mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 07:38:10 -04:00
add default veilid config to the api
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ pub fn veilid_version() -> (u32, u32, u32) {
/// Return the default veilid config as a json object
pub fn default_veilid_config() -> String {
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
pub use intf::android::veilid_core_setup_android;
@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ pub enum RequestOp {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
@ -230,6 +231,9 @@ pub enum ResponseOp {
minor: u32,
patch: u32,
DefaultVeilidConfig {
value: String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
@ -792,6 +792,9 @@ impl JsonRequestProcessor {
RequestOp::DefaultVeilidConfig => ResponseOp::DefaultVeilidConfig {
value: default_veilid_config(),
Response { id, op }
@ -58,136 +58,135 @@ int getRemoteMaxStorageSpaceMb() {
return 256;
Future<VeilidConfig> getDefaultVeilidConfig(String programName) async {
// ignore: do_not_use_environment
const bootstrap = String.fromEnvironment('BOOTSTRAP');
return VeilidConfig(
programName: programName,
namespace: '',
capabilities: const VeilidConfigCapabilities(disable: []),
protectedStore: const VeilidConfigProtectedStore(
allowInsecureFallback: false,
alwaysUseInsecureStorage: false,
directory: '',
delete: false,
deviceEncryptionKeyPassword: '',
tableStore: VeilidConfigTableStore(
directory: kIsWeb
? ''
: p.join((await getApplicationSupportDirectory()).absolute.path,
delete: false,
blockStore: VeilidConfigBlockStore(
directory: kIsWeb
? ''
: p.join((await getApplicationSupportDirectory()).absolute.path,
delete: false,
network: VeilidConfigNetwork(
connectionInitialTimeoutMs: 2000,
connectionInactivityTimeoutMs: 60000,
maxConnectionsPerIp4: 32,
maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix: 32,
maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize: 56,
maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin: 128,
clientAllowlistTimeoutMs: 300000,
reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs: 5000,
holePunchReceiptTimeMs: 5000,
routingTable: VeilidConfigRoutingTable(
nodeId: [],
nodeIdSecret: [],
bootstrap: bootstrap.isNotEmpty
? bootstrap.split(',')
: (kIsWeb
? ['ws://bootstrap.veilid.net:5150/ws']
: ['bootstrap.veilid.net']),
limitOverAttached: 64,
limitFullyAttached: 32,
limitAttachedStrong: 16,
limitAttachedGood: 8,
limitAttachedWeak: 4,
Future<VeilidConfig> getDefaultVeilidConfig(String programName,
{String bootstrap = ''}) async =>
programName: programName,
namespace: '',
capabilities: const VeilidConfigCapabilities(disable: []),
protectedStore: const VeilidConfigProtectedStore(
allowInsecureFallback: false,
alwaysUseInsecureStorage: false,
directory: '',
delete: false,
deviceEncryptionKeyPassword: '',
rpc: const VeilidConfigRPC(
concurrency: 0,
queueSize: 1024,
maxTimestampBehindMs: 10000,
maxTimestampAheadMs: 10000,
timeoutMs: 5000,
maxRouteHopCount: 4,
defaultRouteHopCount: 1,
tableStore: VeilidConfigTableStore(
directory: kIsWeb
? ''
: p.join((await getApplicationSupportDirectory()).absolute.path,
delete: false,
dht: VeilidConfigDHT(
maxFindNodeCount: 20,
resolveNodeTimeoutMs: 10000,
resolveNodeCount: 1,
resolveNodeFanout: 4,
getValueTimeoutMs: 10000,
getValueCount: 3,
getValueFanout: 4,
setValueTimeoutMs: 10000,
setValueCount: 5,
setValueFanout: 4,
minPeerCount: 20,
minPeerRefreshTimeMs: 60000,
validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs: 2000,
localSubkeyCacheSize: getLocalSubkeyCacheSize(),
localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb: await getLocalMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb(),
remoteSubkeyCacheSize: getRemoteSubkeyCacheSize(),
remoteMaxRecords: getRemoteMaxRecords(),
remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb: await getRemoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb(),
remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb: getRemoteMaxStorageSpaceMb(),
publicWatchLimit: 32,
memberWatchLimit: 8,
maxWatchExpirationMs: 600000),
upnp: true,
detectAddressChanges: true,
restrictedNatRetries: 0,
tls: const VeilidConfigTLS(
certificatePath: '',
privateKeyPath: '',
blockStore: VeilidConfigBlockStore(
directory: kIsWeb
? ''
: p.join((await getApplicationSupportDirectory()).absolute.path,
delete: false,
network: VeilidConfigNetwork(
connectionInitialTimeoutMs: 2000,
application: const VeilidConfigApplication(
https: VeilidConfigHTTPS(
enabled: false,
connectionInactivityTimeoutMs: 60000,
maxConnectionsPerIp4: 32,
maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix: 32,
maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize: 56,
maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin: 128,
clientAllowlistTimeoutMs: 300000,
reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs: 5000,
holePunchReceiptTimeMs: 5000,
routingTable: VeilidConfigRoutingTable(
nodeId: [],
nodeIdSecret: [],
bootstrap: bootstrap.isNotEmpty
? bootstrap.split(',')
: (kIsWeb
? ['ws://bootstrap.veilid.net:5150/ws']
: ['bootstrap.veilid.net']),
limitOverAttached: 64,
limitFullyAttached: 32,
limitAttachedStrong: 16,
limitAttachedGood: 8,
limitAttachedWeak: 4,
rpc: const VeilidConfigRPC(
concurrency: 0,
queueSize: 1024,
maxTimestampBehindMs: 10000,
maxTimestampAheadMs: 10000,
timeoutMs: 5000,
maxRouteHopCount: 4,
defaultRouteHopCount: 1,
dht: VeilidConfigDHT(
maxFindNodeCount: 20,
resolveNodeTimeoutMs: 10000,
resolveNodeCount: 1,
resolveNodeFanout: 4,
getValueTimeoutMs: 10000,
getValueCount: 3,
getValueFanout: 4,
setValueTimeoutMs: 10000,
setValueCount: 5,
setValueFanout: 4,
minPeerCount: 20,
minPeerRefreshTimeMs: 60000,
validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs: 2000,
localSubkeyCacheSize: getLocalSubkeyCacheSize(),
localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb: await getLocalMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb(),
remoteSubkeyCacheSize: getRemoteSubkeyCacheSize(),
remoteMaxRecords: getRemoteMaxRecords(),
await getRemoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb(),
remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb: getRemoteMaxStorageSpaceMb(),
publicWatchLimit: 32,
memberWatchLimit: 8,
maxWatchExpirationMs: 600000),
upnp: true,
detectAddressChanges: true,
restrictedNatRetries: 0,
tls: const VeilidConfigTLS(
certificatePath: '',
privateKeyPath: '',
connectionInitialTimeoutMs: 2000,
application: const VeilidConfigApplication(
https: VeilidConfigHTTPS(
enabled: false,
listenAddress: '',
path: '',
http: VeilidConfigHTTP(
enabled: false,
listenAddress: '',
path: '',
protocol: const VeilidConfigProtocol(
udp: VeilidConfigUDP(
enabled: !kIsWeb,
socketPoolSize: 0,
listenAddress: '',
path: '',
http: VeilidConfigHTTP(
enabled: false,
tcp: VeilidConfigTCP(
connect: !kIsWeb,
listen: !kIsWeb,
maxConnections: 32,
listenAddress: '',
path: '',
protocol: const VeilidConfigProtocol(
udp: VeilidConfigUDP(
enabled: !kIsWeb,
socketPoolSize: 0,
listenAddress: '',
tcp: VeilidConfigTCP(
connect: !kIsWeb,
listen: !kIsWeb,
maxConnections: 32,
listenAddress: '',
ws: VeilidConfigWS(
connect: true,
listen: !kIsWeb,
maxConnections: 32,
listenAddress: '',
path: 'ws',
wss: VeilidConfigWSS(
connect: true,
listen: false,
maxConnections: 32,
listenAddress: '',
path: 'ws',
ws: VeilidConfigWS(
connect: true,
listen: !kIsWeb,
maxConnections: 32,
listenAddress: '',
path: 'ws',
wss: VeilidConfigWSS(
connect: true,
listen: false,
maxConnections: 32,
listenAddress: '',
path: 'ws',
@ -162,5 +162,6 @@ abstract class Veilid {
Timestamp now();
String veilidVersionString();
VeilidVersion veilidVersion();
String defaultVeilidConfig();
Future<String> debug(String command);
@ -235,6 +235,9 @@ final class VeilidVersionFFI extends Struct {
typedef _VeilidVersionDart = VeilidVersionFFI Function();
// fn default_veilid_config() -> *mut c_char
typedef _DefaultVeilidConfigDart = Pointer<Utf8> Function();
// Async message types
const int messageOk = 0;
const int messageErr = 1;
@ -1388,7 +1391,9 @@ class VeilidFFI extends Veilid {
_veilidVersionString = dylib.lookupFunction<Pointer<Utf8> Function(),
_veilidVersion = dylib.lookupFunction<VeilidVersionFFI Function(),
_VeilidVersionDart>('veilid_version') {
_defaultVeilidConfig = dylib.lookupFunction<Pointer<Utf8> Function(),
_DefaultVeilidConfigDart>('default_veilid_config') {
// Get veilid_flutter initializer
final initializeVeilidFlutter = _dylib.lookupFunction<
Void Function(Pointer<_DartPostCObject>),
@ -1481,6 +1486,7 @@ class VeilidFFI extends Veilid {
final _DebugDart _debug;
final _VeilidVersionStringDart _veilidVersionString;
final _VeilidVersionDart _veilidVersion;
final _DefaultVeilidConfigDart _defaultVeilidConfig;
void initializeVeilidCore(Map<String, dynamic> platformConfigJson) {
@ -1714,4 +1720,12 @@ class VeilidFFI extends Veilid {
String defaultVeilidConfig() {
final defaultVeilidConfig = _defaultVeilidConfig();
final ret = defaultVeilidConfig.toDartString();
return ret;
@ -705,4 +705,8 @@ class VeilidJS extends Veilid {
return VeilidVersion(jsonVersion['major'] as int,
jsonVersion['minor'] as int, jsonVersion['patch'] as int);
String defaultVeilidConfig() =>
js_util.callMethod(wasm, 'default_veilid_config', []);
@ -1765,3 +1765,8 @@ pub extern "C" fn veilid_version() -> VeilidVersion {
pub extern "C" fn default_veilid_config() -> *mut c_char {
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Basic veilid tests
import socket
import json
import dataclasses
import pytest
import veilid
@ -40,3 +42,19 @@ async def test_version(api_connection: veilid.VeilidAPI):
vstr = await api_connection.veilid_version_string()
print(f"veilid_version_string: {vstr}")
async def test_config(api_connection: veilid.VeilidAPI):
cfgstr = await api_connection.default_veilid_config()
cfgjson = json.loads(cfgstr)
veilidConfigInstance = veilid.VeilidConfig(**cfgjson)
cfgstr2 = json.dumps(dataclasses.asdict(veilidConfigInstance))
cfgjson2 = json.loads(cfgstr2)
veilidConfigInstance2 = veilid.VeilidConfig(**cfgjson2)
assert veilidConfigInstance == veilidConfigInstance2
@ -396,3 +396,7 @@ class VeilidAPI(ABC):
async def veilid_version(self) -> types.VeilidVersion:
async def default_veilid_config(self) -> str:
@ -432,6 +432,9 @@ class _JsonVeilidAPI(VeilidAPI):
v = await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.VEILID_VERSION)
return VeilidVersion(v["major"], v["minor"], v["patch"])
async def default_veilid_config(self) -> str:
return raise_api_result(await self.send_ndjson_request(Operation.DEFAULT_VEILID_CONFIG))
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class Operation(StrEnum):
DEBUG = "Debug"
VEILID_VERSION_STRING = "VeilidVersionString"
VEILID_VERSION = "VeilidVersion"
DEFAULT_VEILID_CONFIG = "DefaultVeilidConfig"
class RoutingContextOperation(StrEnum):
@ -2349,6 +2349,24 @@
"minimum": 0.0
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"op": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"value": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
@ -1499,6 +1499,20 @@
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"op": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"properties": {
@ -1624,3 +1624,8 @@ pub fn veilid_version() -> JsValue {
<JsValue as JsValueSerdeExt>::from_serde(&vv).unwrap()
pub fn default_veilid_config() -> String {
@ -178,4 +178,9 @@ impl VeilidClient {
pub fn versionString() -> String {
/// Return the default veilid configuration in json string format.
pub fn defaultConfig() -> String {
@ -28,6 +28,19 @@ describe('veilidClient', () => {
it('should get config string', async () => {
const defaultConfig = veilidClient.defaultConfig();
expect(typeof defaultConfig).toBe('string');
const cfgObject1 = JSON.parse(defaultConfig);
const defaultConfigStr = JSON.stringify(cfgObject1);
const cfgObject2 = JSON.parse(defaultConfigStr);
const defaultConfigStr2 = JSON.stringify(cfgObject2);
it('should attach and detach', async () => {
await veilidClient.attach();
await waitForMs(2000);
Reference in New Issue
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