use crate::*; use crypto::Crypto; use network_manager::*; use routing_table::*; use storage_manager::*; struct AttachmentManagerInner { last_attachment_state: AttachmentState, last_routing_table_health: Option, maintain_peers: bool, attach_ts: Option, update_callback: Option, attachment_maintainer_jh: Option>, } struct AttachmentManagerUnlockedInner { config: VeilidConfig, network_manager: NetworkManager, } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct AttachmentManager { inner: Arc>, unlocked_inner: Arc, } impl AttachmentManager { fn new_unlocked_inner( config: VeilidConfig, storage_manager: StorageManager, table_store: TableStore, #[cfg(feature = "unstable-blockstore")] block_store: BlockStore, crypto: Crypto, ) -> AttachmentManagerUnlockedInner { AttachmentManagerUnlockedInner { config: config.clone(), network_manager: NetworkManager::new( config, storage_manager, table_store, #[cfg(feature = "unstable-blockstore")] block_store, crypto, ), } } fn new_inner() -> AttachmentManagerInner { AttachmentManagerInner { last_attachment_state: AttachmentState::Detached, last_routing_table_health: None, maintain_peers: false, attach_ts: None, update_callback: None, attachment_maintainer_jh: None, } } pub fn new( config: VeilidConfig, storage_manager: StorageManager, table_store: TableStore, #[cfg(feature = "unstable-blockstore")] block_store: BlockStore, crypto: Crypto, ) -> Self { Self { inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Self::new_inner())), unlocked_inner: Arc::new(Self::new_unlocked_inner( config, storage_manager, table_store, #[cfg(feature = "unstable-blockstore")] block_store, crypto, )), } } pub fn config(&self) -> VeilidConfig { self.unlocked_inner.config.clone() } pub fn network_manager(&self) -> NetworkManager { self.unlocked_inner.network_manager.clone() } // pub fn is_attached(&self) -> bool { // let s = self.inner.lock().last_attachment_state; // !matches!(s, AttachmentState::Detached | AttachmentState::Detaching) // } // pub fn is_detached(&self) -> bool { // let s = self.inner.lock().last_attachment_state; // matches!(s, AttachmentState::Detached) // } // pub fn get_attach_timestamp(&self) -> Option { // self.inner.lock().attach_ts // } fn translate_routing_table_health( health: &RoutingTableHealth, config: &VeilidConfigRoutingTable, ) -> AttachmentState { if health.reliable_entry_count >= config.limit_over_attached.try_into().unwrap() { return AttachmentState::OverAttached; } if health.reliable_entry_count >= config.limit_fully_attached.try_into().unwrap() { return AttachmentState::FullyAttached; } if health.reliable_entry_count >= config.limit_attached_strong.try_into().unwrap() { return AttachmentState::AttachedStrong; } if health.reliable_entry_count >= config.limit_attached_good.try_into().unwrap() { return AttachmentState::AttachedGood; } if health.reliable_entry_count >= config.limit_attached_weak.try_into().unwrap() || health.unreliable_entry_count >= config.limit_attached_weak.try_into().unwrap() { return AttachmentState::AttachedWeak; } AttachmentState::Attaching } /// Update attachment and network readiness state /// and possibly send a VeilidUpdate::Attachment fn update_attachment(&self) { // update the routing table health let routing_table = self.network_manager().routing_table(); let health = routing_table.get_routing_table_health(); let opt_update = { let mut inner = self.inner.lock(); // Check if the routing table health is different if let Some(last_routing_table_health) = &inner.last_routing_table_health { // If things are the same, just return if last_routing_table_health == &health { return; } } // Swap in new health numbers let opt_previous_health = inner.last_routing_table_health.take(); inner.last_routing_table_health = Some(health.clone()); // Calculate new attachment state let config = self.config(); let routing_table_config = &config.get().network.routing_table; let previous_attachment_state = inner.last_attachment_state; inner.last_attachment_state = AttachmentManager::translate_routing_table_health(&health, routing_table_config); // If we don't have an update callback yet for some reason, just return now let Some(update_callback) = inner.update_callback.clone() else { return; }; // Send update if one of: // * the attachment state has changed // * routing domain readiness has changed // * this is our first routing table health check let send_update = previous_attachment_state != inner.last_attachment_state || opt_previous_health .map(|x| { x.public_internet_ready != health.public_internet_ready || x.local_network_ready != health.local_network_ready }) .unwrap_or(true); if send_update { Some((update_callback, Self::get_veilid_state_inner(&inner))) } else { None } }; // Send the update outside of the lock if let Some(update) = opt_update { (update.0)(VeilidUpdate::Attachment(update.1)); } } fn update_attaching_detaching_state(&self, state: AttachmentState) { let update_callback = { let mut inner = self.inner.lock(); // Clear routing table health so when we start measuring it we start from scratch inner.last_routing_table_health = None; // Set attachment state directly inner.last_attachment_state = state; // Set timestamps if state == AttachmentState::Attaching { inner.attach_ts = Some(get_aligned_timestamp()); } else if state == AttachmentState::Detached { inner.attach_ts = None; } else if state == AttachmentState::Detaching { // ok } else { unreachable!("don't use this for attached states, use update_attachment()"); } // Get callback inner.update_callback.clone() }; // Send update if let Some(update_callback) = update_callback { update_callback(VeilidUpdate::Attachment(Box::new(VeilidStateAttachment { state, public_internet_ready: false, local_network_ready: false, }))) } } #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] async fn attachment_maintainer(self) { log_net!(debug "attachment starting"); self.update_attaching_detaching_state(AttachmentState::Attaching); let netman = self.network_manager(); let mut restart; loop { restart = false; if let Err(err) = netman.startup().await { error!("network startup failed: {}", err); netman.shutdown().await; break; } log_net!(debug "started maintaining peers"); while self.inner.lock().maintain_peers { // tick network manager if let Err(err) = netman.tick().await { error!("Error in network manager: {}", err); self.inner.lock().maintain_peers = false; restart = true; break; } // see if we need to restart the network if netman.needs_restart() { info!("Restarting network"); restart = true; break; } // Update attachment and network readiness state // and possibly send a VeilidUpdate::Attachment self.update_attachment(); // sleep should be at the end in case maintain_peers changes state sleep(1000).await; } log_net!(debug "stopped maintaining peers"); if !restart { self.update_attaching_detaching_state(AttachmentState::Detaching); log_net!(debug "attachment stopping"); } log_net!(debug "stopping network"); netman.shutdown().await; if !restart { break; } log_net!(debug "completely restarting attachment"); // chill out for a second first, give network stack time to settle out sleep(1000).await; } self.update_attaching_detaching_state(AttachmentState::Detached); log_net!(debug "attachment stopped"); } #[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, err)] pub async fn init(&self, update_callback: UpdateCallback) -> EyreResult<()> { { let mut inner = self.inner.lock(); inner.update_callback = Some(update_callback.clone()); } self.network_manager().init(update_callback).await?; Ok(()) } #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn terminate(&self) { // Ensure we detached self.detach().await; self.network_manager().terminate().await; self.inner.lock().update_callback = None; } #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] pub async fn attach(&self) -> bool { // Create long-running connection maintenance routine let mut inner = self.inner.lock(); if inner.attachment_maintainer_jh.is_some() { return false; } inner.maintain_peers = true; inner.attachment_maintainer_jh = Some(spawn(self.clone().attachment_maintainer())); true } #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] pub async fn detach(&self) -> bool { let attachment_maintainer_jh = { let mut inner = self.inner.lock(); let attachment_maintainer_jh = inner.attachment_maintainer_jh.take(); if attachment_maintainer_jh.is_some() { // Terminate long-running connection maintenance routine inner.maintain_peers = false; } attachment_maintainer_jh }; if let Some(jh) = attachment_maintainer_jh { jh.await; true } else { false } } // pub fn get_attachment_state(&self) -> AttachmentState { // self.inner.lock().last_attachment_state // } fn get_veilid_state_inner(inner: &AttachmentManagerInner) -> Box { Box::new(VeilidStateAttachment { state: inner.last_attachment_state, public_internet_ready: inner .last_routing_table_health .as_ref() .map(|x| x.public_internet_ready) .unwrap_or(false), local_network_ready: inner .last_routing_table_health .as_ref() .map(|x| x.local_network_ready) .unwrap_or(false), }) } pub fn get_veilid_state(&self) -> Box { let inner = self.inner.lock(); Self::get_veilid_state_inner(&inner) } }