try multiple cryptosystems

This commit is contained in:
John Smith 2023-03-13 16:14:31 -04:00
parent d680f1b785
commit 3c7c49684c
9 changed files with 281 additions and 270 deletions

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ license = "LGPL-2.0-or-later OR MPL-2.0 OR (MIT AND BSD-3-Clause)"
crate-type = ["cdylib", "staticlib", "rlib"]
default = [ "enable-crypto-vld0" ]
default = [ "enable-crypto-none", "enable-crypto-vld0" ]
enable-crypto-vld0 = []
enable-crypto-none = []
rt-async-std = ["async-std", "async-std-resolver", "async_executors/async_std", "rtnetlink?/smol_socket", "veilid-tools/rt-async-std"]

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
mod blake3digest512;
mod byte_array_types;
mod dh_cache;
mod envelope;
@ -6,9 +7,13 @@ mod types;
mod value;
pub mod crypto_system;
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-none")]
pub mod none;
pub mod tests;
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-vld0")]
pub mod vld0;
pub use blake3digest512::*;
pub use byte_array_types::*;
pub use crypto_system::*;
pub use dh_cache::*;
@ -16,6 +21,10 @@ pub use envelope::*;
pub use receipt::*;
pub use types::*;
pub use value::*;
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-none")]
pub use none::*;
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-vld0")]
pub use vld0::*;
use crate::*;
@ -24,11 +33,26 @@ use hashlink::linked_hash_map::Entry;
use hashlink::LruCache;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
// Handle to a particular cryptosystem
/// Handle to a particular cryptosystem
pub type CryptoSystemVersion = Arc<dyn CryptoSystem + Send + Sync>;
/// Crypto kinds in order of preference, best cryptosystem is the first one, worst is the last one
pub const VALID_CRYPTO_KINDS: [CryptoKind; 1] = [CRYPTO_KIND_VLD0];
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(all(feature = "enable-crypto-none", feature = "enable-crypto-vld0"))] {
/// Crypto kinds in order of preference, best cryptosystem is the first one, worst is the last one
else if #[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-none")] {
/// Crypto kinds in order of preference, best cryptosystem is the first one, worst is the last one
pub const VALID_CRYPTO_KINDS: [CryptoKind; 1] = [CRYPTO_KIND_NONE];
else if #[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-vld0")] {
/// Crypto kinds in order of preference, best cryptosystem is the first one, worst is the last one
pub const VALID_CRYPTO_KINDS: [CryptoKind; 1] = [CRYPTO_KIND_VLD0];
else {
compile_error!("No crypto kinds enabled, specify an enable-crypto- feature");
/// Number of cryptosystem signatures to keep on structures if many are present beyond the ones we consider valid
pub const MAX_CRYPTO_KINDS: usize = 3;
/// Return the best cryptosystem kind we support
@ -36,7 +60,7 @@ pub fn best_crypto_kind() -> CryptoKind {
// Version number of envelope format
/// Version number of envelope format
pub type EnvelopeVersion = u8;
/// Envelope versions in order of preference, best envelope version is the first one, worst is the last one
@ -51,7 +75,10 @@ pub fn best_envelope_version() -> EnvelopeVersion {
struct CryptoInner {
dh_cache: DHCache,
flush_future: Option<SendPinBoxFuture<()>>,
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-vld0")]
crypto_vld0: Option<Arc<dyn CryptoSystem + Send + Sync>>,
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-none")]
crypto_none: Option<Arc<dyn CryptoSystem + Send + Sync>>,
struct CryptoUnlockedInner {
@ -72,7 +99,10 @@ impl Crypto {
CryptoInner {
dh_cache: DHCache::new(DH_CACHE_SIZE),
flush_future: None,
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-vld0")]
crypto_vld0: None,
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-none")]
crypto_none: None,
@ -90,7 +120,15 @@ impl Crypto {
inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Self::new_inner())),
out.inner.lock().crypto_vld0 = Some(Arc::new(vld0::CryptoSystemVLD0::new(out.clone())));
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-vld0")]
out.inner.lock().crypto_vld0 = Some(Arc::new(vld0::CryptoSystemVLD0::new(out.clone())));
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-none")]
out.inner.lock().crypto_none = Some(Arc::new(none::CryptoSystemNONE::new(out.clone())));
@ -203,7 +241,10 @@ impl Crypto {
pub fn get(&self, kind: CryptoKind) -> Option<CryptoSystemVersion> {
let inner = self.inner.lock();
match kind {
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-vld0")]
CRYPTO_KIND_VLD0 => Some(inner.crypto_vld0.clone().unwrap()),
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-none")]
CRYPTO_KIND_NONE => Some(inner.crypto_none.clone().unwrap()),
_ => None,
@ -262,10 +303,16 @@ impl Crypto {
/// Generate keypair
/// Does not require startup/init
pub fn generate_keypair(crypto_kind: CryptoKind) -> Result<TypedKeyPair, VeilidAPIError> {
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-vld0")]
if crypto_kind == CRYPTO_KIND_VLD0 {
let kp = vld0_generate_keypair();
return Ok(TypedKeyPair::new(crypto_kind, kp));
#[cfg(feature = "enable-crypto-none")]
if crypto_kind == CRYPTO_KIND_NONE {
let kp = none_generate_keypair();
return Ok(TypedKeyPair::new(crypto_kind, kp));
Err(VeilidAPIError::generic("invalid crypto kind"))

View File

@ -1,62 +1,68 @@
pub mod blake3digest512;
pub use blake3digest512::*;
use super::*;
use chacha20::cipher::{KeyIvInit, StreamCipher};
use chacha20::XChaCha20;
use chacha20poly1305 as ch;
use chacha20poly1305::aead::{AeadInPlace, NewAead};
use core::convert::TryInto;
use curve25519_dalek as cd;
use digest::Digest;
use ed25519_dalek as ed;
use x25519_dalek as xd;
use rand::RngCore;
const AEAD_OVERHEAD: usize = 16;
pub const CRYPTO_KIND_VLD0: CryptoKind = FourCC([b'V', b'L', b'D', b'0']);
pub const CRYPTO_KIND_NONE: CryptoKind = FourCC([b'N', b'O', b'N', b'E']);
fn ed25519_to_x25519_pk(key: &ed::PublicKey) -> Result<xd::PublicKey, VeilidAPIError> {
let bytes = key.to_bytes();
let compressed = cd::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY(bytes);
let point = compressed
.ok_or_else(|| VeilidAPIError::internal("ed25519_to_x25519_pk failed"))?;
let mp = point.to_montgomery();
fn ed25519_to_x25519_sk(key: &ed::SecretKey) -> Result<xd::StaticSecret, VeilidAPIError> {
let exp = ed::ExpandedSecretKey::from(key);
let bytes: [u8; ed::EXPANDED_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH] = exp.to_bytes();
let lowbytes: [u8; 32] = bytes[0..32].try_into().map_err(VeilidAPIError::internal)?;
pub fn vld0_generate_keypair() -> KeyPair {
pub fn none_generate_keypair() -> KeyPair {
let mut csprng = VeilidRng {};
let keypair = ed::Keypair::generate(&mut csprng);
let dht_key = PublicKey::new(keypair.public.to_bytes());
let dht_key_secret = SecretKey::new(keypair.secret.to_bytes());
let mut pub_bytes = [0u8; PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH];
let mut sec_bytes = [0u8; SECRET_KEY_LENGTH];
csprng.fill_bytes(&mut pub_bytes);
for n in 0..PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH {
sec_bytes[n] = !pub_bytes[n];
let dht_key = PublicKey::new(pub_bytes);
let dht_key_secret = SecretKey::new(sec_bytes);
KeyPair::new(dht_key, dht_key_secret)
/// V0 CryptoSystem
fn do_xor_32(a: &[u8], b: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
let mut out = [0u8; 32];
for n in 0..32 {
out[n] = a[n] ^ b[n];
fn do_xor_inplace(a: &mut [u8], key: &[u8]) {
for n in 0..a.len() {
a[n] ^= key[n % key.len()];
fn do_xor_b2b(a: &[u8], b: &mut [u8], key: &[u8]) {
for n in 0..a.len() {
b[n] = a[n] ^ key[n % key.len()];
fn is_bytes_eq_32(a: &[u8], v: u8) -> bool {
for n in 0..32 {
if a[n] != v {
return false;
/// None CryptoSystem
pub struct CryptoSystemVLD0 {
pub struct CryptoSystemNONE {
crypto: Crypto,
impl CryptoSystemVLD0 {
impl CryptoSystemNONE {
pub fn new(crypto: Crypto) -> Self {
Self { crypto }
impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemNONE {
// Accessors
fn kind(&self) -> CryptoKind {
fn crypto(&self) -> Crypto {
@ -70,17 +76,17 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
secret: &SecretKey,
) -> Result<SharedSecret, VeilidAPIError> {
.cached_dh_internal::<CryptoSystemVLD0>(self, key, secret)
.cached_dh_internal::<CryptoSystemNONE>(self, key, secret)
// Generation
fn random_nonce(&self) -> Nonce {
let mut nonce = [0u8; 24];
let mut nonce = [0u8; NONCE_LENGTH];
random_bytes(&mut nonce).unwrap();
fn random_shared_secret(&self) -> SharedSecret {
let mut s = [0u8; 32];
let mut s = [0u8; SHARED_SECRET_LENGTH];
random_bytes(&mut s).unwrap();
@ -89,14 +95,11 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
key: &PublicKey,
secret: &SecretKey,
) -> Result<SharedSecret, VeilidAPIError> {
let pk_ed = ed::PublicKey::from_bytes(&key.bytes).map_err(VeilidAPIError::internal)?;
let pk_xd = ed25519_to_x25519_pk(&pk_ed)?;
let sk_ed = ed::SecretKey::from_bytes(&secret.bytes).map_err(VeilidAPIError::internal)?;
let sk_xd = ed25519_to_x25519_sk(&sk_ed)?;
let s = do_xor_32(&key.bytes, &secret.bytes);
fn generate_keypair(&self) -> KeyPair {
fn generate_hash(&self, data: &[u8]) -> PublicKey {
@ -123,7 +126,6 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
fn validate_hash(&self, data: &[u8], dht_key: &PublicKey) -> bool {
let bytes = *blake3::hash(data).as_bytes();
bytes == dht_key.bytes
fn validate_hash_reader(
@ -154,22 +156,21 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
dht_key_secret: &SecretKey,
data: &[u8],
) -> Result<Signature, VeilidAPIError> {
let keypair = ed::Keypair::from_bytes(&kpb)
.map_err(|e| VeilidAPIError::parse_error("Keypair is invalid", e))?;
if !is_bytes_eq_32(&do_xor_32(&dht_key.bytes, &dht_key_secret.bytes), 0xFFu8) {
return Err(VeilidAPIError::parse_error(
"Keypair is invalid",
"invalid keys",
let mut dig = Blake3Digest512::new();
let sig = keypair
.sign_prehashed(dig, None)
let dht_sig = Signature::new(sig.to_bytes());
let sig = dig.finalize();
let in_sig_bytes: [u8; SIGNATURE_LENGTH] = sig.into();
let mut sig_bytes = [0u8; SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
sig_bytes[32..64].copy_from_slice(&do_xor_32(&in_sig_bytes[32..64], &dht_key_secret.bytes));
let dht_sig = Signature::new(sig_bytes.into());
fn verify(
@ -178,16 +179,29 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
data: &[u8],
signature: &Signature,
) -> Result<(), VeilidAPIError> {
let pk = ed::PublicKey::from_bytes(&dht_key.bytes)
.map_err(|e| VeilidAPIError::parse_error("Public key is invalid", e))?;
let sig = ed::Signature::from_bytes(&signature.bytes)
.map_err(|e| VeilidAPIError::parse_error("Signature is invalid", e))?;
let mut dig = Blake3Digest512::new();
let sig = dig.finalize();
let in_sig_bytes: [u8; SIGNATURE_LENGTH] = sig.into();
let mut verify_bytes = [0u8; SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
.copy_from_slice(&do_xor_32(&in_sig_bytes[0..32], &signature.bytes[0..32]));
.copy_from_slice(&do_xor_32(&in_sig_bytes[32..64], &signature.bytes[32..64]));
if !is_bytes_eq_32(&verify_bytes[0..32], 0u8) {
return Err(VeilidAPIError::parse_error(
"Verification failed",
"signature 0..32 is invalid",
if !is_bytes_eq_32(&do_xor_32(&verify_bytes[32..64], &dht_key.bytes), 0xFFu8) {
return Err(VeilidAPIError::parse_error(
"Verification failed",
"signature 32..64 is invalid",
pk.verify_prehashed(dig, None, &sig)
.map_err(|e| VeilidAPIError::parse_error("Verification failed", e))?;
@ -200,14 +214,21 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
body: &mut Vec<u8>,
nonce: &Nonce,
shared_secret: &SharedSecret,
associated_data: Option<&[u8]>,
_associated_data: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> Result<(), VeilidAPIError> {
let key = ch::Key::from(shared_secret.bytes);
let xnonce = ch::XNonce::from(nonce.bytes);
let aead = ch::XChaCha20Poly1305::new(&key);
aead.decrypt_in_place(&xnonce, associated_data.unwrap_or(b""), body)
let mut blob = nonce.bytes.to_vec();
blob.extend_from_slice(&[0u8; 8]);
let blob = do_xor_32(&blob, &shared_secret.bytes);
if body.len() < AEAD_OVERHEAD {
return Err(VeilidAPIError::generic("invalid length"));
if &body[body.len() - AEAD_OVERHEAD..] != &blob {
return Err(VeilidAPIError::generic("invalid keyblob"));
body.truncate(body.len() - AEAD_OVERHEAD);
do_xor_inplace(body, &blob);
fn decrypt_aead(
@ -229,15 +250,14 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
body: &mut Vec<u8>,
nonce: &Nonce,
shared_secret: &SharedSecret,
associated_data: Option<&[u8]>,
_associated_data: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> Result<(), VeilidAPIError> {
let key = ch::Key::from(shared_secret.bytes);
let xnonce = ch::XNonce::from(nonce.bytes);
let aead = ch::XChaCha20Poly1305::new(&key);
aead.encrypt_in_place(&xnonce, associated_data.unwrap_or(b""), body)
let mut blob = nonce.bytes.to_vec();
blob.extend_from_slice(&[0u8; 8]);
let blob = do_xor_32(&blob, &shared_secret.bytes);
do_xor_inplace(body, &blob);
body.append(&mut blob.to_vec());
fn encrypt_aead(
@ -261,8 +281,10 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
nonce: &Nonce,
shared_secret: &SharedSecret,
) {
let mut cipher = XChaCha20::new(&shared_secret.bytes.into(), &nonce.bytes.into());
let mut blob = nonce.bytes.to_vec();
blob.extend_from_slice(&[0u8; 8]);
let blob = do_xor_32(&blob, &shared_secret.bytes);
do_xor_inplace(body, &blob);
fn crypt_b2b_no_auth(
@ -272,8 +294,10 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
nonce: &Nonce,
shared_secret: &SharedSecret,
) {
let mut cipher = XChaCha20::new(&shared_secret.bytes.into(), &nonce.bytes.into());
cipher.apply_keystream_b2b(in_buf, out_buf).unwrap();
let mut blob = nonce.bytes.to_vec();
blob.extend_from_slice(&[0u8; 8]);
let blob = do_xor_32(&blob, &shared_secret.bytes);
do_xor_b2b(in_buf, out_buf, &blob);
fn crypt_no_auth_aligned_8(

View File

@ -55,20 +55,14 @@ pub async fn test_sign_and_verify(vcrypto: CryptoSystemVersion) {
let a2 = vcrypto
.sign(&dht_key2, &dht_key_secret2, LOREM_IPSUM.as_bytes())
let b1 = vcrypto
let _b1 = vcrypto
.sign(&dht_key, &dht_key_secret2, LOREM_IPSUM.as_bytes())
let b2 = vcrypto
let _b2 = vcrypto
.sign(&dht_key2, &dht_key_secret, LOREM_IPSUM.as_bytes())
assert_ne!(a1, b1);
assert_ne!(a2, b2);
assert_ne!(a1, b2);
assert_ne!(a2, b1);
assert_ne!(a1, a2);
assert_ne!(b1, b2);
assert_ne!(a1, b2);
assert_ne!(b1, a2);
vcrypto.verify(&dht_key, LOREM_IPSUM.as_bytes(), &a1),
@ -79,10 +73,10 @@ pub async fn test_sign_and_verify(vcrypto: CryptoSystemVersion) {
.verify(&dht_key, LOREM_IPSUM.as_bytes(), &b1)
.verify(&dht_key, LOREM_IPSUM.as_bytes(), &a2)
.verify(&dht_key2, LOREM_IPSUM.as_bytes(), &b2)
.verify(&dht_key2, LOREM_IPSUM.as_bytes(), &a1)
// Try verifications that should work

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
use digest::generic_array::typenum::U64;
use digest::{Digest, Output};
use generic_array::GenericArray;
pub struct Blake3Digest512 {
dig: blake3::Hasher,
impl Digest for Blake3Digest512 {
type OutputSize = U64;
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
dig: blake3::Hasher::new(),
fn update(&mut self, data: impl AsRef<[u8]>) {
fn chain(mut self, data: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Self
Self: Sized,
fn finalize(self) -> Output<Self> {
let mut b = [0u8; 64];
self.dig.finalize_xof().fill(&mut b);
let mut out = GenericArray::<u8, U64>::default();
for n in 0..64 {
out[n] = b[n];
fn finalize_reset(&mut self) -> Output<Self> {
let mut b = [0u8; 64];
self.dig.finalize_xof().fill(&mut b);
let mut out = GenericArray::<u8, U64>::default();
for n in 0..64 {
out[n] = b[n];
fn reset(&mut self) {
fn output_size() -> usize {
fn digest(data: &[u8]) -> Output<Self> {
let mut dig = blake3::Hasher::new();
let mut b = [0u8; 64];
dig.finalize_xof().fill(&mut b);
let mut out = GenericArray::<u8, U64>::default();
for n in 0..64 {
out[n] = b[n];

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
pub mod blake3digest512;
pub use blake3digest512::*;
use super::*;
use chacha20::cipher::{KeyIvInit, StreamCipher};
@ -75,12 +72,12 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
// Generation
fn random_nonce(&self) -> Nonce {
let mut nonce = [0u8; 24];
let mut nonce = [0u8; NONCE_LENGTH];
random_bytes(&mut nonce).unwrap();
fn random_shared_secret(&self) -> SharedSecret {
let mut s = [0u8; 32];
let mut s = [0u8; SHARED_SECRET_LENGTH];
random_bytes(&mut s).unwrap();
@ -165,12 +162,15 @@ impl CryptoSystem for CryptoSystemVLD0 {
let mut dig = Blake3Digest512::new();
let sig = keypair
let sig_bytes = keypair
.sign_prehashed(dig, None)
let dht_sig = Signature::new(sig.to_bytes());
let sig = Signature::new(sig_bytes.to_bytes());
self.verify(dht_key, &data, &sig)?;
fn verify(

View File

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ mod veilid_layer_filter;
pub use self::api_tracing_layer::ApiTracingLayer;
pub use self::core_context::{api_startup, api_startup_json, UpdateCallback};
pub use self::crypto::vld0_generate_keypair;
pub use self::veilid_api::*;
pub use self::veilid_config::*;
pub use self::veilid_layer_filter::*;

View File

@ -919,8 +919,99 @@ impl VeilidConfig {
// Get the node id from config if one is specified
// Must be done -after- protected store startup
async fn init_node_id(
vcrypto: CryptoSystemVersion,
protected_store: intf::ProtectedStore,
) -> Result<(TypedKey, TypedSecret), VeilidAPIError> {
let ck = vcrypto.kind();
let mut node_id =;
let mut node_id_secret = self
// See if node id was previously stored in the protected store
if node_id.is_none() {
debug!("pulling node_id_{} from storage", ck);
if let Some(s) = protected_store
.load_user_secret_string(format!("node_id_{}", ck))
debug!("node_id_{} found in storage", ck);
node_id = match TypedKey::from_str(s.as_str()) {
Ok(v) => Some(v),
Err(_) => {
debug!("node id in protected store is not valid");
} else {
debug!("node_id_{} not found in storage", ck);
// See if node id secret was previously stored in the protected store
if node_id_secret.is_none() {
debug!("pulling node id secret from storage");
if let Some(s) = protected_store
.load_user_secret_string(format!("node_id_secret_{}", ck))
debug!("node_id_secret_{} found in storage", ck);
node_id_secret = match TypedSecret::from_str(s.as_str()) {
Ok(v) => Some(v),
Err(_) => {
debug!("node id secret in protected store is not valid");
} else {
debug!("node_id_secret_{} not found in storage", ck);
// If we have a node id from storage, check it
let (node_id, node_id_secret) =
if let (Some(node_id), Some(node_id_secret)) = (node_id, node_id_secret) {
// Validate node id
if !vcrypto.validate_keypair(&node_id.value, &node_id_secret.value) {
"node_id_secret_{} and node_id_key_{} don't match",
ck, ck
(node_id, node_id_secret)
} else {
// If we still don't have a valid node id, generate one
debug!("generating new node_id_{}", ck);
let kp = vcrypto.generate_keypair();
(TypedKey::new(ck, kp.key), TypedSecret::new(ck, kp.secret))
info!("Node Id: {}", node_id);
// Save the node id / secret in storage
.save_user_secret_string(format!("node_id_{}", ck), node_id.to_string())
.save_user_secret_string(format!("node_id_secret_{}", ck), node_id_secret.to_string())
Ok((node_id, node_id_secret))
/// Get the node id from config if one is specified
/// Must be done -after- protected store startup
#[cfg_attr(test, allow(unused_variables))]
pub async fn init_node_ids(
crypto: Crypto,
@ -934,88 +1025,14 @@ impl VeilidConfig {
.expect("Valid crypto kind is not actually valid.");
let mut node_id =;
let mut node_id_secret = self
// See if node id was previously stored in the protected store
if node_id.is_none() {
debug!("pulling node_id_{} from storage", ck);
if let Some(s) = protected_store
.load_user_secret_string(format!("node_id_{}", ck))
debug!("node_id_{} found in storage", ck);
node_id = match TypedKey::from_str(s.as_str()) {
Ok(v) => Some(v),
Err(_) => {
debug!("node id in protected store is not valid");
} else {
debug!("node_id_{} not found in storage", ck);
// See if node id secret was previously stored in the protected store
if node_id_secret.is_none() {
debug!("pulling node id secret from storage");
if let Some(s) = protected_store
.load_user_secret_string(format!("node_id_secret_{}", ck))
debug!("node_id_secret_{} found in storage", ck);
node_id_secret = match TypedSecret::from_str(s.as_str()) {
Ok(v) => Some(v),
Err(_) => {
debug!("node id secret in protected store is not valid");
} else {
debug!("node_id_secret_{} not found in storage", ck);
// If we have a node id from storage, check it
let (node_id, node_id_secret) = {
let kp = vcrypto.generate_keypair();
(TypedKey::new(ck, kp.key), TypedSecret::new(ck, kp.secret))
let (node_id, node_id_secret) =
if let (Some(node_id), Some(node_id_secret)) = (node_id, node_id_secret) {
// Validate node id
if !vcrypto.validate_keypair(&node_id.value, &node_id_secret.value) {
"node_id_secret_{} and node_id_key_{} don't match",
ck, ck
(node_id, node_id_secret)
} else {
// If we still don't have a valid node id, generate one
debug!("generating new node_id_{}", ck);
let kp = vcrypto.generate_keypair();
(TypedKey::new(ck, kp.key), TypedSecret::new(ck, kp.secret))
info!("Node Id: {}", node_id);
// Save the node id / secret in storage
.save_user_secret_string(format!("node_id_{}", ck), node_id.to_string())
format!("node_id_secret_{}", ck),
self.init_node_id(vcrypto, protected_store.clone()).await?;
// Save for config