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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| September 27 |
| |
| 1952 - Inyo, Kern County, California. Two couples, looking through a |
| 5x telescope at 10 p.m., observed a large, round object, which went |
| through the color spectrum every 2 seconds. It flew straight and |
| level for 15 minutes. (Source: Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO |
| Unknowns). |
| |
| 1954 - Foussignargues, France. At "Revety," people on a bus saw a |
| reddish light with a halo come down from the sky at 2:30 a.m.. Later |
| Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roche noticed a softly glowing red object on the |
| ground a short distance from their house, but were afraid to approach |
| it. It remained there for several hours. It was described as "a sort |
| of glowing tomato, with antennae on top." (Sources: Jacques Vallee, |
| Passport to Magonia, p. 212; Michel Figeut & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: |
| Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. |
| 89-90). |
| |
| 1954 - Children in Figeac, France saw "a box" and "an unknown man" |
| standing nearby it at 8:40 a.m. The object took off. (Sources: |
| Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 212; Michel Figeut & |
| Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres |
| rapprochees en France, p. 90). |
| |
| 1954 - Perpignan, France. A college student saw a circular object on |
| the ground this afternoon. Two beings came out of it, then reentered |
| the craft and left. The witness was reportedly in a state of shock. |
| (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, |
| p. 212). |
| |
| 1954 - A luminous disc-shaped object was observed in Lanta, |
| Haute-Garonne, France at 8 o'clock in the evening. (Source: Michel |
| Figeut & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des |
| rencontres rapprochees en France, p. 92). |
| |
| 1954 - Four children in Premanon, France came outside of their home |
| at 8:30 p.m. because their dog was barking furiously. They saw a |
| large object on the ground and a small being they thought was a |
| "ghost" in their yard. Raymond Romand (or Rolland), age 12, threw |
| stones at the intruder. (Sources: Aime Michel, A propos des Soucoupes |
| Volantes, p. 116; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of |
| Landings, p. 212; Michel Figeut & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier |
| dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 91-92). |
| |
| 1954 - Two flying cigars were seen in Sauzet, Drome, France at 9:40 |
| p.m. (Source: Michel Figeut & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier |
| dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, p. 92). |
| |
| 1965 - A physicist employed by the U.S. Air Force sighted a sharply |
| defined, brillian white ball of light in Andover, Massachusetts at |
| 7:28 p.m. He first thought it could be a meteor, but it did not burn |
| out when he stopped to watch it. It moved faster than any known |
| conventional aircraft. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: |
| Interplanetary Visitors, p. 334). |
| |
| 1971 - On this night Len Delman, a lorry driver, saw what he took to |
| be a man in a white suit in the road directly ahead of his truck |
| while driving near Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. He slammed on the |
| brakes and came to a halt, believing he may have hit the man. He |
| jumped out and went behind his truck, but found no one. Coming back |
| around to the front of his vehicle he saw in the headlights a |
| "spaceman," 7-8 feet tall, with big, staring eyes 8-12 inches apart |
| and extending around the sides of its head. It had a pack on its back |
| from which two tubes led to the head. When Delman honked his horn |
| repeatedly the "thing" jumped three feet in the air and ran across |
| the road, then leapt over a hedge. Two other lorry drivers came upon |
| the scene, and together they watched a disc-shaped object take off |
| from the field where the figure had disappeared. (Source: David F. |
| Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case |
| 1971-26, citing J. D. Llewellyn, FSR, Vol. 18 # 1). |
| |
| 1972 - At 11:13 p.m. Enrique Moreno was delivering documents to the |
| Ika-Renault factory in Santa Isabel, Cordoba, Argentina when the |
| fluorescent lights in the engineering room went on and off three |
| times. There was an accompanying noise like that of a turbine lasting |
| for several seconds. Driving his motor runabout outside the plant he |
| briefly glimpsed "a sort of rainbow very near the ground," but |
| thought no further of it until he suddenly encountered a tall figure, |
| glowing a bluish green, moving among a pile of chassis beside his |
| route. As he approached within 30 meters the figure swung around, in |
| a stiff mechanical way, to face him, and at the same time his engine |
| faltered then quit when he came opposite the being. |
| |
| This humanoid figure, strongly built and about 7.5 feet tall, had |
| eyes like yellow light bulbs, large pointed ears, a square chin, and |
| a slit-like mouth. The face appeared pale green, but this may have |
| been do to a reflection from the clothing, a one-piece luminescent |
| bluish-green tight fitting coverall with a broad silvery belt. Moreno |
| felt an intolerable humming in his ears, a sensation of heat, and |
| itching over his entire body. There was also the smell of burning |
| oil. His arms and legs were paralyzed. After 30 seconds of this |
| confrontation, his motorcycle shot off to the left seemingly under |
| its own volition at high speed, and the witness was returned to the |
| Security Office without his conscious control. He arrived there at |
| 11:30 p.m., but his wristwatch had stopped at 11:13 p.m., leaving 15 |
| minutes unaccounted for. Moreno was in a highly agitated state, and |
| subsequently suffered nausea and pains in the neck, as well as a |
| burning sensation in his eyes. At the encounter site two rectangular |
| "footprints" 8 inches x 16 inches were found and the soil there was |
| warm to the touch. (Sources: Oscar A. Galindez, FSR, November 1975, |
| p. 21; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid |
| Reports, case 1972-28, citing Dr. Oscar A. Galindez). |
| |
| 1972 - At 11:30 p.m. independent witnesses, one a woman with the |
| surname of Quiroga, saw near the local Ika-Renault auto plant in |
| Santa Isabel, Cordoba, Argentina a luminous object which picked up a |
| tall humanoid entity. It did so by means of a solid beam of blue |
| light. It somehow levitated or took the being up through the tube of |
| light and into the UFO. Others saw a luminous object rising up into |
| the sky from the vicinity of the auto plant. (Source: Oscar A |
| Galindez, FSR, November 1975, p. 21). |
| |
| 1973 - At around 5:30 p.m., while picking mushrooms in the woods on |
| Mont Real in Bedarrides, Vancluse, France, the witness observed a |
| four-foot-tall dwarf standing at the edge of the clearing some 100 |
| feet away. As he grabbed something from the ground a second |
| identical-looking being joined the first one from the woods beyond. |
| They looked human and wore beige coveralls that covered up their |
| wrists and neck; their feet were obscured by high grass. Their arms |
| were slender and their hands normal. Each wore a black beret on his |
| head. Thinking they were children, the witness called out to them, |
| whereupon they laughed aloud, then turned and fled into the brush |
| behind them. A few seconds later, the witness saw a dull bluish-gray |
| oval-shaped object, about five meters wide, rise up beyond the trees |
| and ascend to a height of 20 feet, making a slight whistling sound. |
| There it paused briefly, then departed toward the northeast rapidly |
| and in total silence. At the landing site, a bush and some grass had |
| been flattened, suggesting that the UFO had been hovering a foot or |
| so above the ground. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher: HUMCAT: |
| Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1973-97, citing Jean Bastide, |
| MUFON UFO Journal , no. 118). |
| |
| 1973 - Two girls were standing outside in Beaver County, Pennsylvania |
| at 9:30 p.m. when an eight-foot tall being covered with white hair |
| and with red glowing eyes ran into the woods nearby. The humanoid was |
| carrying a large luminous sphere in its hands. The girls ran off |
| hysterically into their house. The father of one of the girls then |
| went into the woods in search of the creature and stayed there for |
| over an hour. When he returned he refused to talk about what he had |
| seen in the woods. During the period of time he was in the woods |
| several people watched a silvery object hovering over the woods. At |
| one point it emitted a beam of light into the woods. (Source: Stan |
| Gordon, MUFON UFO Symposium 1974). |
| |
| 1978 - At 8:00 p.m. two witnesses watched an object with pulsating |
| red lights fly low over some pine trees in Prcirovnik, Poland. The |
| object was oval shaped and appeared to descend into the woods. In the |
| woods, a mushroom picker encountered three short beings dressed in |
| black one-piece suits with flippers on their feet. On their chests |
| they wore a yellow emblem with a red dot, and on their heads they |
| wore tight-fitting black helmets. The beings were greenish in color |
| and had pointed ears, red slanted eyes, and pronounced cheekbones. |
| They gave off a strong chlorine-like odor. (Source: Albert S. |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1978, case # 563, |
| citing Felix Zigel, UFO Landings in the USSR and Other Countries). |
| |
| 1989 - A woman was called by her granddaughter to look at something |
| unusual outside at 4:20 p.m. She stepped out of her house near |
| Tillamook, Oregon and was confronted by an object resembling an |
| inverted toy top, hovering just above the ground. It was 20 to 30 |
| feet in diameter and had a flat bottom and a bright yellow-white |
| light shining at both ends. The woman approached to within 30 feet of |
| the craft when a door opened revealing a blond human-like entity of |
| average height with fair skin and blue eyes. He was wearing a silvery |
| coverall uniform. The woman then noticed at a window next to the door |
| a large hairy, Sasquatch type creature apparently seated and only |
| visible from the chest up. The woman stared at the object and beings |
| for a few minutes, and then the UFO suddenly vanished from plain |
| sight. (Sources: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, |
| case #116; MUFON UFO Journal, April 1990). |
| |
| 1989 - Several children playing at a local park in Voronezh, Russia |
| first observed a pinkish glow approaching in the sky at 6:30 p.m. As |
| it came overhead they could see that it was a deep red, ball-shaped |
| object. The object flew around in circles for a few minutes and then |
| left. When it returned it hovered briefly, and then descended very |
| close to the ground. A hatch opened and a heavy set figure emerged. |
| The being moved very slowly and looked around, he had a very small |
| head resembling that of a doorknob, set in between its shoulders. It |
| had three luminous eyes, the middle one moving around like"radar." On |
| its chest there was a shield-like object. The being then closed the |
| hatch and the object landed gently on four legs. The hatch opened |
| again and three huge humanoids with small knob-like heads stepped |
| out. These wore silvery coveralls and bronze colored boots. A strange |
| robot-like creature accompanied the giants. All four of them walked |
| around the object several times. A beam of light came out of the |
| chest of one of the beings and struck the ground, creating several |
| luminous triangles that later faded away. At one point the craft and |
| beings became briefly invisible but then reappeared. One of the boys |
| screamed in fear. Then one of the beings looked at the boy and |
| pointed a tube at him. A luminous beam came from the tube and hit the |
| boy, which made him disappear. The boy later reappeared after the |
| beings and the objects had gone. Subsequent information revealed that |
| on of the craft's hull and on the landing prop of another craft was |
| the letter or symbol "Zhe," reported to have been similar to the |
| "UMMO" insignia reported in Western Europe in the 1970s. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 534, citing |
| Gordon Creighton, in Timothy Good (ed.), The UFO Report 1991). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 5 July 2009). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: animal reactions; blue beam of light; cigar-shaped UFOs; co |
| lor changing UFOs; disc-shaped UFOs; EM effects: lights going on-and- |
| off, vehicle ignition interference, wristwatch stopped; giant humanoi |
| ds; glowing red eyes; hairy humanoids; landings; levitation; Nordic h |
| umanoids; ovoid UFO; paralysis; physiological effects: nausea, neck p |
| ain, swelling of eyes; red UFOs; robotic beings; sensation of heat; s |
| hort humanoids of human appearance; tall humanoids; wrap-around eyes. |
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