mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:18:15 -04:00
add watchvalue test and some more routing context convenience functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ void main() {
test('get dht value nonexistent', testGetDHTValueNonexistent);
test('set get dht value', testSetGetDHTValue);
test('open writer dht value', testOpenWriterDHTValue);
'watch dht values', () => testWatchDHTValues(fixture.updateStream));
test('inspect dht record', testInspectDHTRecord);
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
@ -7,7 +8,8 @@ final bogusKey =
Future<void> testGetDHTValueUnopened() async {
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
await expectLater(
() async => await rc.getDHTValue(bogusKey, 0, forceRefresh: false),
@ -18,7 +20,8 @@ Future<void> testGetDHTValueUnopened() async {
Future<void> testOpenDHTRecordNonexistentNoWriter() async {
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
await expectLater(() async => await rc.openDHTRecord(bogusKey),
@ -28,7 +31,8 @@ Future<void> testOpenDHTRecordNonexistentNoWriter() async {
Future<void> testCloseDHTRecordNonexistent() async {
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
await expectLater(() async => await rc.closeDHTRecord(bogusKey),
@ -38,7 +42,8 @@ Future<void> testCloseDHTRecordNonexistent() async {
Future<void> testDeleteDHTRecordNonexistent() async {
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
await expectLater(() async => await rc.deleteDHTRecord(bogusKey),
@ -48,7 +53,8 @@ Future<void> testDeleteDHTRecordNonexistent() async {
Future<void> testCreateDeleteDHTRecordSimple() async {
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
final rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 1));
await rc.closeDHTRecord(rec.key);
@ -59,7 +65,8 @@ Future<void> testCreateDeleteDHTRecordSimple() async {
Future<void> testCreateDeleteDHTRecordNoClose() async {
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
final rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 1));
await rc.deleteDHTRecord(rec.key);
@ -69,7 +76,8 @@ Future<void> testCreateDeleteDHTRecordNoClose() async {
Future<void> testGetDHTValueNonexistent() async {
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
final rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 1));
expect(await rc.getDHTValue(rec.key, 0), isNull);
@ -80,7 +88,8 @@ Future<void> testGetDHTValueNonexistent() async {
Future<void> testSetGetDHTValue() async {
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
final rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 2));
expect(await rc.setDHTValue(rec.key, 0, utf8.encode("BLAH BLAH BLAH")),
@ -103,7 +112,8 @@ Future<void> testSetGetDHTValue() async {
Future<void> testOpenWriterDHTValue() async {
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
var rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 2));
final key = rec.key;
@ -223,8 +233,132 @@ Future<void> testOpenWriterDHTValue() async {
Future<void> testWatchDHTValues(Stream<VeilidUpdate> updateStream) async {
final valueChangeQueue = StreamController<VeilidUpdateValueChange>();
final valueChangeSubscription = updateStream.listen((update) {
if (update is VeilidUpdateValueChange) {
// print("valuechange: " + update.toString());
final valueChangeQueueIterator = StreamIterator(valueChangeQueue.stream);
try {
// Make two routing contexts, one with and one without safety
// So we can pretend to be a different node and get the watch updates
// Normally they would not get sent if the set comes from the same target
// as the watch's target
final rcWatch = (await Veilid.instance.routingContext())
.withSequencing(Sequencing.ensureOrdered, closeSelf: true);
final rcSet = (await Veilid.instance.routingContext()).withSafety(
const SafetySelectionUnsafe(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered),
closeSelf: true);
try {
// Make a DHT record
var rec = await rcWatch.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 10));
// Set some subkey we care about
await rcWatch.setDHTValue(rec.key, 3, utf8.encode("BLAH BLAH BLAH")),
// Make a watch on that subkey
expect(await rcWatch.watchDHTValues(rec.key),
// Reopen without closing to change routing context and not lose watch
rec = await rcSet.openDHTRecord(rec.key, writer: rec.ownerKeyPair());
// Now set the subkey and trigger an update
expect(await rcSet.setDHTValue(rec.key, 3, utf8.encode("BLAH")), isNull);
// Wait for the update
await valueChangeQueueIterator
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5), onTimeout: () {
fail("should have a change");
// Verify the update
expect(valueChangeQueueIterator.current.key, equals(rec.key));
expect(valueChangeQueueIterator.current.count, equals(0xFFFFFFFE));
expect(valueChangeQueueIterator.current.value.seq, equals(1));
expect(valueChangeQueueIterator.current.value.writer, equals(rec.owner));
// Reopen without closing to change routing context and not lose watch
rec = await rcWatch.openDHTRecord(rec.key, writer: rec.ownerKeyPair());
// Cancel some subkeys we don't care about
await rcWatch
.cancelDHTWatch(rec.key, subkeys: [ValueSubkeyRange.make(0, 2)]),
// Reopen without closing to change routing context and not lose watch
rec = await rcSet.openDHTRecord(rec.key, writer: rec.ownerKeyPair());
// Change our subkey
expect(await rcSet.setDHTValue(rec.key, 3, utf8.encode("BLAH BLAH BLAH")),
// Wait for the update
await valueChangeQueueIterator
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5), onTimeout: () {
fail("should have a change");
// Verify the update
expect(valueChangeQueueIterator.current.key, equals(rec.key));
expect(valueChangeQueueIterator.current.count, equals(0xFFFFFFFD));
expect(valueChangeQueueIterator.current.value.seq, equals(2));
equals(utf8.encode("BLAH BLAH BLAH")));
expect(valueChangeQueueIterator.current.value.writer, equals(rec.owner));
// Reopen without closing to change routing context and not lose watch
rec = await rcWatch.openDHTRecord(rec.key, writer: rec.ownerKeyPair());
// Now cancel the update
await rcWatch
.cancelDHTWatch(rec.key, subkeys: [ValueSubkeyRange.make(3, 9)]),
// Reopen without closing to change routing context and not lose watch
rec = await rcSet.openDHTRecord(rec.key, writer: rec.ownerKeyPair());
expect(await rcSet.setDHTValue(rec.key, 3, utf8.encode("BLAH")), isNull);
if (await valueChangeQueueIterator
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5), onTimeout: () {
return false;
})) {
fail("should not have a change");
await rcSet.closeDHTRecord(rec.key);
await rcSet.deleteDHTRecord(rec.key);
} finally {
} finally {
await valueChangeSubscription.cancel();
Future<void> testInspectDHTRecord() async {
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
var rec = await rc.createDHTRecord(const DHTSchema.dflt(oCnt: 2));
@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ Future<void> testAppMessageLoopback(Stream<VeilidUpdate> updateStream) async {
await Veilid.instance.debug("purge routes");
// make a routing context that uses a safety route
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
// make a new local private route
final prl = await Veilid.instance.newPrivateRoute();
@ -96,7 +97,8 @@ Future<void> testAppCallLoopback(Stream<VeilidUpdate> updateStream) async {
await Veilid.instance.debug("purge routes");
// make a routing context that uses a safety route
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
// make a new local private route
final prl = await Veilid.instance.newPrivateRoute();
@ -153,7 +155,8 @@ Future<void> testAppMessageLoopbackBigPackets(
await Veilid.instance.debug("purge routes");
// make a routing context that uses a safety route
final rc = await Veilid.instance.routingContext();
final rc = await Veilid.instance
.safeRoutingContext(sequencing: Sequencing.ensureOrdered);
try {
// make a new local private route
final prl = await Veilid.instance.newPrivateRoute();
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ class VeilidVersion extends Equatable {
class Timestamp extends Equatable implements Comparable<Timestamp> {
const Timestamp({required this.value});
factory Timestamp.zero() => Timestamp(value: BigInt.zero);
factory Timestamp.fromInt64(Int64 i64) => Timestamp(
value: (BigInt.from((i64 >> 32).toUnsigned(32).toInt()) << 32) |
@ -144,6 +145,21 @@ abstract class Veilid {
// Routing context
Future<VeilidRoutingContext> routingContext();
Future<VeilidRoutingContext> safeRoutingContext(
{Stability stability = Stability.lowLatency,
Sequencing sequencing = Sequencing.preferOrdered}) async {
final rc = await routingContext();
final originalSafety = await rc.safety() as SafetySelectionSafe;
final safetySpec = originalSafety.safetySpec
.copyWith(stability: stability, sequencing: sequencing);
return rc.withSafety(SafetySelectionSafe(safetySpec: safetySpec),
closeSelf: true);
Future<VeilidRoutingContext> unsafeRoutingContext(
{Sequencing sequencing = Sequencing.preferOrdered}) async =>
(await routingContext())
.withSafety(SafetySelectionUnsafe(sequencing: sequencing));
// Private route allocation
Future<RouteBlob> newPrivateRoute();
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ class VeilidRoutingContextFFI extends VeilidRoutingContext {
Timestamp? expiration,
int? count}) async {
subkeys ??= [];
expiration ??= Timestamp(value: BigInt.zero);
expiration ??= Timestamp.zero();
count ??= 0xFFFFFFFF;
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class VeilidRoutingContextJS extends VeilidRoutingContext {
Timestamp? expiration,
int? count}) async {
subkeys ??= [];
expiration ??= Timestamp(value: BigInt.zero);
expiration ??= Timestamp.zero();
count ??= 0xFFFFFFFF;
final id = _ctx.requireId();
@ -218,14 +218,14 @@ async def test_watch_dht_values(api_connection: veilid.VeilidAPI):
vd = await rc.set_dht_value(rec.key, 3, b"BLAH")
assert vd == None
all_gone = await rc.cancel_dht_watch(rec.key, [(0, 2)])
assert all_gone == True
still_active = await rc.cancel_dht_watch(rec.key, [(0, 2)])
assert still_active == True
vd = await rc.set_dht_value(rec.key, 3, b"BLAH BLAH BLAH")
assert vd == None
all_gone = await rc.cancel_dht_watch(rec.key, [(3, 9)])
assert all_gone == False
still_active = await rc.cancel_dht_watch(rec.key, [(3, 9)])
assert still_active == False
vd = await rc.set_dht_value(rec.key, 3, b"BLAH")
assert vd == None
Reference in New Issue
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