2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
// coverage:ignore-file
// ignore_for_file: type=lint
// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target, unnecessary_question_mark
part of ' veilid_config.dart ' ;
// **************************************************************************
// FreezedGenerator
// **************************************************************************
T _ $identity < T > ( T value ) = > value ;
final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError (
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
' It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it. \n Please check the documentation here for more information: https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed#adding-getters-and-methods-to-our-models ' ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal {
bool get enabled = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigLogLevel get level = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWith < VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWith (
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal ) then ) =
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal > ;
@ useResult
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal >
implements $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? level = null ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
Object ? ignoreLogTargets = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
level: null = = level
? _value . level
: level // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigLogLevel ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
ignoreLogTargets: null = = ignoreLogTargets
? _value . ignoreLogTargets
: ignoreLogTargets // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? level = null ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
Object ? ignoreLogTargets = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
level: null = = level
? _value . level
: level // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigLogLevel ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
ignoreLogTargets: null = = ignoreLogTargets
? _value . _ignoreLogTargets
: ignoreLogTargets // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl (
{ required this . enabled ,
required this . level ,
final List < String > ignoreLogTargets = const [ ] } )
: _ignoreLogTargets = ignoreLogTargets ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl . fromJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool enabled ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigLogLevel level ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final List < String > _ignoreLogTargets ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( )
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets {
if ( _ignoreLogTargets is EqualUnmodifiableListView )
return _ignoreLogTargets ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _ignoreLogTargets ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return ' VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal(enabled: $ enabled , level: $ level , ignoreLogTargets: $ ignoreLogTargets ) ' ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' enabled ' , enabled ) )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' level ' , level ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' ignoreLogTargets ' , ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . enabled , enabled ) | | other . enabled = = enabled ) & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
( identical ( other . level , level ) | | other . level = = level ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( )
. equals ( other . _ignoreLogTargets , _ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , enabled , level ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplCopyWith <
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal
implements VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal {
const factory _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal (
{ required final bool enabled ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
final List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) =
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get enabled ;
@ override
VeilidConfigLogLevel get level ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImplCopyWith <
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalImpl >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp {
bool get enabled = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigLogLevel get level = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get grpcEndpoint = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get serviceName = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWith < VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWith ( VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp ) then ) =
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
String grpcEndpoint ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
String serviceName ,
List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp >
implements $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? level = null ,
Object ? grpcEndpoint = null ,
Object ? serviceName = null ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
Object ? ignoreLogTargets = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
level: null = = level
? _value . level
: level // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigLogLevel ,
grpcEndpoint: null = = grpcEndpoint
? _value . grpcEndpoint
: grpcEndpoint // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
serviceName: null = = serviceName
? _value . serviceName
: serviceName // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
ignoreLogTargets: null = = ignoreLogTargets
? _value . ignoreLogTargets
: ignoreLogTargets // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
String grpcEndpoint ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
String serviceName ,
List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? level = null ,
Object ? grpcEndpoint = null ,
Object ? serviceName = null ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
Object ? ignoreLogTargets = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
level: null = = level
? _value . level
: level // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigLogLevel ,
grpcEndpoint: null = = grpcEndpoint
? _value . grpcEndpoint
: grpcEndpoint // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
serviceName: null = = serviceName
? _value . serviceName
: serviceName // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
ignoreLogTargets: null = = ignoreLogTargets
? _value . _ignoreLogTargets
: ignoreLogTargets // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . enabled ,
required this . level ,
required this . grpcEndpoint ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required this . serviceName ,
final List < String > ignoreLogTargets = const [ ] } )
: _ignoreLogTargets = ignoreLogTargets ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl . fromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool enabled ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigLogLevel level ;
@ override
final String grpcEndpoint ;
@ override
final String serviceName ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final List < String > _ignoreLogTargets ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( )
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets {
if ( _ignoreLogTargets is EqualUnmodifiableListView )
return _ignoreLogTargets ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _ignoreLogTargets ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return ' VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp(enabled: $ enabled , level: $ level , grpcEndpoint: $ grpcEndpoint , serviceName: $ serviceName , ignoreLogTargets: $ ignoreLogTargets ) ' ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' enabled ' , enabled ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' level ' , level ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' grpcEndpoint ' , grpcEndpoint ) )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' serviceName ' , serviceName ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' ignoreLogTargets ' , ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . enabled , enabled ) | | other . enabled = = enabled ) & &
( identical ( other . level , level ) | | other . level = = level ) & &
( identical ( other . grpcEndpoint , grpcEndpoint ) | |
other . grpcEndpoint = = grpcEndpoint ) & &
( identical ( other . serviceName , serviceName ) | |
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other . serviceName = = serviceName ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( )
. equals ( other . _ignoreLogTargets , _ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , enabled , level , grpcEndpoint ,
serviceName , const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp
implements VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp {
const factory _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp (
{ required final bool enabled ,
required final VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
required final String grpcEndpoint ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final String serviceName ,
final List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) = _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get enabled ;
@ override
VeilidConfigLogLevel get level ;
@ override
String get grpcEndpoint ;
@ override
String get serviceName ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpImpl >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi {
bool get enabled = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigLogLevel get level = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWith ( VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi ) then ) =
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi > ;
@ useResult
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi >
implements $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? level = null ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
Object ? ignoreLogTargets = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
level: null = = level
? _value . level
: level // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigLogLevel ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
ignoreLogTargets: null = = ignoreLogTargets
? _value . ignoreLogTargets
: ignoreLogTargets // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? level = null ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
Object ? ignoreLogTargets = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
level: null = = level
? _value . level
: level // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigLogLevel ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
ignoreLogTargets: null = = ignoreLogTargets
? _value . _ignoreLogTargets
: ignoreLogTargets // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl (
{ required this . enabled ,
required this . level ,
final List < String > ignoreLogTargets = const [ ] } )
: _ignoreLogTargets = ignoreLogTargets ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool enabled ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigLogLevel level ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final List < String > _ignoreLogTargets ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( )
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets {
if ( _ignoreLogTargets is EqualUnmodifiableListView )
return _ignoreLogTargets ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _ignoreLogTargets ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return ' VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi(enabled: $ enabled , level: $ level , ignoreLogTargets: $ ignoreLogTargets ) ' ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' enabled ' , enabled ) )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' level ' , level ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' ignoreLogTargets ' , ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . enabled , enabled ) | | other . enabled = = enabled ) & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
( identical ( other . level , level ) | | other . level = = level ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( )
. equals ( other . _ignoreLogTargets , _ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , enabled , level ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi implements VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi {
const factory _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi (
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
{ required final bool enabled ,
required final VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
final List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) = _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get enabled ;
@ override
VeilidConfigLogLevel get level ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiImpl >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame {
bool get enabled = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get path = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame to a JSON map.
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWith < VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWith (
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame ) then ) =
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { bool enabled , String path } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame >
implements $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? path = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
path: null = = path
? _value . path
: path // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplCopyWith < $Res >
implements $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWith < $Res > {
factory _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { bool enabled , String path } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl ) _then )
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? path = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl (
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
path: null = = path
? _value . path
: path // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame {
const _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl (
{ required this . enabled , required this . path } ) ;
factory _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl . fromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplFromJson ( json ) ;
@ override
final bool enabled ;
@ override
final String path ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame(enabled: $ enabled , path: $ path ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' enabled ' , enabled ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' path ' , path ) ) ;
@ override
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
other is _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl & &
( identical ( other . enabled , enabled ) | | other . enabled = = enabled ) & &
( identical ( other . path , path ) | | other . path = = path ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , enabled , path ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
return _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplToJson (
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame
implements VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame {
const factory _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame (
{ required final bool enabled ,
required final String path } ) = _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl ;
factory _VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl . fromJson ;
@ override
bool get enabled ;
@ override
String get path ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameImpl >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
VeilidFFIConfigLogging _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidFFIConfigLogging . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidFFIConfigLogging {
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal get terminal = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp get otlp = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi get api = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame get flame = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidFFIConfigLogging to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWith < VeilidFFIConfigLogging > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWith ( VeilidFFIConfigLogging value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidFFIConfigLogging ) then ) =
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidFFIConfigLogging > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal terminal ,
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp otlp ,
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi api ,
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame flame } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWith < $Res > get terminal ;
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWith < $Res > get otlp ;
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > get api ;
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWith < $Res > get flame ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidFFIConfigLogging >
implements $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? terminal = null ,
Object ? otlp = null ,
Object ? api = null ,
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
Object ? flame = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
terminal: null = = terminal
? _value . terminal
: terminal // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal ,
otlp: null = = otlp
? _value . otlp
: otlp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp ,
api: null = = api
? _value . api
: api // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi ,
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
flame: null = = flame
? _value . flame
: flame // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) as $Val ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWith < $Res > get terminal {
return $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . terminal ,
( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( terminal: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWith < $Res > get otlp {
return $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . otlp , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( otlp: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > get api {
return $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . api , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( api: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWith < $Res > get flame {
return $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . flame , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( flame: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal terminal ,
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp otlp ,
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi api ,
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame flame } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminalCopyWith < $Res > get terminal ;
@ override
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlpCopyWith < $Res > get otlp ;
@ override
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > get api ;
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
@ override
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlameCopyWith < $Res > get flame ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? terminal = null ,
Object ? otlp = null ,
Object ? api = null ,
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
Object ? flame = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
terminal: null = = terminal
? _value . terminal
: terminal // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal ,
otlp: null = = otlp
? _value . otlp
: otlp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp ,
api: null = = api
? _value . api
: api // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi ,
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
flame: null = = flame
? _value . flame
: flame // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidFFIConfigLogging {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl (
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
{ required this . terminal ,
required this . otlp ,
required this . api ,
required this . flame } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal terminal ;
@ override
final VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp otlp ;
@ override
final VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi api ;
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
@ override
final VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame flame ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
return ' VeilidFFIConfigLogging(terminal: $ terminal , otlp: $ otlp , api: $ api , flame: $ flame ) ' ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidFFIConfigLogging ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' terminal ' , terminal ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' otlp ' , otlp ) )
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' api ' , api ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' flame ' , flame ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . terminal , terminal ) | |
other . terminal = = terminal ) & &
( identical ( other . otlp , otlp ) | | other . otlp = = otlp ) & &
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
( identical ( other . api , api ) | | other . api = = api ) & &
( identical ( other . flame , flame ) | | other . flame = = flame ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , terminal , otlp , api , flame ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidFFIConfigLogging implements VeilidFFIConfigLogging {
const factory _VeilidFFIConfigLogging (
{ required final VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal terminal ,
required final VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp otlp ,
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
required final VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi api ,
required final VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame flame } ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidFFIConfigLogging . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingTerminal get terminal ;
@ override
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingOtlp get otlp ;
@ override
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingApi get api ;
@ override
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
VeilidFFIConfigLoggingFlame get flame ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2024-07-03 15:03:49 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingImpl >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
VeilidFFIConfig _ $VeilidFFIConfigFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidFFIConfig . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidFFIConfig {
VeilidFFIConfigLogging get logging = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidFFIConfig to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidFFIConfigCopyWith < VeilidFFIConfig > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidFFIConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidFFIConfigCopyWith (
VeilidFFIConfig value , $Res Function ( VeilidFFIConfig ) then ) =
_ $VeilidFFIConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidFFIConfig > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { VeilidFFIConfigLogging logging } ) ;
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > get logging ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidFFIConfig >
implements $VeilidFFIConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidFFIConfigCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? logging = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
logging: null = = logging
? _value . logging
: logging // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidFFIConfigLogging ,
) as $Val ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > get logging {
return $VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . logging , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( logging: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidFFIConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { VeilidFFIConfigLogging logging } ) ;
@ override
$VeilidFFIConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > get logging ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidFFIConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? logging = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
logging: null = = logging
? _value . logging
: logging // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidFFIConfigLogging ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidFFIConfig {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl ( { required this . logging } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final VeilidFFIConfigLogging logging ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidFFIConfig(logging: $ logging ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidFFIConfig ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' logging ' , logging ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . logging , logging ) | | other . logging = = logging ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , logging ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidFFIConfig implements VeilidFFIConfig {
const factory _VeilidFFIConfig (
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
{ required final VeilidFFIConfigLogging logging } ) = _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidFFIConfig . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
VeilidFFIConfigLogging get logging ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidFFIConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidFFIConfigImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidFFIConfigImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance {
bool get enabled = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigLogLevel get level = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get logsInTimings = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get logsInConsole = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWith <
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWith (
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance ) then ) =
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
bool logsInTimings ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool logsInConsole ,
List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance >
implements $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? level = null ,
Object ? logsInTimings = null ,
Object ? logsInConsole = null ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
Object ? ignoreLogTargets = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
level: null = = level
? _value . level
: level // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigLogLevel ,
logsInTimings: null = = logsInTimings
? _value . logsInTimings
: logsInTimings // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
logsInConsole: null = = logsInConsole
? _value . logsInConsole
: logsInConsole // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
ignoreLogTargets: null = = ignoreLogTargets
? _value . ignoreLogTargets
: ignoreLogTargets // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
bool logsInTimings ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool logsInConsole ,
List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? level = null ,
Object ? logsInTimings = null ,
Object ? logsInConsole = null ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
Object ? ignoreLogTargets = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
level: null = = level
? _value . level
: level // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigLogLevel ,
logsInTimings: null = = logsInTimings
? _value . logsInTimings
: logsInTimings // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
logsInConsole: null = = logsInConsole
? _value . logsInConsole
: logsInConsole // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
ignoreLogTargets: null = = ignoreLogTargets
? _value . _ignoreLogTargets
: ignoreLogTargets // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . enabled ,
required this . level ,
required this . logsInTimings ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required this . logsInConsole ,
final List < String > ignoreLogTargets = const [ ] } )
: _ignoreLogTargets = ignoreLogTargets ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl . fromJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool enabled ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigLogLevel level ;
@ override
final bool logsInTimings ;
@ override
final bool logsInConsole ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final List < String > _ignoreLogTargets ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( )
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets {
if ( _ignoreLogTargets is EqualUnmodifiableListView )
return _ignoreLogTargets ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _ignoreLogTargets ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return ' VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance(enabled: $ enabled , level: $ level , logsInTimings: $ logsInTimings , logsInConsole: $ logsInConsole , ignoreLogTargets: $ ignoreLogTargets ) ' ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' enabled ' , enabled ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' level ' , level ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' logsInTimings ' , logsInTimings ) )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' logsInConsole ' , logsInConsole ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' ignoreLogTargets ' , ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . enabled , enabled ) | | other . enabled = = enabled ) & &
( identical ( other . level , level ) | | other . level = = level ) & &
( identical ( other . logsInTimings , logsInTimings ) | |
other . logsInTimings = = logsInTimings ) & &
( identical ( other . logsInConsole , logsInConsole ) | |
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other . logsInConsole = = logsInConsole ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( )
. equals ( other . _ignoreLogTargets , _ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , enabled , level , logsInTimings ,
logsInConsole , const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplCopyWith <
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance
implements VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance {
const factory _VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance (
{ required final bool enabled ,
required final VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
required final bool logsInTimings ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final bool logsInConsole ,
final List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) =
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance . fromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get enabled ;
@ override
VeilidConfigLogLevel get level ;
@ override
bool get logsInTimings ;
@ override
bool get logsInConsole ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImplCopyWith <
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceImpl >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi {
bool get enabled = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigLogLevel get level = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWith ( VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi ) then ) =
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi > ;
@ useResult
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi >
implements $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? level = null ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
Object ? ignoreLogTargets = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
level: null = = level
? _value . level
: level // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigLogLevel ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
ignoreLogTargets: null = = ignoreLogTargets
? _value . ignoreLogTargets
: ignoreLogTargets // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? level = null ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
Object ? ignoreLogTargets = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
level: null = = level
? _value . level
: level // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigLogLevel ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
ignoreLogTargets: null = = ignoreLogTargets
? _value . _ignoreLogTargets
: ignoreLogTargets // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl (
{ required this . enabled ,
required this . level ,
final List < String > ignoreLogTargets = const [ ] } )
: _ignoreLogTargets = ignoreLogTargets ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl . fromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool enabled ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigLogLevel level ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final List < String > _ignoreLogTargets ;
@ override
@ JsonKey ( )
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets {
if ( _ignoreLogTargets is EqualUnmodifiableListView )
return _ignoreLogTargets ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _ignoreLogTargets ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return ' VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi(enabled: $ enabled , level: $ level , ignoreLogTargets: $ ignoreLogTargets ) ' ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' enabled ' , enabled ) )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' level ' , level ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' ignoreLogTargets ' , ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . enabled , enabled ) | | other . enabled = = enabled ) & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
( identical ( other . level , level ) | | other . level = = level ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( )
. equals ( other . _ignoreLogTargets , _ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , enabled , level ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _ignoreLogTargets ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi
implements VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi {
const factory _VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi (
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
{ required final bool enabled ,
required final VeilidConfigLogLevel level ,
final List < String > ignoreLogTargets } ) = _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get enabled ;
@ override
VeilidConfigLogLevel get level ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
List < String > get ignoreLogTargets ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiImpl >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidWASMConfigLogging _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidWASMConfigLogging . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidWASMConfigLogging {
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance get performance = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi get api = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidWASMConfigLogging to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWith < VeilidWASMConfigLogging > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWith ( VeilidWASMConfigLogging value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidWASMConfigLogging ) then ) =
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidWASMConfigLogging > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance performance ,
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi api } ) ;
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWith < $Res > get performance ;
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > get api ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidWASMConfigLogging >
implements $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? performance = null ,
Object ? api = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
performance: null = = performance
? _value . performance
: performance // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance ,
api: null = = api
? _value . api
: api // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi ,
) as $Val ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWith < $Res > get performance {
return $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . performance ,
( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( performance: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > get api {
return $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . api , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( api: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance performance ,
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi api } ) ;
@ override
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformanceCopyWith < $Res > get performance ;
@ override
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApiCopyWith < $Res > get api ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? performance = null ,
Object ? api = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
performance: null = = performance
? _value . performance
: performance // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance ,
api: null = = api
? _value . api
: api // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidWASMConfigLogging {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . performance , required this . api } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance performance ;
@ override
final VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi api ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidWASMConfigLogging(performance: $ performance , api: $ api ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidWASMConfigLogging ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' performance ' , performance ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' api ' , api ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . performance , performance ) | |
other . performance = = performance ) & &
( identical ( other . api , api ) | | other . api = = api ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , performance , api ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidWASMConfigLogging implements VeilidWASMConfigLogging {
const factory _VeilidWASMConfigLogging (
{ required final VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance performance ,
required final VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi api } ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidWASMConfigLogging . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingPerformance get performance ;
@ override
VeilidWASMConfigLoggingApi get api ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfigLogging
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingImpl >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidWASMConfig _ $VeilidWASMConfigFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidWASMConfig . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidWASMConfig {
VeilidWASMConfigLogging get logging = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidWASMConfig to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidWASMConfigCopyWith < VeilidWASMConfig > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidWASMConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidWASMConfigCopyWith (
VeilidWASMConfig value , $Res Function ( VeilidWASMConfig ) then ) =
_ $VeilidWASMConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidWASMConfig > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { VeilidWASMConfigLogging logging } ) ;
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > get logging ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidWASMConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidWASMConfig >
implements $VeilidWASMConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidWASMConfigCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? logging = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
logging: null = = logging
? _value . logging
: logging // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidWASMConfigLogging ,
) as $Val ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > get logging {
return $VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . logging , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( logging: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidWASMConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { VeilidWASMConfigLogging logging } ) ;
@ override
$VeilidWASMConfigLoggingCopyWith < $Res > get logging ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidWASMConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplCopyWithImpl ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? logging = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
logging: null = = logging
? _value . logging
: logging // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidWASMConfigLogging ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidWASMConfig {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl ( { required this . logging } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final VeilidWASMConfigLogging logging ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidWASMConfig(logging: $ logging ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidWASMConfig ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' logging ' , logging ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . logging , logging ) | | other . logging = = logging ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , logging ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidWASMConfig implements VeilidWASMConfig {
const factory _VeilidWASMConfig (
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
{ required final VeilidWASMConfigLogging logging } ) =
_ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidWASMConfig . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
VeilidWASMConfigLogging get logging ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidWASMConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidWASMConfigImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidWASMConfigImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigHTTPS _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigHTTPS . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigHTTPS {
bool get enabled = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get listenAddress = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get path = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String ? get url = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigHTTPS to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigHTTPS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWith < VeilidConfigHTTPS > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWith (
VeilidConfigHTTPS value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfigHTTPS ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigHTTPS > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { bool enabled , String listenAddress , String path , String ? url } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfigHTTPS >
implements $VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigHTTPS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? path = null ,
Object ? url = freezed ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
path: null = = path
? _value . path
: path // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
url: freezed = = url
? _value . url
: url // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { bool enabled , String listenAddress , String path , String ? url } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplCopyWithImpl ( _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigHTTPS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? path = null ,
Object ? url = freezed ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
path: null = = path
? _value . path
: path // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
url: freezed = = url
? _value . url
: url // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigHTTPS {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . enabled ,
required this . listenAddress ,
required this . path ,
this . url } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool enabled ;
@ override
final String listenAddress ;
@ override
final String path ;
@ override
final String ? url ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigHTTPS(enabled: $ enabled , listenAddress: $ listenAddress , path: $ path , url: $ url ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigHTTPS ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' enabled ' , enabled ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' listenAddress ' , listenAddress ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' path ' , path ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' url ' , url ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . enabled , enabled ) | | other . enabled = = enabled ) & &
( identical ( other . listenAddress , listenAddress ) | |
other . listenAddress = = listenAddress ) & &
( identical ( other . path , path ) | | other . path = = path ) & &
( identical ( other . url , url ) | | other . url = = url ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = >
Object . hash ( runtimeType , enabled , listenAddress , path , url ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigHTTPS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl > (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigHTTPS implements VeilidConfigHTTPS {
const factory _VeilidConfigHTTPS (
{ required final bool enabled ,
required final String listenAddress ,
required final String path ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final String ? url } ) = _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigHTTPS . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get enabled ;
@ override
String get listenAddress ;
@ override
String get path ;
@ override
String ? get url ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigHTTPS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigHTTPSImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigHTTP _ $VeilidConfigHTTPFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigHTTP . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigHTTP {
bool get enabled = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get listenAddress = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get path = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String ? get url = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigHTTP to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigHTTP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWith < VeilidConfigHTTP > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWith (
VeilidConfigHTTP value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfigHTTP ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigHTTP > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { bool enabled , String listenAddress , String path , String ? url } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfigHTTP >
implements $VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigHTTP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? path = null ,
Object ? url = freezed ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
path: null = = path
? _value . path
: path // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
url: freezed = = url
? _value . url
: url // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { bool enabled , String listenAddress , String path , String ? url } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplCopyWithImpl ( _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigHTTP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? path = null ,
Object ? url = freezed ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
path: null = = path
? _value . path
: path // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
url: freezed = = url
? _value . url
: url // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigHTTP {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . enabled ,
required this . listenAddress ,
required this . path ,
this . url } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool enabled ;
@ override
final String listenAddress ;
@ override
final String path ;
@ override
final String ? url ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigHTTP(enabled: $ enabled , listenAddress: $ listenAddress , path: $ path , url: $ url ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigHTTP ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' enabled ' , enabled ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' listenAddress ' , listenAddress ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' path ' , path ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' url ' , url ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . enabled , enabled ) | | other . enabled = = enabled ) & &
( identical ( other . listenAddress , listenAddress ) | |
other . listenAddress = = listenAddress ) & &
( identical ( other . path , path ) | | other . path = = path ) & &
( identical ( other . url , url ) | | other . url = = url ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = >
Object . hash ( runtimeType , enabled , listenAddress , path , url ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigHTTP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigHTTP implements VeilidConfigHTTP {
const factory _VeilidConfigHTTP (
{ required final bool enabled ,
required final String listenAddress ,
required final String path ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final String ? url } ) = _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigHTTP . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get enabled ;
@ override
String get listenAddress ;
@ override
String get path ;
@ override
String ? get url ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigHTTP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigHTTPImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigHTTPImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigApplication _ $VeilidConfigApplicationFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigApplication . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigApplication {
VeilidConfigHTTPS get https = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigHTTP get http = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigApplication to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigApplication
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWith < VeilidConfigApplication > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWith ( VeilidConfigApplication value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidConfigApplication ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigApplication > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { VeilidConfigHTTPS https , VeilidConfigHTTP http } ) ;
$VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWith < $Res > get https ;
$VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWith < $Res > get http ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidConfigApplication >
implements $VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigApplication
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? https = null ,
Object ? http = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
https: null = = https
? _value . https
: https // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigHTTPS ,
http: null = = http
? _value . http
: http // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigHTTP ,
) as $Val ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigApplication
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWith < $Res > get https {
return $VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . https , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( https: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigApplication
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWith < $Res > get http {
return $VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . http , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( http: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { VeilidConfigHTTPS https , VeilidConfigHTTP http } ) ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigHTTPSCopyWith < $Res > get https ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigHTTPCopyWith < $Res > get http ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigApplication
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? https = null ,
Object ? http = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
https: null = = https
? _value . https
: https // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigHTTPS ,
http: null = = http
? _value . http
: http // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigHTTP ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigApplication {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl (
{ required this . https , required this . http } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final VeilidConfigHTTPS https ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigHTTP http ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigApplication(https: $ https , http: $ http ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigApplication ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' https ' , https ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' http ' , http ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . https , https ) | | other . https = = https ) & &
( identical ( other . http , http ) | | other . http = = http ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , https , http ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigApplication
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigApplication implements VeilidConfigApplication {
const factory _VeilidConfigApplication (
{ required final VeilidConfigHTTPS https ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final VeilidConfigHTTP http } ) = _ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigApplication . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
VeilidConfigHTTPS get https ;
@ override
VeilidConfigHTTP get http ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigApplication
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigApplicationImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigApplicationImpl >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigUDP _ $VeilidConfigUDPFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigUDP . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigUDP {
bool get enabled = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get socketPoolSize = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get listenAddress = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String ? get publicAddress = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigUDP to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigUDP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigUDPCopyWith < VeilidConfigUDP > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigUDPCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigUDPCopyWith (
VeilidConfigUDP value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfigUDP ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigUDPCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigUDP > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
int socketPoolSize ,
String listenAddress ,
String ? publicAddress } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigUDPCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfigUDP >
implements $VeilidConfigUDPCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigUDPCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigUDP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? socketPoolSize = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? publicAddress = freezed ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
socketPoolSize: null = = socketPoolSize
? _value . socketPoolSize
: socketPoolSize // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
publicAddress: freezed = = publicAddress
? _value . publicAddress
: publicAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigUDPCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool enabled ,
int socketPoolSize ,
String listenAddress ,
String ? publicAddress } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigUDPCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigUDP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? enabled = null ,
Object ? socketPoolSize = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? publicAddress = freezed ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
enabled: null = = enabled
? _value . enabled
: enabled // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
socketPoolSize: null = = socketPoolSize
? _value . socketPoolSize
: socketPoolSize // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
publicAddress: freezed = = publicAddress
? _value . publicAddress
: publicAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigUDP {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . enabled ,
required this . socketPoolSize ,
required this . listenAddress ,
this . publicAddress } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool enabled ;
@ override
final int socketPoolSize ;
@ override
final String listenAddress ;
@ override
final String ? publicAddress ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigUDP(enabled: $ enabled , socketPoolSize: $ socketPoolSize , listenAddress: $ listenAddress , publicAddress: $ publicAddress ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigUDP ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' enabled ' , enabled ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' socketPoolSize ' , socketPoolSize ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' listenAddress ' , listenAddress ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' publicAddress ' , publicAddress ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . enabled , enabled ) | | other . enabled = = enabled ) & &
( identical ( other . socketPoolSize , socketPoolSize ) | |
other . socketPoolSize = = socketPoolSize ) & &
( identical ( other . listenAddress , listenAddress ) | |
other . listenAddress = = listenAddress ) & &
( identical ( other . publicAddress , publicAddress ) | |
other . publicAddress = = publicAddress ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash (
runtimeType , enabled , socketPoolSize , listenAddress , publicAddress ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigUDP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigUDP implements VeilidConfigUDP {
const factory _VeilidConfigUDP (
{ required final bool enabled ,
required final int socketPoolSize ,
required final String listenAddress ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final String ? publicAddress } ) = _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigUDP . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get enabled ;
@ override
int get socketPoolSize ;
@ override
String get listenAddress ;
@ override
String ? get publicAddress ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigUDP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigUDPImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigUDPImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigTCP _ $VeilidConfigTCPFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigTCP . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigTCP {
bool get connect = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get listen = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get maxConnections = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get listenAddress = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String ? get publicAddress = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigTCP to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTCP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigTCPCopyWith < VeilidConfigTCP > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigTCPCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigTCPCopyWith (
VeilidConfigTCP value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfigTCP ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigTCPCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigTCP > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool connect ,
bool listen ,
int maxConnections ,
String listenAddress ,
String ? publicAddress } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigTCPCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfigTCP >
implements $VeilidConfigTCPCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigTCPCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTCP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? connect = null ,
Object ? listen = null ,
Object ? maxConnections = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? publicAddress = freezed ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
connect: null = = connect
? _value . connect
: connect // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
listen: null = = listen
? _value . listen
: listen // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
maxConnections: null = = maxConnections
? _value . maxConnections
: maxConnections // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
publicAddress: freezed = = publicAddress
? _value . publicAddress
: publicAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigTCPCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool connect ,
bool listen ,
int maxConnections ,
String listenAddress ,
String ? publicAddress } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigTCPCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTCP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? connect = null ,
Object ? listen = null ,
Object ? maxConnections = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? publicAddress = freezed ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
connect: null = = connect
? _value . connect
: connect // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
listen: null = = listen
? _value . listen
: listen // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
maxConnections: null = = maxConnections
? _value . maxConnections
: maxConnections // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
publicAddress: freezed = = publicAddress
? _value . publicAddress
: publicAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigTCP {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . connect ,
required this . listen ,
required this . maxConnections ,
required this . listenAddress ,
this . publicAddress } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool connect ;
@ override
final bool listen ;
@ override
final int maxConnections ;
@ override
final String listenAddress ;
@ override
final String ? publicAddress ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigTCP(connect: $ connect , listen: $ listen , maxConnections: $ maxConnections , listenAddress: $ listenAddress , publicAddress: $ publicAddress ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigTCP ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' connect ' , connect ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' listen ' , listen ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' maxConnections ' , maxConnections ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' listenAddress ' , listenAddress ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' publicAddress ' , publicAddress ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . connect , connect ) | | other . connect = = connect ) & &
( identical ( other . listen , listen ) | | other . listen = = listen ) & &
( identical ( other . maxConnections , maxConnections ) | |
other . maxConnections = = maxConnections ) & &
( identical ( other . listenAddress , listenAddress ) | |
other . listenAddress = = listenAddress ) & &
( identical ( other . publicAddress , publicAddress ) | |
other . publicAddress = = publicAddress ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , connect , listen , maxConnections ,
listenAddress , publicAddress ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTCP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigTCP implements VeilidConfigTCP {
const factory _VeilidConfigTCP (
{ required final bool connect ,
required final bool listen ,
required final int maxConnections ,
required final String listenAddress ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final String ? publicAddress } ) = _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigTCP . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get connect ;
@ override
bool get listen ;
@ override
int get maxConnections ;
@ override
String get listenAddress ;
@ override
String ? get publicAddress ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTCP
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigTCPImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigTCPImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigWS _ $VeilidConfigWSFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigWS . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigWS {
bool get connect = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get listen = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get maxConnections = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get listenAddress = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get path = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String ? get url = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigWS to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigWS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigWSCopyWith < VeilidConfigWS > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigWSCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigWSCopyWith (
VeilidConfigWS value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfigWS ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigWSCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigWS > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool connect ,
bool listen ,
int maxConnections ,
String listenAddress ,
String path ,
String ? url } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigWSCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfigWS >
implements $VeilidConfigWSCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigWSCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigWS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? connect = null ,
Object ? listen = null ,
Object ? maxConnections = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? path = null ,
Object ? url = freezed ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
connect: null = = connect
? _value . connect
: connect // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
listen: null = = listen
? _value . listen
: listen // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
maxConnections: null = = maxConnections
? _value . maxConnections
: maxConnections // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
path: null = = path
? _value . path
: path // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
url: freezed = = url
? _value . url
: url // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigWSCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool connect ,
bool listen ,
int maxConnections ,
String listenAddress ,
String path ,
String ? url } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigWSCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigWSImpl _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigWS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? connect = null ,
Object ? listen = null ,
Object ? maxConnections = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? path = null ,
Object ? url = freezed ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
connect: null = = connect
? _value . connect
: connect // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
listen: null = = listen
? _value . listen
: listen // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
maxConnections: null = = maxConnections
? _value . maxConnections
: maxConnections // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
path: null = = path
? _value . path
: path // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
url: freezed = = url
? _value . url
: url // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigWS {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . connect ,
required this . listen ,
required this . maxConnections ,
required this . listenAddress ,
required this . path ,
this . url } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool connect ;
@ override
final bool listen ;
@ override
final int maxConnections ;
@ override
final String listenAddress ;
@ override
final String path ;
@ override
final String ? url ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigWS(connect: $ connect , listen: $ listen , maxConnections: $ maxConnections , listenAddress: $ listenAddress , path: $ path , url: $ url ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigWS ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' connect ' , connect ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' listen ' , listen ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' maxConnections ' , maxConnections ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' listenAddress ' , listenAddress ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' path ' , path ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' url ' , url ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . connect , connect ) | | other . connect = = connect ) & &
( identical ( other . listen , listen ) | | other . listen = = listen ) & &
( identical ( other . maxConnections , maxConnections ) | |
other . maxConnections = = maxConnections ) & &
( identical ( other . listenAddress , listenAddress ) | |
other . listenAddress = = listenAddress ) & &
( identical ( other . path , path ) | | other . path = = path ) & &
( identical ( other . url , url ) | | other . url = = url ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash (
runtimeType , connect , listen , maxConnections , listenAddress , path , url ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigWS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigWS implements VeilidConfigWS {
const factory _VeilidConfigWS (
{ required final bool connect ,
required final bool listen ,
required final int maxConnections ,
required final String listenAddress ,
required final String path ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final String ? url } ) = _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigWS . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigWSImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get connect ;
@ override
bool get listen ;
@ override
int get maxConnections ;
@ override
String get listenAddress ;
@ override
String get path ;
@ override
String ? get url ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigWS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigWSImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigWSImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigWSS _ $VeilidConfigWSSFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigWSS . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigWSS {
bool get connect = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get listen = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get maxConnections = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get listenAddress = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get path = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String ? get url = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigWSS to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigWSS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigWSSCopyWith < VeilidConfigWSS > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigWSSCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigWSSCopyWith (
VeilidConfigWSS value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfigWSS ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigWSSCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigWSS > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool connect ,
bool listen ,
int maxConnections ,
String listenAddress ,
String path ,
String ? url } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigWSSCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfigWSS >
implements $VeilidConfigWSSCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigWSSCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigWSS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? connect = null ,
Object ? listen = null ,
Object ? maxConnections = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? path = null ,
Object ? url = freezed ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
connect: null = = connect
? _value . connect
: connect // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
listen: null = = listen
? _value . listen
: listen // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
maxConnections: null = = maxConnections
? _value . maxConnections
: maxConnections // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
path: null = = path
? _value . path
: path // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
url: freezed = = url
? _value . url
: url // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigWSSCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool connect ,
bool listen ,
int maxConnections ,
String listenAddress ,
String path ,
String ? url } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigWSSCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigWSS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? connect = null ,
Object ? listen = null ,
Object ? maxConnections = null ,
Object ? listenAddress = null ,
Object ? path = null ,
Object ? url = freezed ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
connect: null = = connect
? _value . connect
: connect // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
listen: null = = listen
? _value . listen
: listen // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
maxConnections: null = = maxConnections
? _value . maxConnections
: maxConnections // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
listenAddress: null = = listenAddress
? _value . listenAddress
: listenAddress // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
path: null = = path
? _value . path
: path // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
url: freezed = = url
? _value . url
: url // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigWSS {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . connect ,
required this . listen ,
required this . maxConnections ,
required this . listenAddress ,
required this . path ,
this . url } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool connect ;
@ override
final bool listen ;
@ override
final int maxConnections ;
@ override
final String listenAddress ;
@ override
final String path ;
@ override
final String ? url ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigWSS(connect: $ connect , listen: $ listen , maxConnections: $ maxConnections , listenAddress: $ listenAddress , path: $ path , url: $ url ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigWSS ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' connect ' , connect ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' listen ' , listen ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' maxConnections ' , maxConnections ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' listenAddress ' , listenAddress ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' path ' , path ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' url ' , url ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . connect , connect ) | | other . connect = = connect ) & &
( identical ( other . listen , listen ) | | other . listen = = listen ) & &
( identical ( other . maxConnections , maxConnections ) | |
other . maxConnections = = maxConnections ) & &
( identical ( other . listenAddress , listenAddress ) | |
other . listenAddress = = listenAddress ) & &
( identical ( other . path , path ) | | other . path = = path ) & &
( identical ( other . url , url ) | | other . url = = url ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash (
runtimeType , connect , listen , maxConnections , listenAddress , path , url ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigWSS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigWSS implements VeilidConfigWSS {
const factory _VeilidConfigWSS (
{ required final bool connect ,
required final bool listen ,
required final int maxConnections ,
required final String listenAddress ,
required final String path ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final String ? url } ) = _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigWSS . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get connect ;
@ override
bool get listen ;
@ override
int get maxConnections ;
@ override
String get listenAddress ;
@ override
String get path ;
@ override
String ? get url ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigWSS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigWSSImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigWSSImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigProtocol _ $VeilidConfigProtocolFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigProtocol . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigProtocol {
VeilidConfigUDP get udp = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigTCP get tcp = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigWS get ws = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigWSS get wss = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigProtocol to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtocol
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWith < VeilidConfigProtocol > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWith ( VeilidConfigProtocol value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidConfigProtocol ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigProtocol > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ VeilidConfigUDP udp ,
VeilidConfigTCP tcp ,
VeilidConfigWS ws ,
VeilidConfigWSS wss } ) ;
$VeilidConfigUDPCopyWith < $Res > get udp ;
$VeilidConfigTCPCopyWith < $Res > get tcp ;
$VeilidConfigWSCopyWith < $Res > get ws ;
$VeilidConfigWSSCopyWith < $Res > get wss ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidConfigProtocol >
implements $VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtocol
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? udp = null ,
Object ? tcp = null ,
Object ? ws = null ,
Object ? wss = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
udp: null = = udp
? _value . udp
: udp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigUDP ,
tcp: null = = tcp
? _value . tcp
: tcp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigTCP ,
ws: null = = ws
? _value . ws
: ws // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigWS ,
wss: null = = wss
? _value . wss
: wss // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigWSS ,
) as $Val ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtocol
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigUDPCopyWith < $Res > get udp {
return $VeilidConfigUDPCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . udp , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( udp: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtocol
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigTCPCopyWith < $Res > get tcp {
return $VeilidConfigTCPCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . tcp , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( tcp: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtocol
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigWSCopyWith < $Res > get ws {
return $VeilidConfigWSCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . ws , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( ws: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtocol
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigWSSCopyWith < $Res > get wss {
return $VeilidConfigWSSCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . wss , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( wss: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ VeilidConfigUDP udp ,
VeilidConfigTCP tcp ,
VeilidConfigWS ws ,
VeilidConfigWSS wss } ) ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigUDPCopyWith < $Res > get udp ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigTCPCopyWith < $Res > get tcp ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigWSCopyWith < $Res > get ws ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigWSSCopyWith < $Res > get wss ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplCopyWithImpl ( _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtocol
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? udp = null ,
Object ? tcp = null ,
Object ? ws = null ,
Object ? wss = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
udp: null = = udp
? _value . udp
: udp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigUDP ,
tcp: null = = tcp
? _value . tcp
: tcp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigTCP ,
ws: null = = ws
? _value . ws
: ws // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigWS ,
wss: null = = wss
? _value . wss
: wss // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigWSS ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigProtocol {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . udp ,
required this . tcp ,
required this . ws ,
required this . wss } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final VeilidConfigUDP udp ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigTCP tcp ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigWS ws ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigWSS wss ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigProtocol(udp: $ udp , tcp: $ tcp , ws: $ ws , wss: $ wss ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigProtocol ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' udp ' , udp ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' tcp ' , tcp ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' ws ' , ws ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' wss ' , wss ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . udp , udp ) | | other . udp = = udp ) & &
( identical ( other . tcp , tcp ) | | other . tcp = = tcp ) & &
( identical ( other . ws , ws ) | | other . ws = = ws ) & &
( identical ( other . wss , wss ) | | other . wss = = wss ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , udp , tcp , ws , wss ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtocol
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl >
get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigProtocol implements VeilidConfigProtocol {
const factory _VeilidConfigProtocol (
{ required final VeilidConfigUDP udp ,
required final VeilidConfigTCP tcp ,
required final VeilidConfigWS ws ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final VeilidConfigWSS wss } ) = _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigProtocol . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
VeilidConfigUDP get udp ;
@ override
VeilidConfigTCP get tcp ;
@ override
VeilidConfigWS get ws ;
@ override
VeilidConfigWSS get wss ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtocol
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigProtocolImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigProtocolImpl >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
VeilidConfigTLS _ $VeilidConfigTLSFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigTLS . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigTLS {
String get certificatePath = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get privateKeyPath = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get connectionInitialTimeoutMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigTLS to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTLS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigTLSCopyWith < VeilidConfigTLS > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigTLSCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigTLSCopyWith (
VeilidConfigTLS value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfigTLS ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigTLSCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigTLS > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ String certificatePath ,
String privateKeyPath ,
int connectionInitialTimeoutMs } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigTLSCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfigTLS >
implements $VeilidConfigTLSCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigTLSCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTLS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? certificatePath = null ,
Object ? privateKeyPath = null ,
Object ? connectionInitialTimeoutMs = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
certificatePath: null = = certificatePath
? _value . certificatePath
: certificatePath // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
privateKeyPath: null = = privateKeyPath
? _value . privateKeyPath
: privateKeyPath // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
connectionInitialTimeoutMs: null = = connectionInitialTimeoutMs
? _value . connectionInitialTimeoutMs
: connectionInitialTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigTLSCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ String certificatePath ,
String privateKeyPath ,
int connectionInitialTimeoutMs } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigTLSCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTLS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? certificatePath = null ,
Object ? privateKeyPath = null ,
Object ? connectionInitialTimeoutMs = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
certificatePath: null = = certificatePath
? _value . certificatePath
: certificatePath // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
privateKeyPath: null = = privateKeyPath
? _value . privateKeyPath
: privateKeyPath // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
connectionInitialTimeoutMs: null = = connectionInitialTimeoutMs
? _value . connectionInitialTimeoutMs
: connectionInitialTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigTLS {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . certificatePath ,
required this . privateKeyPath ,
required this . connectionInitialTimeoutMs } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final String certificatePath ;
@ override
final String privateKeyPath ;
@ override
final int connectionInitialTimeoutMs ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigTLS(certificatePath: $ certificatePath , privateKeyPath: $ privateKeyPath , connectionInitialTimeoutMs: $ connectionInitialTimeoutMs ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigTLS ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' certificatePath ' , certificatePath ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' privateKeyPath ' , privateKeyPath ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' connectionInitialTimeoutMs ' , connectionInitialTimeoutMs ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . certificatePath , certificatePath ) | |
other . certificatePath = = certificatePath ) & &
( identical ( other . privateKeyPath , privateKeyPath ) | |
other . privateKeyPath = = privateKeyPath ) & &
( identical ( other . connectionInitialTimeoutMs ,
connectionInitialTimeoutMs ) | |
other . connectionInitialTimeoutMs = =
connectionInitialTimeoutMs ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash (
runtimeType , certificatePath , privateKeyPath , connectionInitialTimeoutMs ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTLS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigTLS implements VeilidConfigTLS {
const factory _VeilidConfigTLS (
{ required final String certificatePath ,
required final String privateKeyPath ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final int connectionInitialTimeoutMs } ) = _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigTLS . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String get certificatePath ;
@ override
String get privateKeyPath ;
@ override
int get connectionInitialTimeoutMs ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTLS
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigTLSImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigTLSImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigDHT _ $VeilidConfigDHTFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigDHT . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigDHT {
int get resolveNodeTimeoutMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get resolveNodeCount = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get resolveNodeFanout = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get maxFindNodeCount = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get getValueTimeoutMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get getValueCount = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get getValueFanout = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get setValueTimeoutMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get setValueCount = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get setValueFanout = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get minPeerCount = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get minPeerRefreshTimeMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get localSubkeyCacheSize = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get remoteSubkeyCacheSize = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get remoteMaxRecords = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
int get publicWatchLimit = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get memberWatchLimit = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get maxWatchExpirationMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigDHT to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigDHT
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigDHTCopyWith < VeilidConfigDHT > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigDHTCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigDHTCopyWith (
VeilidConfigDHT value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfigDHT ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigDHTCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigDHT > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ int resolveNodeTimeoutMs ,
int resolveNodeCount ,
int resolveNodeFanout ,
int maxFindNodeCount ,
int getValueTimeoutMs ,
int getValueCount ,
int getValueFanout ,
int setValueTimeoutMs ,
int setValueCount ,
int setValueFanout ,
int minPeerCount ,
int minPeerRefreshTimeMs ,
int validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ,
int localSubkeyCacheSize ,
int localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
int remoteSubkeyCacheSize ,
int remoteMaxRecords ,
int remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
int remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ,
int publicWatchLimit ,
int memberWatchLimit ,
int maxWatchExpirationMs } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigDHTCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfigDHT >
implements $VeilidConfigDHTCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigDHTCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigDHT
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? resolveNodeTimeoutMs = null ,
Object ? resolveNodeCount = null ,
Object ? resolveNodeFanout = null ,
Object ? maxFindNodeCount = null ,
Object ? getValueTimeoutMs = null ,
Object ? getValueCount = null ,
Object ? getValueFanout = null ,
Object ? setValueTimeoutMs = null ,
Object ? setValueCount = null ,
Object ? setValueFanout = null ,
Object ? minPeerCount = null ,
Object ? minPeerRefreshTimeMs = null ,
Object ? validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs = null ,
Object ? localSubkeyCacheSize = null ,
Object ? localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb = null ,
Object ? remoteSubkeyCacheSize = null ,
Object ? remoteMaxRecords = null ,
Object ? remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb = null ,
Object ? remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb = null ,
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
Object ? publicWatchLimit = null ,
Object ? memberWatchLimit = null ,
Object ? maxWatchExpirationMs = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
resolveNodeTimeoutMs: null = = resolveNodeTimeoutMs
? _value . resolveNodeTimeoutMs
: resolveNodeTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
resolveNodeCount: null = = resolveNodeCount
? _value . resolveNodeCount
: resolveNodeCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
resolveNodeFanout: null = = resolveNodeFanout
? _value . resolveNodeFanout
: resolveNodeFanout // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxFindNodeCount: null = = maxFindNodeCount
? _value . maxFindNodeCount
: maxFindNodeCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
getValueTimeoutMs: null = = getValueTimeoutMs
? _value . getValueTimeoutMs
: getValueTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
getValueCount: null = = getValueCount
? _value . getValueCount
: getValueCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
getValueFanout: null = = getValueFanout
? _value . getValueFanout
: getValueFanout // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
setValueTimeoutMs: null = = setValueTimeoutMs
? _value . setValueTimeoutMs
: setValueTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
setValueCount: null = = setValueCount
? _value . setValueCount
: setValueCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
setValueFanout: null = = setValueFanout
? _value . setValueFanout
: setValueFanout // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
minPeerCount: null = = minPeerCount
? _value . minPeerCount
: minPeerCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
minPeerRefreshTimeMs: null = = minPeerRefreshTimeMs
? _value . minPeerRefreshTimeMs
: minPeerRefreshTimeMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs: null = = validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs
? _value . validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs
: validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
localSubkeyCacheSize: null = = localSubkeyCacheSize
? _value . localSubkeyCacheSize
: localSubkeyCacheSize // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb: null = = localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb
? _value . localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb
: localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
remoteSubkeyCacheSize: null = = remoteSubkeyCacheSize
? _value . remoteSubkeyCacheSize
: remoteSubkeyCacheSize // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
remoteMaxRecords: null = = remoteMaxRecords
? _value . remoteMaxRecords
: remoteMaxRecords // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb: null = = remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb
? _value . remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb
: remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb: null = = remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb
? _value . remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb
: remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
publicWatchLimit: null = = publicWatchLimit
? _value . publicWatchLimit
: publicWatchLimit // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
memberWatchLimit: null = = memberWatchLimit
? _value . memberWatchLimit
: memberWatchLimit // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxWatchExpirationMs: null = = maxWatchExpirationMs
? _value . maxWatchExpirationMs
: maxWatchExpirationMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigDHTCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ int resolveNodeTimeoutMs ,
int resolveNodeCount ,
int resolveNodeFanout ,
int maxFindNodeCount ,
int getValueTimeoutMs ,
int getValueCount ,
int getValueFanout ,
int setValueTimeoutMs ,
int setValueCount ,
int setValueFanout ,
int minPeerCount ,
int minPeerRefreshTimeMs ,
int validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ,
int localSubkeyCacheSize ,
int localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
int remoteSubkeyCacheSize ,
int remoteMaxRecords ,
int remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
int remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ,
int publicWatchLimit ,
int memberWatchLimit ,
int maxWatchExpirationMs } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigDHTCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigDHT
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? resolveNodeTimeoutMs = null ,
Object ? resolveNodeCount = null ,
Object ? resolveNodeFanout = null ,
Object ? maxFindNodeCount = null ,
Object ? getValueTimeoutMs = null ,
Object ? getValueCount = null ,
Object ? getValueFanout = null ,
Object ? setValueTimeoutMs = null ,
Object ? setValueCount = null ,
Object ? setValueFanout = null ,
Object ? minPeerCount = null ,
Object ? minPeerRefreshTimeMs = null ,
Object ? validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs = null ,
Object ? localSubkeyCacheSize = null ,
Object ? localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb = null ,
Object ? remoteSubkeyCacheSize = null ,
Object ? remoteMaxRecords = null ,
Object ? remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb = null ,
Object ? remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb = null ,
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
Object ? publicWatchLimit = null ,
Object ? memberWatchLimit = null ,
Object ? maxWatchExpirationMs = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
resolveNodeTimeoutMs: null = = resolveNodeTimeoutMs
? _value . resolveNodeTimeoutMs
: resolveNodeTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
resolveNodeCount: null = = resolveNodeCount
? _value . resolveNodeCount
: resolveNodeCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
resolveNodeFanout: null = = resolveNodeFanout
? _value . resolveNodeFanout
: resolveNodeFanout // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxFindNodeCount: null = = maxFindNodeCount
? _value . maxFindNodeCount
: maxFindNodeCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
getValueTimeoutMs: null = = getValueTimeoutMs
? _value . getValueTimeoutMs
: getValueTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
getValueCount: null = = getValueCount
? _value . getValueCount
: getValueCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
getValueFanout: null = = getValueFanout
? _value . getValueFanout
: getValueFanout // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
setValueTimeoutMs: null = = setValueTimeoutMs
? _value . setValueTimeoutMs
: setValueTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
setValueCount: null = = setValueCount
? _value . setValueCount
: setValueCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
setValueFanout: null = = setValueFanout
? _value . setValueFanout
: setValueFanout // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
minPeerCount: null = = minPeerCount
? _value . minPeerCount
: minPeerCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
minPeerRefreshTimeMs: null = = minPeerRefreshTimeMs
? _value . minPeerRefreshTimeMs
: minPeerRefreshTimeMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs: null = = validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs
? _value . validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs
: validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
localSubkeyCacheSize: null = = localSubkeyCacheSize
? _value . localSubkeyCacheSize
: localSubkeyCacheSize // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb: null = = localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb
? _value . localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb
: localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
remoteSubkeyCacheSize: null = = remoteSubkeyCacheSize
? _value . remoteSubkeyCacheSize
: remoteSubkeyCacheSize // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
remoteMaxRecords: null = = remoteMaxRecords
? _value . remoteMaxRecords
: remoteMaxRecords // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb: null = = remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb
? _value . remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb
: remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb: null = = remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb
? _value . remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb
: remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
publicWatchLimit: null = = publicWatchLimit
? _value . publicWatchLimit
: publicWatchLimit // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
memberWatchLimit: null = = memberWatchLimit
? _value . memberWatchLimit
: memberWatchLimit // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxWatchExpirationMs: null = = maxWatchExpirationMs
? _value . maxWatchExpirationMs
: maxWatchExpirationMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigDHT {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . resolveNodeTimeoutMs ,
required this . resolveNodeCount ,
required this . resolveNodeFanout ,
required this . maxFindNodeCount ,
required this . getValueTimeoutMs ,
required this . getValueCount ,
required this . getValueFanout ,
required this . setValueTimeoutMs ,
required this . setValueCount ,
required this . setValueFanout ,
required this . minPeerCount ,
required this . minPeerRefreshTimeMs ,
required this . validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ,
required this . localSubkeyCacheSize ,
required this . localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
required this . remoteSubkeyCacheSize ,
required this . remoteMaxRecords ,
required this . remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
required this . remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ,
required this . publicWatchLimit ,
required this . memberWatchLimit ,
required this . maxWatchExpirationMs } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final int resolveNodeTimeoutMs ;
@ override
final int resolveNodeCount ;
@ override
final int resolveNodeFanout ;
@ override
final int maxFindNodeCount ;
@ override
final int getValueTimeoutMs ;
@ override
final int getValueCount ;
@ override
final int getValueFanout ;
@ override
final int setValueTimeoutMs ;
@ override
final int setValueCount ;
@ override
final int setValueFanout ;
@ override
final int minPeerCount ;
@ override
final int minPeerRefreshTimeMs ;
@ override
final int validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ;
@ override
final int localSubkeyCacheSize ;
@ override
final int localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ;
@ override
final int remoteSubkeyCacheSize ;
@ override
final int remoteMaxRecords ;
@ override
final int remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ;
@ override
final int remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ;
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
@ override
final int publicWatchLimit ;
@ override
final int memberWatchLimit ;
@ override
final int maxWatchExpirationMs ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
return ' VeilidConfigDHT(resolveNodeTimeoutMs: $ resolveNodeTimeoutMs , resolveNodeCount: $ resolveNodeCount , resolveNodeFanout: $ resolveNodeFanout , maxFindNodeCount: $ maxFindNodeCount , getValueTimeoutMs: $ getValueTimeoutMs , getValueCount: $ getValueCount , getValueFanout: $ getValueFanout , setValueTimeoutMs: $ setValueTimeoutMs , setValueCount: $ setValueCount , setValueFanout: $ setValueFanout , minPeerCount: $ minPeerCount , minPeerRefreshTimeMs: $ minPeerRefreshTimeMs , validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs: $ validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs , localSubkeyCacheSize: $ localSubkeyCacheSize , localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb: $ localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb , remoteSubkeyCacheSize: $ remoteSubkeyCacheSize , remoteMaxRecords: $ remoteMaxRecords , remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb: $ remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb , remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb: $ remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb , publicWatchLimit: $ publicWatchLimit , memberWatchLimit: $ memberWatchLimit , maxWatchExpirationMs: $ maxWatchExpirationMs ) ' ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigDHT ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' resolveNodeTimeoutMs ' , resolveNodeTimeoutMs ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' resolveNodeCount ' , resolveNodeCount ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' resolveNodeFanout ' , resolveNodeFanout ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' maxFindNodeCount ' , maxFindNodeCount ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' getValueTimeoutMs ' , getValueTimeoutMs ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' getValueCount ' , getValueCount ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' getValueFanout ' , getValueFanout ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' setValueTimeoutMs ' , setValueTimeoutMs ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' setValueCount ' , setValueCount ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' setValueFanout ' , setValueFanout ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' minPeerCount ' , minPeerCount ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' minPeerRefreshTimeMs ' , minPeerRefreshTimeMs ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ' , validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' localSubkeyCacheSize ' , localSubkeyCacheSize ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ' , localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' remoteSubkeyCacheSize ' , remoteSubkeyCacheSize ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' remoteMaxRecords ' , remoteMaxRecords ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ' , remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
' remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ' , remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' publicWatchLimit ' , publicWatchLimit ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' memberWatchLimit ' , memberWatchLimit ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' maxWatchExpirationMs ' , maxWatchExpirationMs ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . resolveNodeTimeoutMs , resolveNodeTimeoutMs ) | |
other . resolveNodeTimeoutMs = = resolveNodeTimeoutMs ) & &
( identical ( other . resolveNodeCount , resolveNodeCount ) | |
other . resolveNodeCount = = resolveNodeCount ) & &
( identical ( other . resolveNodeFanout , resolveNodeFanout ) | |
other . resolveNodeFanout = = resolveNodeFanout ) & &
( identical ( other . maxFindNodeCount , maxFindNodeCount ) | |
other . maxFindNodeCount = = maxFindNodeCount ) & &
( identical ( other . getValueTimeoutMs , getValueTimeoutMs ) | |
other . getValueTimeoutMs = = getValueTimeoutMs ) & &
( identical ( other . getValueCount , getValueCount ) | |
other . getValueCount = = getValueCount ) & &
( identical ( other . getValueFanout , getValueFanout ) | |
other . getValueFanout = = getValueFanout ) & &
( identical ( other . setValueTimeoutMs , setValueTimeoutMs ) | |
other . setValueTimeoutMs = = setValueTimeoutMs ) & &
( identical ( other . setValueCount , setValueCount ) | |
other . setValueCount = = setValueCount ) & &
( identical ( other . setValueFanout , setValueFanout ) | |
other . setValueFanout = = setValueFanout ) & &
( identical ( other . minPeerCount , minPeerCount ) | |
other . minPeerCount = = minPeerCount ) & &
( identical ( other . minPeerRefreshTimeMs , minPeerRefreshTimeMs ) | |
other . minPeerRefreshTimeMs = = minPeerRefreshTimeMs ) & &
( identical ( other . validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ,
validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ) | |
other . validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs = =
validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ) & &
( identical ( other . localSubkeyCacheSize , localSubkeyCacheSize ) | |
other . localSubkeyCacheSize = = localSubkeyCacheSize ) & &
( identical ( other . localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ) | |
other . localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb = =
localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ) & &
( identical ( other . remoteSubkeyCacheSize , remoteSubkeyCacheSize ) | |
other . remoteSubkeyCacheSize = = remoteSubkeyCacheSize ) & &
( identical ( other . remoteMaxRecords , remoteMaxRecords ) | |
other . remoteMaxRecords = = remoteMaxRecords ) & &
( identical ( other . remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ) | |
other . remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb = =
remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ) & &
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
( identical ( other . remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb , remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ) | |
other . remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb = = remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ) & &
( identical ( other . publicWatchLimit , publicWatchLimit ) | |
other . publicWatchLimit = = publicWatchLimit ) & &
( identical ( other . memberWatchLimit , memberWatchLimit ) | |
other . memberWatchLimit = = memberWatchLimit ) & &
( identical ( other . maxWatchExpirationMs , maxWatchExpirationMs ) | |
other . maxWatchExpirationMs = = maxWatchExpirationMs ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hashAll ( [
runtimeType ,
resolveNodeTimeoutMs ,
resolveNodeCount ,
resolveNodeFanout ,
maxFindNodeCount ,
getValueTimeoutMs ,
getValueCount ,
getValueFanout ,
setValueTimeoutMs ,
setValueCount ,
setValueFanout ,
minPeerCount ,
minPeerRefreshTimeMs ,
validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ,
localSubkeyCacheSize ,
localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
remoteSubkeyCacheSize ,
remoteMaxRecords ,
remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ,
publicWatchLimit ,
memberWatchLimit ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
] ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigDHT
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigDHT implements VeilidConfigDHT {
const factory _VeilidConfigDHT (
{ required final int resolveNodeTimeoutMs ,
required final int resolveNodeCount ,
required final int resolveNodeFanout ,
required final int maxFindNodeCount ,
required final int getValueTimeoutMs ,
required final int getValueCount ,
required final int getValueFanout ,
required final int setValueTimeoutMs ,
required final int setValueCount ,
required final int setValueFanout ,
required final int minPeerCount ,
required final int minPeerRefreshTimeMs ,
required final int validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ,
required final int localSubkeyCacheSize ,
required final int localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
required final int remoteSubkeyCacheSize ,
required final int remoteMaxRecords ,
required final int remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ,
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
required final int remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ,
required final int publicWatchLimit ,
required final int memberWatchLimit ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final int maxWatchExpirationMs } ) = _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigDHT . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get resolveNodeTimeoutMs ;
@ override
int get resolveNodeCount ;
@ override
int get resolveNodeFanout ;
@ override
int get maxFindNodeCount ;
@ override
int get getValueTimeoutMs ;
@ override
int get getValueCount ;
@ override
int get getValueFanout ;
@ override
int get setValueTimeoutMs ;
@ override
int get setValueCount ;
@ override
int get setValueFanout ;
@ override
int get minPeerCount ;
@ override
int get minPeerRefreshTimeMs ;
@ override
int get validateDialInfoReceiptTimeMs ;
@ override
int get localSubkeyCacheSize ;
@ override
int get localMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ;
@ override
int get remoteSubkeyCacheSize ;
@ override
int get remoteMaxRecords ;
@ override
int get remoteMaxSubkeyCacheMemoryMb ;
@ override
int get remoteMaxStorageSpaceMb ;
@ override
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
int get publicWatchLimit ;
@ override
int get memberWatchLimit ;
@ override
int get maxWatchExpirationMs ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigDHT
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-11-25 18:59:43 -05:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigDHTImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigDHTImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigRPC _ $VeilidConfigRPCFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigRPC . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigRPC {
int get concurrency = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get queueSize = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get timeoutMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get maxRouteHopCount = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get defaultRouteHopCount = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
int ? get maxTimestampBehindMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int ? get maxTimestampAheadMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigRPC to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigRPC
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigRPCCopyWith < VeilidConfigRPC > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigRPCCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigRPCCopyWith (
VeilidConfigRPC value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfigRPC ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigRPCCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigRPC > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ int concurrency ,
int queueSize ,
int timeoutMs ,
int maxRouteHopCount ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
int defaultRouteHopCount ,
int ? maxTimestampBehindMs ,
int ? maxTimestampAheadMs } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigRPCCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfigRPC >
implements $VeilidConfigRPCCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigRPCCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigRPC
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? concurrency = null ,
Object ? queueSize = null ,
Object ? timeoutMs = null ,
Object ? maxRouteHopCount = null ,
Object ? defaultRouteHopCount = null ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
Object ? maxTimestampBehindMs = freezed ,
Object ? maxTimestampAheadMs = freezed ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
concurrency: null = = concurrency
? _value . concurrency
: concurrency // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
queueSize: null = = queueSize
? _value . queueSize
: queueSize // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
timeoutMs: null = = timeoutMs
? _value . timeoutMs
: timeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxRouteHopCount: null = = maxRouteHopCount
? _value . maxRouteHopCount
: maxRouteHopCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
defaultRouteHopCount: null = = defaultRouteHopCount
? _value . defaultRouteHopCount
: defaultRouteHopCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
maxTimestampBehindMs: freezed = = maxTimestampBehindMs
? _value . maxTimestampBehindMs
: maxTimestampBehindMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ? ,
maxTimestampAheadMs: freezed = = maxTimestampAheadMs
? _value . maxTimestampAheadMs
: maxTimestampAheadMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ? ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigRPCCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ int concurrency ,
int queueSize ,
int timeoutMs ,
int maxRouteHopCount ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
int defaultRouteHopCount ,
int ? maxTimestampBehindMs ,
int ? maxTimestampAheadMs } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigRPCCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigRPC
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? concurrency = null ,
Object ? queueSize = null ,
Object ? timeoutMs = null ,
Object ? maxRouteHopCount = null ,
Object ? defaultRouteHopCount = null ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
Object ? maxTimestampBehindMs = freezed ,
Object ? maxTimestampAheadMs = freezed ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
concurrency: null = = concurrency
? _value . concurrency
: concurrency // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
queueSize: null = = queueSize
? _value . queueSize
: queueSize // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
timeoutMs: null = = timeoutMs
? _value . timeoutMs
: timeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxRouteHopCount: null = = maxRouteHopCount
? _value . maxRouteHopCount
: maxRouteHopCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
defaultRouteHopCount: null = = defaultRouteHopCount
? _value . defaultRouteHopCount
: defaultRouteHopCount // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
maxTimestampBehindMs: freezed = = maxTimestampBehindMs
? _value . maxTimestampBehindMs
: maxTimestampBehindMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ? ,
maxTimestampAheadMs: freezed = = maxTimestampAheadMs
? _value . maxTimestampAheadMs
: maxTimestampAheadMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ? ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigRPC {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . concurrency ,
required this . queueSize ,
required this . timeoutMs ,
required this . maxRouteHopCount ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
required this . defaultRouteHopCount ,
this . maxTimestampBehindMs ,
this . maxTimestampAheadMs } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final int concurrency ;
@ override
final int queueSize ;
@ override
final int timeoutMs ;
@ override
final int maxRouteHopCount ;
@ override
final int defaultRouteHopCount ;
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
@ override
final int ? maxTimestampBehindMs ;
@ override
final int ? maxTimestampAheadMs ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
return ' VeilidConfigRPC(concurrency: $ concurrency , queueSize: $ queueSize , timeoutMs: $ timeoutMs , maxRouteHopCount: $ maxRouteHopCount , defaultRouteHopCount: $ defaultRouteHopCount , maxTimestampBehindMs: $ maxTimestampBehindMs , maxTimestampAheadMs: $ maxTimestampAheadMs ) ' ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigRPC ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' concurrency ' , concurrency ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' queueSize ' , queueSize ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' timeoutMs ' , timeoutMs ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' maxRouteHopCount ' , maxRouteHopCount ) )
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' defaultRouteHopCount ' , defaultRouteHopCount ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' maxTimestampBehindMs ' , maxTimestampBehindMs ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' maxTimestampAheadMs ' , maxTimestampAheadMs ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . concurrency , concurrency ) | |
other . concurrency = = concurrency ) & &
( identical ( other . queueSize , queueSize ) | |
other . queueSize = = queueSize ) & &
( identical ( other . timeoutMs , timeoutMs ) | |
other . timeoutMs = = timeoutMs ) & &
( identical ( other . maxRouteHopCount , maxRouteHopCount ) | |
other . maxRouteHopCount = = maxRouteHopCount ) & &
( identical ( other . defaultRouteHopCount , defaultRouteHopCount ) | |
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
other . defaultRouteHopCount = = defaultRouteHopCount ) & &
( identical ( other . maxTimestampBehindMs , maxTimestampBehindMs ) | |
other . maxTimestampBehindMs = = maxTimestampBehindMs ) & &
( identical ( other . maxTimestampAheadMs , maxTimestampAheadMs ) | |
other . maxTimestampAheadMs = = maxTimestampAheadMs ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash (
runtimeType ,
concurrency ,
queueSize ,
timeoutMs ,
maxRouteHopCount ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
defaultRouteHopCount ,
maxTimestampBehindMs ,
maxTimestampAheadMs ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigRPC
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl > (
this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigRPC implements VeilidConfigRPC {
const factory _VeilidConfigRPC (
{ required final int concurrency ,
required final int queueSize ,
required final int timeoutMs ,
required final int maxRouteHopCount ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
required final int defaultRouteHopCount ,
final int ? maxTimestampBehindMs ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final int ? maxTimestampAheadMs } ) = _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigRPC . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get concurrency ;
@ override
int get queueSize ;
@ override
int get timeoutMs ;
@ override
int get maxRouteHopCount ;
@ override
int get defaultRouteHopCount ;
@ override
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
int ? get maxTimestampBehindMs ;
@ override
int ? get maxTimestampAheadMs ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigRPC
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigRPCImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigRPCImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigRoutingTable _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigRoutingTable . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTable {
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > get nodeId = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > get nodeIdSecret = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
List < String > get bootstrap = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get limitOverAttached = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get limitFullyAttached = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get limitAttachedStrong = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get limitAttachedGood = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get limitAttachedWeak = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigRoutingTable to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigRoutingTable
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWith < VeilidConfigRoutingTable > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWith ( VeilidConfigRoutingTable value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidConfigRoutingTable ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigRoutingTable > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeId ,
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeIdSecret ,
List < String > bootstrap ,
int limitOverAttached ,
int limitFullyAttached ,
int limitAttachedStrong ,
int limitAttachedGood ,
int limitAttachedWeak } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidConfigRoutingTable >
implements $VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigRoutingTable
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? nodeId = null ,
Object ? nodeIdSecret = null ,
Object ? bootstrap = null ,
Object ? limitOverAttached = null ,
Object ? limitFullyAttached = null ,
Object ? limitAttachedStrong = null ,
Object ? limitAttachedGood = null ,
Object ? limitAttachedWeak = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
nodeId: null = = nodeId
? _value . nodeId
: nodeId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > ,
nodeIdSecret: null = = nodeIdSecret
? _value . nodeIdSecret
: nodeIdSecret // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > ,
bootstrap: null = = bootstrap
? _value . bootstrap
: bootstrap // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
limitOverAttached: null = = limitOverAttached
? _value . limitOverAttached
: limitOverAttached // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
limitFullyAttached: null = = limitFullyAttached
? _value . limitFullyAttached
: limitFullyAttached // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
limitAttachedStrong: null = = limitAttachedStrong
? _value . limitAttachedStrong
: limitAttachedStrong // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
limitAttachedGood: null = = limitAttachedGood
? _value . limitAttachedGood
: limitAttachedGood // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
limitAttachedWeak: null = = limitAttachedWeak
? _value . limitAttachedWeak
: limitAttachedWeak // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeId ,
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeIdSecret ,
List < String > bootstrap ,
int limitOverAttached ,
int limitFullyAttached ,
int limitAttachedStrong ,
int limitAttachedGood ,
int limitAttachedWeak } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigRoutingTable
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? nodeId = null ,
Object ? nodeIdSecret = null ,
Object ? bootstrap = null ,
Object ? limitOverAttached = null ,
Object ? limitFullyAttached = null ,
Object ? limitAttachedStrong = null ,
Object ? limitAttachedGood = null ,
Object ? limitAttachedWeak = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
nodeId: null = = nodeId
? _value . _nodeId
: nodeId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > ,
nodeIdSecret: null = = nodeIdSecret
? _value . _nodeIdSecret
: nodeIdSecret // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > ,
bootstrap: null = = bootstrap
? _value . _bootstrap
: bootstrap // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
limitOverAttached: null = = limitOverAttached
? _value . limitOverAttached
: limitOverAttached // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
limitFullyAttached: null = = limitFullyAttached
? _value . limitFullyAttached
: limitFullyAttached // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
limitAttachedStrong: null = = limitAttachedStrong
? _value . limitAttachedStrong
: limitAttachedStrong // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
limitAttachedGood: null = = limitAttachedGood
? _value . limitAttachedGood
: limitAttachedGood // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
limitAttachedWeak: null = = limitAttachedWeak
? _value . limitAttachedWeak
: limitAttachedWeak // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigRoutingTable {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required final List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeId ,
required final List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeIdSecret ,
required final List < String > bootstrap ,
required this . limitOverAttached ,
required this . limitFullyAttached ,
required this . limitAttachedStrong ,
required this . limitAttachedGood ,
required this . limitAttachedWeak } )
: _nodeId = nodeId ,
_nodeIdSecret = nodeIdSecret ,
_bootstrap = bootstrap ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
final List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > _nodeId ;
@ override
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > get nodeId {
if ( _nodeId is EqualUnmodifiableListView ) return _nodeId ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _nodeId ) ;
final List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > _nodeIdSecret ;
@ override
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > get nodeIdSecret {
if ( _nodeIdSecret is EqualUnmodifiableListView ) return _nodeIdSecret ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _nodeIdSecret ) ;
final List < String > _bootstrap ;
@ override
List < String > get bootstrap {
if ( _bootstrap is EqualUnmodifiableListView ) return _bootstrap ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _bootstrap ) ;
@ override
final int limitOverAttached ;
@ override
final int limitFullyAttached ;
@ override
final int limitAttachedStrong ;
@ override
final int limitAttachedGood ;
@ override
final int limitAttachedWeak ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigRoutingTable(nodeId: $ nodeId , nodeIdSecret: $ nodeIdSecret , bootstrap: $ bootstrap , limitOverAttached: $ limitOverAttached , limitFullyAttached: $ limitFullyAttached , limitAttachedStrong: $ limitAttachedStrong , limitAttachedGood: $ limitAttachedGood , limitAttachedWeak: $ limitAttachedWeak ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigRoutingTable ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' nodeId ' , nodeId ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' nodeIdSecret ' , nodeIdSecret ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' bootstrap ' , bootstrap ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' limitOverAttached ' , limitOverAttached ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' limitFullyAttached ' , limitFullyAttached ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' limitAttachedStrong ' , limitAttachedStrong ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' limitAttachedGood ' , limitAttachedGood ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' limitAttachedWeak ' , limitAttachedWeak ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . equals ( other . _nodeId , _nodeId ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( )
. equals ( other . _nodeIdSecret , _nodeIdSecret ) & &
const DeepCollectionEquality ( )
. equals ( other . _bootstrap , _bootstrap ) & &
( identical ( other . limitOverAttached , limitOverAttached ) | |
other . limitOverAttached = = limitOverAttached ) & &
( identical ( other . limitFullyAttached , limitFullyAttached ) | |
other . limitFullyAttached = = limitFullyAttached ) & &
( identical ( other . limitAttachedStrong , limitAttachedStrong ) | |
other . limitAttachedStrong = = limitAttachedStrong ) & &
( identical ( other . limitAttachedGood , limitAttachedGood ) | |
other . limitAttachedGood = = limitAttachedGood ) & &
( identical ( other . limitAttachedWeak , limitAttachedWeak ) | |
other . limitAttachedWeak = = limitAttachedWeak ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash (
runtimeType ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _nodeId ) ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _nodeIdSecret ) ,
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _bootstrap ) ,
limitOverAttached ,
limitFullyAttached ,
limitAttachedStrong ,
limitAttachedGood ,
limitAttachedWeak ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigRoutingTable
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigRoutingTable implements VeilidConfigRoutingTable {
const factory _VeilidConfigRoutingTable (
{ required final List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeId ,
required final List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > nodeIdSecret ,
required final List < String > bootstrap ,
required final int limitOverAttached ,
required final int limitFullyAttached ,
required final int limitAttachedStrong ,
required final int limitAttachedGood ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final int limitAttachedWeak } ) = _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigRoutingTable . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > get nodeId ;
@ override
List < Typed < FixedEncodedString43 > > get nodeIdSecret ;
@ override
List < String > get bootstrap ;
@ override
int get limitOverAttached ;
@ override
int get limitFullyAttached ;
@ override
int get limitAttachedStrong ;
@ override
int get limitAttachedGood ;
@ override
int get limitAttachedWeak ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigRoutingTable
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigRoutingTableImpl >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigNetwork _ $VeilidConfigNetworkFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigNetwork . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigNetwork {
int get connectionInitialTimeoutMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get connectionInactivityTimeoutMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get maxConnectionsPerIp4 = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
int get clientAllowlistTimeoutMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
int get reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get holePunchReceiptTimeMs = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigRoutingTable get routingTable = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigRPC get rpc = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigDHT get dht = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get upnp = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get detectAddressChanges = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
int get restrictedNatRetries = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigTLS get tls = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigApplication get application = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigProtocol get protocol = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
String ? get networkKeyPassword = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigNetwork to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWith < VeilidConfigNetwork > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWith (
VeilidConfigNetwork value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfigNetwork ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigNetwork > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ int connectionInitialTimeoutMs ,
int connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ,
int maxConnectionsPerIp4 ,
int maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ,
int maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ,
int maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ,
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
int clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
int reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ,
int holePunchReceiptTimeMs ,
VeilidConfigRoutingTable routingTable ,
VeilidConfigRPC rpc ,
VeilidConfigDHT dht ,
bool upnp ,
bool detectAddressChanges ,
int restrictedNatRetries ,
VeilidConfigTLS tls ,
VeilidConfigApplication application ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
VeilidConfigProtocol protocol ,
String ? networkKeyPassword } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWith < $Res > get routingTable ;
$VeilidConfigRPCCopyWith < $Res > get rpc ;
$VeilidConfigDHTCopyWith < $Res > get dht ;
$VeilidConfigTLSCopyWith < $Res > get tls ;
$VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWith < $Res > get application ;
$VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWith < $Res > get protocol ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfigNetwork >
implements $VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? connectionInitialTimeoutMs = null ,
Object ? connectionInactivityTimeoutMs = null ,
Object ? maxConnectionsPerIp4 = null ,
Object ? maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix = null ,
Object ? maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize = null ,
Object ? maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin = null ,
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
Object ? clientAllowlistTimeoutMs = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Object ? reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs = null ,
Object ? holePunchReceiptTimeMs = null ,
Object ? routingTable = null ,
Object ? rpc = null ,
Object ? dht = null ,
Object ? upnp = null ,
Object ? detectAddressChanges = null ,
Object ? restrictedNatRetries = null ,
Object ? tls = null ,
Object ? application = null ,
Object ? protocol = null ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
Object ? networkKeyPassword = freezed ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
connectionInitialTimeoutMs: null = = connectionInitialTimeoutMs
? _value . connectionInitialTimeoutMs
: connectionInitialTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
connectionInactivityTimeoutMs: null = = connectionInactivityTimeoutMs
? _value . connectionInactivityTimeoutMs
: connectionInactivityTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxConnectionsPerIp4: null = = maxConnectionsPerIp4
? _value . maxConnectionsPerIp4
: maxConnectionsPerIp4 // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix: null = = maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix
? _value . maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix
: maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize: null = = maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize
? _value . maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize
: maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin: null = = maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin
? _value . maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin
: maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
clientAllowlistTimeoutMs: null = = clientAllowlistTimeoutMs
? _value . clientAllowlistTimeoutMs
: clientAllowlistTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
as int ,
reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs: null = = reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs
? _value . reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs
: reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
holePunchReceiptTimeMs: null = = holePunchReceiptTimeMs
? _value . holePunchReceiptTimeMs
: holePunchReceiptTimeMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
routingTable: null = = routingTable
? _value . routingTable
: routingTable // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigRoutingTable ,
rpc: null = = rpc
? _value . rpc
: rpc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigRPC ,
dht: null = = dht
? _value . dht
: dht // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigDHT ,
upnp: null = = upnp
? _value . upnp
: upnp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
detectAddressChanges: null = = detectAddressChanges
? _value . detectAddressChanges
: detectAddressChanges // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
restrictedNatRetries: null = = restrictedNatRetries
? _value . restrictedNatRetries
: restrictedNatRetries // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
tls: null = = tls
? _value . tls
: tls // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigTLS ,
application: null = = application
? _value . application
: application // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigApplication ,
protocol: null = = protocol
? _value . protocol
: protocol // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigProtocol ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
networkKeyPassword: freezed = = networkKeyPassword
? _value . networkKeyPassword
: networkKeyPassword // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) as $Val ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWith < $Res > get routingTable {
return $VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . routingTable ,
( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( routingTable: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigRPCCopyWith < $Res > get rpc {
return $VeilidConfigRPCCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . rpc , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( rpc: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigDHTCopyWith < $Res > get dht {
return $VeilidConfigDHTCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . dht , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( dht: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigTLSCopyWith < $Res > get tls {
return $VeilidConfigTLSCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . tls , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( tls: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWith < $Res > get application {
return $VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . application , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( application: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWith < $Res > get protocol {
return $VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . protocol , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( protocol: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplCopyWith ( _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ int connectionInitialTimeoutMs ,
int connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ,
int maxConnectionsPerIp4 ,
int maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ,
int maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ,
int maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ,
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
int clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
int reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ,
int holePunchReceiptTimeMs ,
VeilidConfigRoutingTable routingTable ,
VeilidConfigRPC rpc ,
VeilidConfigDHT dht ,
bool upnp ,
bool detectAddressChanges ,
int restrictedNatRetries ,
VeilidConfigTLS tls ,
VeilidConfigApplication application ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
VeilidConfigProtocol protocol ,
String ? networkKeyPassword } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
$VeilidConfigRoutingTableCopyWith < $Res > get routingTable ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigRPCCopyWith < $Res > get rpc ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigDHTCopyWith < $Res > get dht ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigTLSCopyWith < $Res > get tls ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigApplicationCopyWith < $Res > get application ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigProtocolCopyWith < $Res > get protocol ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplCopyWithImpl ( _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? connectionInitialTimeoutMs = null ,
Object ? connectionInactivityTimeoutMs = null ,
Object ? maxConnectionsPerIp4 = null ,
Object ? maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix = null ,
Object ? maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize = null ,
Object ? maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin = null ,
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
Object ? clientAllowlistTimeoutMs = null ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Object ? reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs = null ,
Object ? holePunchReceiptTimeMs = null ,
Object ? routingTable = null ,
Object ? rpc = null ,
Object ? dht = null ,
Object ? upnp = null ,
Object ? detectAddressChanges = null ,
Object ? restrictedNatRetries = null ,
Object ? tls = null ,
Object ? application = null ,
Object ? protocol = null ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
Object ? networkKeyPassword = freezed ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
connectionInitialTimeoutMs: null = = connectionInitialTimeoutMs
? _value . connectionInitialTimeoutMs
: connectionInitialTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
connectionInactivityTimeoutMs: null = = connectionInactivityTimeoutMs
? _value . connectionInactivityTimeoutMs
: connectionInactivityTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxConnectionsPerIp4: null = = maxConnectionsPerIp4
? _value . maxConnectionsPerIp4
: maxConnectionsPerIp4 // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix: null = = maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix
? _value . maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix
: maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize: null = = maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize
? _value . maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize
: maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin: null = = maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin
? _value . maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin
: maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
clientAllowlistTimeoutMs: null = = clientAllowlistTimeoutMs
? _value . clientAllowlistTimeoutMs
: clientAllowlistTimeoutMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
as int ,
reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs: null = = reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs
? _value . reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs
: reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
holePunchReceiptTimeMs: null = = holePunchReceiptTimeMs
? _value . holePunchReceiptTimeMs
: holePunchReceiptTimeMs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
routingTable: null = = routingTable
? _value . routingTable
: routingTable // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigRoutingTable ,
rpc: null = = rpc
? _value . rpc
: rpc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigRPC ,
dht: null = = dht
? _value . dht
: dht // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigDHT ,
upnp: null = = upnp
? _value . upnp
: upnp // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
detectAddressChanges: null = = detectAddressChanges
? _value . detectAddressChanges
: detectAddressChanges // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
restrictedNatRetries: null = = restrictedNatRetries
? _value . restrictedNatRetries
: restrictedNatRetries // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int ,
tls: null = = tls
? _value . tls
: tls // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigTLS ,
application: null = = application
? _value . application
: application // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigApplication ,
protocol: null = = protocol
? _value . protocol
: protocol // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigProtocol ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
networkKeyPassword: freezed = = networkKeyPassword
? _value . networkKeyPassword
: networkKeyPassword // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigNetwork {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . connectionInitialTimeoutMs ,
required this . connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ,
required this . maxConnectionsPerIp4 ,
required this . maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ,
required this . maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ,
required this . maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ,
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
required this . clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
required this . reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ,
required this . holePunchReceiptTimeMs ,
required this . routingTable ,
required this . rpc ,
required this . dht ,
required this . upnp ,
required this . detectAddressChanges ,
required this . restrictedNatRetries ,
required this . tls ,
required this . application ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
required this . protocol ,
this . networkKeyPassword } ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final int connectionInitialTimeoutMs ;
@ override
final int connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ;
@ override
final int maxConnectionsPerIp4 ;
@ override
final int maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ;
@ override
final int maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ;
@ override
final int maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ;
@ override
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
final int clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final int reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ;
@ override
final int holePunchReceiptTimeMs ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigRoutingTable routingTable ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigRPC rpc ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigDHT dht ;
@ override
final bool upnp ;
@ override
final bool detectAddressChanges ;
@ override
final int restrictedNatRetries ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigTLS tls ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigApplication application ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigProtocol protocol ;
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
@ override
final String ? networkKeyPassword ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
return ' VeilidConfigNetwork(connectionInitialTimeoutMs: $ connectionInitialTimeoutMs , connectionInactivityTimeoutMs: $ connectionInactivityTimeoutMs , maxConnectionsPerIp4: $ maxConnectionsPerIp4 , maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix: $ maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix , maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize: $ maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize , maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin: $ maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin , clientAllowlistTimeoutMs: $ clientAllowlistTimeoutMs , reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs: $ reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs , holePunchReceiptTimeMs: $ holePunchReceiptTimeMs , routingTable: $ routingTable , rpc: $ rpc , dht: $ dht , upnp: $ upnp , detectAddressChanges: $ detectAddressChanges , restrictedNatRetries: $ restrictedNatRetries , tls: $ tls , application: $ application , protocol: $ protocol , networkKeyPassword: $ networkKeyPassword ) ' ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigNetwork ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' connectionInitialTimeoutMs ' , connectionInitialTimeoutMs ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ' , connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' maxConnectionsPerIp4 ' , maxConnectionsPerIp4 ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ' , maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ' , maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ' , maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
' clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ' , clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ) )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ' , reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ) )
. . add (
DiagnosticsProperty ( ' holePunchReceiptTimeMs ' , holePunchReceiptTimeMs ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' routingTable ' , routingTable ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' rpc ' , rpc ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' dht ' , dht ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' upnp ' , upnp ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' detectAddressChanges ' , detectAddressChanges ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' restrictedNatRetries ' , restrictedNatRetries ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' tls ' , tls ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' application ' , application ) )
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' protocol ' , protocol ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' networkKeyPassword ' , networkKeyPassword ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . connectionInitialTimeoutMs , connectionInitialTimeoutMs ) | |
other . connectionInitialTimeoutMs = =
connectionInitialTimeoutMs ) & &
( identical ( other . connectionInactivityTimeoutMs , connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ) | |
other . connectionInactivityTimeoutMs = =
connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ) & &
( identical ( other . maxConnectionsPerIp4 , maxConnectionsPerIp4 ) | |
other . maxConnectionsPerIp4 = = maxConnectionsPerIp4 ) & &
( identical ( other . maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix , maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ) | |
other . maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix = =
maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ) & &
( identical ( other . maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize , maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ) | |
other . maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize = =
maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ) & &
( identical ( other . maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin , maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ) | |
other . maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin = =
maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ) & &
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
( identical ( other . clientAllowlistTimeoutMs , clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ) | |
other . clientAllowlistTimeoutMs = = clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ) & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ,
reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ) | |
other . reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs = =
reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ) & &
( identical ( other . holePunchReceiptTimeMs , holePunchReceiptTimeMs ) | |
other . holePunchReceiptTimeMs = = holePunchReceiptTimeMs ) & &
( identical ( other . routingTable , routingTable ) | |
other . routingTable = = routingTable ) & &
( identical ( other . rpc , rpc ) | | other . rpc = = rpc ) & &
( identical ( other . dht , dht ) | | other . dht = = dht ) & &
( identical ( other . upnp , upnp ) | | other . upnp = = upnp ) & &
( identical ( other . detectAddressChanges , detectAddressChanges ) | |
other . detectAddressChanges = = detectAddressChanges ) & &
( identical ( other . restrictedNatRetries , restrictedNatRetries ) | |
other . restrictedNatRetries = = restrictedNatRetries ) & &
( identical ( other . tls , tls ) | | other . tls = = tls ) & &
( identical ( other . application , application ) | |
other . application = = application ) & &
( identical ( other . protocol , protocol ) | |
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
other . protocol = = protocol ) & &
( identical ( other . networkKeyPassword , networkKeyPassword ) | |
other . networkKeyPassword = = networkKeyPassword ) ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hashAll ( [
runtimeType ,
connectionInitialTimeoutMs ,
connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ,
maxConnectionsPerIp4 ,
maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ,
maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ,
maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ,
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ,
holePunchReceiptTimeMs ,
routingTable ,
rpc ,
dht ,
upnp ,
detectAddressChanges ,
restrictedNatRetries ,
tls ,
application ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
protocol ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
] ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl > (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this , _ $identity ) ;
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigNetwork implements VeilidConfigNetwork {
const factory _VeilidConfigNetwork (
{ required final int connectionInitialTimeoutMs ,
required final int connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ,
required final int maxConnectionsPerIp4 ,
required final int maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ,
required final int maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ,
required final int maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ,
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
required final int clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ,
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
required final int reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ,
required final int holePunchReceiptTimeMs ,
required final VeilidConfigRoutingTable routingTable ,
required final VeilidConfigRPC rpc ,
required final VeilidConfigDHT dht ,
required final bool upnp ,
required final bool detectAddressChanges ,
required final int restrictedNatRetries ,
required final VeilidConfigTLS tls ,
required final VeilidConfigApplication application ,
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
required final VeilidConfigProtocol protocol ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
final String ? networkKeyPassword } ) = _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigNetwork . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get connectionInitialTimeoutMs ;
@ override
int get connectionInactivityTimeoutMs ;
@ override
int get maxConnectionsPerIp4 ;
@ override
int get maxConnectionsPerIp6Prefix ;
@ override
int get maxConnectionsPerIp6PrefixSize ;
@ override
int get maxConnectionFrequencyPerMin ;
@ override
2023-11-23 09:49:45 -05:00
int get clientAllowlistTimeoutMs ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get reverseConnectionReceiptTimeMs ;
@ override
int get holePunchReceiptTimeMs ;
@ override
VeilidConfigRoutingTable get routingTable ;
@ override
VeilidConfigRPC get rpc ;
@ override
VeilidConfigDHT get dht ;
@ override
bool get upnp ;
@ override
bool get detectAddressChanges ;
@ override
int get restrictedNatRetries ;
@ override
VeilidConfigTLS get tls ;
@ override
VeilidConfigApplication get application ;
@ override
VeilidConfigProtocol get protocol ;
@ override
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
String ? get networkKeyPassword ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigNetwork
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-08-02 21:09:47 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigNetworkImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigNetworkImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigTableStore _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigTableStore . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigTableStore {
String get directory = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get delete = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigTableStore to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTableStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWith < VeilidConfigTableStore > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWith ( VeilidConfigTableStore value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidConfigTableStore ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigTableStore > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { String directory , bool delete } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidConfigTableStore >
implements $VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTableStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? directory = null ,
Object ? delete = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
directory: null = = directory
? _value . directory
: directory // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
delete: null = = delete
? _value . delete
: delete // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { String directory , bool delete } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTableStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? directory = null ,
Object ? delete = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
directory: null = = directory
? _value . directory
: directory // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
delete: null = = delete
? _value . delete
: delete // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigTableStore {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . directory , required this . delete } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final String directory ;
@ override
final bool delete ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigTableStore(directory: $ directory , delete: $ delete ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigTableStore ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' directory ' , directory ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' delete ' , delete ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . directory , directory ) | |
other . directory = = directory ) & &
( identical ( other . delete , delete ) | | other . delete = = delete ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , directory , delete ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTableStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigTableStore implements VeilidConfigTableStore {
const factory _VeilidConfigTableStore (
{ required final String directory ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final bool delete } ) = _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigTableStore . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String get directory ;
@ override
bool get delete ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigTableStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigTableStoreImpl >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
VeilidConfigBlockStore _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigBlockStore . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigBlockStore {
String get directory = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get delete = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigBlockStore to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigBlockStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWith < VeilidConfigBlockStore > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWith ( VeilidConfigBlockStore value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidConfigBlockStore ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigBlockStore > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { String directory , bool delete } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidConfigBlockStore >
implements $VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigBlockStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? directory = null ,
Object ? delete = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
directory: null = = directory
? _value . directory
: directory // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
delete: null = = delete
? _value . delete
: delete // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { String directory , bool delete } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigBlockStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? directory = null ,
Object ? delete = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
directory: null = = directory
? _value . directory
: directory // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
delete: null = = delete
? _value . delete
: delete // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigBlockStore {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . directory , required this . delete } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final String directory ;
@ override
final bool delete ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigBlockStore(directory: $ directory , delete: $ delete ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigBlockStore ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' directory ' , directory ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' delete ' , delete ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . directory , directory ) | |
other . directory = = directory ) & &
( identical ( other . delete , delete ) | | other . delete = = delete ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , directory , delete ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigBlockStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigBlockStore implements VeilidConfigBlockStore {
const factory _VeilidConfigBlockStore (
{ required final String directory ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final bool delete } ) = _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigBlockStore . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String get directory ;
@ override
bool get delete ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigBlockStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigBlockStoreImpl >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
VeilidConfigProtectedStore _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigProtectedStore . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStore {
bool get allowInsecureFallback = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get alwaysUseInsecureStorage = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get directory = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
bool get delete = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get deviceEncryptionKeyPassword = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String ? get newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigProtectedStore to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtectedStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWith < VeilidConfigProtectedStore >
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWith ( VeilidConfigProtectedStore value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidConfigProtectedStore ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
VeilidConfigProtectedStore > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool allowInsecureFallback ,
bool alwaysUseInsecureStorage ,
String directory ,
bool delete ,
String deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ,
String ? newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidConfigProtectedStore >
implements $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtectedStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? allowInsecureFallback = null ,
Object ? alwaysUseInsecureStorage = null ,
Object ? directory = null ,
Object ? delete = null ,
Object ? deviceEncryptionKeyPassword = null ,
Object ? newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword = freezed ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
allowInsecureFallback: null = = allowInsecureFallback
? _value . allowInsecureFallback
: allowInsecureFallback // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
alwaysUseInsecureStorage: null = = alwaysUseInsecureStorage
? _value . alwaysUseInsecureStorage
: alwaysUseInsecureStorage // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
directory: null = = directory
? _value . directory
: directory // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
delete: null = = delete
? _value . delete
: delete // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
deviceEncryptionKeyPassword: null = = deviceEncryptionKeyPassword
? _value . deviceEncryptionKeyPassword
: deviceEncryptionKeyPassword // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword: freezed = = newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword
? _value . newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword
: newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ bool allowInsecureFallback ,
bool alwaysUseInsecureStorage ,
String directory ,
bool delete ,
String deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ,
String ? newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtectedStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? allowInsecureFallback = null ,
Object ? alwaysUseInsecureStorage = null ,
Object ? directory = null ,
Object ? delete = null ,
Object ? deviceEncryptionKeyPassword = null ,
Object ? newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword = freezed ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
allowInsecureFallback: null = = allowInsecureFallback
? _value . allowInsecureFallback
: allowInsecureFallback // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
alwaysUseInsecureStorage: null = = alwaysUseInsecureStorage
? _value . alwaysUseInsecureStorage
: alwaysUseInsecureStorage // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
directory: null = = directory
? _value . directory
: directory // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
delete: null = = delete
? _value . delete
: delete // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool ,
deviceEncryptionKeyPassword: null = = deviceEncryptionKeyPassword
? _value . deviceEncryptionKeyPassword
: deviceEncryptionKeyPassword // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword: freezed = = newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword
? _value . newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword
: newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ? ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigProtectedStore {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . allowInsecureFallback ,
required this . alwaysUseInsecureStorage ,
required this . directory ,
required this . delete ,
required this . deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ,
this . newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl . fromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final bool allowInsecureFallback ;
@ override
final bool alwaysUseInsecureStorage ;
@ override
final String directory ;
@ override
final bool delete ;
@ override
final String deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ;
@ override
final String ? newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigProtectedStore(allowInsecureFallback: $ allowInsecureFallback , alwaysUseInsecureStorage: $ alwaysUseInsecureStorage , directory: $ directory , delete: $ delete , deviceEncryptionKeyPassword: $ deviceEncryptionKeyPassword , newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword: $ newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigProtectedStore ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' allowInsecureFallback ' , allowInsecureFallback ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' alwaysUseInsecureStorage ' , alwaysUseInsecureStorage ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' directory ' , directory ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' delete ' , delete ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ' , deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty (
' newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword ' , newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . allowInsecureFallback , allowInsecureFallback ) | |
other . allowInsecureFallback = = allowInsecureFallback ) & &
( identical (
other . alwaysUseInsecureStorage , alwaysUseInsecureStorage ) | |
other . alwaysUseInsecureStorage = = alwaysUseInsecureStorage ) & &
( identical ( other . directory , directory ) | |
other . directory = = directory ) & &
( identical ( other . delete , delete ) | | other . delete = = delete ) & &
( identical ( other . deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ,
deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ) | |
other . deviceEncryptionKeyPassword = =
deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ) & &
( identical ( other . newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword ,
newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword ) | |
other . newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword = =
newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash (
runtimeType ,
allowInsecureFallback ,
alwaysUseInsecureStorage ,
directory ,
delete ,
deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ,
newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtectedStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigProtectedStore
implements VeilidConfigProtectedStore {
const factory _VeilidConfigProtectedStore (
{ required final bool allowInsecureFallback ,
required final bool alwaysUseInsecureStorage ,
required final String directory ,
required final bool delete ,
required final String deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ,
final String ? newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword } ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigProtectedStore . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
bool get allowInsecureFallback ;
@ override
bool get alwaysUseInsecureStorage ;
@ override
String get directory ;
@ override
bool get delete ;
@ override
String get deviceEncryptionKeyPassword ;
@ override
String ? get newDeviceEncryptionKeyPassword ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigProtectedStore
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreImpl >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigCapabilities _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesFromJson (
Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfigCapabilities . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfigCapabilities {
List < String > get disable = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfigCapabilities to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigCapabilities
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWith < VeilidConfigCapabilities > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWith ( VeilidConfigCapabilities value ,
$Res Function ( VeilidConfigCapabilities ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfigCapabilities > ;
@ useResult
$Res call ( { List < String > disable } ) ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
$Val extends VeilidConfigCapabilities >
implements $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigCapabilities
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? disable = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
disable: null = = disable
? _value . disable
: disable // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
) as $Val ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call ( { List < String > disable } ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
extends _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWithImpl < $Res ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl _value ,
$Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigCapabilities
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? disable = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
disable: null = = disable
? _value . _disable
: disable // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List < String > ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
with DiagnosticableTreeMixin
implements _VeilidConfigCapabilities {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
const _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl ( { required final List < String > disable } )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: _disable = disable ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
final List < String > _disable ;
@ override
List < String > get disable {
if ( _disable is EqualUnmodifiableListView ) return _disable ;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView ( _disable ) ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfigCapabilities(disable: $ disable ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfigCapabilities ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' disable ' , disable ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . equals ( other . _disable , _disable ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = >
Object . hash ( runtimeType , const DeepCollectionEquality ( ) . hash ( _disable ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigCapabilities
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl >
get copyWith = > __ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplCopyWithImpl <
_ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfigCapabilities implements VeilidConfigCapabilities {
const factory _VeilidConfigCapabilities (
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
{ required final List < String > disable } ) = _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfigCapabilities . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
List < String > get disable ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfigCapabilities
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesImpl >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
get copyWith = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfig _ $VeilidConfigFromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) {
return _VeilidConfig . fromJson ( json ) ;
/// @nodoc
mixin _ $VeilidConfig {
String get programName = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
String get namespace = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigCapabilities get capabilities = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigProtectedStore get protectedStore = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigTableStore get tableStore = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigBlockStore get blockStore = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
VeilidConfigNetwork get network = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Serializes this VeilidConfig to a JSON map.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) = > throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
$VeilidConfigCopyWith < VeilidConfig > get copyWith = >
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $VeilidConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
factory $VeilidConfigCopyWith (
VeilidConfig value , $Res Function ( VeilidConfig ) then ) =
_ $VeilidConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , VeilidConfig > ;
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ String programName ,
String namespace ,
VeilidConfigCapabilities capabilities ,
VeilidConfigProtectedStore protectedStore ,
VeilidConfigTableStore tableStore ,
VeilidConfigBlockStore blockStore ,
VeilidConfigNetwork network } ) ;
$VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWith < $Res > get capabilities ;
$VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWith < $Res > get protectedStore ;
$VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWith < $Res > get tableStore ;
$VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWith < $Res > get blockStore ;
$VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWith < $Res > get network ;
/// @nodoc
class _ $VeilidConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , $Val extends VeilidConfig >
implements $VeilidConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
_ $VeilidConfigCopyWithImpl ( this . _value , this . _then ) ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Val _value ;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function ( $Val ) _then ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? programName = null ,
Object ? namespace = null ,
Object ? capabilities = null ,
Object ? protectedStore = null ,
Object ? tableStore = null ,
Object ? blockStore = null ,
Object ? network = null ,
} ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith (
programName: null = = programName
? _value . programName
: programName // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
namespace: null = = namespace
? _value . namespace
: namespace // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
capabilities: null = = capabilities
? _value . capabilities
: capabilities // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigCapabilities ,
protectedStore: null = = protectedStore
? _value . protectedStore
: protectedStore // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigProtectedStore ,
tableStore: null = = tableStore
? _value . tableStore
: tableStore // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigTableStore ,
blockStore: null = = blockStore
? _value . blockStore
: blockStore // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigBlockStore ,
network: null = = network
? _value . network
: network // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigNetwork ,
) as $Val ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWith < $Res > get capabilities {
return $VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . capabilities ,
( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( capabilities: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWith < $Res > get protectedStore {
return $VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . protectedStore ,
( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( protectedStore: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWith < $Res > get tableStore {
return $VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . tableStore , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( tableStore: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWith < $Res > get blockStore {
return $VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . blockStore , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( blockStore: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
$VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWith < $Res > get network {
return $VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWith < $Res > ( _value . network , ( value ) {
return _then ( _value . copyWith ( network: value ) as $Val ) ;
} ) ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
abstract class _ $ $VeilidConfigImplCopyWith < $Res >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
implements $VeilidConfigCopyWith < $Res > {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $ $VeilidConfigImplCopyWith (
_ $VeilidConfigImpl value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigImpl ) then ) =
__ $ $VeilidConfigImplCopyWithImpl < $Res > ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ useResult
$Res call (
{ String programName ,
String namespace ,
VeilidConfigCapabilities capabilities ,
VeilidConfigProtectedStore protectedStore ,
VeilidConfigTableStore tableStore ,
VeilidConfigBlockStore blockStore ,
VeilidConfigNetwork network } ) ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigCapabilitiesCopyWith < $Res > get capabilities ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigProtectedStoreCopyWith < $Res > get protectedStore ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigTableStoreCopyWith < $Res > get tableStore ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigBlockStoreCopyWith < $Res > get blockStore ;
@ override
$VeilidConfigNetworkCopyWith < $Res > get network ;
/// @nodoc
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class __ $ $VeilidConfigImplCopyWithImpl < $Res >
extends _ $VeilidConfigCopyWithImpl < $Res , _ $VeilidConfigImpl >
implements _ $ $VeilidConfigImplCopyWith < $Res > {
__ $ $VeilidConfigImplCopyWithImpl (
_ $VeilidConfigImpl _value , $Res Function ( _ $VeilidConfigImpl ) _then )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
: super ( _value , _then ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
@ override
$Res call ( {
Object ? programName = null ,
Object ? namespace = null ,
Object ? capabilities = null ,
Object ? protectedStore = null ,
Object ? tableStore = null ,
Object ? blockStore = null ,
Object ? network = null ,
} ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _then ( _ $VeilidConfigImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
programName: null = = programName
? _value . programName
: programName // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
namespace: null = = namespace
? _value . namespace
: namespace // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String ,
capabilities: null = = capabilities
? _value . capabilities
: capabilities // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigCapabilities ,
protectedStore: null = = protectedStore
? _value . protectedStore
: protectedStore // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigProtectedStore ,
tableStore: null = = tableStore
? _value . tableStore
: tableStore // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigTableStore ,
blockStore: null = = blockStore
? _value . blockStore
: blockStore // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigBlockStore ,
network: null = = network
? _value . network
: network // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as VeilidConfigNetwork ,
) ) ;
/// @nodoc
@ JsonSerializable ( )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
class _ $VeilidConfigImpl with DiagnosticableTreeMixin implements _VeilidConfig {
const _ $VeilidConfigImpl (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
{ required this . programName ,
required this . namespace ,
required this . capabilities ,
required this . protectedStore ,
required this . tableStore ,
required this . blockStore ,
required this . network } ) ;
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
factory _ $VeilidConfigImpl . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) = >
_ $ $VeilidConfigImplFromJson ( json ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
final String programName ;
@ override
final String namespace ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigCapabilities capabilities ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigProtectedStore protectedStore ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigTableStore tableStore ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigBlockStore blockStore ;
@ override
final VeilidConfigNetwork network ;
@ override
String toString ( { DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel . info } ) {
return ' VeilidConfig(programName: $ programName , namespace: $ namespace , capabilities: $ capabilities , protectedStore: $ protectedStore , tableStore: $ tableStore , blockStore: $ blockStore , network: $ network ) ' ;
@ override
void debugFillProperties ( DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties ) {
super . debugFillProperties ( properties ) ;
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' type ' , ' VeilidConfig ' ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' programName ' , programName ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' namespace ' , namespace ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' capabilities ' , capabilities ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' protectedStore ' , protectedStore ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' tableStore ' , tableStore ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' blockStore ' , blockStore ) )
. . add ( DiagnosticsProperty ( ' network ' , network ) ) ;
@ override
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
bool operator = = ( Object other ) {
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
return identical ( this , other ) | |
( other . runtimeType = = runtimeType & &
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
other is _ $VeilidConfigImpl & &
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
( identical ( other . programName , programName ) | |
other . programName = = programName ) & &
( identical ( other . namespace , namespace ) | |
other . namespace = = namespace ) & &
( identical ( other . capabilities , capabilities ) | |
other . capabilities = = capabilities ) & &
( identical ( other . protectedStore , protectedStore ) | |
other . protectedStore = = protectedStore ) & &
( identical ( other . tableStore , tableStore ) | |
other . tableStore = = tableStore ) & &
( identical ( other . blockStore , blockStore ) | |
other . blockStore = = blockStore ) & &
( identical ( other . network , network ) | | other . network = = network ) ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
int get hashCode = > Object . hash ( runtimeType , programName , namespace ,
capabilities , protectedStore , tableStore , blockStore , network ) ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
@ pragma ( ' vm:prefer-inline ' )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigImpl > get copyWith = >
__ $ $VeilidConfigImplCopyWithImpl < _ $VeilidConfigImpl > ( this , _ $identity ) ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
Map < String , dynamic > toJson ( ) {
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
return _ $ $VeilidConfigImplToJson (
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
this ,
) ;
abstract class _VeilidConfig implements VeilidConfig {
const factory _VeilidConfig (
{ required final String programName ,
required final String namespace ,
required final VeilidConfigCapabilities capabilities ,
required final VeilidConfigProtectedStore protectedStore ,
required final VeilidConfigTableStore tableStore ,
required final VeilidConfigBlockStore blockStore ,
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
required final VeilidConfigNetwork network } ) = _ $VeilidConfigImpl ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
factory _VeilidConfig . fromJson ( Map < String , dynamic > json ) =
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $VeilidConfigImpl . fromJson ;
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
String get programName ;
@ override
String get namespace ;
@ override
VeilidConfigCapabilities get capabilities ;
@ override
VeilidConfigProtectedStore get protectedStore ;
@ override
VeilidConfigTableStore get tableStore ;
@ override
VeilidConfigBlockStore get blockStore ;
@ override
VeilidConfigNetwork get network ;
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
/// Create a copy of VeilidConfig
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
@ override
2024-10-10 20:16:39 -04:00
@ JsonKey ( includeFromJson: false , includeToJson: false )
2024-03-01 11:38:03 -05:00
_ $ $VeilidConfigImplCopyWith < _ $VeilidConfigImpl > get copyWith = >
2023-07-05 18:48:06 -04:00
throw _privateConstructorUsedError ;