use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; fn search_file, P: AsRef>(start: T, name: P) -> Option { let start_path = PathBuf::from(start.as_ref()).canonicalize().ok(); let mut path = start_path.as_deref(); while let Some(some_path) = path { let file_path = some_path.join(name.as_ref()); if file_path.exists() { return Some(file_path.to_owned()); } path = some_path.parent(); } None } fn get_desired_capnp_version_string() -> String { let capnp_path = search_file(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), ".capnp_version") .expect("should find .capnp_version file"); std::fs::read_to_string(&capnp_path) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("can't read .capnp_version file here: {:?}", capnp_path)) .trim() .to_owned() } fn get_capnp_version_string() -> String { let output = Command::new("capnp") .arg("--version") .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .output() .expect("capnp was not in the PATH"); let s = String::from_utf8(output.stdout) .expect("'capnp --version' output was not a valid string") .trim() .to_owned(); if !s.starts_with("Cap'n Proto version ") { panic!("invalid capnp version string: {}", s); } s[20..].to_owned() } fn get_desired_protoc_version_string() -> String { let protoc_path = search_file(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), ".protoc_version") .expect("should find .protoc_version file"); std::fs::read_to_string(&protoc_path) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("can't read .protoc_version file here: {:?}", protoc_path)) .trim() .to_owned() } fn get_protoc_version_string() -> String { let output = Command::new("protoc") .arg("--version") .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .output() .expect("protoc was not in the PATH"); let s = String::from_utf8(output.stdout) .expect("'protoc --version' output was not a valid string") .trim() .to_owned(); if !s.starts_with("libprotoc ") { panic!("invalid protoc version string: {}", s); } s[10..].to_owned() } fn main() { let desired_capnp_version_string = get_desired_capnp_version_string(); let capnp_version_string = get_capnp_version_string(); let desired_protoc_version_string = get_desired_protoc_version_string(); let protoc_version_string = get_protoc_version_string(); // Check capnp version let desired_capnp_major_version = usize::from_str_radix(desired_capnp_version_string.split_once('.').unwrap().0, 10) .expect("should be valid int"); if usize::from_str_radix(capnp_version_string.split_once('.').unwrap().0, 10) .expect("should be valid int") != desired_capnp_major_version { panic!( "capnproto version should be major version 1, preferably {} but is {}", desired_capnp_version_string, capnp_version_string ); } else if capnp_version_string != desired_capnp_version_string { println!( "capnproto version may be untested: {}", capnp_version_string ); } // Check protoc version let desired_protoc_major_version = usize::from_str_radix(desired_protoc_version_string.split_once('.').unwrap().0, 10) .expect("should be valid int"); if usize::from_str_radix(protoc_version_string.split_once('.').unwrap().0, 10) .expect("should be valid int") < desired_protoc_major_version { panic!( "protoc version should be at least major version {} but is {}", desired_protoc_major_version, protoc_version_string ); } else if protoc_version_string != desired_protoc_version_string { println!("protoc version may be untested: {}", protoc_version_string); } ::capnpc::CompilerCommand::new() .file("proto/veilid.capnp") .run() .expect("compiling schema"); }