#!/bin/bash SCRIPTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" pushd $SCRIPTDIR 2>/dev/null if [[ "$1" == "wasm" ]]; then WASM_BINDGEN_TEST_TIMEOUT=120 wasm-pack test --chrome --headless elif [[ "$1" == "ios" ]]; then SYMROOT=/tmp/testout APPNAME=veilidcore-tests BUNDLENAME=com.veilid.veilidcore-tests ID="$2" if [[ "$ID" == "" ]]; then echo "No emulator ID specified" exit 1 fi # Build for simulator xcrun xcodebuild -project src/tests/ios/$APPNAME/$APPNAME.xcodeproj/ -scheme $APPNAME -destination "generic/platform=iOS Simulator" SYMROOT=$SYMROOT # Run in temporary simulator xcrun simctl install $ID $SYMROOT/Debug-iphonesimulator/$APPNAME.app xcrun simctl launch --console $ID $BUNDLENAME # Clean up build output rm -rf /tmp/testout elif [[ "$1" == "android" ]]; then ID="$2" if [[ "$ID" == "" ]]; then echo "No emulator ID specified" exit 1 fi APPNAME=veilid_core_android_tests APPID=com.veilid.veilid_core_android_tests ACTIVITYNAME=MainActivity pushd src/tests/android/$APPNAME >/dev/null # Build apk ./gradlew assembleDebug # Wait for boot adb -s $ID wait-for-device # Install app adb -s $ID install -r ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk # Start activity adb -s $ID shell am start-activity -W $APPID/.$ACTIVITYNAME # Get the pid of the program APP_PID=`adb -s $ID shell pidof -s $APPID` # Print the logcat adb -s $ID shell logcat --pid=$APP_PID veilid-core:V *:S & # Wait for the pid to be done while [ "$(adb -s $ID shell pidof -s $APPID)" != "" ]; do sleep 1 done # Terminate logcat kill %1 # Finished popd >/dev/null else cargo test --features=rt-tokio cargo test --features=rt-async-std fi popd 2>/dev/null