mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 23:28:09 -04:00
network fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ impl ConnectionManager {
Ok(Some(conn)) => {
// Connection added and a different one LRU'd out
// Send it to be terminated
log_net!(debug "== LRU kill connection due to limit: {:?}", conn);
let _ = inner.sender.send(ConnectionManagerEvent::Dead(conn));
Err(ConnectionTableAddError::AddressFilter(conn, e)) => {
@ -205,40 +206,6 @@ impl ConnectionManager {
// Terminate any connections that would collide with a new connection
// using different protocols to the same remote address and port. Used to ensure
// that we can switch quickly between TCP and WS if necessary to the same node
// Returns true if we killed off colliding connections
async fn kill_off_colliding_connections(&self, dial_info: &DialInfo) -> bool {
let protocol_type = dial_info.protocol_type();
let socket_address = dial_info.socket_address();
let killed = self.arc.connection_table.drain_filter(|prior_descriptor| {
// If the protocol types aren't the same, then this is a candidate to be killed off
// If they are the same, then we would just return the exact same connection from get_or_create_connection()
if prior_descriptor.protocol_type() == protocol_type {
return false;
// If the prior remote is not the same address, then we're not going to collide
if *prior_descriptor.remote().socket_address() != socket_address {
return false;
">< Terminating connection prior_descriptor={:?}",
// Wait for the killed connections to end their recv loops
let did_kill = !killed.is_empty();
for mut k in killed {
/// Called when we want to create a new connection or get the current one that already exists
/// This will kill off any connections that are in conflict with the new connection to be made
/// in order to make room for the new connection in the system's connection table
@ -246,45 +213,53 @@ impl ConnectionManager {
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret, err)]
pub async fn get_or_create_connection(
local_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
dial_info: DialInfo,
) -> EyreResult<NetworkResult<ConnectionHandle>> {
// Async lock on the remote address for atomicity per remote
let peer_address = dial_info.to_peer_address();
let remote_addr = peer_address.to_socket_addr();
let mut preferred_local_address = self
let best_port = preferred_local_address.map(|pla| pla.port());
// Async lock on the remote address for atomicity per remote
let _lock_guard = self.arc.address_lock_table.lock_tag(remote_addr).await;
"== get_or_create_connection local_addr={:?} dial_info={:?}",
// Kill off any possibly conflicting connections
let did_kill = self.kill_off_colliding_connections(&dial_info).await;
let mut retry_count = if did_kill { 2 } else { 0 };
log_net!("== get_or_create_connection dial_info={:?}", dial_info);
// If any connection to this remote exists that has the same protocol, return it
// Any connection will do, we don't have to match the local address
if let Some(conn) = self
// Any connection will do, we don't have to match the local address but if we can
// match the preferred port do it
if let Some(best_existing_conn) = self
.get_best_connection_by_remote(best_port, peer_address)
"== Returning existing connection local_addr={:?} peer_address={:?}",
"== Returning best existing connection {:?}",
return Ok(NetworkResult::Value(conn));
return Ok(NetworkResult::Value(best_existing_conn));
// If there is a low-level connection collision here, then we release the 'preferred local address'
// so we can make a second connection with an ephemeral port
if self
preferred_local_address = None;
// Attempt new connection
let mut retry_count = 0; // Someday, if we need this
let prot_conn = network_result_try!(loop {
let result_net_res = ProtocolNetworkConnection::connect(
@ -292,24 +267,28 @@ impl ConnectionManager {
match result_net_res {
Ok(net_res) => {
// If the connection 'already exists', then try one last time to return a connection from the table, in case
// an 'accept' happened at literally the same time as our connect
if net_res.is_already_exists() {
if let Some(conn) = self
"== Returning existing connection in race local_addr={:?} peer_address={:?}",
return Ok(NetworkResult::Value(conn));
// // If the connection 'already exists', then try one last time to return a connection from the table, in case
// // an 'accept' happened at literally the same time as our connect. A preferred local address must have been
// // specified otherwise we would have picked a different ephemeral port and this could not have happened
// if net_res.is_already_exists() && preferred_local_address.is_some() {
// // Make 'already existing' connection descriptor
// let conn_desc = ConnectionDescriptor::new(
// dial_info.to_peer_address(),
// SocketAddress::from_socket_addr(preferred_local_address.unwrap()),
// );
// // Return the connection for this if we have it
// if let Some(conn) = self
// .arc
// .connection_table
// .get_connection_by_descriptor(conn_desc)
// {
// // Should not really happen, lets make sure we see this if it does
// log_net!(warn "== Returning existing connection in race: {:?}", conn_desc);
// return Ok(NetworkResult::Value(conn));
// }
// }
if net_res.is_value() || retry_count == 0 {
// Successful new connection, return it
break net_res;
@ -92,6 +92,37 @@ impl ConnectionTable {
while unord.next().await.is_some() {}
// Return true if there is another connection in the table using a different protocol type
// to the same address and port with the same low level protocol type.
// Specifically right now this checks for a TCP connection that exists to the same
// low level TCP remote as a WS or WSS connection, since they are all low-level TCP
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
pub fn check_for_colliding_connection(&self, dial_info: &DialInfo) -> bool {
let inner = self.inner.lock();
let protocol_type = dial_info.protocol_type();
let low_level_protocol_type = protocol_type.low_level_protocol_type();
// check protocol types
let mut check_protocol_types = ProtocolTypeSet::empty();
for check_pt in ProtocolTypeSet::all().iter() {
if check_pt != protocol_type
&& check_pt.low_level_protocol_type() == low_level_protocol_type
let socket_address = dial_info.socket_address();
for check_pt in check_protocol_types {
let check_pa = PeerAddress::new(socket_address, check_pt);
if inner.ids_by_remote.contains_key(&check_pa) {
return true;
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret, err)]
pub fn add_connection(
@ -183,14 +214,42 @@ impl ConnectionTable {
//#[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
pub fn get_last_connection_by_remote(&self, remote: PeerAddress) -> Option<ConnectionHandle> {
// #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
pub fn get_best_connection_by_remote(
best_port: Option<u16>,
remote: PeerAddress,
) -> Option<ConnectionHandle> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
let id = inner.ids_by_remote.get(&remote).map(|v| v[v.len() - 1])?;
let all_ids_by_remote = inner.ids_by_remote.get(&remote)?;
let protocol_index = Self::protocol_to_index(remote.protocol_type());
let out = inner.conn_by_id[protocol_index].get(&id).unwrap();
if all_ids_by_remote.len() == 0 {
// no connections
return None;
if all_ids_by_remote.len() == 1 {
// only one connection
let id = all_ids_by_remote[0];
let nc = inner.conn_by_id[protocol_index].get(&id).unwrap();
return Some(nc.get_handle());
// multiple connections, find the one that matches the best port, or the most recent
if let Some(best_port) = best_port {
for id in all_ids_by_remote.iter().copied() {
let nc = inner.conn_by_id[protocol_index].peek(&id).unwrap();
if let Some(local_addr) = nc.connection_descriptor().local() {
if local_addr.port() == best_port {
let nc = inner.conn_by_id[protocol_index].get(&id).unwrap();
return Some(nc.get_handle());
// just return most recent network connection if a best port match can not be found
let best_id = *all_ids_by_remote.last().unwrap();
let nc = inner.conn_by_id[protocol_index].get(&best_id).unwrap();
//#[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
@ -204,26 +263,26 @@ impl ConnectionTable {
pub fn drain_filter<F>(&self, mut filter: F) -> Vec<NetworkConnection>
F: FnMut(ConnectionDescriptor) -> bool,
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
let mut filtered_ids = Vec::new();
for cbi in &mut inner.conn_by_id {
for (id, conn) in cbi {
if filter(conn.connection_descriptor()) {
let mut filtered_connections = Vec::new();
for id in filtered_ids {
let conn = Self::remove_connection_records(&mut *inner, id);
// pub fn drain_filter<F>(&self, mut filter: F) -> Vec<NetworkConnection>
// where
// F: FnMut(ConnectionDescriptor) -> bool,
// {
// let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
// let mut filtered_ids = Vec::new();
// for cbi in &mut inner.conn_by_id {
// for (id, conn) in cbi {
// if filter(conn.connection_descriptor()) {
// filtered_ids.push(*id);
// }
// }
// }
// let mut filtered_connections = Vec::new();
// for id in filtered_ids {
// let conn = Self::remove_connection_records(&mut *inner, id);
// filtered_connections.push(conn)
// }
// filtered_connections
// }
pub fn connection_count(&self) -> usize {
let inner = self.inner.lock();
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ impl Network {
pub fn get_local_port(&self, protocol_type: ProtocolType) -> u16 {
pub fn get_local_port(&self, protocol_type: ProtocolType) -> Option<u16> {
let inner = self.inner.lock();
let local_port = match protocol_type {
ProtocolType::UDP => inner.udp_port,
@ -341,10 +341,10 @@ impl Network {
ProtocolType::WS => inner.ws_port,
ProtocolType::WSS => inner.wss_port,
fn get_preferred_local_address(&self, dial_info: &DialInfo) -> SocketAddr {
pub fn get_preferred_local_address(&self, dial_info: &DialInfo) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
let inner = self.inner.lock();
let local_port = match dial_info.protocol_type() {
@ -354,10 +354,10 @@ impl Network {
ProtocolType::WSS => inner.wss_port,
match dial_info.address_type() {
Some(match dial_info.address_type() {
AddressType::IPV4 => SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED), local_port),
AddressType::IPV6 => SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED), local_port),
pub fn is_usable_interface_address(&self, addr: IpAddr) -> bool {
@ -631,10 +631,9 @@ impl Network {
.wrap_err("failed to send data to dial info")?);
} else {
// Handle connection-oriented protocols
let local_addr = self.get_preferred_local_address(&dial_info);
let conn = network_result_try!(
.get_or_create_connection(Some(local_addr), dial_info.clone())
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ impl DiscoveryContext {
let at = inner.address_type.unwrap();
let external_address_1 = inner.external_1_address.unwrap();
let node_1 = inner.node_1.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
let local_port = self.net.get_local_port(pt);
let local_port = self.net.get_local_port(pt).unwrap();
(pt, llpt, at, external_address_1, node_1, local_port)
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ impl Network {
// Handle connection-oriented protocols
let conn = network_result_try!(
.get_or_create_connection(None, dial_info.clone())
@ -405,6 +405,14 @@ impl Network {
pub fn get_local_port(&self, protocol_type: ProtocolType) -> Option<u16> {
pub fn get_preferred_local_address(&self, dial_info: &DialInfo) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
pub fn set_needs_public_dial_info_check(
@ -90,19 +90,16 @@ impl RoutingTable {
for (n, gdi) in gdis.iter().enumerate() {
out += &format!(" {:>2}: {:?}\n", n, gdi);
out += "LocalNetwork PeerInfo:\n";
pub(crate) fn debug_info_peerinfo(&self, routing_domain: RoutingDomain) -> String {
let mut out = String::new();
out += &format!(
" {:#?}\n",
"{:?} PeerInfo:\n {:#?}\n",
out += "PublicInternet PeerInfo:\n";
out += &format!(
" {:#?}\n",
@ -467,6 +467,23 @@ impl VeilidAPI {
let routing_table = self.network_manager()?.routing_table();
async fn debug_peerinfo(&self, args: String) -> VeilidAPIResult<String> {
// Dump routing table peerinfo
let args: Vec<String> = args.split_whitespace().map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect();
let routing_table = self.network_manager()?.routing_table();
let routing_domain = get_debug_argument_at(
async fn debug_txtrecord(&self, _args: String) -> VeilidAPIResult<String> {
// Dump routing table txt record
@ -1327,6 +1344,7 @@ impl VeilidAPI {
pub async fn debug_help(&self, _args: String) -> VeilidAPIResult<String> {
Ok(r#"buckets [dead|reliable]
peerinfo [routingdomain]
entries [dead|reliable]
entry <node>
@ -1400,6 +1418,8 @@ record list <local|remote>
} else if arg == "dialinfo" {
} else if arg == "peerinfo" {
} else if arg == "txtrecord" {
} else if arg == "keypair" {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user