2025-02-26 15:34:31 +00:00

308 lines
12 KiB

#![recursion_limit = "256"]
use crate::{tools::*, ui::*};
use clap::{Parser, ValueEnum};
use flexi_logger::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;
mod cached_text_view;
mod client_api_connection;
mod command_processor;
mod cursive_ui;
mod interactive_ui;
mod io_read_write_ui;
mod log_viewer_ui;
mod peers_table_view;
mod settings;
mod tools;
mod ui;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, ValueEnum, Debug)]
enum LogLevel {
/// Turn on debug logging
/// Turn on trace logging
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[command(author, version, about = "Veilid Console Client")]
struct CmdlineArgs {
/// IPC socket to connect to
#[arg(long, short = 'p')]
ipc_path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Subnode index to use when connecting
#[arg(short('n'), long, default_value = "0")]
subnode_index: u16,
/// Address to connect to
#[arg(long, short = 'a')]
address: Option<String>,
/// Wait for debugger to attach
wait_for_debug: bool,
/// Specify a configuration file to use
#[arg(short = 'c', long, value_name = "FILE")]
config_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Log level for the CLI itself (not for the Veilid node)
#[arg(long, value_enum)]
cli_log_level: Option<LogLevel>,
/// interactive
#[arg(long, short = 'i', group = "execution_mode")]
interactive: bool,
/// evaluate
#[arg(long, short = 'e', group = "execution_mode")]
evaluate: Option<String>,
/// show log only
#[arg(long, short = 'l', group = "execution_mode")]
log: bool,
/// read commands from file
short = 'f',
group = "execution_mode",
value_name = "COMMAND_FILE"
command_file: Option<PathBuf>,
fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
// Start async
block_on(async move {
// Get command line options
let default_config_path = settings::Settings::get_default_config_path();
let args = CmdlineArgs::parse();
if args.wait_for_debug {
use bugsalot::debugger;
debugger::wait_until_attached(None).expect("state() not implemented on this platform");
// Attempt to load configuration
let settings_path = args.config_file.unwrap_or(default_config_path);
let settings_path = if settings_path.exists() {
} else {
let mut settings = settings::Settings::new(settings_path.as_deref())
.map_err(|e| format!("configuration is invalid: {}", e))?;
// Set config from command line
if let Some(LogLevel::Debug) = args.cli_log_level {
settings.logging.level = settings::LogLevel::Debug;
settings.logging.terminal.enabled = true;
if let Some(LogLevel::Trace) = args.cli_log_level {
settings.logging.level = settings::LogLevel::Trace;
settings.logging.terminal.enabled = true;
// If we are running in interactive mode disable some things
let mut enable_cursive = true;
if args.interactive || args.log || args.command_file.is_some() || args.evaluate.is_some() {
settings.logging.terminal.enabled = false;
enable_cursive = false;
// Create UI object
let (mut ui, uisender) = if enable_cursive {
let (ui, uisender) = cursive_ui::CursiveUI::new(&settings);
Box::new(ui) as Box<dyn UI>,
Box::new(uisender) as Box<dyn UISender>,
} else if args.interactive {
let (ui, uisender) = interactive_ui::InteractiveUI::new(&settings);
Box::new(ui) as Box<dyn UI>,
Box::new(uisender) as Box<dyn UISender>,
} else if let Some(command_file) = args.command_file {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature="rt-async-std")] {
let (in_obj, out_obj) =
if command_file.to_string_lossy() == "-" {
(Box::pin(async_std::io::stdin()) as Pin<Box<dyn futures::AsyncRead + Send>>, async_std::io::stdout())
} else {
let f = match async_std::fs::File::open(command_file).await {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
return Err(e.to_string());
(Box::pin(f) as Pin<Box<dyn futures::AsyncRead + Send>>, async_std::io::stdout())
} else if #[cfg(feature="rt-tokio")] {
use tokio_util::compat::{TokioAsyncWriteCompatExt, TokioAsyncReadCompatExt};
let (in_obj, out_obj) =
if command_file.to_string_lossy() == "-" {
(Box::pin(tokio::io::stdin().compat()) as Pin<Box<dyn futures::AsyncRead + Send>>, tokio::io::stdout().compat_write())
} else {
let f = match tokio::fs::File::open(command_file).await {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
return Err(e.to_string());
(Box::pin(f.compat()) as Pin<Box<dyn futures::AsyncRead + Send>>, tokio::io::stdout().compat_write())
} else {
compile_error!("needs executor implementation");
let (ui, uisender) = io_read_write_ui::IOReadWriteUI::new(&settings, in_obj, out_obj);
Box::new(ui) as Box<dyn UI>,
Box::new(uisender) as Box<dyn UISender>,
} else if let Some(evaluate) = args.evaluate {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature="rt-async-std")] {
let in_str = format!("{}\n", evaluate);
let (in_obj, out_obj) = (futures::io::Cursor::new(in_str), async_std::io::stdout());
} else if #[cfg(feature="rt-tokio")] {
use tokio_util::compat::{TokioAsyncWriteCompatExt};
let in_str = format!("{}\n", evaluate);
let (in_obj, out_obj) = (futures::io::Cursor::new(in_str), tokio::io::stdout().compat_write());
} else {
compile_error!("needs executor implementation");
let (ui, uisender) = io_read_write_ui::IOReadWriteUI::new(&settings, in_obj, out_obj);
Box::new(ui) as Box<dyn UI>,
Box::new(uisender) as Box<dyn UISender>,
} else if args.log {
let (ui, uisender) = log_viewer_ui::LogViewerUI::new(&settings);
Box::new(ui) as Box<dyn UI>,
Box::new(uisender) as Box<dyn UISender>,
} else {
panic!("unknown ui mode");
// Set up loggers
let mut specbuilder = LogSpecBuilder::new();
specbuilder.module("cursive", LevelFilter::Off);
specbuilder.module("cursive_core", LevelFilter::Off);
specbuilder.module("cursive_buffered_backend", LevelFilter::Off);
specbuilder.module("tokio_util", LevelFilter::Off);
specbuilder.module("mio", LevelFilter::Off);
specbuilder.module("async_std", LevelFilter::Off);
specbuilder.module("async_io", LevelFilter::Off);
specbuilder.module("polling", LevelFilter::Off);
let logger = Logger::with(specbuilder.build());
if settings.logging.terminal.enabled {
if settings.logging.file.enabled {
.expect("failed to initialize logger!");
} else {
.expect("failed to initialize logger!");
} else if settings.logging.file.enabled {
.expect("failed to initialize logger!");
// Get client address
let enable_ipc = (settings.enable_ipc && args.address.is_none()) || args.ipc_path.is_some();
let mut enable_network =
(settings.enable_network && args.ipc_path.is_none()) || args.address.is_some();
// Determine IPC path to try
let mut client_api_ipc_path = None;
if enable_ipc {
client_api_ipc_path = settings.resolve_ipc_path(args.ipc_path, args.subnode_index);
if client_api_ipc_path.is_some() {
enable_network = false;
let mut client_api_network_addresses = None;
if enable_network {
client_api_network_addresses = settings.resolve_network_address(args.address)?;
// Create command processor
debug!("Creating Command Processor ");
let comproc = command_processor::CommandProcessor::new(uisender, &settings);
// Create client api client side
info!("Starting API connection");
let capi = client_api_connection::ClientApiConnection::new(comproc.clone());
// Save client api in command processor
// Keep a connection to the server
if let Some(client_api_ipc_path) = client_api_ipc_path {
} else if let Some(client_api_network_address) = client_api_network_addresses {
let network_addr = client_api_network_address.first().cloned();
} else {
return Err("veilid-server could not be reached".to_owned());
let comproc2 = comproc.clone();
let connection_future = comproc.connection_manager();
// Start UI
let ui_future = async move {
// When UI quits, close connection and command processor cleanly
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature="rt-async-std")] {
use async_std::prelude::*;
// Wait for ui and connection to complete
let _ = ui_future.join(connection_future).await;
} else if #[cfg(feature="rt-tokio")] {
// Wait for ui and connection to complete
let _ = tokio::join!(ui_future, connection_future);
} else {
compile_error!("needs executor implementation");