import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:change_case/change_case.dart'; import 'veilid_stub.dart' if ( 'veilid_ffi.dart' if (dart.library.js) 'veilid_js.dart'; import 'base64url_no_pad.dart'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// export 'default_config.dart'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FFI Platform-specific config class VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal { bool enabled; VeilidConfigLogLevel level; VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal({ required this.enabled, required this.level, }); Map get json { return { 'enabled': enabled, 'level': level.json, }; } VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal.fromJson(dynamic json) : enabled = json['enabled'], level = veilidConfigLogLevelFromJson(json['level']); } class VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp { bool enabled; VeilidConfigLogLevel level; String grpcEndpoint; String serviceName; VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp({ required this.enabled, required this.level, required this.grpcEndpoint, required this.serviceName, }); Map get json { return { 'enabled': enabled, 'level': level.json, 'grpc_endpoint': grpcEndpoint, 'service_name': serviceName, }; } VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp.fromJson(dynamic json) : enabled = json['enabled'], level = veilidConfigLogLevelFromJson(json['level']), grpcEndpoint = json['grpc_endpoint'], serviceName = json['service_name']; } class VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi { bool enabled; VeilidConfigLogLevel level; VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi({ required this.enabled, required this.level, }); Map get json { return { 'enabled': enabled, 'level': level.json, }; } VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi.fromJson(dynamic json) : enabled = json['enabled'], level = veilidConfigLogLevelFromJson(json['level']); } class VeilidFFIConfigLogging { VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal terminal; VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp otlp; VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi api; VeilidFFIConfigLogging( {required this.terminal, required this.otlp, required this.api}); Map get json { return { 'terminal': terminal.json, 'otlp': otlp.json, 'api': api.json, }; } VeilidFFIConfigLogging.fromJson(dynamic json) : terminal = VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal.fromJson(json['terminal']), otlp = VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp.fromJson(json['otlp']), api = VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi.fromJson(json['api']); } class VeilidFFIConfig { VeilidFFIConfigLogging logging; VeilidFFIConfig({ required this.logging, }); Map get json { return { 'logging': logging.json, }; } VeilidFFIConfig.fromJson(Map json) : logging = VeilidFFIConfigLogging.fromJson(json['logging']); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WASM Platform-specific config class VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance { bool enabled; VeilidConfigLogLevel level; bool logsInTimings; bool logsInConsole; VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance({ required this.enabled, required this.level, required this.logsInTimings, required this.logsInConsole, }); Map get json { return { 'enabled': enabled, 'level': level.json, 'logs_in_timings': logsInTimings, 'logs_in_console': logsInConsole, }; } VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance.fromJson(dynamic json) : enabled = json['enabled'], level = veilidConfigLogLevelFromJson(json['level']), logsInTimings = json['logs_in_timings'], logsInConsole = json['logs_in_console']; } class VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi { bool enabled; VeilidConfigLogLevel level; VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi({ required this.enabled, required this.level, }); Map get json { return { 'enabled': enabled, 'level': level.json, }; } VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi.fromJson(dynamic json) : enabled = json['enabled'], level = veilidConfigLogLevelFromJson(json['level']); } class VeilidWASMConfigLogging { VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance performance; VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi api; VeilidWASMConfigLogging({required this.performance, required this.api}); Map get json { return { 'performance': performance.json, 'api': api.json, }; } VeilidWASMConfigLogging.fromJson(dynamic json) : performance = VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance.fromJson(json['performance']), api = VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi.fromJson(json['api']); } class VeilidWASMConfig { VeilidWASMConfigLogging logging; VeilidWASMConfig({ required this.logging, }); Map get json { return { 'logging': logging.json, }; } VeilidWASMConfig.fromJson(dynamic json) : logging = VeilidWASMConfigLogging.fromJson(json['logging']); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// JSON Encode Helper Object? veilidApiToEncodable(Object? value) { if (value == null) { return value; } switch (value.runtimeType) { case AttachmentState: return (value as AttachmentState).json; case VeilidLogLevel: return (value as VeilidLogLevel).json; case VeilidConfigLogLevel: return (value as VeilidConfigLogLevel).json; } throw UnsupportedError('Cannot convert to JSON: $value'); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// Crypto typedef CryptoKind = String; const cryptoKindVLD0 = "VLD0"; const cryptoKindNONE = "NONE"; ////////////////////////////////////// /// DHT Schema abstract class DHTSchema { factory DHTSchema.fromJson(dynamic json) { switch (json["kind"]) { case "DFLT": { return DHTSchemaDFLT(oCnt: json["o_cnt"]); } case "SMPL": { return DHTSchemaSMPL( oCnt: json["o_cnt"], members: List.from( json['members'].map((j) => DHTSchemaMember.fromJson(j)))); } default: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Invalid VeilidAPIException type: ${json['kind']}"); } } } Map get json; } class DHTSchemaDFLT implements DHTSchema { final int oCnt; // DHTSchemaDFLT({ required this.oCnt, }) { if (oCnt < 0 || oCnt > 65535) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "value out of range", "oCnt", oCnt.toString()); } } @override Map get json { return { 'kind': "DFLT", 'o_cnt': oCnt, }; } } class DHTSchemaMember { String mKey; int mCnt; DHTSchemaMember({ required this.mKey, required this.mCnt, }) { if (mCnt < 0 || mCnt > 65535) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "value out of range", "mCnt", mCnt.toString()); } } Map get json { return { 'm_key': mKey, 'm_cnt': mCnt, }; } DHTSchemaMember.fromJson(dynamic json) : mKey = json['m_key'], mCnt = json['m_cnt']; } class DHTSchemaSMPL implements DHTSchema { final int oCnt; final List members; // DHTSchemaSMPL({ required this.oCnt, required this.members, }) { if (oCnt < 0 || oCnt > 65535) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "value out of range", "oCnt", oCnt.toString()); } } @override Map get json { return { 'kind': "SMPL", 'o_cnt': oCnt, 'members': => p.json).toList(), }; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// DHTRecordDescriptor class DHTRecordDescriptor { String key; String owner; String? ownerSecret; DHTSchema schema; DHTRecordDescriptor({ required this.key, required this.owner, this.ownerSecret, required this.schema, }); Map get json { return { 'key': key, 'owner': owner, 'owner_secret': ownerSecret, 'schema': schema.json, }; } DHTRecordDescriptor.fromJson(dynamic json) : key = json['key'], owner = json['owner'], ownerSecret = json['owner_secret'], schema = DHTSchema.fromJson(json['schema']); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// ValueSubkeyRange class ValueSubkeyRange { final int low; final int high; ValueSubkeyRange({ required this.low, required this.high, }) { if (low < 0 || low > high) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "invalid range", "low", low.toString()); } if (high < 0) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "invalid range", "high", high.toString()); } } ValueSubkeyRange.fromJson(dynamic json) : low = json[0], high = json[1] { if ((json as List).length != 2) { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( "not a pair of integers", "json", json.toString()); } } List get json { return [low, high]; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// ValueData class ValueData { final int seq; final Uint8List data; final String writer; ValueData({ required this.seq, required, required this.writer, }); ValueData.fromJson(dynamic json) : seq = json['seq'], data = base64UrlNoPadDecode(json['data']), writer = json['writer']; Map get json { return {'seq': seq, 'data': base64UrlNoPadEncode(data), 'writer': writer}; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// AttachmentState enum AttachmentState { detached, attaching, attachedWeak, attachedGood, attachedStrong, fullyAttached, overAttached, detaching, } extension AttachmentStateExt on AttachmentState { String get json { return name.toPascalCase(); } } AttachmentState attachmentStateFromJson(String j) { return AttachmentState.values.byName(j.toCamelCase()); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidLogLevel enum VeilidLogLevel { error, warn, info, debug, trace, } extension VeilidLogLevelExt on VeilidLogLevel { String get json { return name.toPascalCase(); } } VeilidLogLevel veilidLogLevelFromJson(String j) { return VeilidLogLevel.values.byName(j.toCamelCase()); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidConfigLogLevel enum VeilidConfigLogLevel { off, error, warn, info, debug, trace, } extension VeilidConfigLogLevelExt on VeilidConfigLogLevel { String get json { return name.toPascalCase(); } } VeilidConfigLogLevel veilidConfigLogLevelFromJson(String j) { return VeilidConfigLogLevel.values.byName(j.toCamelCase()); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidConfig class VeilidConfigHTTPS { bool enabled; String listenAddress; String path; String? url; VeilidConfigHTTPS({ required this.enabled, required this.listenAddress, required this.path, this.url, }); Map get json { return { 'enabled': enabled, 'listen_address': listenAddress, 'path': path, 'url': url }; } VeilidConfigHTTPS.fromJson(dynamic json) : enabled = json['enabled'], listenAddress = json['listen_address'], path = json['path'], url = json['url']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigHTTP { bool enabled; String listenAddress; String path; String? url; VeilidConfigHTTP({ required this.enabled, required this.listenAddress, required this.path, this.url, }); Map get json { return { 'enabled': enabled, 'listen_address': listenAddress, 'path': path, 'url': url }; } VeilidConfigHTTP.fromJson(dynamic json) : enabled = json['enabled'], listenAddress = json['listen_address'], path = json['path'], url = json['url']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigApplication { VeilidConfigHTTPS https; VeilidConfigHTTP http; VeilidConfigApplication({ required this.https, required this.http, }); Map get json { return { 'https': https.json, 'http': http.json, }; } VeilidConfigApplication.fromJson(dynamic json) : https = VeilidConfigHTTPS.fromJson(json['https']), http = VeilidConfigHTTP.fromJson(json['http']); } //////////// class VeilidConfigUDP { bool enabled; int socketPoolSize; String listenAddress; String? publicAddress; VeilidConfigUDP( {required this.enabled, required this.socketPoolSize, required this.listenAddress, this.publicAddress}); Map get json { return { 'enabled': enabled, 'socket_pool_size': socketPoolSize, 'listen_address': listenAddress, 'public_address': publicAddress, }; } VeilidConfigUDP.fromJson(dynamic json) : enabled = json['enabled'], socketPoolSize = json['socket_pool_size'], listenAddress = json['listen_address'], publicAddress = json['publicAddress']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigTCP { bool connect; bool listen; int maxConnections; String listenAddress; String? publicAddress; VeilidConfigTCP( {required this.connect, required this.listen, required this.maxConnections, required this.listenAddress, this.publicAddress}); Map get json { return { 'connect': connect, 'listen': listen, 'max_connections': maxConnections, 'listen_address': listenAddress, 'public_address': publicAddress, }; } VeilidConfigTCP.fromJson(dynamic json) : connect = json['connect'], listen = json['listen'], maxConnections = json['max_connections'], listenAddress = json['listen_address'], publicAddress = json['publicAddress']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigWS { bool connect; bool listen; int maxConnections; String listenAddress; String path; String? url; VeilidConfigWS( {required this.connect, required this.listen, required this.maxConnections, required this.listenAddress, required this.path, this.url}); Map get json { return { 'connect': connect, 'listen': listen, 'max_connections': maxConnections, 'listen_address': listenAddress, 'path': path, 'url': url, }; } VeilidConfigWS.fromJson(dynamic json) : connect = json['connect'], listen = json['listen'], maxConnections = json['max_connections'], listenAddress = json['listen_address'], path = json['path'], url = json['url']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigWSS { bool connect; bool listen; int maxConnections; String listenAddress; String path; String? url; VeilidConfigWSS( {required this.connect, required this.listen, required this.maxConnections, required this.listenAddress, required this.path, this.url}); Map get json { return { 'connect': connect, 'listen': listen, 'max_connections': maxConnections, 'listen_address': listenAddress, 'path': path, 'url': url, }; } VeilidConfigWSS.fromJson(dynamic json) : connect = json['connect'], listen = json['listen'], maxConnections = json['max_connections'], listenAddress = json['listen_address'], path = json['path'], url = json['url']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigProtocol { VeilidConfigUDP udp; VeilidConfigTCP tcp; VeilidConfigWS ws; VeilidConfigWSS wss; VeilidConfigProtocol({ required this.udp, required this.tcp, required, required this.wss, }); Map get json { return { 'udp': udp.json, 'tcp': tcp.json, 'ws': ws.json, 'wss': wss.json, }; } VeilidConfigProtocol.fromJson(dynamic json) : udp = VeilidConfigUDP.fromJson(json['udp']), tcp = VeilidConfigTCP.fromJson(json['tcp']), ws = VeilidConfigWS.fromJson(json['ws']), wss = VeilidConfigWSS.fromJson(json['wss']); } //////////// class VeilidConfigTLS { String certificatePath; String privateKeyPath; int connectionInitialTimeoutMs; VeilidConfigTLS({ required this.certificatePath, required this.privateKeyPath, required this.connectionInitialTimeoutMs, }); Map get json { return { 'certificate_path': certificatePath, 'private_key_path': privateKeyPath, 'connection_initial_timeout_ms': connectionInitialTimeoutMs, }; } VeilidConfigTLS.fromJson(dynamic json) : certificatePath = json['certificate_path'], privateKeyPath = json['private_key_path'], connectionInitialTimeoutMs = json['connection_initial_timeout_ms']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigDHT { int resolveNodeTimeoutMs; int resolveNodeCount; int resolveNodeFanout; int maxFindNodeCount; int getValueTimeoutMs; int getValueCount; int getValueFanout; int setValueTimeoutMs; int setValueCount; int setValueFanout; int minPeerCount; int minPeerRefreshTimeMs; int validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs; int localSubkeyCacheSize; int localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb; int remoteSubkeyCacheSize; int remoteMaxRecords; int remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb; int remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb; VeilidConfigDHT( {required this.resolveNodeTimeoutMs, required this.resolveNodeCount, required this.resolveNodeFanout, required this.maxFindNodeCount, required this.getValueTimeoutMs, required this.getValueCount, required this.getValueFanout, required this.setValueTimeoutMs, required this.setValueCount, required this.setValueFanout, required this.minPeerCount, required this.minPeerRefreshTimeMs, required this.validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs, required this.localSubkeyCacheSize, required this.localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb, required this.remoteSubkeyCacheSize, required this.remoteMaxRecords, required this.remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb, required this.remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb}); Map get json { return { 'max_find_node_count': maxFindNodeCount, 'resolve_node_timeout_ms': resolveNodeTimeoutMs, 'resolve_node_count': resolveNodeCount, 'resolve_node_fanout': resolveNodeFanout, 'get_value_timeout_ms': getValueTimeoutMs, 'get_value_count': getValueCount, 'get_value_fanout': getValueFanout, 'set_value_timeout_ms': setValueTimeoutMs, 'set_value_count': setValueCount, 'set_value_fanout': setValueFanout, 'min_peer_count': minPeerCount, 'min_peer_refresh_time_ms': minPeerRefreshTimeMs, 'validate_dial_info_receipt_time_ms': validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs, 'local_subkey_cache_size: 128': localSubkeyCacheSize, 'local_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb': localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb, 'remote_subkey_cache_size': remoteSubkeyCacheSize, 'remote_max_records': remoteMaxRecords, 'remote_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb': remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb, 'remote_max_storage_space_mb': remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb, }; } VeilidConfigDHT.fromJson(dynamic json) : resolveNodeTimeoutMs = json['resolve_node_timeout_ms'], resolveNodeCount = json['resolve_node_count'], resolveNodeFanout = json['resolve_node_fanout'], maxFindNodeCount = json['max_find_node_count'], getValueTimeoutMs = json['get_value_timeout_ms'], getValueCount = json['get_value_count'], getValueFanout = json['get_value_fanout'], setValueTimeoutMs = json['set_value_timeout_ms'], setValueCount = json['set_value_count'], setValueFanout = json['set_value_fanout'], minPeerCount = json['min_peer_count'], minPeerRefreshTimeMs = json['min_peer_refresh_time_ms'], validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs = json['validate_dial_info_receipt_time_ms'], localSubkeyCacheSize = json['local_subkey_cache_size'], localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb = json['local_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb'], remoteSubkeyCacheSize = json['remote_subkey_cache_size'], remoteMaxRecords = json['remote_max_records'], remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb = json['remote_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb'], remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb = json['remote_max_storage_space_mb']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigRPC { int concurrency; int queueSize; int? maxTimestampBehindMs; int? maxTimestampAheadMs; int timeoutMs; int maxRouteHopCount; int defaultRouteHopCount; VeilidConfigRPC( {required this.concurrency, required this.queueSize, this.maxTimestampBehindMs, this.maxTimestampAheadMs, required this.timeoutMs, required this.maxRouteHopCount, required this.defaultRouteHopCount}); Map get json { return { 'concurrency': concurrency, 'queue_size': queueSize, 'max_timestamp_behind_ms': maxTimestampBehindMs, 'max_timestamp_ahead_ms': maxTimestampAheadMs, 'timeout_ms': timeoutMs, 'max_route_hop_count': maxRouteHopCount, 'default_route_hop_count': defaultRouteHopCount, }; } VeilidConfigRPC.fromJson(dynamic json) : concurrency = json['concurrency'], queueSize = json['queue_size'], maxTimestampBehindMs = json['max_timestamp_behind_ms'], maxTimestampAheadMs = json['max_timestamp_ahead_ms'], timeoutMs = json['timeout_ms'], maxRouteHopCount = json['max_route_hop_count'], defaultRouteHopCount = json['default_route_hop_count']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigRoutingTable { List nodeId; List nodeIdSecret; List bootstrap; int limitOverAttached; int limitFullyAttached; int limitAttachedStrong; int limitAttachedGood; int limitAttachedWeak; VeilidConfigRoutingTable({ required this.nodeId, required this.nodeIdSecret, required this.bootstrap, required this.limitOverAttached, required this.limitFullyAttached, required this.limitAttachedStrong, required this.limitAttachedGood, required this.limitAttachedWeak, }); Map get json { return { 'node_id': => p).toList(), 'node_id_secret': => p).toList(), 'bootstrap': => p).toList(), 'limit_over_attached': limitOverAttached, 'limit_fully_attached': limitFullyAttached, 'limit_attached_strong': limitAttachedStrong, 'limit_attached_good': limitAttachedGood, 'limit_attached_weak': limitAttachedWeak, }; } VeilidConfigRoutingTable.fromJson(dynamic json) : nodeId = List.from(json['node_id'].map((j) => j)), nodeIdSecret = List.from(json['node_id_secret'].map((j) => j)), bootstrap = List.from(json['bootstrap'].map((j) => j)), limitOverAttached = json['limit_over_attached'], limitFullyAttached = json['limit_fully_attached'], limitAttachedStrong = json['limit_attached_strong'], limitAttachedGood = json['limit_attached_good'], limitAttachedWeak = json['limit_attached_weak']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigNetwork { int connectionInitialTimeoutMs; int connectionInactivityTimeoutMs; int maxConnectionsPerIp4; int maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix; int maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize; int maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin; int clientWhitelistTimeoutMs; int reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs; int holePunchReceiptTimeMs; VeilidConfigRoutingTable routingTable; VeilidConfigRPC rpc; VeilidConfigDHT dht; bool upnp; bool detectAddressChanges; int restrictedNatRetries; VeilidConfigTLS tls; VeilidConfigApplication application; VeilidConfigProtocol protocol; VeilidConfigNetwork({ required this.connectionInitialTimeoutMs, required this.connectionInactivityTimeoutMs, required this.maxConnectionsPerIp4, required this.maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix, required this.maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize, required this.maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin, required this.clientWhitelistTimeoutMs, required this.reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs, required this.holePunchReceiptTimeMs, required this.routingTable, required this.rpc, required this.dht, required this.upnp, required this.detectAddressChanges, required this.restrictedNatRetries, required this.tls, required this.application, required this.protocol, }); Map get json { return { 'connection_initial_timeout_ms': connectionInitialTimeoutMs, 'connection_inactivity_timeout_ms': connectionInactivityTimeoutMs, 'max_connections_per_ip4': maxConnectionsPerIp4, 'max_connections_per_ip6_prefix': maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix, 'max_connections_per_ip6_prefix_size': maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize, 'max_connection_frequency_per_min': maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin, 'client_whitelist_timeout_ms': clientWhitelistTimeoutMs, 'reverse_connection_receipt_time_ms': reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs, 'hole_punch_receipt_time_ms': holePunchReceiptTimeMs, 'routing_table': routingTable.json, 'rpc': rpc.json, 'dht': dht.json, 'upnp': upnp, 'detect_address_changes': detectAddressChanges, 'restricted_nat_retries': restrictedNatRetries, 'tls': tls.json, 'application': application.json, 'protocol': protocol.json, }; } VeilidConfigNetwork.fromJson(dynamic json) : connectionInitialTimeoutMs = json['connection_initial_timeout_ms'], connectionInactivityTimeoutMs = json['connection_inactivity_timeout_ms'], maxConnectionsPerIp4 = json['max_connections_per_ip4'], maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix = json['max_connections_per_ip6_prefix'], maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize = json['max_connections_per_ip6_prefix_size'], maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin = json['max_connection_frequency_per_min'], clientWhitelistTimeoutMs = json['client_whitelist_timeout_ms'], reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs = json['reverse_connection_receipt_time_ms'], holePunchReceiptTimeMs = json['hole_punch_receipt_time_ms'], routingTable = VeilidConfigRoutingTable.fromJson(json['routing_table']), rpc = VeilidConfigRPC.fromJson(json['rpc']), dht = VeilidConfigDHT.fromJson(json['dht']), upnp = json['upnp'], detectAddressChanges = json['detect_address_changes'], restrictedNatRetries = json['restricted_nat_retries'], tls = VeilidConfigTLS.fromJson(json['tls']), application = VeilidConfigApplication.fromJson(json['application']), protocol = VeilidConfigProtocol.fromJson(json['protocol']); } //////////// class VeilidConfigTableStore { String directory; bool delete; VeilidConfigTableStore({ required, required this.delete, }); Map get json { return {'directory': directory, 'delete': delete}; } VeilidConfigTableStore.fromJson(dynamic json) : directory = json['directory'], delete = json['delete']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigBlockStore { String directory; bool delete; VeilidConfigBlockStore({ required, required this.delete, }); Map get json { return {'directory': directory, 'delete': delete}; } VeilidConfigBlockStore.fromJson(dynamic json) : directory = json['directory'], delete = json['delete']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigProtectedStore { bool allowInsecureFallback; bool alwaysUseInsecureStorage; String insecureFallbackDirectory; bool delete; VeilidConfigProtectedStore({ required this.allowInsecureFallback, required this.alwaysUseInsecureStorage, required this.insecureFallbackDirectory, required this.delete, }); Map get json { return { 'allow_insecure_fallback': allowInsecureFallback, 'always_use_insecure_storage': alwaysUseInsecureStorage, 'insecure_fallback_directory': insecureFallbackDirectory, 'delete': delete, }; } VeilidConfigProtectedStore.fromJson(dynamic json) : allowInsecureFallback = json['allow_insecure_fallback'], alwaysUseInsecureStorage = json['always_use_insecure_storage'], insecureFallbackDirectory = json['insecure_fallback_directory'], delete = json['delete']; } //////////// class VeilidConfigCapabilities { bool protocolUDP; bool protocolConnectTCP; bool protocolAcceptTCP; bool protocolConnectWS; bool protocolAcceptWS; bool protocolConnectWSS; bool protocolAcceptWSS; VeilidConfigCapabilities({ required this.protocolUDP, required this.protocolConnectTCP, required this.protocolAcceptTCP, required this.protocolConnectWS, required this.protocolAcceptWS, required this.protocolConnectWSS, required this.protocolAcceptWSS, }); Map get json { return { 'protocol_udp': protocolUDP, 'protocol_connect_tcp': protocolConnectTCP, 'protocol_accept_tcp': protocolAcceptTCP, 'protocol_connect_ws': protocolConnectWS, 'protocol_accept_ws': protocolAcceptWS, 'protocol_connect_wss': protocolConnectWSS, 'protocol_accept_wss': protocolAcceptWSS, }; } VeilidConfigCapabilities.fromJson(dynamic json) : protocolUDP = json['protocol_udp'], protocolConnectTCP = json['protocol_connect_tcp'], protocolAcceptTCP = json['protocol_accept_tcp'], protocolConnectWS = json['protocol_connect_ws'], protocolAcceptWS = json['protocol_accept_ws'], protocolConnectWSS = json['protocol_connect_wss'], protocolAcceptWSS = json['protocol_accept_wss']; } //////////// class VeilidConfig { String programName; String namespace; VeilidConfigCapabilities capabilities; VeilidConfigProtectedStore protectedStore; VeilidConfigTableStore tableStore; VeilidConfigBlockStore blockStore; VeilidConfigNetwork network; VeilidConfig({ required this.programName, required this.namespace, required this.capabilities, required this.protectedStore, required this.tableStore, required this.blockStore, required, }); Map get json { return { 'program_name': programName, 'namespace': namespace, 'capabilities': capabilities.json, 'protected_store': protectedStore.json, 'table_store': tableStore.json, 'block_store': blockStore.json, 'network': network.json }; } VeilidConfig.fromJson(dynamic json) : programName = json['program_name'], namespace = json['namespace'], capabilities = VeilidConfigCapabilities.fromJson(json['capabilities']), protectedStore = VeilidConfigProtectedStore.fromJson(json['protected_store']), tableStore = VeilidConfigTableStore.fromJson(json['table_store']), blockStore = VeilidConfigBlockStore.fromJson(json['block_store']), network = VeilidConfigNetwork.fromJson(json['network']); } //////////// class LatencyStats { BigInt fastest; BigInt average; BigInt slowest; LatencyStats({ required this.fastest, required this.average, required this.slowest, }); Map get json { return { 'fastest': fastest.toString(), 'average': average.toString(), 'slowest': slowest.toString(), }; } LatencyStats.fromJson(dynamic json) : fastest = BigInt.parse(json['fastest']), average = BigInt.parse(json['average']), slowest = BigInt.parse(json['slowest']); } //////////// class TransferStats { BigInt total; BigInt maximum; BigInt average; BigInt minimum; TransferStats({ required, required this.maximum, required this.average, required this.minimum, }); Map get json { return { 'total': total.toString(), 'maximum': maximum.toString(), 'average': average.toString(), 'minimum': minimum.toString(), }; } TransferStats.fromJson(dynamic json) : total = BigInt.parse(json['total']), maximum = BigInt.parse(json['maximum']), average = BigInt.parse(json['average']), minimum = BigInt.parse(json['minimum']); } //////////// class TransferStatsDownUp { TransferStats down; TransferStats up; TransferStatsDownUp({ required this.down, required this.up, }); Map get json { return { 'down': down.json, 'up': up.json, }; } TransferStatsDownUp.fromJson(dynamic json) : down = TransferStats.fromJson(json['down']), up = TransferStats.fromJson(json['up']); } //////////// class RPCStats { int messagesSent; int messagesRcvd; int questionsInFlight; BigInt? lastQuestion; BigInt? lastSeenTs; BigInt? firstConsecutiveSeenTs; int recentLostAnswers; int failedToSend; RPCStats({ required this.messagesSent, required this.messagesRcvd, required this.questionsInFlight, required this.lastQuestion, required this.lastSeenTs, required this.firstConsecutiveSeenTs, required this.recentLostAnswers, required this.failedToSend, }); Map get json { return { 'messages_sent': messagesSent, 'messages_rcvd': messagesRcvd, 'questions_in_flight': questionsInFlight, 'last_question': lastQuestion?.toString(), 'last_seen_ts': lastSeenTs?.toString(), 'first_consecutive_seen_ts': firstConsecutiveSeenTs?.toString(), 'recent_lost_answers': recentLostAnswers, 'failed_to_send': failedToSend, }; } RPCStats.fromJson(dynamic json) : messagesSent = json['messages_sent'], messagesRcvd = json['messages_rcvd'], questionsInFlight = json['questions_in_flight'], lastQuestion = json['last_question'] != null ? BigInt.parse(json['last_question']) : null, lastSeenTs = json['last_seen_ts'] != null ? BigInt.parse(json['last_seen_ts']) : null, firstConsecutiveSeenTs = json['first_consecutive_seen_ts'] != null ? BigInt.parse(json['first_consecutive_seen_ts']) : null, recentLostAnswers = json['recent_lost_answers'], failedToSend = json['failed_to_send']; } //////////// class PeerStats { BigInt timeAdded; RPCStats rpcStats; LatencyStats? latency; TransferStatsDownUp transfer; PeerStats({ required this.timeAdded, required this.rpcStats, required this.latency, required this.transfer, }); Map get json { return { 'time_added': timeAdded.toString(), 'rpc_stats': rpcStats.json, 'latency': latency?.json, 'transfer': transfer.json, }; } PeerStats.fromJson(dynamic json) : timeAdded = BigInt.parse(json['time_added']), rpcStats = RPCStats.fromJson(json['rpc_stats']), latency = json['latency'] != null ? LatencyStats.fromJson(json['latency']) : null, transfer = TransferStatsDownUp.fromJson(json['transfer']); } //////////// class PeerTableData { List nodeIds; PeerAddress peerAddress; PeerStats peerStats; PeerTableData({ required this.nodeIds, required this.peerAddress, required this.peerStats, }); Map get json { return { 'node_ids': => p).toList(), 'peer_address': peerAddress.json, 'peer_stats': peerStats.json, }; } PeerTableData.fromJson(dynamic json) : nodeIds = List.from(json['node_ids'].map((j) => j)), peerAddress = PeerAddress.fromJson(json['peer_address']), peerStats = PeerStats.fromJson(json['peer_stats']); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// AttachmentState enum ProtocolType { udp, tcp, ws, wss, } extension ProtocolTypeExt on ProtocolType { String get json { return name.toUpperCase(); } } ProtocolType protocolTypeFromJson(String j) { return ProtocolType.values.byName(j.toLowerCase()); } //////////// class PeerAddress { ProtocolType protocolType; String socketAddress; PeerAddress({ required this.protocolType, required this.socketAddress, }); Map get json { return { 'protocol_type': protocolType.json, 'socket_address': socketAddress, }; } PeerAddress.fromJson(dynamic json) : protocolType = protocolTypeFromJson(json['protocol_type']), socketAddress = json['socket_address']; } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidUpdate abstract class VeilidUpdate { factory VeilidUpdate.fromJson(dynamic json) { switch (json["kind"]) { case "Log": { return VeilidLog( logLevel: veilidLogLevelFromJson(json["log_level"]), message: json["message"], backtrace: json["backtrace"]); } case "AppMessage": { return VeilidAppMessage( sender: json["sender"], message: json["message"]); } case "AppCall": { return VeilidAppCall( sender: json["sender"], message: json["message"], id: json["id"]); } case "Attachment": { return VeilidUpdateAttachment( state: VeilidStateAttachment.fromJson(json)); } case "Network": { return VeilidUpdateNetwork(state: VeilidStateNetwork.fromJson(json)); } case "Config": { return VeilidUpdateConfig(state: VeilidStateConfig.fromJson(json)); } case "RouteChange": { return VeilidUpdateRouteChange( deadRoutes: List.from(json['dead_routes'].map((j) => j)), deadRemoteRoutes: List.from(json['dead_remote_routes'].map((j) => j))); } case "ValueChange": { return VeilidUpdateValueChange( key: json['key'], subkeys: List.from( json['subkeys'].map((j) => ValueSubkeyRange.fromJson(j))), count: json['count'], valueData: ValueData.fromJson(json['value_data'])); } default: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Invalid VeilidAPIException type: ${json['kind']}"); } } } Map get json; } class VeilidLog implements VeilidUpdate { final VeilidLogLevel logLevel; final String message; final String? backtrace; // VeilidLog({ required this.logLevel, required this.message, required this.backtrace, }); @override Map get json { return { 'kind': "Log", 'log_level': logLevel.json, 'message': message, 'backtrace': backtrace }; } } class VeilidAppMessage implements VeilidUpdate { final String? sender; final Uint8List message; // VeilidAppMessage({ required this.sender, required this.message, }); @override Map get json { return { 'kind': "AppMessage", 'sender': sender, 'message': base64UrlNoPadEncode(message) }; } } class VeilidAppCall implements VeilidUpdate { final String? sender; final Uint8List message; final String id; // VeilidAppCall({ required this.sender, required this.message, required, }); @override Map get json { return { 'kind': "AppMessage", 'sender': sender, 'message': base64UrlNoPadEncode(message), 'id': id, }; } } class VeilidUpdateAttachment implements VeilidUpdate { final VeilidStateAttachment state; // VeilidUpdateAttachment({required this.state}); @override Map get json { var jsonRep = state.json; jsonRep['kind'] = "Attachment"; return jsonRep; } } class VeilidUpdateNetwork implements VeilidUpdate { final VeilidStateNetwork state; // VeilidUpdateNetwork({required this.state}); @override Map get json { var jsonRep = state.json; jsonRep['kind'] = "Network"; return jsonRep; } } class VeilidUpdateConfig implements VeilidUpdate { final VeilidStateConfig state; // VeilidUpdateConfig({required this.state}); @override Map get json { var jsonRep = state.json; jsonRep['kind'] = "Config"; return jsonRep; } } class VeilidUpdateRouteChange implements VeilidUpdate { final List deadRoutes; final List deadRemoteRoutes; // VeilidUpdateRouteChange({ required this.deadRoutes, required this.deadRemoteRoutes, }); @override Map get json { return { 'dead_routes': => p).toList(), 'dead_remote_routes': => p).toList() }; } } class VeilidUpdateValueChange implements VeilidUpdate { final String key; final List subkeys; final int count; final ValueData valueData; // VeilidUpdateValueChange({ required this.key, required this.subkeys, required this.count, required this.valueData, }); @override Map get json { return { 'key': key, 'subkeys': => p.json).toList(), 'count': count, 'value_data': valueData.json, }; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidStateAttachment class VeilidStateAttachment { final AttachmentState state; final bool publicInternetReady; final bool localNetworkReady; VeilidStateAttachment( this.state, this.publicInternetReady, this.localNetworkReady); VeilidStateAttachment.fromJson(dynamic json) : state = attachmentStateFromJson(json['state']), publicInternetReady = json['public_internet_ready'], localNetworkReady = json['local_network_ready']; Map get json { return { 'state': state.json, 'public_internet_ready': publicInternetReady, 'local_network_ready': localNetworkReady, }; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidStateNetwork class VeilidStateNetwork { final bool started; final BigInt bpsDown; final BigInt bpsUp; final List peers; VeilidStateNetwork( {required this.started, required this.bpsDown, required this.bpsUp, required this.peers}); VeilidStateNetwork.fromJson(dynamic json) : started = json['started'], bpsDown = BigInt.parse(json['bps_down']), bpsUp = BigInt.parse(json['bps_up']), peers = List.from( json['peers'].map((j) => PeerTableData.fromJson(j))); Map get json { return { 'started': started, 'bps_down': bpsDown.toString(), 'bps_up': bpsUp.toString(), 'peers': => p.json).toList(), }; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidStateConfig class VeilidStateConfig { final Map config; VeilidStateConfig({ required this.config, }); VeilidStateConfig.fromJson(dynamic json) : config = json['config']; Map get json { return {'config': config}; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidState class VeilidState { final VeilidStateAttachment attachment; final VeilidStateNetwork network; final VeilidStateConfig config; VeilidState.fromJson(dynamic json) : attachment = VeilidStateAttachment.fromJson(json['attachment']), network = VeilidStateNetwork.fromJson(json['network']), config = VeilidStateConfig.fromJson(json['config']); Map get json { return { 'attachment': attachment.json, 'network': network.json, 'config': config.json }; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidAPIException abstract class VeilidAPIException implements Exception { factory VeilidAPIException.fromJson(dynamic json) { switch (json["kind"]) { case "NotInitialized": { return VeilidAPIExceptionNotInitialized(); } case "AlreadyInitialized": { return VeilidAPIExceptionAlreadyInitialized(); } case "Timeout": { return VeilidAPIExceptionTimeout(); } case "TryAgain": { return VeilidAPIExceptionTryAgain(); } case "Shutdown": { return VeilidAPIExceptionShutdown(); } case "InvalidTarget": { return VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidTarget(); } case "NoConnection": { return VeilidAPIExceptionNoConnection(json["message"]); } case "KeyNotFound": { return VeilidAPIExceptionKeyNotFound(json["key"]); } case "Internal": { return VeilidAPIExceptionInternal(json["message"]); } case "Unimplemented": { return VeilidAPIExceptionUnimplemented(json["unimplemented"]); } case "ParseError": { return VeilidAPIExceptionParseError(json["message"], json["value"]); } case "InvalidArgument": { return VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument( json["context"], json["argument"], json["value"]); } case "MissingArgument": { return VeilidAPIExceptionMissingArgument( json["context"], json["argument"]); } case "Generic": { return VeilidAPIExceptionGeneric(json["message"]); } default: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Invalid VeilidAPIException type: ${json['kind']}"); } } } String toDisplayError(); } class VeilidAPIExceptionNotInitialized implements VeilidAPIException { @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: NotInitialized"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Not initialized"; } } class VeilidAPIExceptionAlreadyInitialized implements VeilidAPIException { @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: AlreadyInitialized"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Already initialized"; } } class VeilidAPIExceptionTimeout implements VeilidAPIException { @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: Timeout"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Timeout"; } } class VeilidAPIExceptionTryAgain implements VeilidAPIException { @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: TryAgain"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Try again"; } } class VeilidAPIExceptionShutdown implements VeilidAPIException { @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: Shutdown"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Currently shut down"; } } class VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidTarget implements VeilidAPIException { @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: InvalidTarget"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Invalid target"; } } class VeilidAPIExceptionNoConnection implements VeilidAPIException { final String message; @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: NoConnection (message: $message)"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "No connection: $message"; } // VeilidAPIExceptionNoConnection(this.message); } class VeilidAPIExceptionKeyNotFound implements VeilidAPIException { final String key; @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: KeyNotFound (key: $key)"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Key not found: $key"; } // VeilidAPIExceptionKeyNotFound(this.key); } class VeilidAPIExceptionInternal implements VeilidAPIException { final String message; @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: Internal ($message)"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Internal error: $message"; } // VeilidAPIExceptionInternal(this.message); } class VeilidAPIExceptionUnimplemented implements VeilidAPIException { final String message; @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: Unimplemented ($message)"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Unimplemented: $message"; } // VeilidAPIExceptionUnimplemented(this.message); } class VeilidAPIExceptionParseError implements VeilidAPIException { final String message; final String value; @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: ParseError ($message)\n value: $value"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Parse error: $message"; } // VeilidAPIExceptionParseError(this.message, this.value); } class VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument implements VeilidAPIException { final String context; final String argument; final String value; @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: InvalidArgument ($context:$argument)\n value: $value"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Invalid argument for $context: $argument"; } // VeilidAPIExceptionInvalidArgument(this.context, this.argument, this.value); } class VeilidAPIExceptionMissingArgument implements VeilidAPIException { final String context; final String argument; @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: MissingArgument ($context:$argument)"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return "Missing argument for $context: $argument"; } // VeilidAPIExceptionMissingArgument(this.context, this.argument); } class VeilidAPIExceptionGeneric implements VeilidAPIException { final String message; @override String toString() { return "VeilidAPIException: Generic (message: $message)"; } @override String toDisplayError() { return message; } // VeilidAPIExceptionGeneric(this.message); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidVersion class VeilidVersion { final int major; final int minor; final int patch; VeilidVersion(this.major, this.minor, this.patch); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// Stability enum Stability { lowLatency, reliable, } extension StabilityExt on Stability { String get json { return name.toPascalCase(); } } Stability stabilityFromJson(String j) { return Stability.values.byName(j.toCamelCase()); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// Sequencing enum Sequencing { noPreference, preferOrdered, ensureOrdered, } extension SequencingExt on Sequencing { String get json { return name.toPascalCase(); } } Sequencing sequencingFromJson(String j) { return Sequencing.values.byName(j.toCamelCase()); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// RouteBlob class RouteBlob { final String routeId; final Uint8List blob; RouteBlob(this.routeId, this.blob); RouteBlob.fromJson(dynamic json) : routeId = json['route_id'], blob = base64UrlNoPadDecode(json['blob']); Map get json { return {'route_id': routeId, 'blob': base64UrlNoPadEncode(blob)}; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidRoutingContext abstract class VeilidRoutingContext { VeilidRoutingContext withPrivacy(); VeilidRoutingContext withCustomPrivacy(Stability stability); VeilidRoutingContext withSequencing(Sequencing sequencing); Future appCall(String target, Uint8List request); Future appMessage(String target, Uint8List message); Future createDHTRecord( CryptoKind kind, DHTSchema schema); xxx continue here // pub async fn open_dht_record( // &self, // key: TypedKey, // writer: Option, // ) -> Result { // let storage_manager = self.api.storage_manager()?; // storage_manager // .open_record(key, writer, self.unlocked_inner.safety_selection) // .await // } // pub async fn close_dht_record(&self, key: TypedKey) -> Result<(), VeilidAPIError> { // let storage_manager = self.api.storage_manager()?; // storage_manager.close_record(key).await // } // pub async fn delete_dht_record(&self, key: TypedKey) -> Result<(), VeilidAPIError> { // let storage_manager = self.api.storage_manager()?; // storage_manager.delete_record(key).await // } // pub async fn get_dht_value( // &self, // key: TypedKey, // subkey: ValueSubkey, // force_refresh: bool, // ) -> Result, VeilidAPIError> { // let storage_manager = self.api.storage_manager()?; // storage_manager.get_value(key, subkey, force_refresh).await // } // pub async fn set_dht_value( // &self, // key: TypedKey, // subkey: ValueSubkey, // data: Vec, // ) -> Result, VeilidAPIError> { // let storage_manager = self.api.storage_manager()?; // storage_manager.set_value(key, subkey, data).await // } // pub async fn watch_dht_values( // &self, // key: TypedKey, // subkeys: &[ValueSubkeyRange], // expiration: Timestamp, // count: u32, // ) -> Result { // let storage_manager = self.api.storage_manager()?; // storage_manager // .watch_values(key, subkeys, expiration, count) // .await // } // pub async fn cancel_dht_watch( // &self, // key: TypedKey, // subkeys: &[ValueSubkeyRange], // ) -> Result { // let storage_manager = self.api.storage_manager()?; // storage_manager.cancel_watch_values(key, subkeys).await // } } ///////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidTableDB abstract class VeilidTableDBTransaction { Future commit(); Future rollback(); Future store(int col, Uint8List key, Uint8List value); Future delete(int col, Uint8List key); Future storeJson(int col, Uint8List key, Object? object, {Object? Function(Object? nonEncodable)? toEncodable}) async { return store(col, key, utf8.encoder.convert(jsonEncode(object, toEncodable: toEncodable))); } Future storeStringJson(int col, String key, Object? object, {Object? Function(Object? nonEncodable)? toEncodable}) { return storeJson(col, utf8.encoder.convert(key), object, toEncodable: toEncodable); } } abstract class VeilidTableDB { int getColumnCount(); List getKeys(int col); VeilidTableDBTransaction transact(); Future store(int col, Uint8List key, Uint8List value); Future load(int col, Uint8List key); Future delete(int col, Uint8List key); Future storeJson(int col, Uint8List key, Object? object, {Object? Function(Object? nonEncodable)? toEncodable}) { return store(col, key, utf8.encoder.convert(jsonEncode(object, toEncodable: toEncodable))); } Future storeStringJson(int col, String key, Object? object, {Object? Function(Object? nonEncodable)? toEncodable}) { return storeJson(col, utf8.encoder.convert(key), object, toEncodable: toEncodable); } Future loadJson(int col, Uint8List key, {Object? Function(Object? key, Object? value)? reviver}) async { var s = await load(col, key); if (s == null) { return null; } return jsonDecode(utf8.decode(s, allowMalformed: false), reviver: reviver); } Future loadStringJson(int col, String key, {Object? Function(Object? key, Object? value)? reviver}) { return loadJson(col, utf8.encoder.convert(key), reviver: reviver); } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// Veilid singleton factory abstract class Veilid { static late Veilid instance = getVeilid(); void initializeVeilidCore(Map platformConfigJson); void changeLogLevel(String layer, VeilidConfigLogLevel logLevel); Future> startupVeilidCore(VeilidConfig config); Future getVeilidState(); Future attach(); Future detach(); Future shutdownVeilidCore(); // Routing context Future routingContext(); // Private route allocation Future newPrivateRoute(); Future newCustomPrivateRoute( Stability stability, Sequencing sequencing); Future importRemotePrivateRoute(Uint8List blob); Future releasePrivateRoute(String key); // App calls Future appCallReply(String id, Uint8List message); // TableStore Future openTableDB(String name, int columnCount); Future deleteTableDB(String name); // Misc String veilidVersionString(); VeilidVersion veilidVersion(); Future debug(String command); }