2023-07-30 01:11:24 -04:00
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart';
import 'package:veilid/veilid.dart';
import '../entities/proto.dart' as proto;
import '../tools/tools.dart';
import 'veilid_support.dart';
class _DHTShortArrayCache {
: linkedRecords = List<DHTRecord>.empty(growable: true),
index = List<int>.empty(growable: true),
free = List<int>.empty(growable: true);
final List<DHTRecord> linkedRecords;
final List<int> index;
final List<int> free;
class DHTShortArray {
DHTShortArray({required DHTRecord dhtRecord})
: _headRecord = dhtRecord,
_head = _DHTShortArrayCache() {
late final int stride;
switch (dhtRecord.schema) {
case DHTSchemaDFLT(oCnt: final oCnt):
stride = oCnt - 1;
if (stride <= 0) {
throw StateError('Invalid stride in DHTShortArray');
case DHTSchemaSMPL():
throw StateError('Wrote kind of DHT record for DHTShortArray');
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assert(stride <= maxElements, 'stride too long');
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_stride = stride;
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static const maxElements = 256;
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// Head DHT record
final DHTRecord _headRecord;
late final int _stride;
// Cached representation refreshed from head record
_DHTShortArrayCache _head;
static Future<DHTShortArray> create(VeilidRoutingContext dhtctx, int stride,
{DHTRecordCrypto? crypto}) async {
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assert(stride <= maxElements, 'stride too long');
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final dhtRecord = await DHTRecord.create(dhtctx,
schema: DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: stride + 1), crypto: crypto);
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try {
final dhtShortArray = DHTShortArray(dhtRecord: dhtRecord);
return dhtShortArray;
} on Exception catch (_) {
await dhtRecord.delete();
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static Future<DHTShortArray> openRead(
VeilidRoutingContext dhtctx, TypedKey dhtRecordKey,
{DHTRecordCrypto? crypto}) async {
final dhtRecord =
await DHTRecord.openRead(dhtctx, dhtRecordKey, crypto: crypto);
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try {
final dhtShortArray = DHTShortArray(dhtRecord: dhtRecord);
await dhtShortArray._refreshHead();
return dhtShortArray;
} on Exception catch (_) {
await dhtRecord.close();
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static Future<DHTShortArray> openWrite(
VeilidRoutingContext dhtctx,
TypedKey dhtRecordKey,
KeyPair writer, {
DHTRecordCrypto? crypto,
}) async {
final dhtRecord =
await DHTRecord.openWrite(dhtctx, dhtRecordKey, writer, crypto: crypto);
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try {
final dhtShortArray = DHTShortArray(dhtRecord: dhtRecord);
await dhtShortArray._refreshHead();
return dhtShortArray;
} on Exception catch (_) {
await dhtRecord.close();
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/// Write the current head cache out to a protobuf to be serialized
Uint8List _headToBuffer() {
final head = proto.DHTShortArray();
head.keys.addAll(_head.linkedRecords.map((lr) => lr.key.toProto()));
return head.writeToBuffer();
Future<DHTRecord> _openLinkedRecord(TypedKey recordKey) async {
final writer = _headRecord.writer;
return (writer != null)
? await DHTRecord.openWrite(
_headRecord.routingContext, recordKey, writer)
: await DHTRecord.openRead(_headRecord.routingContext, recordKey);
/// Validate the head from the DHT is properly formatted
/// and calculate the free list from it while we're here
List<int> _validateHeadCacheData(
List<Typed<FixedEncodedString43>> linkedKeys, List<int> index) {
// Ensure nothing is duplicated in the linked keys set
final newKeys = linkedKeys.toSet();
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assert(newKeys.length <= (maxElements + (_stride - 1)) ~/ _stride,
'too many keys');
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assert(newKeys.length == linkedKeys.length, 'duplicated linked keys');
final newIndex = index.toSet();
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assert(newIndex.length <= maxElements, 'too many indexes');
assert(newIndex.length == index.length, 'duplicated index locations');
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// Ensure all the index keys fit into the existing records
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final indexCapacity = (linkedKeys.length + 1) * _stride;
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int? maxIndex;
for (final idx in newIndex) {
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assert(idx >= 0 || idx < indexCapacity, 'index out of range');
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if (maxIndex == null || idx > maxIndex) {
maxIndex = idx;
final free = <int>[];
if (maxIndex != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++) {
if (!newIndex.contains(i)) {
return free;
Future<bool> _refreshHead(
{bool forceRefresh = false, bool onlyUpdates = false}) async {
// Get an updated head record copy if one exists
final head = await _headRecord.getProtobuf(proto.DHTShortArray.fromBuffer,
forceRefresh: forceRefresh, onlyUpdates: onlyUpdates);
if (head == null) {
if (onlyUpdates) {
// No update
return false;
throw StateError('head missing during initial refresh');
// Get the set of new linked keys and validate it
final linkedKeys = head.keys.map(proto.TypedKeyProto.fromProto).toList();
final index = head.index;
final free = _validateHeadCacheData(linkedKeys, index);
// See which records are actually new
final oldRecords = Map<TypedKey, DHTRecord>.fromEntries(
_head.linkedRecords.map((lr) => MapEntry(lr.key, lr)));
final newRecords = <TypedKey, DHTRecord>{};
final sameRecords = <TypedKey, DHTRecord>{};
try {
for (var n = 0; n < linkedKeys.length; n++) {
final newKey = linkedKeys[n];
final oldRecord = oldRecords[newKey];
if (oldRecord == null) {
// Open the new record
final newRecord = await _openLinkedRecord(newKey);
newRecords[newKey] = newRecord;
} else {
sameRecords[newKey] = oldRecord;
} on Exception catch (_) {
// On any exception close the records we have opened
await Future.wait(newRecords.entries.map((e) => e.value.close()));
// From this point forward we should not throw an exception or everything
// is possibly invalid. Just pass the exception up it happens and the caller
// will have to delete this short array and reopen it if it can
await Future.wait(oldRecords.entries
.where((e) => !sameRecords.containsKey(e.key))
.map((e) => e.value.close()));
// Figure out which indices are free
// Make the new head cache
_head = _DHTShortArrayCache()
linkedKeys.map((key) => (sameRecords[key] ?? newRecords[key])!))
return true;
Future<void> close() async {
final futures = <Future<void>>[_headRecord.close()];
for (final lr in _head.linkedRecords) {
await Future.wait(futures);
Future<void> delete() async {
final futures = <Future<void>>[_headRecord.close()];
for (final lr in _head.linkedRecords) {
await Future.wait(futures);
Future<T> scope<T>(Future<T> Function(DHTShortArray) scopeFunction) async {
try {
return await scopeFunction(this);
} finally {
await close();
Future<T> deleteScope<T>(
Future<T> Function(DHTShortArray) scopeFunction) async {
try {
final out = await scopeFunction(this);
await close();
return out;
} on Exception catch (_) {
await delete();
DHTRecord? _getRecord(int recordNumber) {
if (recordNumber == 0) {
return _headRecord;
if (recordNumber >= _head.linkedRecords.length) {
return null;
return _head.linkedRecords[recordNumber];
// xxx: add
// xxx: insert
// xxx: swap
// xxx: remove
// xxx: clear
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// xxx ensure these write the head back out because they change it
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Future<Uint8List?> getItem(int index, {bool forceRefresh = false}) async {
await _refreshHead(forceRefresh: forceRefresh, onlyUpdates: true);
if (index < 0 || index >= _head.index.length) {
throw IndexError.withLength(index, _head.index.length);
final recordNumber = index ~/ _stride;
final record = _getRecord(recordNumber);
assert(record != null, 'Record does not exist');
final recordSubkey = (index % _stride) + ((recordNumber == 0) ? 1 : 0);
return record!.get(subkey: recordSubkey, forceRefresh: forceRefresh);
Future<Uint8List?> tryWriteItem(int index, Uint8List newValue) async {
if (await _refreshHead(onlyUpdates: true)) {
throw StateError('structure changed');
if (index < 0 || index >= _head.index.length) {
throw IndexError.withLength(index, _head.index.length);
final recordNumber = index ~/ _stride;
final record = _getRecord(recordNumber);
assert(record != null, 'Record does not exist');
final recordSubkey = (index % _stride) + ((recordNumber == 0) ? 1 : 0);
return record!.tryWriteBytes(newValue, subkey: recordSubkey);
Future<void> eventualWriteItem(int index, Uint8List newValue) async {
Uint8List? oldData;
do {
// Set it back
oldData = await tryWriteItem(index, newValue);
// Repeat if newer data on the network was found
} while (oldData != null);
Future<void> eventualUpdateItem(
int index, Future<Uint8List> Function(Uint8List oldValue) update) async {
var oldData = await getItem(index);
// Ensure it exists already
if (oldData == null) {
throw const FormatException('value does not exist');
do {
// Update the data
final updatedData = await update(oldData!);
// Set it back
oldData = await tryWriteItem(index, updatedData);
// Repeat if newer data on the network was found
} while (oldData != null);
Future<T?> tryWriteItemJson<T>(
T Function(dynamic) fromJson,
int index,
T newValue,
) =>
tryWriteItem(index, jsonEncodeBytes(newValue)).then((out) {
if (out == null) {
return null;
return jsonDecodeBytes(fromJson, out);
Future<T?> tryWriteItemProtobuf<T extends GeneratedMessage>(
T Function(List<int>) fromBuffer,
int index,
T newValue,
) =>
tryWriteItem(index, newValue.writeToBuffer()).then((out) {
if (out == null) {
return null;
return fromBuffer(out);
Future<void> eventualWriteItemJson<T>(int index, T newValue) =>
eventualWriteItem(index, jsonEncodeBytes(newValue));
Future<void> eventualWriteItemProtobuf<T extends GeneratedMessage>(
int index, T newValue,
{int subkey = -1}) =>
eventualWriteItem(index, newValue.writeToBuffer());
Future<void> eventualUpdateItemJson<T>(
T Function(dynamic) fromJson,
int index,
Future<T> Function(T) update,
) =>
eventualUpdateItem(index, jsonUpdate(fromJson, update));
Future<void> eventualUpdateItemProtobuf<T extends GeneratedMessage>(
T Function(List<int>) fromBuffer,
int index,
Future<T> Function(T) update,
) =>
eventualUpdateItem(index, protobufUpdate(fromBuffer, update));