VeilidChat is under <ahref="">active development</a>. As soon as we have a public test version available, we'll let you know.
<h3>If you're so concerned with privacy, why coordinate on Discord?</h3>
We’re doing what we can with what we have. Since we’re not trying to become a tech circlejerk, we have to meet people on their level. So come on in and help us build something better!
No, official documentation is available in the <ahref="">repositories</a>. We also have people working on a <ahref="">developer book</a>, a work in progress.
<p>Veilid is not seeking venture capital or investment. We are accepting tax-deductible donations to our non-profit foundation, Veilid Foundation Inc.</p>
<h3>Does Veilid have a cryptocurrency?</h3>
Heck no. Veilid does not have a cryptocurrency.
<h3>Does Veilid use AI?</h3>
Heck no. Veilid does not use AI.
<h3>Does Veilid use blockchain?</h3>
Heck no. Veilid does not use blockchain.
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