import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:veilid/veilid.dart'; final bogusKey = TypedKey.fromString('VLD0:qD10lHHPD1_Qr23_Qy-1JnxTht12eaWwENVG_m2v7II'); Future testGetDHTValueUnopened() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { await expectLater(() async => rc.getDHTValue(bogusKey, 0), throwsA(isA())); } finally { rc.close(); } } Future testOpenDHTRecordNonexistentNoWriter() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { await expectLater(() async => rc.openDHTRecord(bogusKey), throwsA(isA())); } finally { rc.close(); } } Future testCloseDHTRecordNonexistent() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { await expectLater(() async => rc.closeDHTRecord(bogusKey), throwsA(isA())); } finally { rc.close(); } } Future testDeleteDHTRecordNonexistent() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { await expectLater(() async => rc.deleteDHTRecord(bogusKey), throwsA(isA())); } finally { rc.close(); } } Future testCreateDeleteDHTRecordSimple() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { final rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 1)); await rc.closeDHTRecord(rec.key); await rc.deleteDHTRecord(rec.key); } finally { rc.close(); } } Future testCreateDeleteDHTRecordNoClose() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { final rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 1)); await rc.deleteDHTRecord(rec.key); } finally { rc.close(); } } Future testGetDHTValueNonexistent() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { final rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 1)); expect(await rc.getDHTValue(rec.key, 0), isNull); await rc.deleteDHTRecord(rec.key); } finally { rc.close(); } } Future testSetGetDHTValue() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { final rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 2)); expect(await rc.setDHTValue(rec.key, 0, utf8.encode('BLAH BLAH BLAH')), isNull); final vd2 = await rc.getDHTValue(rec.key, 0); expect(vd2, isNotNull); final vd3 = await rc.getDHTValue(rec.key, 0, forceRefresh: true); expect(vd3, isNotNull); final vd4 = await rc.getDHTValue(rec.key, 1); expect(vd4, isNull); expect(vd2, equals(vd3)); await rc.deleteDHTRecord(rec.key); } finally { rc.close(); } } Future testSetGetDHTValueWithOwner() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { final cs = await Veilid.instance.bestCryptoSystem(); final ownerKeyPair = await cs.generateKeyPair(); final rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 2), owner: ownerKeyPair); expect(await rc.setDHTValue(rec.key, 0, utf8.encode('BLAH BLAH BLAH')), isNull); final vd2 = await rc.getDHTValue(rec.key, 0); expect(vd2, isNotNull); final vd3 = await rc.getDHTValue(rec.key, 0, forceRefresh: true); expect(vd3, isNotNull); final vd4 = await rc.getDHTValue(rec.key, 1); expect(vd4, isNull); expect(vd2, equals(vd3)); await rc.deleteDHTRecord(rec.key); } finally { rc.close(); } } Future testOpenWriterDHTValue() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { var rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 2)); final key = rec.key; final owner = rec.owner; final secret = rec.ownerSecret!; final cs = await Veilid.instance.getCryptoSystem(rec.key.kind); expect(await cs.validateKeyPair(owner, secret), isTrue); final otherKeyPair = await cs.generateKeyPair(); final va = utf8.encode('Qwertyuiop Asdfghjkl Zxcvbnm'); final vb = utf8.encode('1234567890'); final vc = utf8.encode(r'!@#$%^&*()'); // Test subkey writes expect(await rc.setDHTValue(key, 1, va), isNull); var vdtemp = await rc.getDHTValue(key, 1); expect(vdtemp, isNotNull); expect(vdtemp!.data, equals(va)); expect(vdtemp.seq, equals(0)); expect(vdtemp.writer, equals(owner)); expect(await rc.getDHTValue(key, 0), isNull); expect(await rc.setDHTValue(key, 0, vb), isNull); expect( await rc.getDHTValue(key, 0, forceRefresh: true), equals(ValueData( data: vb, seq: 0, writer: owner, ))); expect( await rc.getDHTValue(key, 1, forceRefresh: true), equals(ValueData( data: va, seq: 0, writer: owner, ))); // Equal value should not trigger sequence number update expect(await rc.setDHTValue(key, 1, va), isNull); // Different value should trigger sequence number update expect(await rc.setDHTValue(key, 1, vb), isNull); await settle(rc, key, 0); await settle(rc, key, 1); // Now that we initialized some subkeys // and verified they stored correctly // Delete things locally and reopen and see if we can write // with the same writer key // await rc.closeDHTRecord(key); await rc.deleteDHTRecord(key); rec = await rc.openDHTRecord(key, writer: KeyPair(key: owner, secret: secret)); expect(rec, isNotNull); expect(rec.key, equals(key)); expect(rec.owner, equals(owner)); expect(rec.ownerSecret, equals(secret)); expect(rec.schema, isA()); expect(rec.schema.oCnt, equals(2)); // Verify subkey 1 can be set before it is get but newer is available online vdtemp = await rc.setDHTValue(key, 1, vc); expect(vdtemp, isNotNull); expect(vdtemp!.data, equals(vb)); expect(vdtemp.seq, equals(1)); expect(vdtemp.writer, equals(owner)); // Verify subkey 1 can be set a second time // and it updates because seq is newer expect(await rc.setDHTValue(key, 1, vc), isNull); // Verify the network got the subkey update with a refresh check vdtemp = await rc.getDHTValue(key, 1, forceRefresh: true); expect(vdtemp, isNotNull); expect(vdtemp!.data, equals(vc)); expect(vdtemp.seq, equals(2)); expect(vdtemp.writer, equals(owner)); // Delete things locally and reopen and see if we can write // with a different writer key (should fail) await rc.closeDHTRecord(key); await rc.deleteDHTRecord(key); rec = await rc.openDHTRecord(key, writer: otherKeyPair); expect(rec, isNotNull); expect(rec.key, equals(key)); expect(rec.owner, equals(owner)); expect(rec.ownerSecret, isNull); expect(rec.schema, isA()); expect(rec.schema.oCnt, equals(2)); // Verify subkey 1 can NOT be set because we have the wrong writer await expectLater(() async => rc.setDHTValue(key, 1, va), throwsA(isA())); // Verify subkey 0 can NOT be set because we have the wrong writer await expectLater(() async => rc.setDHTValue(key, 0, va), throwsA(isA())); // Verify subkey 0 can be set because override with the right writer expect( await rc.setDHTValue(key, 0, va, writer: KeyPair(key: owner, secret: secret)), isNull); // Clean up await rc.closeDHTRecord(key); await rc.deleteDHTRecord(key); } finally { rc.close(); } } Future settle(VeilidRoutingContext rc, TypedKey key, int subkey) async { // Wait for set to settle do { await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100)); } while ( (await rc.inspectDHTRecord(key)).offlineSubkeys.containsSubkey(subkey)); } Future waitForValueChange( Stream stream, Duration duration, Future Function() closure) async { final valueChangeQueueIterator = StreamIterator(stream); try { // Subscribe before call final iterfut = valueChangeQueueIterator.moveNext(); // Call thing that might generate a value change await closure(); // Wait for the first change final hasChange = await iterfut.timeout(duration, onTimeout: () async => false); if (!hasChange) { return null; } return valueChangeQueueIterator.current; } finally { // Stop waiting for changes await valueChangeQueueIterator.cancel(); } } // XXX: Currently does not work because ValueChanged updates are suppressed // for records that are the same sequence number locally as they are in the // update. To properly test, you need two servers. Revisit this when we can // make multiple veilid-core instantiations in a single process. Future testWatchDHTValues(Stream updateStream) async { final valueChangeQueue = StreamController.broadcast(); final valueChangeSubscription = updateStream.listen((update) { if (update is VeilidUpdateValueChange) { // print("valuechange: " + update.toString()); valueChangeQueue.sink.add(update); } }); try { // Make two routing contexts, one with and one without safety // So we can pretend to be a different node and get the watch updates // Normally they would not get sent if the set comes from the same target // as the watch's target final rcSet = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); final rcWatch = await Veilid.instance.unsafeRoutingContext(); try { // Make a DHT record var rec = await rcWatch.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 10)); // Set some subkey we care about expect( await rcWatch.setDHTValue(rec.key, 3, utf8.encode('BLAH BLAH BLAH')), isNull); // Wait for set to settle await settle(rcWatch, rec.key, 3); // Make a watch on that subkey expect(await rcWatch.watchDHTValues(rec.key), isNot(equals(; // Reopen without closing to change routing context and not lose watch rec = await rcSet.openDHTRecord(rec.key, writer: rec.ownerKeyPair()); // Now we should NOT get an update because the update // is the same as our local copy final update1 = await waitForValueChange(, const Duration(seconds: 10), () async { // Now set the subkey and trigger an update expect(await rcSet.setDHTValue(rec.key, 3, utf8.encode('BLAH BLAH')), isNull); // Wait for set to settle await settle(rcSet, rec.key, 3); }); if (update1 != null) { fail('should not have a change'); } // Wait for the update final update2 = await waitForValueChange(, const Duration(seconds: 10), () async { // Now set a subkey and trigger an update expect( await rcSet.setDHTValue(rec.key, 3, utf8.encode('BLAH')), isNull); await settle(rcSet, rec.key, 3); }); if (update2 == null) { fail('should have a change'); } // Verify the update expect(update2.key, equals(rec.key)); expect(update2.count, equals(0xFFFFFFFD)); expect(update2.subkeys, equals([ValueSubkeyRange.single(3)])); expect(update2.value, isNull); // Reopen without closing to change routing context and not lose watch rec = await rcWatch.openDHTRecord(rec.key, writer: rec.ownerKeyPair()); // Cancel some subkeys we don't care about expect( await rcWatch .cancelDHTWatch(rec.key, subkeys: [ValueSubkeyRange.make(0, 2)]), isTrue); // Reopen without closing to change routing context and not lose watch rec = await rcSet.openDHTRecord(rec.key, writer: rec.ownerKeyPair()); // Wait for the update final update3 = await waitForValueChange(, const Duration(seconds: 10), () async { // Now set multiple subkeys and trigger an update on one of them expect( await [ rcSet.setDHTValue(rec.key, 3, utf8.encode('BLART')), rcSet.setDHTValue(rec.key, 1, utf8.encode('BZORT BZORT')) ].wait, equals([null, null])); await settle(rcSet, rec.key, 3); await settle(rcSet, rec.key, 1); }); if (update3 == null) { fail('should have a change'); } // Verify the update came back but we don't get a new value because the // sequence number is the same expect(update3.key, equals(rec.key)); expect(update3.count, equals(0xFFFFFFFC)); expect(update3.subkeys, equals([ValueSubkeyRange.single(3)])); expect(update3.value, isNull); // Reopen without closing to change routing context and not lose watch rec = await rcWatch.openDHTRecord(rec.key, writer: rec.ownerKeyPair()); // Now cancel the update expect( await rcWatch .cancelDHTWatch(rec.key, subkeys: [ValueSubkeyRange.make(3, 9)]), isFalse); // Reopen without closing to change routing context and not lose watch rec = await rcSet.openDHTRecord(rec.key, writer: rec.ownerKeyPair()); // Wait for the update final update4 = await waitForValueChange(, const Duration(seconds: 10), () async { // Now set multiple subkeys that should not trigger an update expect( await [ rcSet.setDHTValue(rec.key, 3, utf8.encode('BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH')), rcSet.setDHTValue(rec.key, 5, utf8.encode('BZORT BZORT BZORT')) ].wait, equals([null, null])); await settle(rcSet, rec.key, 3); await settle(rcSet, rec.key, 5); }); if (update4 != null) { fail('should not have a change'); } // Clean up await rcSet.closeDHTRecord(rec.key); await rcSet.deleteDHTRecord(rec.key); } finally { rcWatch.close(); rcSet.close(); } } finally { await valueChangeSubscription.cancel(); await valueChangeQueue.close(); } } Future testInspectDHTRecord() async { final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext(); try { final rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 2)); expect(await rc.setDHTValue(rec.key, 0, utf8.encode('BLAH BLAH BLAH')), isNull); final rr = await rc.inspectDHTRecord(rec.key); expect(rr.subkeys, equals([ValueSubkeyRange.make(0, 1)])); expect(rr.localSeqs, equals([0, 0xFFFFFFFF])); expect(rr.networkSeqs, equals([])); final rr2 = await rc.inspectDHTRecord(rec.key, scope: DHTReportScope.syncGet); expect(rr2.subkeys, equals([ValueSubkeyRange.make(0, 1)])); expect(rr2.localSeqs, equals([0, 0xFFFFFFFF])); expect(rr2.networkSeqs, equals([0, 0xFFFFFFFF])); await rc.closeDHTRecord(rec.key); await rc.deleteDHTRecord(rec.key); } finally { rc.close(); } }