use clap::ValueEnum; use directories::*; use crate::tools::*; use serde_derive::*; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::Arc; use url::Url; use veilid_core::tools::*; use veilid_core::*; use lazy_static::*; lazy_static! { static ref SYSTEM: sysinfo::System = { sysinfo::System::new_with_specifics( sysinfo::RefreshKind::new().with_memory(sysinfo::MemoryRefreshKind::everything()), ) }; static ref DISKS: sysinfo::Disks = { let mut disks = sysinfo::Disks::new_with_refreshed_list(); disks.sort_by(|a, b| { b.mount_point() .to_string_lossy() .len() .cmp(&a.mount_point().to_string_lossy().len()) }); disks }; } pub fn load_default_config() -> EyreResult { let mut default_config = String::from( r#"--- daemon: enabled: false client_api: ipc_enabled: true ipc_directory: '%IPC_DIRECTORY%' network_enabled: false listen_address: 'localhost:5959' auto_attach: true logging: system: enabled: false level: 'info' ignore_log_targets: [] terminal: enabled: true level: 'info' ignore_log_targets: [] file: enabled: false path: '' append: true level: 'info' ignore_log_targets: [] api: enabled: true level: 'info' ignore_log_targets: [] otlp: enabled: false level: 'trace' grpc_endpoint: 'localhost:4317' ignore_log_targets: [] console: enabled: false testing: subnode_index: 0 core: capabilities: disable: [] protected_store: allow_insecure_fallback: true always_use_insecure_storage: true directory: '%DIRECTORY%' delete: false device_encryption_key_password: '%DEVICE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PASSWORD%' new_device_encryption_key_password: %NEW_DEVICE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PASSWORD% table_store: directory: '%TABLE_STORE_DIRECTORY%' delete: false block_store: directory: '%BLOCK_STORE_DIRECTORY%' delete: false network: connection_initial_timeout_ms: 2000 connection_inactivity_timeout_ms: 60000 max_connections_per_ip4: 32 max_connections_per_ip6_prefix: 32 max_connections_per_ip6_prefix_size: 56 max_connection_frequency_per_min: 128 client_allowlist_timeout_ms: 300000 reverse_connection_receipt_time_ms: 5000 hole_punch_receipt_time_ms: 5000 network_key_password: null disable_capabilites: [] routing_table: node_id: null node_id_secret: null bootstrap: [''] limit_over_attached: 64 limit_fully_attached: 32 limit_attached_strong: 16 limit_attached_good: 8 limit_attached_weak: 4 rpc: concurrency: 0 queue_size: 1024 max_timestamp_behind_ms: 10000 max_timestamp_ahead_ms: 10000 timeout_ms: 5000 max_route_hop_count: 4 default_route_hop_count: 1 dht: max_find_node_count: 20 resolve_node_timeout_ms: 10000 resolve_node_count: 1 resolve_node_fanout: 4 get_value_timeout_ms: 10000 get_value_count: 3 get_value_fanout: 4 set_value_timeout_ms: 10000 set_value_count: 5 set_value_fanout: 4 min_peer_count: 20 min_peer_refresh_time_ms: 60000 validate_dial_info_receipt_time_ms: 2000 local_subkey_cache_size: 128 local_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb: 256 remote_subkey_cache_size: 1024 remote_max_records: 65536 remote_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb: %REMOTE_MAX_SUBKEY_CACHE_MEMORY_MB% remote_max_storage_space_mb: 0 public_watch_limit: 32 member_watch_limit: 8 max_watch_expiration_ms: 600000 upnp: true detect_address_changes: true restricted_nat_retries: 0 tls: certificate_path: '%CERTIFICATE_PATH%' private_key_path: '%PRIVATE_KEY_PATH%' connection_initial_timeout_ms: 2000 application: https: enabled: false listen_address: ':443' path: 'app' # url: 'https://localhost' http: enabled: false listen_address: ':80' path: 'app' # url: 'http://localhost' protocol: udp: enabled: true socket_pool_size: 0 listen_address: '' # public_address: '' tcp: connect: true listen: true max_connections: 32 listen_address: '' #'public_address: '' ws: connect: true listen: true max_connections: 32 listen_address: '' path: 'ws' # url: 'ws://localhost:5150/ws' wss: connect: true listen: false max_connections: 32 listen_address: '' path: 'ws' # url: '' "#, ) .replace( "%IPC_DIRECTORY%", &Settings::get_default_ipc_directory().to_string_lossy(), ) .replace( "%TABLE_STORE_DIRECTORY%", &VeilidConfigTableStore::default().directory, ) .replace( "%BLOCK_STORE_DIRECTORY%", &VeilidConfigBlockStore::default().directory, ) .replace( "%DIRECTORY%", &VeilidConfigProtectedStore::default().directory, ) .replace( "%CERTIFICATE_PATH%", &VeilidConfigTLS::default().certificate_path, ) .replace( "%PRIVATE_KEY_PATH%", &VeilidConfigTLS::default().private_key_path, ) .replace( "%REMOTE_MAX_SUBKEY_CACHE_MEMORY_MB%", &Settings::get_default_remote_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb().to_string(), ); let dek_password = if let Some(dek_password) = std::env::var_os("DEK_PASSWORD") { dek_password .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| eyre!("DEK_PASSWORD is not valid unicode"))? .to_owned() } else { "".to_owned() }; default_config = default_config.replace("%DEVICE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PASSWORD%", &dek_password); let new_dek_password = if let Some(new_dek_password) = std::env::var_os("NEW_DEK_PASSWORD") { format!( "'{}'", new_dek_password .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| eyre!("NEW_DEK_PASSWORD is not valid unicode"))? ) } else { "null".to_owned() }; default_config = default_config.replace("%NEW_DEVICE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PASSWORD%", &new_dek_password); config::Config::builder() .add_source(config::File::from_str( &default_config, config::FileFormat::Yaml, )) .build() .wrap_err("failed to parse default config") } pub fn load_config(cfg: config::Config, config_file: &Path) -> EyreResult { if let Some(config_file_str) = config_file.to_str() { config::Config::builder() .add_source(cfg) .add_source(config::File::new(config_file_str, config::FileFormat::Yaml)) .build() .wrap_err("failed to load config") } else { bail!("config file path is not valid UTF-8") } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, ValueEnum)] pub enum LogLevel { Off, Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Trace, } impl<'de> serde::Deserialize<'de> for LogLevel { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { let s = String::deserialize(deserializer)?; match s.to_ascii_lowercase().as_str() { "off" => Ok(LogLevel::Off), "error" => Ok(LogLevel::Error), "warn" => Ok(LogLevel::Warn), "info" => Ok(LogLevel::Info), "debug" => Ok(LogLevel::Debug), "trace" => Ok(LogLevel::Trace), _ => Err(serde::de::Error::custom(format!( "Invalid log level: {}", s ))), } } } impl serde::Serialize for LogLevel { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: serde::Serializer, { let s = match self { LogLevel::Off => "off", LogLevel::Error => "error", LogLevel::Warn => "warn", LogLevel::Info => "info", LogLevel::Debug => "debug", LogLevel::Trace => "trace", }; s.serialize(serializer) } } pub fn convert_loglevel(log_level: LogLevel) -> veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel { match log_level { LogLevel::Off => veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel::Off, LogLevel::Error => veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel::Error, LogLevel::Warn => veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel::Warn, LogLevel::Info => veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel::Info, LogLevel::Debug => veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel::Debug, LogLevel::Trace => veilid_core::VeilidConfigLogLevel::Trace, } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct ParsedUrl { pub urlstring: String, pub url: Url, } impl ParsedUrl { pub fn offset_port(&mut self, offset: u16) -> EyreResult<()> { // Bump port on url self.url .set_port(Some(self.url.port().unwrap() + offset)) .map_err(|_| eyre!("failed to set port on url"))?; self.urlstring = self.url.to_string(); Ok(()) } } impl FromStr for ParsedUrl { type Err = url::ParseError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let mut url = Url::parse(s)?; if url.scheme().to_lowercase() == "http" && url.port().is_none() { url.set_port(Some(80)) .map_err(|_| url::ParseError::InvalidPort)? } if url.scheme().to_lowercase() == "https" && url.port().is_none() { url.set_port(Some(443)) .map_err(|_| url::ParseError::InvalidPort)?; } let parsed_urlstring = url.to_string(); Ok(Self { urlstring: parsed_urlstring, url, }) } } impl<'de> serde::Deserialize<'de> for ParsedUrl { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { let s = String::deserialize(deserializer)?; ParsedUrl::from_str(s.as_str()).map_err(serde::de::Error::custom) } } impl serde::Serialize for ParsedUrl { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: serde::Serializer, { self.urlstring.serialize(serializer) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct NamedSocketAddrs { pub name: String, pub addrs: Vec, } impl FromStr for NamedSocketAddrs { type Err = std::io::Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { if s.is_empty() { return Ok(NamedSocketAddrs { name: String::new(), addrs: vec![], }); } let addr_iter = listen_address_to_socket_addrs(s) .map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, e))?; Ok(NamedSocketAddrs { name: s.to_owned(), addrs: addr_iter, }) } } impl<'de> serde::Deserialize<'de> for NamedSocketAddrs { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { let s = String::deserialize(deserializer)?; NamedSocketAddrs::from_str(s.as_str()).map_err(serde::de::Error::custom) } } impl serde::Serialize for NamedSocketAddrs { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: serde::Serializer, { } } impl NamedSocketAddrs { pub fn offset_port(&mut self, offset: u16) -> EyreResult { // Bump port on name if let Some(split) =':') { let hoststr = &[0..split]; let portstr = &[split + 1..]; let port: u16 = portstr.parse::().wrap_err("failed to parse port")? + offset; = format!("{}:{}", hoststr, port); } else { return Ok(false); } // Bump port on addresses for addr in self.addrs.iter_mut() { addr.set_port(addr.port() + offset); } Ok(true) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Terminal { pub enabled: bool, pub level: LogLevel, pub ignore_log_targets: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Console { pub enabled: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct File { pub enabled: bool, pub path: String, pub append: bool, pub level: LogLevel, pub ignore_log_targets: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct System { pub enabled: bool, pub level: LogLevel, pub ignore_log_targets: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Api { pub enabled: bool, pub level: LogLevel, pub ignore_log_targets: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Otlp { pub enabled: bool, pub level: LogLevel, pub grpc_endpoint: NamedSocketAddrs, pub ignore_log_targets: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct ClientApi { pub ipc_enabled: bool, pub ipc_directory: PathBuf, pub network_enabled: bool, pub listen_address: NamedSocketAddrs, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Logging { pub system: System, pub terminal: Terminal, pub file: File, pub api: Api, pub otlp: Otlp, pub console: Console, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Https { pub enabled: bool, pub listen_address: NamedSocketAddrs, pub path: PathBuf, pub url: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Http { pub enabled: bool, pub listen_address: NamedSocketAddrs, pub path: PathBuf, pub url: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Application { pub https: Https, pub http: Http, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Udp { pub enabled: bool, pub socket_pool_size: u32, pub listen_address: NamedSocketAddrs, pub public_address: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Tcp { pub connect: bool, pub listen: bool, pub max_connections: u32, pub listen_address: NamedSocketAddrs, pub public_address: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Ws { pub connect: bool, pub listen: bool, pub max_connections: u32, pub listen_address: NamedSocketAddrs, pub path: PathBuf, pub url: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Wss { pub connect: bool, pub listen: bool, pub max_connections: u32, pub listen_address: NamedSocketAddrs, pub path: PathBuf, pub url: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Protocol { pub udp: Udp, pub tcp: Tcp, pub ws: Ws, pub wss: Wss, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Tls { pub certificate_path: String, pub private_key_path: String, pub connection_initial_timeout_ms: u32, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Rpc { pub concurrency: u32, pub queue_size: u32, pub max_timestamp_behind_ms: Option, pub max_timestamp_ahead_ms: Option, pub timeout_ms: u32, pub max_route_hop_count: u8, pub default_route_hop_count: u8, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Dht { pub max_find_node_count: u32, pub resolve_node_timeout_ms: u32, pub resolve_node_count: u32, pub resolve_node_fanout: u32, pub get_value_timeout_ms: u32, pub get_value_count: u32, pub get_value_fanout: u32, pub set_value_timeout_ms: u32, pub set_value_count: u32, pub set_value_fanout: u32, pub min_peer_count: u32, pub min_peer_refresh_time_ms: u32, pub validate_dial_info_receipt_time_ms: u32, pub local_subkey_cache_size: u32, pub local_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb: u32, pub remote_subkey_cache_size: u32, pub remote_max_records: u32, pub remote_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb: u32, pub remote_max_storage_space_mb: u32, pub public_watch_limit: u32, pub member_watch_limit: u32, pub max_watch_expiration_ms: u32, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct RoutingTable { pub node_id: Option, pub node_id_secret: Option, pub bootstrap: Vec, pub limit_over_attached: u32, pub limit_fully_attached: u32, pub limit_attached_strong: u32, pub limit_attached_good: u32, pub limit_attached_weak: u32, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Network { pub connection_initial_timeout_ms: u32, pub connection_inactivity_timeout_ms: u32, pub max_connections_per_ip4: u32, pub max_connections_per_ip6_prefix: u32, pub max_connections_per_ip6_prefix_size: u32, pub max_connection_frequency_per_min: u32, pub client_allowlist_timeout_ms: u32, pub reverse_connection_receipt_time_ms: u32, pub hole_punch_receipt_time_ms: u32, pub network_key_password: Option, pub routing_table: RoutingTable, pub rpc: Rpc, pub dht: Dht, pub upnp: bool, pub detect_address_changes: bool, pub restricted_nat_retries: u32, pub tls: Tls, pub application: Application, pub protocol: Protocol, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Testing { pub subnode_index: u16, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct TableStore { pub directory: String, pub delete: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct BlockStore { pub directory: String, pub delete: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct ProtectedStore { pub allow_insecure_fallback: bool, pub always_use_insecure_storage: bool, pub directory: String, pub delete: bool, pub device_encryption_key_password: String, pub new_device_encryption_key_password: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Capabilities { pub disable: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Core { pub capabilities: Capabilities, pub protected_store: ProtectedStore, pub table_store: TableStore, pub block_store: BlockStore, pub network: Network, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Daemon { pub enabled: bool, pub pid_file: Option, pub chroot: Option, pub working_directory: Option, pub user: Option, pub group: Option, pub stdout_file: Option, pub stderr_file: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct SettingsInner { pub daemon: Daemon, pub client_api: ClientApi, pub auto_attach: bool, pub logging: Logging, pub testing: Testing, pub core: Core, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Settings { inner: Arc>, } impl Settings { pub fn new(config_file: Option<&OsStr>) -> EyreResult { // Load the default config let mut cfg = load_default_config()?; // Merge in the config file if we have one if let Some(config_file) = config_file { let config_file_path = Path::new(config_file); // If the user specifies a config file on the command line then it must exist cfg = load_config(cfg, config_file_path)?; } // Generate config let mut inner: SettingsInner = cfg.try_deserialize()?; // Fill in missing defaults if == 0 { = Self::get_default_remote_max_storage_space_mb(&inner); } // Ok(Self { inner: Arc::new(RwLock::new(inner)), }) } pub fn read(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard { } pub fn write(&self) -> RwLockWriteGuard { self.inner.write() } pub fn apply_subnode_index(&self) -> EyreResult<()> { let mut settingsrw = self.write(); let idx = settingsrw.testing.subnode_index; if idx == 0 { return Ok(()); } // bump client api port settingsrw.client_api.listen_address.offset_port(idx)?; // bump protocol ports settingsrw .core .network .protocol .udp .listen_address .offset_port(idx)?; settingsrw .core .network .protocol .tcp .listen_address .offset_port(idx)?; settingsrw .core .network .protocol .ws .listen_address .offset_port(idx)?; if let Some(url) = &mut { url.offset_port(idx)?; } settingsrw .core .network .protocol .wss .listen_address .offset_port(idx)?; if let Some(url) = &mut { url.offset_port(idx)?; } // bump application ports settingsrw .core .network .application .http .listen_address .offset_port(idx)?; if let Some(url) = &mut { url.offset_port(idx)?; } settingsrw .core .network .application .https .listen_address .offset_port(idx)?; if let Some(url) = &mut { url.offset_port(idx)?; } Ok(()) } /// Determine default config path /// /// In a unix-like environment, veilid-server will look for its config file /// in /etc/veilid-server. If a config is not found in this location, it will /// follow the XDG user directory spec, and look in `~/.config/veilid-server/`. /// /// For Windows, a user-local config may be created at /// `C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Veilid\Veilid`, and for macOS, at /// `/Users//Library/Application Support/org.Veilid.Veilid` /// pub fn get_default_config_path() -> PathBuf { #[cfg(unix)] { let default_path = PathBuf::from("/etc/veilid-server/veilid-server.conf"); if default_path.exists() { return default_path; } } ProjectDirs::from("org", "Veilid", "Veilid") .map(|dirs| dirs.config_dir().join("veilid-server.conf")) .unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from("./veilid-server.conf")) } #[allow(dead_code)] fn get_or_create_private_directory>(path: P, group_read: bool) -> bool { let path = path.as_ref(); if !path.is_dir() && (std::fs::create_dir_all(path).is_err() || ensure_directory_private_owner(path, group_read).is_err()) { return false; } true } #[allow(dead_code)] fn get_or_create_default_directory(subpath: &str) -> PathBuf { #[cfg(unix)] { let globalpath = PathBuf::from("/var/db/veilid-server").join(subpath); if Self::get_or_create_private_directory(&globalpath, true) { return globalpath; } } let mut ts_path = if let Some(my_proj_dirs) = ProjectDirs::from("org", "Veilid", "Veilid") { PathBuf::from(my_proj_dirs.data_local_dir()) } else { PathBuf::from("./") }; ts_path.push(subpath); if Self::get_or_create_private_directory(&ts_path, true) { return ts_path; } panic!("Failed to create private directory for '{}'", subpath); } pub fn get_default_ipc_directory() -> PathBuf { cfg_if! { if #[cfg(windows)] { PathBuf::from(r"\\.\PIPE\veilid-server") } else { Self::get_or_create_default_directory("ipc") } } } pub fn get_default_remote_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb() -> u32 { if sysinfo::IS_SUPPORTED_SYSTEM { ((SYSTEM.free_memory() / (1024u64 * 1024u64)) / 16) as u32 } else { 256 } } pub fn get_default_remote_max_storage_space_mb(inner: &SettingsInner) -> u32 { let dht_storage_path =; // Sort longer mount point paths first since we want the mount point closest to our table store directory if sysinfo::IS_SUPPORTED_SYSTEM { for disk in DISKS.list() { if dht_storage_path.starts_with(&*disk.mount_point().to_string_lossy()) { let available_mb = disk.available_space() / 1_000_000u64; if available_mb > 40_000 { // Default to 10GB if more than 40GB is available return 10_000; } // Default to 1/4 of the available space, if less than 40GB is available return available_mb as u32; } } } // If we can't figure out our storage path go with 1GB of space and pray 1_000 } pub fn set(&self, key: &str, value: &str) -> EyreResult<()> { let mut inner = self.inner.write(); macro_rules! set_config_value { ($innerkey:expr, $value:expr) => {{ let innerkeyname = &stringify!($innerkey)[6..]; if innerkeyname == key { match veilid_core::deserialize_json(value) { Ok(v) => { $innerkey = v; return Ok(()); } Err(e) => { return Err(eyre!( "invalid type for key {}, value: {}: {}", key, value, e )) } } } }}; } set_config_value!(inner.daemon.enabled, value); set_config_value!(inner.client_api.ipc_enabled, value); set_config_value!(inner.client_api.ipc_directory, value); set_config_value!(inner.client_api.network_enabled, value); set_config_value!(inner.client_api.listen_address, value); set_config_value!(inner.auto_attach, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.system.enabled, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.system.level, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.system.ignore_log_targets, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.terminal.enabled, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.terminal.level, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.terminal.ignore_log_targets, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.file.enabled, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.file.path, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.file.append, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.file.level, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.file.ignore_log_targets, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.api.enabled, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.api.level, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.api.ignore_log_targets, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.otlp.enabled, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.otlp.level, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.otlp.grpc_endpoint, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.otlp.ignore_log_targets, value); set_config_value!(inner.logging.console.enabled, value); set_config_value!(inner.testing.subnode_index, value); set_config_value!(inner.core.capabilities.disable, value); set_config_value!(inner.core.protected_store.allow_insecure_fallback, value); set_config_value!( inner.core.protected_store.always_use_insecure_storage, value ); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(inner.core.protected_store.delete, value); set_config_value!( inner.core.protected_store.device_encryption_key_password, value ); set_config_value!( inner .core .protected_store .new_device_encryption_key_password, value ); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(inner.core.table_store.delete, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(inner.core.block_store.delete, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value ); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value ); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value ); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value ); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value ); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); set_config_value!(, value); Err(eyre!("settings key not found")) } pub fn get_core_config_callback(&self) -> veilid_core::ConfigCallback { let inner = self.inner.clone(); Arc::new(move |key: String| { let inner =; let out: ConfigCallbackReturn = match key.as_str() { "program_name" => Ok(Box::new("veilid-server".to_owned())), "namespace" => Ok(Box::new(if inner.testing.subnode_index == 0 { "".to_owned() } else { format!("subnode{}", inner.testing.subnode_index) })), "capabilities.disable" => { let mut caps = Vec::::new(); for c in &inner.core.capabilities.disable { let cap = FourCC::from_str(c.as_str()).map_err(VeilidAPIError::generic)?; caps.push(cap); } Ok(Box::new(caps)) } "protected_store.allow_insecure_fallback" => { Ok(Box::new(inner.core.protected_store.allow_insecure_fallback)) } "protected_store.always_use_insecure_storage" => Ok(Box::new( inner.core.protected_store.always_use_insecure_storage, )), "" => { Ok(Box::new( } "protected_store.delete" => Ok(Box::new(inner.core.protected_store.delete)), "protected_store.device_encryption_key_password" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .protected_store .device_encryption_key_password .clone(), )), "protected_store.new_device_encryption_key_password" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .protected_store .new_device_encryption_key_password .clone(), )), "" => Ok(Box::new(, "table_store.delete" => Ok(Box::new(inner.core.table_store.delete)), "" => Ok(Box::new(, "block_store.delete" => Ok(Box::new(inner.core.block_store.delete)), "network.connection_initial_timeout_ms" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.connection_inactivity_timeout_ms" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.max_connections_per_ip4" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.max_connections_per_ip6_prefix" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.max_connections_per_ip6_prefix_size" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.max_connection_frequency_per_min" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.client_allowlist_timeout_ms" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.reverse_connection_receipt_time_ms" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.hole_punch_receipt_time_ms" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.network_key_password" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.routing_table.node_id" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .routing_table .node_id .clone() .unwrap_or_default(), )), "network.routing_table.node_id_secret" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .routing_table .node_id_secret .clone() .unwrap_or_default(), )), "network.routing_table.bootstrap" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.routing_table.limit_over_attached" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.routing_table.limit_fully_attached" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.routing_table.limit_attached_strong" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.routing_table.limit_attached_good" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.routing_table.limit_attached_weak" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.rpc.concurrency" => Ok(Box::new(, "network.rpc.queue_size" => Ok(Box::new(, "network.rpc.max_timestamp_behind_ms" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.rpc.max_timestamp_ahead_ms" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.rpc.timeout_ms" => Ok(Box::new(, "network.rpc.max_route_hop_count" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.rpc.default_route_hop_count" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.max_find_node_count" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.resolve_node_timeout_ms" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.resolve_node_count" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.resolve_node_fanout" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.get_value_timeout_ms" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.get_value_count" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.get_value_fanout" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.set_value_timeout_ms" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.set_value_count" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.set_value_fanout" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.min_peer_count" => Ok(Box::new(, "network.dht.min_peer_refresh_time_ms" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.validate_dial_info_receipt_time_ms" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.dht.local_subkey_cache_size" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.local_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.dht.remote_subkey_cache_size" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.remote_max_records" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.remote_max_subkey_cache_memory_mb" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.dht.remote_max_storage_space_mb" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.public_watch_limit" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.member_watch_limit" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.dht.max_watch_expiration_ms" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.upnp" => Ok(Box::new(, "network.detect_address_changes" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.restricted_nat_retries" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.tls.certificate_path" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.tls.private_key_path" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.tls.connection_initial_timeout_ms" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.application.https.enabled" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.application.https.listen_address" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .application .https .listen_address .name .clone(), )), "network.application.https.path" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .application .https .path .to_string_lossy() .to_string(), )), "network.application.https.url" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .application .https .url .as_ref() .map(|a| a.urlstring.clone()), )), "network.application.http.enabled" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.application.http.listen_address" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .application .http .listen_address .name .clone(), )), "network.application.http.path" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .application .http .path .to_string_lossy() .to_string(), )), "network.application.http.url" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .application .http .url .as_ref() .map(|a| a.urlstring.clone()), )), "network.protocol.udp.enabled" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.protocol.udp.socket_pool_size" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.protocol.udp.listen_address" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.protocol.udp.public_address" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .protocol .udp .public_address .as_ref() .map(|a|, )), "network.protocol.tcp.connect" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.protocol.tcp.listen" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.protocol.tcp.max_connections" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.protocol.tcp.listen_address" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.protocol.tcp.public_address" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .protocol .tcp .public_address .as_ref() .map(|a|, )), "" => { Ok(Box::new( } "" => Ok(Box::new(, "" => { Ok(Box::new( } "" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .protocol .ws .path .to_string_lossy() .to_string(), )), "" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .protocol .ws .url .as_ref() .map(|a| a.urlstring.clone()), )), "network.protocol.wss.connect" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.protocol.wss.listen" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.protocol.wss.max_connections" => { Ok(Box::new( } "network.protocol.wss.listen_address" => Ok(Box::new(, )), "network.protocol.wss.path" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .protocol .wss .path .to_string_lossy() .to_string(), )), "network.protocol.wss.url" => Ok(Box::new( inner .core .network .protocol .wss .url .as_ref() .map(|a| a.urlstring.clone()), )), _ => Err(VeilidAPIError::generic(format!( "config key '{}' doesn't exist", key ))), }; out }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use serial_test::serial; #[test] #[serial] fn test_default_config() { let cfg = load_default_config().unwrap(); let inner = cfg.try_deserialize::().unwrap(); println!("default settings: {:?}", inner); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_default_config_settings() { let settings = Settings::new(None).unwrap(); let s =; assert!(!s.daemon.enabled); assert_eq!(s.daemon.pid_file, None); assert_eq!(s.daemon.chroot, None); assert_eq!(s.daemon.working_directory, None); assert_eq!(s.daemon.user, None); assert_eq!(, None); assert_eq!(s.daemon.stdout_file, None); assert_eq!(s.daemon.stderr_file, None); assert!(s.client_api.ipc_enabled); assert!(!s.client_api.network_enabled); assert_eq!(, "localhost:5959"); assert_eq!( s.client_api.listen_address.addrs, listen_address_to_socket_addrs("localhost:5959").unwrap() ); assert!(s.auto_attach); assert!(!s.logging.system.enabled); assert_eq!(s.logging.system.level, LogLevel::Info); assert!(s.logging.terminal.enabled); assert_eq!(s.logging.terminal.level, LogLevel::Info); assert!(!s.logging.file.enabled); assert_eq!(s.logging.file.path, ""); assert!(s.logging.file.append); assert_eq!(s.logging.file.level, LogLevel::Info); assert!(s.logging.api.enabled); assert_eq!(s.logging.api.level, LogLevel::Info); assert!(!s.logging.otlp.enabled); assert_eq!(s.logging.otlp.level, LogLevel::Trace); assert_eq!( s.logging.otlp.grpc_endpoint, NamedSocketAddrs::from_str("localhost:4317").unwrap() ); assert!(!s.logging.console.enabled); assert_eq!(s.testing.subnode_index, 0); assert_eq!(, VeilidConfigTableStore::default().directory, ); assert!(!s.core.table_store.delete); assert_eq!(, VeilidConfigBlockStore::default().directory, ); assert!(!s.core.block_store.delete); assert!(s.core.protected_store.allow_insecure_fallback); assert!(s.core.protected_store.always_use_insecure_storage); assert_eq!(, VeilidConfigProtectedStore::default().directory ); assert!(!s.core.protected_store.delete); assert_eq!(s.core.protected_store.device_encryption_key_password, ""); assert_eq!( s.core.protected_store.new_device_encryption_key_password, None ); assert_eq!(, 2_000u32); assert_eq!(, 60_000u32); assert_eq!(, 32u32); assert_eq!(, 32u32); assert_eq!(, 56u32); assert_eq!(, 128u32); assert_eq!(, 300_000u32); assert_eq!(, 5_000u32); assert_eq!(, 5_000u32); assert_eq!(, None); assert_eq!(, None); assert_eq!(, None); // assert_eq!(, vec!["".to_owned()] ); // assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(, 1024); assert_eq!(, Some(10_000u32)); assert_eq!(, Some(10_000u32)); assert_eq!(, 5_000u32); assert_eq!(, 4); assert_eq!(, 1); // assert_eq!(, 20u32); assert_eq!(, 10_000u32); assert_eq!(, 1u32); assert_eq!(, 4u32); assert_eq!(, 10_000u32); assert_eq!(, 3u32); assert_eq!(, 4u32); assert_eq!(, 10_000u32); assert_eq!(, 5u32); assert_eq!(, 4u32); assert_eq!(, 20u32); assert_eq!(, 60_000u32); assert_eq!(, 2_000u32 ); assert_eq!(, 32u32); assert_eq!(, 8u32); assert_eq!(, 600_000u32); // assert!(; assert!(; assert_eq!(, 0u32); // assert_eq!(, VeilidConfigTLS::default().certificate_path ); assert_eq!(, VeilidConfigTLS::default().private_key_path ); assert_eq!(, 2_000u32); // assert!(!; assert_eq!(, ":443"); assert_eq!(, listen_address_to_socket_addrs(":443").unwrap() ); assert_eq!(, std::path::PathBuf::from("app") ); assert_eq!(, None); assert!(!; assert_eq!(, ":80"); assert_eq!(, listen_address_to_socket_addrs(":80").unwrap() ); assert_eq!(, std::path::PathBuf::from("app") ); assert_eq!(, None); // assert!(; assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(, ""); assert_eq!(, vec![]); assert_eq!(, None); // assert!(; assert!(; assert_eq!(, 32); assert_eq!(, ""); assert_eq!(, vec![]); assert_eq!(, None); // assert!(; assert!(; assert_eq!(, 32); assert_eq!(, ""); assert_eq!(, vec![]); assert_eq!(, std::path::PathBuf::from("ws") ); assert_eq!(, None); // assert!(; assert!(!; assert_eq!(, 32); assert_eq!(, ""); assert_eq!(, vec![]); assert_eq!(, std::path::PathBuf::from("ws") ); assert_eq!(, None); // } }