import { expect } from '@wdio/globals'; import { veilidCoreInitConfig, veilidCoreStartupConfig, } from './utils/veilid-config'; import { DHTRecordDescriptor, VeilidRoutingContext, veilidClient, veilidCrypto, } from 'veilid-wasm'; import { textEncoder, textDecoder } from './utils/marshalling-utils'; import { waitForMs } from './utils/wait-utils'; describe('VeilidRoutingContext', () => { before('veilid startup', async () => { veilidClient.initializeCore(veilidCoreInitConfig); await veilidClient.startupCore((_update) => { // if (_update.kind === 'Log') { // console.log(_update.message); // } }, JSON.stringify(veilidCoreStartupConfig)); await veilidClient.attach(); await waitForMs(2000); }); after('veilid shutdown', async () => { await veilidClient.detach(); await veilidClient.shutdownCore(); }); describe('constructors', () => { it('should create using .create()', async () => { const routingContext = VeilidRoutingContext.create(); expect(routingContext instanceof VeilidRoutingContext).toBe(true);; }); it('should create using new', async () => { const routingContext = new VeilidRoutingContext(); expect(routingContext instanceof VeilidRoutingContext).toBe(true);; }); it('should create with default safety', async () => { const routingContext = VeilidRoutingContext.create().withDefaultSafety(); expect(routingContext instanceof VeilidRoutingContext).toBe(true);; }); it('should create with safety', async () => { const routingContext = VeilidRoutingContext.create().withSafety({ Safe: { hop_count: 2, sequencing: 'EnsureOrdered', stability: 'Reliable', }, }); expect(routingContext instanceof VeilidRoutingContext).toBe(true);; }); it('should create with sequencing', async () => { const routingContext = VeilidRoutingContext.create().withSequencing('EnsureOrdered'); expect(routingContext instanceof VeilidRoutingContext).toBe(true);; }); }); describe('operations', () => { let routingContext: VeilidRoutingContext; before('create routing context', () => { routingContext = VeilidRoutingContext.create() .withSequencing('EnsureOrdered'); }); after('free routing context', () => {; }); describe('DHT kitchen sink', async () => { let dhtRecord: DHTRecordDescriptor; const data = '🚀 This example DHT data with unicode a Ā 𐀀 文 🚀'; before('create dht record', async () => { const bestKind = veilidCrypto.bestCryptoKind(); dhtRecord = await routingContext.createDhtRecord( { kind: 'DFLT', o_cnt: 1, }, bestKind ); expect(dhtRecord.key).toBeDefined(); expect(dhtRecord.owner).toBeDefined(); expect(dhtRecord.owner_secret).toBeDefined(); expect(dhtRecord.schema).toEqual({ kind: 'DFLT', o_cnt: 1 }); }); after('free dht record', async () => { await routingContext.closeDhtRecord(dhtRecord.key); }); it('should set value', async () => { const setValueRes = await routingContext.setDhtValue( dhtRecord.key, 0, textEncoder.encode(data) ); expect(setValueRes).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should get value with force refresh', async () => { const getValueRes = await routingContext.getDhtValue( dhtRecord.key, 0, true ); expect(getValueRes?.data).toBeDefined(); expect(textDecoder.decode(getValueRes?.data)).toBe(data); expect(getValueRes?.writer).toBe(dhtRecord.owner); expect(getValueRes?.seq).toBe(0); }); it('should open readonly record', async () => { await routingContext.closeDhtRecord(dhtRecord.key); const readonlyDhtRecord = await routingContext.openDhtRecord( dhtRecord.key ); expect(readonlyDhtRecord).toBeDefined(); const setValueRes = routingContext.setDhtValue( dhtRecord.key, 0, textEncoder.encode(data) ); await expect(setValueRes).rejects.toEqual({ kind: 'Generic', message: 'value is not writable', }); }); it('should open writable record', async () => { await routingContext.closeDhtRecord(dhtRecord.key); const writeableDhtRecord = await routingContext.openDhtRecord( dhtRecord.key, `${dhtRecord.owner}:${dhtRecord.owner_secret}` ); expect(writeableDhtRecord).toBeDefined(); const setValueRes = await routingContext.setDhtValue( dhtRecord.key, 0, textEncoder.encode(`${data}👋`) ); expect(setValueRes).toBeUndefined(); }); }); }); });