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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
import 'veilid_stub.dart'
if (dart.library.io) 'veilid_ffi.dart'
if (dart.library.js) 'veilid_js.dart';
import 'routing_context.dart';
import 'veilid_config.dart';
import 'veilid_crypto.dart';
import 'veilid_table_db.dart';
import 'veilid_state.dart';
export 'default_config.dart';
export 'routing_context.dart';
export 'veilid_encoding.dart';
export 'veilid_config.dart';
export 'veilid_crypto.dart';
export 'veilid_table_db.dart';
export 'veilid_api_exception.dart';
export 'veilid_state.dart';
export 'veilid.dart';
/// JSON Encode Helper
Object? veilidApiToEncodable(Object? value) {
if (value == null) {
return value;
switch (value.runtimeType) {
// case KeyPair:
// return (value as KeyPair).json;
throw UnsupportedError('Cannot convert to JSON: $value');
T? Function(dynamic) optFromJson<T>(
T Function(Map<String, dynamic>) jsonConstructor) {
return (dynamic j) {
if (j == null) {
return null;
} else {
return jsonConstructor(j);
List<T> Function(dynamic) jsonListConstructor<T>(
T Function(Map<String, dynamic>) jsonConstructor) {
return (dynamic j) {
return (j as List<Map<String, dynamic>>)
.map((e) => jsonConstructor(e))
/// VeilidVersion
class VeilidVersion extends Equatable {
final int major;
final int minor;
final int patch;
List<Object> get props => [major, minor, patch];
const VeilidVersion(this.major, this.minor, this.patch);
/// Timestamp
class Timestamp extends Equatable {
final BigInt value;
List<Object> get props => [value];
const Timestamp({required this.value});
String toString() => value.toString();
factory Timestamp.fromString(String s) => Timestamp(value: BigInt.parse(s));
String toJson() => toString();
factory Timestamp.fromJson(dynamic json) =>
Timestamp.fromString(json as String);
TimestampDuration diff(Timestamp other) =>
TimestampDuration(value: value - other.value);
Timestamp offset(TimestampDuration dur) =>
Timestamp(value: value + dur.value);
class TimestampDuration extends Equatable {
final BigInt value;
List<Object> get props => [value];
const TimestampDuration({required this.value});
String toString() => value.toString();
factory TimestampDuration.fromString(String s) =>
TimestampDuration(value: BigInt.parse(s));
String toJson() => toString();
factory TimestampDuration.fromJson(dynamic json) =>
TimestampDuration.fromString(json as String);
int toMillis() => (value ~/ BigInt.from(1000)).toInt();
BigInt toMicros() => value;
/// Veilid singleton factory
abstract class Veilid {
static Veilid instance = getVeilid();
void initializeVeilidCore(Map<String, dynamic> platformConfigJson);
void changeLogLevel(String layer, VeilidConfigLogLevel logLevel);
Future<Stream<VeilidUpdate>> startupVeilidCore(VeilidConfig config);
Future<VeilidState> getVeilidState();
Future<void> attach();
Future<void> detach();
Future<void> shutdownVeilidCore();
// Crypto
List<CryptoKind> validCryptoKinds();
Future<VeilidCryptoSystem> getCryptoSystem(CryptoKind kind);
Future<VeilidCryptoSystem> bestCryptoSystem();
Future<List<TypedKey>> verifySignatures(
List<TypedKey> nodeIds, Uint8List data, List<TypedSignature> signatures);
Future<List<TypedSignature>> generateSignatures(
Uint8List data, List<TypedKeyPair> keyPairs);
Future<TypedKeyPair> generateKeyPair(CryptoKind kind);
// Routing context
Future<VeilidRoutingContext> routingContext();
// Private route allocation
Future<RouteBlob> newPrivateRoute();
Future<RouteBlob> newCustomPrivateRoute(
Stability stability, Sequencing sequencing);
Future<String> importRemotePrivateRoute(Uint8List blob);
Future<void> releasePrivateRoute(String key);
// App calls
Future<void> appCallReply(String id, Uint8List message);
// TableStore
Future<VeilidTableDB> openTableDB(String name, int columnCount);
Future<bool> deleteTableDB(String name);
// Misc
Timestamp now();
String veilidVersionString();
VeilidVersion veilidVersion();
Future<String> debug(String command);