2022-11-02 15:36:01 -04:00

523 lines
20 KiB
Cap'n Proto

# IDs And Hashes
struct Curve25519PublicKey {
u0 @0 :UInt64;
u1 @1 :UInt64;
u2 @2 :UInt64;
u3 @3 :UInt64;
struct Ed25519Signature {
u0 @0 :UInt64;
u1 @1 :UInt64;
u2 @2 :UInt64;
u3 @3 :UInt64;
u4 @4 :UInt64;
u5 @5 :UInt64;
u6 @6 :UInt64;
u7 @7 :UInt64;
struct XChaCha20Poly1305Nonce {
u0 @0 :UInt64;
u1 @1 :UInt64;
u2 @2 :UInt64;
struct BLAKE3Hash {
u0 @0 :UInt64;
u1 @1 :UInt64;
u2 @2 :UInt64;
u3 @3 :UInt64;
using NodeID = Curve25519PublicKey;
using RoutePublicKey = Curve25519PublicKey;
using ValueID = Curve25519PublicKey;
using Nonce = XChaCha20Poly1305Nonce;
using Signature = Ed25519Signature;
using BlockID = BLAKE3Hash;
using TunnelID = UInt64;
# Node Dial Info
struct AddressIPV4 {
addr @0 :UInt32; # Address in big endian format
struct AddressIPV6 {
addr0 @0 :UInt32; # \
addr1 @1 :UInt32; # \ Address in big
addr2 @2 :UInt32; # / endian format
addr3 @3 :UInt32; # /
struct Address {
union {
ipv4 @0 :AddressIPV4;
ipv6 @1 :AddressIPV6;
struct SocketAddress {
address @0 :Address;
port @1 :UInt16;
enum ProtocolKind {
udp @0;
ws @1;
wss @2;
tcp @3;
struct DialInfoUDP {
socketAddress @0 :SocketAddress;
struct DialInfoTCP {
socketAddress @0 :SocketAddress;
struct DialInfoWS {
socketAddress @0 :SocketAddress;
request @1 :Text;
struct DialInfoWSS {
socketAddress @0 :SocketAddress;
request @1 :Text;
struct DialInfo {
union {
udp @0 :DialInfoUDP;
tcp @1 :DialInfoTCP;
ws @2 :DialInfoWS;
wss @3 :DialInfoWSS;
struct NodeDialInfo {
nodeId @0 :NodeID; # node id
dialInfo @1 :DialInfo; # how to get to the node
# Signals
struct SignalInfoHolePunch {
receipt @0 :Data; # receipt to return with hole punch
peerInfo @1 :PeerInfo; # peer info of the signal sender for hole punch attempt
struct SignalInfoReverseConnect {
receipt @0 :Data; # receipt to return with reverse connect
peerInfo @1 :PeerInfo; # peer info of the signal sender for reverse connect attempt
# Private Routes
struct RouteHopData {
nonce @0 :Nonce; # nonce for encrypted blob
blob @1 :Data; # encrypted blob with ENC(nonce,DH(PK,SK))
# if this is a safety route RouteHopData, there is a single byte tag appended to the end of the encrypted blob
# it can be one of:
# if more hops remain in this route: RouteHop (0 byte appended as tag)
# if end of safety route and starting private route: PrivateRoute (1 byte appended as tag)
# if this is a private route RouteHopData, only can decode to RouteHop, no tag is appended
struct RouteHop {
node :union {
nodeId @0 :NodeID; # node id only for established routes
peerInfo @1 :PeerInfo; # full peer info for this hop to establish the route
nextHop @2 :RouteHopData; # Optional: if the private route is a stub, it contains no route hop data, just the target node for the routed operation.
# if this is a safety route routehop, this field is not optional and must exist
struct PrivateRoute {
publicKey @0 :RoutePublicKey; # private route public key (unique per private route)
hopCount @1 :UInt8; # Count of hops left in the private route (for timeout calculation purposes only)
firstHop @2 :RouteHop; # Optional: first hop in the private route, if empty, this is the last hop and payload should be decrypted and processed.
struct SafetyRoute {
publicKey @0 :RoutePublicKey; # safety route public key (unique per safety route)
hopCount @1 :UInt8; # Count of hops left in the safety route (for timeout calculation purposes only)
hops :union {
data @2 :RouteHopData; # safety route has more hops
private @3 :PrivateRoute; # safety route has ended and private route follows
# Values
using ValueSeqNum = UInt32; # sequence numbers for values
struct ValueKey {
publicKey @0 :ValueID; # the location of the value
subkey @1 :Text; # the name of the subkey (or empty if the whole key)
# struct ValueKeySeq {
# key @0 :ValueKey; # the location of the value
# seq @1 :ValueSeqNum; # the sequence number of the value subkey
# }
struct ValueData {
data @0 :Data; # value or subvalue contents in CBOR format
seq @1 :ValueSeqNum; # sequence number of value
# Operations
enum NetworkClass {
inboundCapable @0; # I = Inbound capable without relay, may require signal
outboundOnly @1; # O = Outbound only, inbound relay required except with reverse connect signal
webApp @2; # W = PWA, outbound relay is required in most cases
enum DialInfoClass {
direct @0; # D = Directly reachable with public IP and no firewall, with statically configured port
mapped @1; # M = Directly reachable with via portmap behind any NAT or firewalled with dynamically negotiated port
fullConeNAT @2; # F = Directly reachable device without portmap behind full-cone NAT
blocked @3; # B = Inbound blocked at firewall but may hole punch with public address
addressRestrictedNAT @4; # A = Device without portmap behind address-only restricted NAT
portRestrictedNAT @5; # P = Device without portmap behind address-and-port restricted NAT
struct DialInfoDetail {
dialInfo @0 :DialInfo;
class @1 :DialInfoClass;
struct PublicInternetNodeStatus {
willRoute @0 :Bool;
willTunnel @1 :Bool;
willSignal @2 :Bool;
willRelay @3 :Bool;
willValidateDialInfo @4 :Bool;
struct LocalNetworkNodeStatus {
willRelay @0 :Bool;
willValidateDialInfo @1 :Bool;
struct NodeStatus {
union {
publicInternet @0 :PublicInternetNodeStatus;
localNetwork @1 :LocalNetworkNodeStatus;
struct ProtocolTypeSet {
udp @0 :Bool;
tcp @1 :Bool;
ws @2 :Bool;
wss @3 :Bool;
struct AddressTypeSet {
ipv4 @0 :Bool;
ipv6 @1 :Bool;
struct NodeInfo {
networkClass @0 :NetworkClass; # network class of this node
outboundProtocols @1 :ProtocolTypeSet; # protocols that can go outbound
addressTypes @2 :AddressTypeSet; # address types supported
minVersion @3 :UInt8; # minimum protocol version for rpc
maxVersion @4 :UInt8; # maximum protocol version for rpc
dialInfoDetailList @5 :List(DialInfoDetail); # inbound dial info details for this node
relayPeerInfo @6 :PeerInfo; # (optional) relay peer info for this node
struct SignedNodeInfo {
nodeInfo @0 :NodeInfo; # node info
signature @1 :Signature; # signature
timestamp @2 :UInt64; # when signed node info was generated
struct SenderInfo {
socketAddress @0 :SocketAddress; # socket address that for the sending peer
struct PeerInfo {
nodeId @0 :NodeID; # node id for 'closer peer'
signedNodeInfo @1 :SignedNodeInfo; # signed node info for 'closer peer'
struct RoutedOperation {
version @0 :UInt8; # crypto version in use for the data
signatures @1 :List(Signature); # signatures from nodes that have handled the private route
nonce @2 :Nonce; # nonce Xmsg
data @3 :Data; # operation encrypted with ENC(Xmsg,DH(PKapr,SKbsr))
struct OperationStatusQ {
nodeStatus @0 :NodeStatus; # Optional: node status update about the statusq sender
struct OperationStatusA {
nodeStatus @0 :NodeStatus; # Optional: returned node status
senderInfo @1 :SenderInfo; # Optional: info about StatusQ sender from the perspective of the replier
struct OperationValidateDialInfo {
dialInfo @0 :DialInfo; # dial info to use for the receipt
receipt @1 :Data; # receipt to return to dial info to prove it is reachable
redirect @2 :Bool; # request a different node do the validate
struct OperationReturnReceipt {
receipt @0 :Data; # receipt being returned to its origin
struct OperationFindNodeQ {
nodeId @0 :NodeID; # node id to locate
struct OperationFindNodeA {
peers @0 :List(PeerInfo); # returned 'closer peer' information
struct OperationRoute {
safetyRoute @0 :SafetyRoute; # Where this should go
operation @1 :RoutedOperation; # The operation to be routed
struct OperationNodeInfoUpdate {
signedNodeInfo @0 :SignedNodeInfo; # Our signed node info
struct OperationAppCallQ {
message @0 :Data; # Opaque request to application
struct OperationAppCallA {
message @0 :Data; # Opaque response from application
struct OperationAppMessage {
message @0 :Data; # Opaque message to application
struct OperationGetValueQ {
key @0 :ValueKey; # key for value to get
struct OperationGetValueA {
union {
data @0 :ValueData; # the value if successful
peers @1 :List(PeerInfo); # returned 'closer peer' information if not successful
struct OperationSetValueQ {
key @0 :ValueKey; # key for value to update
value @1 :ValueData; # value or subvalue contents in CBOR format (older or equal seq number gets dropped)
struct OperationSetValueA {
union {
data @0 :ValueData; # the new value if successful, may be a different value than what was set if the seq number was lower or equal
peers @1 :List(PeerInfo); # returned 'closer peer' information if not successful
struct OperationWatchValueQ {
key @0 :ValueKey; # key for value to watch
struct OperationWatchValueA {
expiration @0 :UInt64; # timestamp when this watch will expire in usec since epoch (0 if watch failed)
peers @1 :List(PeerInfo); # returned list of other nodes to ask that could propagate watches
struct OperationValueChanged {
key @0 :ValueKey; # key for value that changed
value @1 :ValueData; # value or subvalue contents in CBOR format with sequence number
struct OperationSupplyBlockQ {
blockId @0 :BlockID; # hash of the block we can supply
struct OperationSupplyBlockA {
union {
expiration @0 :UInt64; # when the block supplier entry will need to be refreshed
peers @1 :List(PeerInfo); # returned 'closer peer' information if not successful
struct OperationFindBlockQ {
blockId @0 :BlockID; # hash of the block to locate
struct OperationFindBlockA {
data @0 :Data; # Optional: the actual block data if we have that block ourselves
# null if we don't have a block to return
suppliers @1 :List(PeerInfo); # returned list of suppliers if we have them
peers @2 :List(PeerInfo); # returned 'closer peer' information
struct OperationSignal {
union {
holePunch @0 :SignalInfoHolePunch;
reverseConnect @1 :SignalInfoReverseConnect;
enum TunnelEndpointMode {
raw @0; # raw tunnel
turn @1; # turn tunnel
enum TunnelError {
badId @0; # Tunnel ID was rejected
noEndpoint @1; # Endpoint was unreachable
rejectedMode @2; # Endpoint couldn't provide mode
noCapacity @3; # Endpoint is full
struct TunnelEndpoint {
mode @0 :TunnelEndpointMode; # what kind of endpoint this is
description @1 :Text; # endpoint description (TODO)
struct FullTunnel {
id @0 :TunnelID; # tunnel id to use everywhere
timeout @1 :UInt64; # duration from last data when this expires if no data is sent or received
local @2 :TunnelEndpoint; # local endpoint
remote @3 :TunnelEndpoint; # remote endpoint
struct PartialTunnel {
id @0 :TunnelID; # tunnel id to use everywhere
timeout @1 :UInt64; # timestamp when this expires if not completed
local @2 :TunnelEndpoint; # local endpoint
struct OperationStartTunnelQ {
id @0 :TunnelID; # tunnel id to use everywhere
localMode @1 :TunnelEndpointMode; # what kind of local endpoint mode is being requested
depth @2 :UInt8; # the number of nodes in the tunnel
struct OperationStartTunnelA {
union {
partial @0 :PartialTunnel; # the first half of the tunnel
error @1 :TunnelError; # if we didn't start the tunnel, why not
struct OperationCompleteTunnelQ {
id @0 :TunnelID; # tunnel id to use everywhere
localMode @1 :TunnelEndpointMode; # what kind of local endpoint mode is being requested
depth @2 :UInt8; # the number of nodes in the tunnel
endpoint @3 :TunnelEndpoint; # the remote endpoint to complete
struct OperationCompleteTunnelA {
union {
tunnel @0 :FullTunnel; # the tunnel description
error @1 :TunnelError; # if we didn't complete the tunnel, why not
struct OperationCancelTunnelQ {
id @0 :TunnelID; # the tunnel id to cancel
struct OperationCancelTunnelA {
union {
tunnel @0 :TunnelID; # the tunnel id that was cancelled
error @1 :TunnelError; # if we couldn't cancel, why not
# Things that want an answer
struct Question {
respondTo :union {
sender @0 :Void; # sender
privateRoute @1 :PrivateRoute; # embedded private route to be used for reply
detail :union {
# Direct operations
statusQ @2 :OperationStatusQ;
findNodeQ @3 :OperationFindNodeQ;
# Routable operations
getValueQ @4 :OperationGetValueQ;
setValueQ @5 :OperationSetValueQ;
watchValueQ @6 :OperationWatchValueQ;
supplyBlockQ @7 :OperationSupplyBlockQ;
findBlockQ @8 :OperationFindBlockQ;
appCallQ @9 :OperationAppCallQ;
# Tunnel operations
startTunnelQ @10 :OperationStartTunnelQ;
completeTunnelQ @11 :OperationCompleteTunnelQ;
cancelTunnelQ @12 :OperationCancelTunnelQ;
# Things that don't want an answer
struct Statement {
detail :union {
# Direct operations
validateDialInfo @0 :OperationValidateDialInfo;
route @1 :OperationRoute;
nodeInfoUpdate @2 :OperationNodeInfoUpdate;
# Routable operations
valueChanged @3 :OperationValueChanged;
signal @4 :OperationSignal;
returnReceipt @5 :OperationReturnReceipt;
appMessage @6 :OperationAppMessage;
# Things that are answers
struct Answer {
detail :union {
# Direct operations
statusA @0 :OperationStatusA;
findNodeA @1 :OperationFindNodeA;
# Routable operations
getValueA @2 :OperationGetValueA;
setValueA @3 :OperationSetValueA;
watchValueA @4 :OperationWatchValueA;
supplyBlockA @5 :OperationSupplyBlockA;
findBlockA @6 :OperationFindBlockA;
appCallA @7 :OperationAppCallA;
# Tunnel operations
startTunnelA @8 :OperationStartTunnelA;
completeTunnelA @9 :OperationCompleteTunnelA;
cancelTunnelA @10 :OperationCancelTunnelA;
struct Operation {
opId @0 :UInt64; # Random RPC ID. Must be random to foil reply forgery attacks.
senderNodeInfo @1 :SignedNodeInfo; # (optional) SignedNodeInfo for the sender to be cached by the receiver.
kind :union {
question @2 :Question;
statement @3 :Statement;
answer @4 :Answer;