance.openTableDB(_table, 1);
await _loadHead();
_initDone = true;
@ -27,23 +42,45 @@ class TableDBArray {
// Ensure the init finished
await _initWait();
await _mutex.acquire();
await _changeStream.close();
// Allow multiple attempts to close
if (_open) {
await _mutex.protect(() async {
await _changeStream.close();
_open = false;
if (delete) {
await Veilid.instance.deleteTableDB(_table);
Future<void> delete() async {
await _initWait();
if (_open) {
throw StateError('should be closed first');
await Veilid.instance.deleteTableDB(_table);
Future<StreamSubscription<void>> listen(void Function() onChanged) async => => onChanged());
// Public interface
int get length => _length;
int get length {
if (!_open) {
throw StateError('not open');
if (!_initDone) {
throw StateError('not initialized');
return _length;
bool get isOpen => _open;
Future<void> add(Uint8List value) async {
await _initWait();
@ -67,12 +104,22 @@ class TableDBArray {
Future<Uint8List> get(int pos) async {
await _initWait();
return _mutex.protect(() async => _getInner(pos));
return _mutex.protect(() async {
if (!_open) {
throw StateError('not open');
return _getInner(pos);
Future<List<Uint8List>> getAll(int start, int length) async {
Future<List<Uint8List>> getRange(int start, int length) async {
await _initWait();
return _mutex.protect(() async => _getAllInner(start, length));
return _mutex.protect(() async {
if (!_open) {
throw StateError('not open');
return _getRangeInner(start, length);
Future<void> remove(int pos, {Output<Uint8List>? out}) async {
@ -96,6 +143,7 @@ class TableDBArray {
_length = 0;
_nextFree = 0;
_maxEntry = 0;
@ -175,7 +223,7 @@ class TableDBArray {
return (await _loadEntry(entry))!;
Future<List<Uint8List>> _getAllInner(int start, int length) async {
Future<List<Uint8List>> _getRangeInner(int start, int length) async {
if (length < 0) {
throw StateError('length should not be negative');
@ -252,11 +300,16 @@ class TableDBArray {
Future<T> _writeTransaction<T>(
Future<T> Function(VeilidTableDBTransaction) closure) async =>
_mutex.protect(() async {
if (!_open) {
throw StateError('not open');
final _oldLength = _length;
final _oldNextFree = _nextFree;
final _oldMaxEntry = _maxEntry;
try {
final out = await transactionScope(_tableDB, (t) async {
final out = closure(t);
final out = await closure(t);
await _saveHead(t);
await _flushDirtyChunks(t);
return out;
@ -267,6 +320,7 @@ class TableDBArray {
// restore head
_length = _oldLength;
_nextFree = _oldNextFree;
_maxEntry = _oldMaxEntry;
// invalidate caches because they could have been written to
@ -322,34 +376,35 @@ class TableDBArray {
if (start < 0 || start >= _length) {
throw IndexError.withLength(start, _length);
final end = start + length - 1;
// Slide everything over in reverse
final toCopyTotal = _length - start;
var dest = end + toCopyTotal;
var src = _length - 1;
var dest = src + length;
(int, Uint8List)? lastSrcChunk;
(int, Uint8List)? lastDestChunk;
while (src >= start) {
final remaining = (src - start) + 1;
final srcChunkNumber = src ~/ _indexStride;
final srcIndex = src % _indexStride;
final srcLength = srcIndex + 1;
final srcLength = min(remaining, srcIndex + 1);
final srcChunk =
(lastSrcChunk != null && (lastSrcChunk.$1 == srcChunkNumber))
? lastSrcChunk.$2
: await _loadIndexChunk(srcChunkNumber);
_dirtyChunks[srcChunkNumber] = srcChunk;
lastSrcChunk = (srcChunkNumber, srcChunk);
final destChunkNumber = dest ~/ _indexStride;
final destIndex = dest % _indexStride;
final destLength = destIndex + 1;
final destLength = min(remaining, destIndex + 1);
final destChunk =
(lastDestChunk != null && (lastDestChunk.$1 == destChunkNumber))
? lastDestChunk.$2
: await _loadIndexChunk(destChunkNumber);
_dirtyChunks[destChunkNumber] = destChunk;
lastDestChunk = (destChunkNumber, destChunk);
final toCopy = min(srcLength, destLength);
@ -395,6 +450,7 @@ class TableDBArray {
(lastSrcChunk != null && (lastSrcChunk.$1 == srcChunkNumber))
? lastSrcChunk.$2
: await _loadIndexChunk(srcChunkNumber);
_dirtyChunks[srcChunkNumber] = srcChunk;
lastSrcChunk = (srcChunkNumber, srcChunk);
final destChunkNumber = dest ~/ _indexStride;
@ -405,6 +461,7 @@ class TableDBArray {
(lastDestChunk != null && (lastDestChunk.$1 == destChunkNumber))
? lastDestChunk.$2
: await _loadIndexChunk(destChunkNumber);
_dirtyChunks[destChunkNumber] = destChunk;
lastDestChunk = (destChunkNumber, destChunk);
final toCopy = min(srcLength, destLength);
@ -453,7 +510,7 @@ class TableDBArray {
Future<void> _flushDirtyChunks(VeilidTableDBTransaction t) async {
for (final ec in _dirtyChunks.entries) {
await, _chunkKey(ec.key), ec.value);
await, _chunkKey(ec.key), ec.value);
@ -464,25 +521,28 @@ class TableDBArray {
if (headBytes == null) {
_length = 0;
_nextFree = 0;
_maxEntry = 0;
} else {
final b = headBytes.buffer.asByteData();
_length = b.getUint32(0);
_nextFree = b.getUint32(4);
_maxEntry = b.getUint32(8);
Future<void> _saveHead(VeilidTableDBTransaction t) async {
assert(_mutex.isLocked, 'should be locked');
final b = ByteData(8)
final b = ByteData(12)
..setUint32(0, _length)
..setUint32(4, _nextFree);
..setUint32(4, _nextFree)
..setUint32(8, _maxEntry);
await, _headKey, b.buffer.asUint8List());
Future<int> _allocateEntry() async {
assert(_mutex.isLocked, 'should be locked');
if (_nextFree == 0) {
return _length;
return _maxEntry++;
// pop endogenous free list
final free = _nextFree;
@ -501,6 +561,8 @@ class TableDBArray {
final String _table;
late final VeilidTableDB _tableDB;
var _open = true;
var _initDone = false;
final VeilidCrypto _crypto;
final WaitSet<void> _initWait = WaitSet();
final Mutex _mutex = Mutex();
@ -508,6 +570,7 @@ class TableDBArray {
// Head state
int _length = 0;
int _nextFree = 0;
int _maxEntry = 0;
static const int _indexStride = 16384;
final List<(int, Uint8List)> _chunkCache = [];
final Map<int, Uint8List> _dirtyChunks = {};